CORRUPTION is not just “over there”

Many people in The Unites States think that a corrupt government is something found “over there” in the third world in banana republics.

Those people should take their blinders off and look at what is happening “over here”.

We have what seems like a pathological liar-in-chief (“You can keep your doctor if you like your doctor”) who followed a leader who was impeached for lying under oath. We have had a number of members of the executive branch recently testifying untruthfully before Congress. Employees of one agency made fraudulent reports to get big bonuses. Employees of another agency nullified the effectiveness of opponents to get their boss reelected.
We have unfathomable corruption at our former southern border. The chief law enforcement officer refuses to prosecute members of groups he likes. Numerous member of Congress continue to put the interests of themselves, their friends and their party above the interests of the people they were elected to serve.

Many of our elected and appointed government officials appear to be incapable of handling the responsibilities of the jobs that have been given.

Is it any wonder some American citizens feel they live in a third world banana republic?

Wellington Forum Brings a Mix of Candidates

Forums are never predictable. You issue invitations to the candidates that will be on the ballot in the local area (in this case for both the August and November elections), and see who responds and/or turns up.

In Wellington, the candidates for School Board district 6 were in attendance (incumbent Marsha Andrews and challengers Joseph Moore and Carla Donaldson), joined by one candidate from district 3 (John Hartman, who also attended the Boca event). Having the four of them allowed moderator Steven Rosenblum to solicit contrasting answers on key topics like Common Core, teacher tenure, and the roll of parents in influencing district policy and curriculum.

Clockwise from the top left: John Hartman, Joseph Moore, Carla Donaldson, Marica Andrews, moderator Steve Rosenblum, Stuart Mears, Andrew Schaller, Emmanuel Morel.

There were single candidates for other races as well, which allowed some discussion that spanned local, state and federal levels, but no way to contrast answers in a particular race. Democrat Emmanuel Morel, who is challenging Ted Deutch in the Congressional district 21 race participated, as did Republican candidate Andy Schaller for the open seat in county commission district 6 and Stuart Mears, the Republican challenger to Democrat Mark Pafford in State House district 86.

The district 6 school board race is interesting in that Marcia Andrews, herself a very capable and influential board member, has drawn two formidable challengers. Joseph Moore is a recently retired school district employee who served as both Chief Financial Officer and Chief Operation Officer, providing an insiders knowledge of business and finance functions. Carla Donaldson, is an “activist mom” who has been an advocate for various school issues since 2001. Incumbent Andrews, like Moore, is a long-term district insider, with 35 years experience as a principal and as a teacher in a variety of district schools.

On many issues the three are mostly in agreement (unhappy with common core, problems with teacher tenure, and the importance of parents in affecting policy). On the latter, Andrews said it best: “Parents are powerful”, and can exert control. They should take a stand. One area where they differ is on the quality of the schools. A question from the audience – “why are the schools so bad”, drew defensive answers from insiders Moore and Andrews, and a critique by outsider Donaldson who said the system should focus on the needs of the children, not what the adults want.

Asked what they would change about the system, Andrews would emphasize the basics – reading and math, and do less testing. Moore would formalize mentoring so institutional knowledge could be retained when good teachers and administrators leave. Donaldson would stop promotions before students are ready and bring in more specialized reading programs.

The candidates in the other races gave their views on All Aboard Florida (Morel: we should do “big things”, Schaller: the junk bond status of their loan tells you all you need to know), climate change (Morel: it is real, Schaller: don’t believe it, Mears: no shovel ready jobs in green energy), medical marijuana (all support the ballot issue as configured), and offshore drilling (Morel: “oil is not the answer”, Schaller: oppose, Mears: we can do it and make it safe with technology).

The elections are August 26 (primary, school board and Judicial), and November 4. For more information about the candidates, see the Palm Beach County 2014 Voters Guide.

  • Moderator Steve Rosenblum Moderator Steve Rosenblum
  • Former Sheriff Candidate Joe Talley and Fred Scheibl Former Sheriff Candidate Joe Talley and Fred Scheibl
  • Delia Menocal and Mercedes Garcia Delia Menocal and Mercedes Garcia
  • Iris Scheibl, Doreen Baxter, Dennis Lipp Iris Scheibl, Doreen Baxter, Dennis Lipp
  • Barbara Grossman with Team Andrews Barbara Grossman with Team Andrews
  • Laura Hanley with Marcia Andrews Laura Hanley with Marcia Andrews
  • Laura Hanley with Andy Schaller Laura Hanley with Andy Schaller
  • Chapter Leader Marion Frank Chapter Leader Marion Frank


John Carey: Open Letter to the Citizens of Palm Beach County

Boca Candidate Forum Features Congressional, State Senate, County Commission and School Board

At a table that spanned the width of the West Boca branch library meeting room, a good mix of candidates showed up to answer questions posed by moderator David DiCrescenzo. The candidates were sent a questionaire in advance of the event, and those and additional questions were posed appropriate to the type of seat sought. (See Candidate’s Position on Issues for the written responsess that were returned).

Congressional candidates participating were David Wagie and Paul Spain who will face each other and Andrea McGee in the August 26 CD22 Republican Primary for the seat currently held by Democrat Lois Frankel. For the county commission we had Democrat Paulette Burdick (who has won her district 2 seat by default but chose to participate for the constituent feedback), and Republican Steven Abrams who will face Democrat Andrew O’Brien in November. School board district 3 incumbent Karen Brill and challengers David Mech and John Hartman filled out the table, and we were joined briefly by Senate 34 incumbent Maria Sachs who in November will face the winner of the Republican primary between Ellyn Bogdanoff and Joseph Bensmihen (neither of who showed up).

Clockwise from top left: Paul Spain, David Wagie, Steven Abrams, Paulette Burdick, Maria Sachs, Karen Brill, John Hartman, David Mech, moderator David DiCrescenzo.

Starting the questions with immigration, both Spain and Wagie gave the expected response for tough enforcement of the border. Senator Sachs on the other hand, who pointed out that we are both a nation of immigrants and a nation of laws, stressed assimilation – that new immigrants should learn the language, learn civics, and forge cultural homogeniety. This was a popular answer for the mostly conservative crowd, and Democrat Sachs may have won some votes with this appearance. Before stepping out to another engagement, she invited all to visit her Boca office. “I am a STATE senator, she said, and when someone calls they get a hearing, regardless of what district they are in or to which party they belong.”

In other areas, the congressional pair had some interesting answers. Paul Spain is in favor of a federal budget freeze, combined with a 10% reduction in federal employees and a 5% pay cut. Favoring the posibility of a flat or fair tax, David Wagie would do away with the IRS, while Paul Spain would only cut it in half.

At the county commission level, Paulette Burdick went against the grain a little, speaking in support of Seven/50 – the sustainable development plan that many in PBCTP have argued against at commission meetings. It is a body of research that is a resource on which to draw – why should we reject available data? Both Burdick and Abrams told of their actions to hold down county spending, with Paulette pointing to her opposition to the out of control Sheriff’s budget and Steven listing the sales tax proposals he has opposed.

The School board candidates were a study in contrasts. Although these races are non-partisan, Republican Hartman makes no secret of his conservatism, and David Mech trumpets his in-your-face libertarianism. Mech, a small business owner whose background in the adult film industry is an interesting beginning on which to launch a school board bid, begged off on some of the questions, admitting he has not had time to research them. Hartman, whose major policy position is based on opposition to common core, saw many issues as black and white. Brill, with the advantage of 4 years in the job, had an understandably nuanced view. On Common Core, she said “that train has left the station” (referring to the standards themselves) as it has been in the implementation stage for several years. But we now have the ability to influence the assessment and the curriculum, she said, and that should be where the focus is. Hartman wants to roll back the program, as if the school board had that power. Mech said he supports Common Core.

On School choice, Brill supports the “full choice” proposal also supported by district 1 member Mike Murgio, which would let any student in the district choose the school they want to attend (subject to available space). Hartman supports choice outside of the district schools (ie. charters), but would look carefully at them for educational values beyond their business basis. Mech opposes school choice, believing it should be “all or nothing” – if we are going to have public schools, then money should not go to alternatives.

The district 4 candidates (who would represent parts of the south county area) did not participate.

North County Candidate Forum Draws Crowd at Abacoa

Seated at a long table, 10 candidates for 3 north county races (Congress 18, Senate 32, and House 82) answered questions from moderator Michael Williams, Emmy winning anchor of WPTV’s “To the Point“.

Williams’ show, which airs on Sunday mornings, is a “must-watch” for county residents who follow local politics and issues. Over the last few months, he did on-air interviews with 5 of the 6 CD-18 candidates (Nick Wukoson will be on July 13), giving him a unique perspective on their positions and styles.

Unlike many grassroots forums where the organizers provide the questions, Williams did his own thing, although sticking to topics he thought would be of interest to the audience. Debt, taxes and Obamacare were covered as you would expect, but he also spent time on All Aboard Florida, money in politics, and helping local businesses, and took audience questions on immigration. The candidates for the Florida Legislature were also asked about Common Core.

Participating in the event were all 6 Republican candidates for Patrick Murphy’s CD18 (Carl Domino, Beverly Hires, Brian Lara, Alan Schlesinger, Calvin Turnquest and Nick Wukoson), Senate 32 incumbent Joe Negron, Republican opponent Brandon Cannon with Democrat challenger Bruno Moore, and House 82 incumbent Mary Lynn Magar who will face Democrat Mary Higgins in November.

Clockwise from upper left: Carl Domino, Beverly Hires, Brian Lara, Alan Schlesinger, Calvin Turnquest, Nick Wukoson, Mary Lynn Magar, moderator Michael Williams, Joe Negron, Bruno Moore, Brandon Cannon.

The CD18 candidates gave predictable answers on debt and taxes (too high and won’t raise them, incentives to repatriate foreign capital), but they differed some on Obamacare. While most were for a “repeal and replace” strategy, promoting competition across state lines and health savings accounts, a few answers stood out. Carl Domino spoke of some of the “good” things in the Affordable Care Act and did not want to “throw out the baby with the bathwater.” Calvin Turnquest pointed out that advertisements for car insurance are all over the TV channels, but not health insurance, since competition is very limited in a government controlled system.

To help local businesses, Alan Schlesinger would allow individual health care deductions on the front of the 1040, so small business would get a similar break to large corporations.

Not surprisingly, all 10 of the candidates are opposed to the widely despised “All Aboard Florida” as presently proposed, and argued among themselves as to who was first to point out that it should be called “All About Freight”. It should be noted that Democrat Patrick Murphy is also now against it. Carl Domino pointed out that it is not accurate to call it a “private” enterprise, since it requires a $1.5B taxpayer loan guarantee, and very little financial or operating data has been disclosed to the public.

The state level candidates were also speaking from the same page on many issues (against Common Core, simplifying processes for small business), although Democrat Bruno Moore did point out that common education standards are needed to prepare today’s students for the global competition.

Immigration garnered a few differences in the candidates. Joe Negron opposes in-state tuition for illegals and promotes e-verify. Nick Wukoson pointed out that the current border crisis does not need new laws – enforcing the current ones would be sufficient. Brian Lara would oppose the expansion of H1B visas, such as those that provide for high-tech workers (and take jobs from home-grown specialists). Pointing out the fallacy in Williams question about illegals “taking jobs from Americans”, Alan Schlesinger pointed out that the real problem is not employment but the overburdening of the social systems. Calvin Turnquest, a legal immigrant himself from the Bahamas, summed it up with “I am the face of immigration”, and anyone who came to this country by following our laws is being disenfranchised by the flood of illegals who are circumventing the system.

Links to the “To the Point” interviews of the candidates can be found in our voters guide on the candidate”s pages. See: PB County Online Voter’s Guide

  • Terry Gallagher Kicks Off Forum Terry Gallagher Kicks Off Forum
  • Former County GOP Committeewoman Fran Hancock with Carl Domino Former County GOP Committeewoman Fran Hancock with Carl Domino
  • Michael Williams Preps the Candidates Michael Williams Preps the Candidates
  • Moderator Michael Williams with organizers Barbara Grossman and Janet Campbell Moderator Michael Williams with organizers Barbara Grossman and Janet Campbell





Compiled by Ed. Wolff

As more recent OVERSIGHT posts preempt older posts, those older posts are moved here to serve as a searchable resource.

The Palm Beach County Tea Party (PBCTP) Oversight Function helps members understand current events. Below is a copy of what was sent out in the weekly email. The text beneath each link is a synopsis of the material. A visit to the link provides more detail.

Items in this report generally satisfy the following four criteria:
Underreported: Not likely to be seen or heard elsewhere by the reader
Timely: Occurred since the previous report was issued.
Germaine: Deals with Tea Party precepts and/or Constitutional issues.
Non-Fiction: Not just on someone’s wish list.

This report does not represent any official positions of the PBCTP.


The people involved in the oversight activities and the initials used to identify their contributions are:
Barbara, Mel Grossman – B.M.G.

For the most recent Post Go to OVERSIGHT.

Please send any comments you have to:

The more recent archived information, reported first, includes:

Posted 9/28/2014


1. Just Dandy: Residents want rural county to ban farming
2. Did you know the global marketplace will double, adding 1 billion consumers by 2020?
3. U.N. To dump flood of Muslim refugees on U.S.
4. Funding the navigators: Florida’s Obamacare helpers get another $6.8 million
5. Probing the SITE Intelligence Group 26
6. Is It Wise For Obama To Send Thousands Of U.S. Troops Into The Ebola Death Zone?
7. Income of U.S. Households Peaked in 20th Century
8. ISIS Forges Ceasefire with ‘Moderate’ Syrian Rebels, so who Exactly are we Planning on Arming?
9. Fed Prepares To Raise Rates, End Failed QE Policy
10. Obama’s Fatwa: AG Holder enforces Islamic law, citizens can’t use zoning laws to block mosques
11. Centers for Disease Control Quiet about Open Border Policy. Why?
12. Ship from Liberia with Sick Passengers Docks in Louisiana…But Don’t Worry
13. Kerry: Obama Administration Listening to ‘Good Lawyers’ Rather Than Congress
14. Immigration Caseworkers Union: ‘We Are Letting Terrorists into U.S. Right Through Front Door’
15. Ridiculous: How the Latest Spending Bill Is Just Congress Shirking Its Job (Again)
16. ‘Interceptor’ cellphone towers found near White House, Senate
17. Report: Terrorists Captured At Mexico Border… But Homeland Security Denies Any “Credible Threats”
18. This ‘Made-Up’ Term Uncovered In Benghazi Testimony Could Have Huge Implications For The State Dept
19. Up to 40 Americans who fought alongside ISIS have returned home, says congressman
20. Scientific Evidence Proves Ebola Is Airborne and Our Liberian Bound Troops Are Walking Into a Death Trap
21. Blackwater-like contractor seeks to legalize private police in the U.S.
22. The Hillary Letters
23. Behind the Fed’s Dovish Turn on Rates
24. Why Isn’t America “As Mad As Hell” and Unwilling to “Take It Anymore”?
25. Obama Goes To War With Weapons He Scrapped

Just Dandy: Residents want rural county to ban farming

. Attempting to pre-empt Virginia’s freedom-to-farm law, residents in a York County community want local officials to ban agricultural activity in their neighborhood. More than 130 Dandy residents have signed a petition asking the Board of Supervisors to ban commercial farming — a move to thwart state legislation restricting local government’s power to regulate agriculture and aquaculture. With the state law taking effect Jan. 1, residents in the small suburb of Dandy on Tuesday are taking their case to the county board.

Did you know the global marketplace will double, adding 1 billion consumers by 2020?

. Throughout the next 20 years, the size of the global marketplace will double, adding more than one billion new consumers by 2020. More than 95 percent of the world’s economic activity will take place outside of Florida. Florida’s ability to secure our future prosperity depends in part on how we are able to capture portions of that growth.

U.N. To dump flood of Muslim refugees on U.S.

. Since the early 1990s, the United Nations high commissioner for refugees has selected 200,000 to 250,000 refugees from Islamic countries to be resettled in the United States. Most of them have come from Somalia and Iraq. Syria could soon be added to the mix in the midst of that country’s brutal civil war. The Obama administration has been greasing the skids for the Syrian refugees for months, WND has learned, and the refugees will soon be dumped on American cities throughout the U.S. In February, the State Department moved to ease the rules that protect the U.S. from accepting refugees with potential ties to terrorist organizations. The rules were seen as “too strict” by the refugee-resettlement groups that lobby Congress and the administration to continuously let in more Muslims from the war-torn Middle East. Then on Sept. 4, a U.S. State Department spokeswoman hinted at her daily press briefing that a new wave of refugees will soon be coming from another predominantly Muslim nation – Syria. “The United Nations high commissioner for refugees just this year started referring Syrian refugees to the United States for processing,” said Marie Harf. “Obviously, we have several thousand in the pipeline, and that number will continue to go up.”

Funding the navigators: Florida’s Obamacare helpers get another $6.8 million

. Round two of Obamacare open enrollment is eight weeks away, and the Obama administration is once again spending millions on “navigator” outreach programs. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services announced last week it’s handing out $60 million in new funding for 90 organizations. Florida was among the top states, garnering nearly $6.8 million — only Texas received more.

Probing the SITE Intelligence Group 26

. Since mid-August 2014 major news organizations have conveyed videos allegedly found online by the SITE Intelligence Group. Unsurprisingly the same media have failed to closely interrogate what the private company actually is and whether the material it promotes should be accepted as genuine.

Is It Wise For Obama To Send Thousands Of U.S. Troops Into The Ebola Death Zone?

. When there is a major problem somewhere in the world, Barack Obama loves to show that he is “doing something” by sending a contingent of U.S. troops to the affected area. But is it really wise for Obama to send thousands of young American men and women into the Ebola death zone? What are our troops going to do – shoot the virus? Of course not. The UN already has 6,000 uniformed peacekeepers in the region, and they are not doing much good. The truth is that this is a medical crisis that requires medical personnel. By sending thousands of troops into the heart of the Ebola pandemic, we make it much more likely that Ebola will be brought back to the United States. Obama should keep in mind that hundreds of health workers have become infected even though they wear protective gear and are trained to deal with Ebola patients. Our troops have not been trained to deal with Ebola patients and they probably will not be wearing full protective gear when dealing with the general population. But there are sick people among the general population that could pass Ebola to them.

Income of U.S. Households Peaked in 20th Century

. So far, if measured by household income, the 21st century has not been a good one for the United States of America. In its annual report on “Income and Poverty in the United States,” released on Tuesday, the Census Bureau described real median household income as stagnating for two years after declining for two. “Median household income was $51,939 in 2013, not statistically different in real terms from the 2012 median of $51,759,” said the Census Bureau. “This is the second consecutive year that the annual change was not statistically significant, following two consecutive years of annual declines in median household income.” In the longer view, real median household income has declined since it peaked at the end of the last century.

ISIS Forges Ceasefire with ‘Moderate’ Syrian Rebels, so who Exactly are we Planning on Arming?

. It was reported on Friday that ‘moderate’ Syrian rebels that the US is planning on arming and training to “fight against ISIS (IS, ISIL)” have signed a non-aggression pact with none other than ISIS. This is not new. The US has been arming these very same rebels, even when they were openly aligned with ISIS and al-Qaeda, for over a year. The US was funding and arming these rebels, through ‘Arab League’ proxies, while they slaughtered and razed some of the oldest Christian communities in the world. At that time, the US turned a blind eye, because the goal was not to defeat ISIS, it was to overthrow Assad; so a few thousand dead Christians were not really a big deal.

Fed Prepares To Raise Rates, End Failed QE Policy

. The Federal Reserve said Wednesday the economy isn’t as strong as it believed just two months ago, and that it’s not likely to raise interest rates soon. It’s as close to an admission of failure as you’ll ever get. Fed Chairwoman Janet Yellen was admirably blunt in assessing the economy’s weakness: “There are still too many people who want jobs but cannot find them, too many who are working part time but would prefer full-time work, and too many who are not searching for a job but would be if the labor market were stronger,” she said.

Obama’s Fatwa: AG Holder enforces Islamic law, citizens can’t use zoning laws to block mosques

. In a striking violation of the establishment clause, Obama’s lawless administration is imposing the sharia nationwide, allowing the rampant construction of rabats and jihad recruitment centers at a time when we should be monitoring the mosques and restricting construction of Muslim Brotherhood beachheads and Islamic State madrassas. Many churches and synagogues and Wal-Marts and what have you have been unable to build because of zoning laws. So why is Muslim supremacism enshrined in DOJ policy? And why are they given special rights? The United States of America is based on individual rights — no special rights for special classes


Centers for Disease Control Quiet about Open Border Policy. Why?

. Who is telling the Centers for Disease Control to stand down on illegal immigration? Making certain that nefarious diseases do not enter our country should be integral to the workings of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). For logic would suggest that to control a disease, one must control its movement or introduction. When illegal immigrants flow into the United States, the CDC cannot do their job. For this reason alone, the CDC should be protesting that which is transpiring regarding illegal immigration. They should be demanding a secure border. The apparent conclusion is that this agency has been politicized. Just one more on the list.

Ship from Liberia with Sick Passengers Docks in Louisiana…But Don’t Worry

. When a ship from an Ebola-plagued nation docks on American shores with a crew full of sick passengers, by all means, we should bring them into the country and treat them. But don’t worry – the CDC figured it was probably fine. According to a release from the CDC, the ship was reported to have traveled to a port in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and others in Africa. Officials immediately downplayed the likelihood that the sickness was related to an outbreak of Ebola in that part of the world. “There is no evidence to suggest that the crew members traveled to, or had any contact with anyone from the remote island region of DRC where Ebola cases are occurring. Given this, the chance that the crew member could have Ebola is thought to be exceedingly low,” the CDC stated. (source)

Kerry: Obama Administration Listening to ‘Good Lawyers’ Rather Than Congress

. Instead of asking Congress for new authority to go after terrorists in Syria and Iraq, the Obama administration is turning to “good lawyers within the White House, within the State Department,” Secretary of State John Kerry said on Wednesday. How is it that the Obama administration thinks it can rely on a 2001 authorization for the use of military force (AUMF) to go into Syria and Iraq 13 years later, Sen. Robert Mendendez (D-N.J.), chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, asked Kerry at a hearing on Wednesday.

Immigration Caseworkers Union: ‘We Are Letting Terrorists into U.S. Right Through Front Door’

. The U.S. is letting terrorists in “right through our front door,” Kenneth Palinkas, president of the 12,000-member union of government immigration caseworkers and adjudicators warned today. In a statement concerning the planned administrative amnesty, ISIS, and the threat of terrorism, National Citizenship and Immigration Services Council (NCISC) Pres. Palinkas warns also warns that “ISIS will exploit our loose and lax visa policies to gain entry into United States”: “The National Citizenship and Immigration Services Council represents 12,000 dedicated immigration caseworkers and adjudicators who are on the front lines in the fight to keep terrorists out of the United States. In addition to the extremely real and serious threat that ISIS has already or will soon slip across our porous southern border, it is also essential to warn the public about the threat that ISIS will exploit our loose and lax visa policies to gain entry to the United States.

Ridiculous: How the Latest Spending Bill Is Just Congress Shirking Its Job (Again)

. This week, a rare bipartisan majority in the House approved a $1.1 trillion stopgap spending measure that will keep the government funded through Dec. 11. The temporary measure, called a continuing resolution, likely will pass in the Senate today. Although the CR likely will be heralded as a successful bipartisan effort that avoided a government shutdown, Americans should question why Congress insists on waiting until the last minute to pass dubious spending bills in the first place. Members of Congress pretty much have one mandatory job every year—to pass a budget to fund the government. The law requires them to do this by debating and voting on 12 separate appropriations bills that each fund different parts of the government. By passing the bills separately, members must weigh the merits and costs of programs and make tough decisions about what to fund. Constituents can hold their representatives accountable by comparing their members’ spending votes to their own priorities and those of the nation.

‘Interceptor’ cellphone towers found near White House, Senate

. Mysterious “interceptor” cellphone towers that can listen in someone’s phone call despite not being part of any phone networks have turned up near the White House and Senate. A company that specializes in selling secure mobile phones discovered the existence of several of the towers in and around the nation’s capitol. “It’s highly unlikely that federal law enforcement would be using mobile interceptors near the Senate,” ESD America CEO Les Goldsmith told the technology website Venture Beat on Thursday. The towers are also capable of loading spyware onto a mobile device before passing off a victim’s call to a legitimate network. “My suspicion is that it is a foreign entity,” he told Venture Beat.

Report: Terrorists Captured At Mexico Border… But Homeland Security Denies Any “Credible Threats”

. A report from Joe Biggs in early September indicated that a terror threat had been identified on the Southern U.S. border just outside of El Paso, TX. According to Biggs, the Vice President of the Border Patrol Council was reportedly silenced by Federal administrators and told to keep quiet about the possibility of Islamic State militants organizing for an attack within the domestic United States. For their part, the Obama Administration completely denied the reports. On Tuesday DHS issued the following statement: “There is no credible intelligence to suggest that there is an active plot by ISIL to attempt to cross the southern border” But less than 48 hours later the Gateway Pundit reports that the U.S. government did, in fact, apprehend four suspected terrorists with ties to the IS organization on the border. Congressman Jason Chaffetz broke this shocking news Wednesday that four known terrorists were apprehended at the US border in Texas on September 10 – the day before the 13th anniversary of the 9-11 attacks.

This ‘Made-Up’ Term Uncovered In Benghazi Testimony Could Have Huge Implications For The State Dept

. During questioning on the first day of the Benghazi Committee Hearings, Rep. Peter Roskam (R-IL) brought up a seemingly minor detail about the Benghazi compound that could have huge implications for the State Department’s fault in the 2012 attack. In question was the designation of the embassy as a “Special Mission Compound.” Roskam asked Todd Keil, a member of the Independent Panel of Best Practices, what that term actually means. Keil stated: To be honest, from our review, Under Secretary Kennedy, in authorizing that, made up that term in order to avoid the OSPB security standards.

Up to 40 Americans who fought alongside ISIS have returned home, says congressman

. Up to 40 radicalized US citizens who have fought alongside terrorists of the Islamic State (also known as ISIS or ISIL) have already returned to the United States and could pose a real terrorist threat, says Rep. Tim Bishop (D-N.Y.). Of the hundred or so Americans who have traveled to the Middle East to join the Islamic State’s ranks, some 40 have returned and are currently being surveilled by the FBI, Bishop said in a recent speech. “It is not yet a threat to the homeland, but there is a concern that it could metastasize in such a way that it could become a threat,” he warned. The lawmaker also expressed concert that jihadist fighters could clandestinely enter the United States through the porous southern border.

Scientific Evidence Proves Ebola Is Airborne and Our Liberian Bound Troops Are Walking Into a Death Trap

. On the surface, the Presidential order to send 3,000 military personnel to Ebola-ridden is nothing but sheer lunacy. This 3 day old order have left people scratching their heads and wondering if Obama has lost his mind. This article will shed light on the fact that Obama is acting with depraved indifference and the evidence is clear, Ebola is much more contagious than the government is telling the people and the available science speaks clearly to this fact. Dr. Lee Hieb, former president of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons has stated that “You can see that these doctors, who are highly trained people, got themselves infected… So sending troops into an area, if they’re dealing one-on-one with a patient, they’re not going to be able to protect themselves very well. It’s not easy to [prevent transmission], because you get tired and you get careless and you make some simple mistakes. All it takes is one virus particle.”

Blackwater-like contractor seeks to legalize private police in the U.S.

. There are very few news stories about government overreach that shock me these days, but this week there were two — both in California. Each came and went with barely a whisper in the media, even from the “liberty” news. Perhaps we’re so bombarded with mafia tactics by the government that some events just get lost in the chaos. And no, one of these developments is NOT the Los Angeles School District acquiring tanks and grenade launchers, although that’s probably of equal significance. Below is the first of these local stories. The second will be in a follow-up article. This is probably the scariest development in law enforcement, ever, and I don’t say that lightly. If you thought no-knock SWAT raids to serve warrants for non-violent crimes was the epitome of tyranny, wait until you get a load of private mercenaries conducting special forces-type raids on American citizens. That’s right, a report out of Mendocino, California admits that Blackwater-like private “security” contractors are now being used to “police pot.” Mysterious soldiers repelled out of unmarked helicopters fully armed for war to raid legal medical cannabis gardens last month. They didn’t identify themselves or present paperwork of any kind. They just destroyed the garden and left. Other witnesses claim this invading army is also “confiscating” product.

The Hillary Letters

. Previously unpublished correspondence between Hillary Clinton and the late left-wing organizer Saul Alinsky reveals new details about her relationship with the controversial Chicago activist and shed light on her early ideological development. Clinton met with Alinsky several times in 1968 while writing a Wellesley college thesis about his theory of community organizing. Clinton’s relationship with Alinsky, and her support for his philosophy, continued for several years after she entered Yale law school in 1969, two letters obtained by the Washington Free Beacon show. The letters obtained by the Free Beacon are part of the archives for the Industrial Areas Foundation, a training center for community organizers founded by Alinsky, which are housed at the University of Texas at Austin. The letters also suggest that Alinsky, who died in 1972, had a deeper influence on Clinton’s early political views than previously known.

Behind the Fed’s Dovish Turn on Rates

. The battle at the Federal Open Market Committee is now on. Score the previous meeting in late July for the inflation hawks, but last week’s meeting went for the doves, who are more worried about jobs. I haven’t discussed the meetings with any Fed officials, but here’s my reading of what has been going on.

Why Isn’t America “As Mad As Hell” and Unwilling to “Take It Anymore”?

. Howard Bloom, Yale literature professor and cultural critic, recently stated “I am 79 years old and I have never seen this country in such a bad state. It is madness. What we are seeing is the fall of the Roman Empire, only now it is the fall of America, the glory of our Empire.” Ebola threatens to sweep across America. The United States sits on the brink of World War III. The economy is teetering on collapse. The Chinese are on the verge of owning your possessions and you and this arrangement was agreed to by people who were elected to “protect and defend the Constitution”. The UN is poised to be in charge of the demise of this country when martial law is declared. The eternal “bail outs” have robbed this generation and future generations of any chance at financial solvency. America has more people on welfare than are working full time. Election fraud is rampant. American students continue to fall further behind our international cohorts. The average person cannot even name one thing that the Obama administration has done to improve the condition of the middle class, yet, he got re-elected. One visit, for one day to Steve Quayle’s website and one radio broadcast from Doug and Joe Hagmann, or from Sheila Zilinski should be enough to summon the spirits of Thomas Jefferson and Thomas Paine and we should be witnessing the creation of a new Declaration of Independence and a re-creation of the pamphlet entitled Common Sense, for which my radio show and website are named.

Obama Goes To War With Weapons He Scrapped

. The president launches attacks on the Islamic State with two weapons systems that were targeted for elimination by the administration years before their usefulness ended or any replacements were ready. With the decision to launch air and missile strikes against Islamic State targets in Syria, in addition to ongoing strikes in Iraq in what is said to be the start of a long and sustained campaign to “degrade and destroy” the terrorist group, President Obama has stumbled upon a revelation: The military whose budgets he’s slashed and weapons systems he opposed is suddenly quite useful. As the Washington Post reported, the first strikes Monday night included a volley of 47 Tomahawk cruise missiles from two warships, the guided missile destroyer Arleigh Burke and the guided missile cruiser Philippine Sea. They are part of the George H.W. Bush carrier battle group led by the aircraft carrier of the same name. The problem, as we reported back in March, is that the Tomahawk was slated by Obama to be phased out of the Navy’s inventory, with no timely replacement ready. Under his budget proposals, the Navy, which as recently as last year had plans to buy 980 more Tomahawks, the primary cruise missile used throughout the fleet, would see purchases drop from 196 last year to just 100 in 2015. The number will then drop to zero in 2016.

Posted 9/21/2014


1. Agenda 21 Simplified: The Eradication of Private Property Rights
2 Agenda 21 Simplified – The Promotion of Gun Control
3. Obama’s Sneakiest Syria Maneuver
4. U.S.’ Nuclear Weapons Policy Puts Country At Great Risk
5. Top Ten Quran Verses for Understanding ISIS, the Islamic State
6. As Obama Stalls On Immigration Decision, Number Of Deportations Plummet
7. Obama Meets With Hezbollah-Supporting Cleric on 9/11
8. Cars that drive themselves starting to chat with each other
9. Obama’s Unwilling Un-Coalition
10. Obama Met Privately With Top Journalists Before ISIS War Speech
11. Conservative Rally Cry Seen All Over Virginia Has Liberals In an Uproar
12. Should We Treat the Internet Like a Utility?
13. The Great Wall of Credit: Lessons from Chinese Housing
14. Top Five Reasons to Oppose the Paycheck Fairness Act
15. Medical Marijuana Entrepreneur Taps Doctors, Including First in Florida
16. Boaters Distraught over All aboard Florida: Tell the Coast Guard Now
17. Why Forcing ExxonMobil Out Of Russia Isn’t Going To Help Anything
18. Fed should raise rates sooner than later
19. Holder Announces Pilot Programs to Counter ‘Violent Extremism’
20. Plans to Turn ‘Politically Binding’ UN Climate Change Accord Into Federal Law
21. Bombshell Emails: White House Coordinated With Department of Labor To Hide Illegal Obama Fundraiser Hilda Solis’ Schedule
22. The Plane Facts: The DOT’s Proposed Rule is a Raw Deal in Disguise
23. Ex-Im Bank Fight Shows How We Can Sunset More Useless Agencies
24. U.S. State department orders 160,000 ebola hazmat suits
25. CBO: Cost of Obamacare Subsidy Will Increase 8-Fold in 10 Years

Agenda 21 Simplified: The Eradication of Private Property Rights

. More and more people are awakening to the reality of U.N. Agenda 21, and here at “For Truths Sake,” we are trying to the best of our ability to show you exactly what Agenda 21 is. It’s a very complex subject that involves many different “agendas” in fact, and they all revolve around securing a one world government headed by the United Nations. To write one conclusive piece of the entirety of Agenda 21 would be an exhaustive effort even for the most dedicated writers. So what we decided to do was to highlight actual events in the U.S. and tie them back to the U.N. agenda showing you the actual source. For instance, today Dr. Fred wrote a piece on the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, which is actually an initiative being governed by the U.N. which attempts to portray the U.S. as a racist nation for the purpose of allowing themselves the opportunity to assert control and eliminate our sovereignty.

Agenda 21 Simplified – The Promotion of Gun Control

. the United Nations Conference on Human Settlements document that I clearly linked to, called for total and complete disarmament of all nations in order to achieve their objectives… In Section II, entitled “General Principles,” is line number twelve, which clearly states… All countries should make a firm commitment to promote general and complete disarmament under strict and effective international control, in particular in the field of nuclear disarmament… Can anyone say Small Arms Trade Treaty? You can read a list of its provisions by reading my article about the treaty here.

Obama’s Sneakiest Syria Maneuver

. The Washington Post headline said it all: Congress may pass Obama’s Syria proposal — without technically voting on it. “[I]n their bid to win support for the Syrian rebel training, White House officials have asked congressional leaders to include the measure on a temporary government funding bill … In other words: Under the scenario that Obama favors, there is no standalone vote on the Syria proposal itself — it would just be written into the bigger bill.”

U.S.’ Nuclear Weapons Policy Puts Country At Great Risk

. At the dawn of the nuclear era, when America created its nuclear weapons laboratories (Los Alamos, Livermore and Sandia), one of their primary missions was to avoid technological surprise. The labs were charged to conduct advanced nuclear weapons research, development and testing of all types so that no adversary could ever take us unawares by producing some new and dangerous types of nuclear weapons. The labs performed this mission superbly throughout World War II and the five decades of the Cold War. For over half a century our nuclear weapons and related advanced technological capabilities were supreme in the world. But since 1992, the U.S. government — executive branch and Congress — has actively prevented the labs from doing work of this type. For 23 years Democrats and Republicans, using laws, regulations and denials of funding, progressively restricted the labs from taking any of these needed actions. Lab scientists have not been able to even think about new weapons, exploratory work has ceased to exist and the high-priority mission of avoiding technological surprise has been closed down.

Top Ten Quran Verses for Understanding ISIS, the Islamic State

. For those in the media who are still scratching their heads as to why the Islamic State does what it does, or wrongly calls ISIS “psychopaths,” as FOX News’s Megyn Kelly does, here is a basic and easy to understand guide to why they wage war. Jihadists fighting for ISIS (the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) claim that they are following the commands of Allah and Muhammad. Yet Westernized Muslims, politicians, and the media claim that ISIS is violating the principles of Islam. Who’s right? In the following video, David Wood presents the top ten Quran verses for understanding the beliefs and actions of ISIS.

As Obama Stalls On Immigration Decision, Number Of Deportations Plummet

. President Barack Obama, who has postponed until after Election Day his plans that could shield millions of immigrants from deportation, is already on pace this year to deport the fewest number of immigrants since at least 2007. According to an analysis of Homeland Security Department figures by The Associated Press, the federal agency responsible for deportations sent home 258,608 immigrants between the start of the budget year last October and July 28 this summer. During the same period a year earlier, it removed 320,167 people — a decrease of nearly 20 percent. Over the same period ending in July 2012, Immigration and Customs Enforcement deported 344,624 people, some 25 percent more than this year, according to the federal figures obtained by the AP.

Obama Meets With Hezbollah-Supporting Cleric on 9/11

. President Barack Obama and White House national security adviser Susan Rice met with a delegation of Christian Middle Eastern leaders in Washington, D.C., on Thursday that included at least one Hezbollah-supporting Lebanese cleric. The meeting came one day after Sen. Ted Cruz was booed off the stage for defending Israel while giving a keynote address at a conference for the same delegation of Christian leaders. The In Defense of Christians summit, which was aimed at raising awareness of persecution against Arab Christiansa, featured speeches by several Hezbollah supporters and some of Bashar al-Assad’s most vocal Christian allies. One of the clerics who met with Obama was Lebanese Maronite Patriarch Beshara Rai, the Daily Star reported on Thursday.

Cars that drive themselves starting to chat with each other

. An Acura RLX sedan demonstrated an unusual way to tow another car this week: the vehicles were not physically attached. The second car drove itself, following instructions beamed over by the first in a feat of technology that indicates a new stage in automation is happening faster than many expected. Systems that enable vehicles to communicate with each other have been developed in recent years in parallel with features that enable cars to drive themselves. Manufacturers and suppliers now are putting the two together in novel ways, with broad implications for vehicle safety and convenience.

Obama’s Unwilling Un-Coalition

. A coalition of the willing? Not so much. Obama’s inability to cobble together even a pathetically small coalition to fight the most vicious jihad army in the world is a stunning reflection of Obama’s routing of American hegemony and power on the world stage. Longtime allies Germany and the UK have refused the bumbling jihadi in the White House. The media derided George Bush’s “Coalition of the Willing” — 48 countries. 48. But nothing negative over Obama’s utter destruction of our allied relationships.

Obama Met Privately With Top Journalists Before ISIS War Speech

. President Barack Obama met with over a dozen prominent columnists and magazine writers Wednesday afternoon before calling for an escalation of the war against the Islamic State, or ISIS, in a primetime address that same night. The group, which met in the Roosevelt Room of the White House in an off-the-record session, included New York Times columnists David Brooks, Tom Friedman and Frank Bruni and editorial writer Carol Giacomo; The Washington Post’s David Ignatius, Eugene Robinson and Ruth Marcus; The New Yorker’s Dexter Filkins and George Packer; The Atlantic’s Jeffrey Goldberg and Peter Beinart; The New Republic’s Julia Ioffe; Columbia Journalism School Dean Steve Coll; The Wall Street Journal’s Jerry Seib; and The Daily Beast’s Michael Tomasky, a source familiar with the meeting told The Huffington Post. National Security Advisor Susan Rice, Deputy National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes and White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough also attended the meeting, according to the source.

Conservative Rally Cry Seen All Over Virginia Has Liberals In an Uproar

. Virginia’s “Don’t Tread on Me” license plate featuring the Gadsden flag synonymous with American’s Second Amendment right to bear arms, has quickly risen in popularity in the state, with orders starting to surpass other specialty plates available. The infamous rattlesnake affront a bright yellow background can be seen all over in the Old Dominion, according to The Virginian-Pilot, which probably makes for some interesting traffic time for liberal motorists. The plates are now on more than 38,000 cars in the commonwealth. The meteoric rise may soon see the plate near the top of the list for specialty plates in the country.

Should We Treat the Internet Like a Utility?

. The FCC is looking to get its hands on the internet again, this time with a set of sweeping set of regulations known as Title II. Essentially, this would allow the internet to be regulated like any other public utility. Defenders of the plan argue that regulation is necessary to preserve competition and protect small startup companies. There are plenty of solid economic arguments for why all this is nonsense, but we don’t need to delve into the arcana of academic studies or economic theories to see that it doesn’t pass the smell test. We need only look at the world around us, and observe the effect that regulating utilities has on consumer choice.

The Great Wall of Credit: Lessons from Chinese Housing

. Despite centuries of study, most mainstream economists are still baffled by the phenomenon of market bubbles and periodic corrections. Most, following in the footsteps of John Maynard Keynes, seem content to throw up their hands and ascribe these fluctuations to unpredictable “animal spirits,” the irrational behavior of consumers that leads to insufficient demand. Others make the even greater mistake of blaming recessions on too much freedom, too much deregulation of markets, insisting that all we need is more government spending to bring stability to the markets, despite all the historical evidence to the contrary. None of these talking heads seems to realize that there exists an economic theory that perfectly explains these market phenomena, an explanation that has been around for well over a century yet which, despite its predictive and explanatory success, and despite the fact that F. A. Hayek was awarded a Nobel Prize for its development, remains neglected by all but a few “fringe” academics. This is the Austrian theory of business cycles, which, in brief, holds that the expansion of credit by government sends false market signals to investors. The overestimation of consumer demand then results in investments that don’t pay off, and economic pain as the market corrects itself.

Top Five Reasons to Oppose the Paycheck Fairness Act

. With the Senate set to vote on the Paycheck Fairness Act, here are the top five reasons to oppose the bill that could hurt women and economic growth. 1. The Wage Gap is Mostly Due to Individual Choices Made by Women, Not Discrimination. 2. The Wage Gap Disappears When Comparing Apples to Apples. 3. It is Already Illegal to Discriminate against Women in the Workplace. 4. The Paycheck Fairness Act Would Expose Small Businesses to Frivolous Lawsuits. 5. The Paycheck Fairness Act Could Increase Female Unemployment.

Medical Marijuana Entrepreneur Taps Doctors, Including First in Florida

. Medical marijuana entrepreneurs aren’t only growers, specialty law practices and assorted vendors. At least one is working to crack one of the toughest nuts — helping cannabis-friendly doctors feel safe, confident and armed to treat their patients. And — also known as Medical Cannabis Network — has just signed up its first Florida physician. provides unique physician software that many in the industry see as a turnkey solution for an issue facing doctors who want to break into the cannabis industry. provides unique physician software that many in the industry see as a turnkey solution for an issue facing doctors who want to break into the cannabis industry. “We provide software applicable to doctors in every state where medical marijuana is legal, because every state has different rules and requirements,” said Jason Draizin, CEO and owner of

Boaters Distraught over All aboard Florida: Tell the Coast Guard Now

. Waterway Guide, authority on cruising America’s coastal waterways since 1947, is urging boaters to participate in the U.S. Coast Guard comment period — giving the USCG their views on how railway bridges across South Florida waterways will affect them if and when All Aboard Florida becomes a reality. Those views must be in writing and must go directly to the U.S. Coast Guard, not to the magazine or anywhere else, according to the publication’s news editor, Mike Ahart.

Why Forcing ExxonMobil Out Of Russia Isn’t Going To Help Anything

. Putin’s relationship with Exxon’s Rex Tillerson is very likely the most constructive and meaningful one he has with any American. Wouldn’t it be better to forge more high-tech, high-level alliances with Russia rather than break up the few we have? Those new sanctions imposed on Russia by the U.S. and Europe on Friday will, among other things, force Exxon Mobil , Royal Dutch Shell , Total and other big oil companies to wind up their joint ventures with Kremlin-controlled Rosneft and Gazprom .

Fed should raise rates sooner than later

. US economy is improving and risk is of waiting too long If the Federal Reserve plans to take a gradual approach to normalising US monetary policy, it may want to get started soon. The US economy is improving rapidly. Based on previous experience, the central bank might have already begun to raise interest rates were it not for lingering concerns about the long-term effects of the financial crisis. Looking back at the Fed’s last three major tightening campaigns, conditions today are comparable in many cases and, in some areas, significantly better.

Holder Announces Pilot Programs to Counter ‘Violent Extremism’

. Attorney General Eric Holder on Monday announced an effort to counter “violent extremism” by spurring “local engagement” in cities across the country. He did not offer specifics, but it sounds like he wants law enforcement and community leaders to meet regularly, to share information on people who may have traveled overseas to join ISIS, or on people who may be plotting attacks right here in the U.S. “Today, I am announcing that the Department of Justice is partnering with the White House, the Department of Homeland Security, and the National Counterterrorism Center to launch a new series of pilot programs in cities across the nation,” Holder said.

Plans to Turn ‘Politically Binding’ UN Climate Change Accord Into Federal Law

. Obama administration officials who say they intend to sign a “politically binding” agreement to drastically reduce U.S. greenhouse gas emissions at the United Nations’ (UN) climate change conference in Paris next year already have a legal strategy to turn any non-binding accord into federal law, warns Christopher Horner, senior fellow at the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI). Horner told that the “name and shame” effort is an alternative to a new climate change treaty already being drafted by the UN that would have to be ratified by the U.S. Senate. “Obama’s statement acknowledges that he cannot get a new climate treaty past China or U.S. voters,” Horner told

Bombshell Emails: White House Coordinated With Department of Labor To Hide Illegal Obama Fundraiser Hilda Solis’ Schedule

. The Department of Labor coordinated with the White House on whether or not to release hidden portions of former Labor Secretary Hilda Solis’ schedule as Solis battled an FBI investigation into her illegal fundraising for President Obama. New emails provided to The Daily Caller from the nonprofit legal research firm Cause of Action show the White House thanking the Department of Labor for “flagging” a public information request for “withheld” portions of Solis’ schedule. The White House then asked for the name of the conservative group making the request — information that Labor officials were eager to give up. As The DC previously reported, Solis illegally fundraised for the Obama campaign and headlined a Latino-themed Obama fundraiser while on a trip in her official capacity as a Cabinet member, which is forbidden by the Hatch Act.

The Plane Facts: The DOT’s Proposed Rule is a Raw Deal in Disguise

. Air travelers get the best level of service when airlines are able to tailor their products and services to the individual needs of their passengers. Unfortunately, the Department of Transportation (DOT) and special interest groups want to impose a new set of rules on airlines that interfere with the free market, which will harm consumers by inhibiting competition and innovation in the distribution of air transportation. In simple terms, the DOT wants to mandate how and where airlines sell their products. The government does not prescriptively tell other industries (i.e., hotels, computer makers, rental car companies) how they should sell their products. Apple and Samsung are free to sell their products through the retail outlets of their choosing, and the government leaves stores to their own devices about how each company’s products are displayed. Why should airlines be treated any differently? In fact, Congress rejected precisely this kind of industry micro-management when it deregulated the airline industry in 1978. We believe consumers are best served when the companies they do business with respond to what consumers want and are able to tailor products and services to them.

Ex-Im Bank Fight Shows How We Can Sunset More Useless Agencies

. As far as flash-point issues go, the Export-Import Bank is about as unlikely as it gets. Few people have even heard of Ex-Im, a federal agency that offers loans and loan guarantees to U.S. exporters and their foreign customers. In its 80-year history, only rarely has its periodic reauthorization become contentious. But lo and behold, this year’s Ex-Im reauthorization turned out to be one of this year’s fiercest political battles. question is: Why? The answer lies in how Ex-Im is set up. Unlike most other federal agencies, its charter automatically expires unless Congress votes to reauthorize it by a certain date. If reauthorization is voted down — or a vote is never held — Ex-Im disappears. That unusual setup made Ex-Im low-hanging fruit for reformers concerned about corporate welfare. This was a fight that was actually winnable, not so much because of Ex-Im’s specific mission, but rather the rules of the political game surrounding it. What Ex-Im does matters, too. It is practically a textbook example of cronyism run amok. Nearly half of its activity benefits just one company, Boeing. Its top 10 beneficiaries, all large businesses that don’t need the help, capture more than three quarters of Ex-Im’s business. Ex-Im also harms other domestic businesses by directly subsidizing their direct foreign competitors.

U.S. State department orders 160,000 ebola hazmat suits

. The U.S. State Department has ordered 160,000 Hazmat suits for Ebola, prompting concerns that the federal government is anticipating the rapid spread of a virus that has already claimed an unprecedented number of lives. In a press release posted by Market Watch, Lakeland Industries, a manufacturer of industrial protective clothing for first responders, announced that it had signaled its intention “to join the fight against the spread of Ebola” by encouraging other suppliers to meet the huge demand created by the U.S. State Department’s order of 160,000 hazmat suits. “With the U.S. State Department alone putting out a bid for 160,000 suits, we encourage all protective apparel companies to increase their manufacturing capacity for sealed seam garments so that our industry can do its part in addressing this threat to global health,” states the press release. The huge bulk order of hazmat suits for Ebola has stoked concerns that the U.S. government expects the virus to continue to ravage countries in west Africa and may also be concerned about an outbreak inside the United States.

CBO: Cost of Obamacare Subsidy Will Increase 8-Fold in 10 Years

. The cost of the Obamacare subsidy that the U.S. Treasury will pay on behalf of people who earn under 400 percent of the federal poverty level and who buy a government-approved health-care plan on a government-run health-insurance exchange will increase by approximately 8-fold in its first ten years of operation, according to the latest budget estimate from the Congressional Budget Office. Medicaid spending will double in the first ten years of full implementation of Obamacare, according to the CBO estimates.

Posted 9/14/2014


1. FBI Says Americans More Dangerous Than ISIS Invasion
2. The Pentagon Is Giving Grenade Launchers To Campus Police
3. CDC caught in billion-dollar scheme to sell vaccines
4. It’s YOUR Fault: Fed Says Americans Who “Hoard Money” Are To Blame for Poor Economy
5. They Are Dying In Droves
6. Obama’s Super Duper Awesome Plan To Destroy ISIS: Use Slightly-Less Insane Jihadists As His Ground Troops.
7. If The Economy Is Recovering, Why Is The Labor Force Participation Rate At A 36 Year Low?
8. The Slow Decline of American Entrepreneurship
9. The 5 Most Egregious Myths about Conservatism
10. Man Arrested For Filming Militarized Police Raid
11. DHS Wants to Tag Us before They Bag Us: The Enhanced Driver’s License
12. Report: No Global Warming For 215 Months
13. Al Qaeda has the 11 Missing Libya Jetliners
14. IG let Veterans Affairs officials alter report to absolve agency in Phoenix deaths
15. U.S. Army report urges preparations for troops to occupy NYC, other “megacities”
16. Cities Prepare for Warm Climate without Saying So
17. James O’Keefe Strikes Again: Our NORTHERN Border is Not Safe
18. Rep. Darrell Issa Says He Caught the Justice Department Red-Handed Conspiring with House Dems on IRS Documents
19. IRS under Fire for Targeting Conservatives Again … and This Time It’s a Media Outlet
20. Obama: Order and Progress Can Only Come When Individuals Surrender Their Rights to an All-Powerful Sovereign
21. Obama to Partner with Islamists Iran & Saudi Arabia against ISIS – What Could Go Wrong?
22. Commissioner Koskinen Says IRS Tries To Follow the Law ‘Whenever We Can’
23. Scottish Secession and What It Means for America – B.M.G.
24. Large Government Out Of Place in a Society Based On Small Technology
25. Pentagon Official: Obama’s ISIS Strategy Is Doomed To Fail

FBI Says Americans More Dangerous Than ISIS Invasion

. An FBI presentation at a recent Georgia business meeting claims that “homegrown extremists” are more dangerous than the Islamic State or ISIS terrorist group. Exclusive photographs provided to Infowars from a local business owner show an FBI power point presentation placing “homegrown” groups at the top of the agency’s terror watch list. According to the business owner,the FBI agent, referred to as Special Agent Johnson, completely glossed over the looming ISIS threat to instead focus on American citizens.

The Pentagon Is Giving Grenade Launchers To Campus Police

. In 1968, students at Columbia University staged a mass uprising other college campuses in protesting not just the war in Vietnam, but their school’s collaboration with the Institute for Defense Analysis , a Defense Department affiliate that researches weapons technologies. Today, weapons produced by that institute are used by the US military throughout the world—and by campus police forces across the country. The war has come home. The Pentagon’s 1033 program, which allows the Defense Department to unload its excess military equipment onto local police forces, has quietly overflowed onto college campuses.

CDC caught in billion-dollar scheme to sell vaccines

. If someone told you… a public relations agency promoting the benefits of refined sugar was also doing scientific studies on the effects of sugar… you’d laugh. You’d naturally know the studies were worthless. You’d understand the “researchers” were slanting data, cooking data, burying data—whatever was necessary to support their prime directive: hype sugar as a wonderful product. These “scientists” would never say, “Well, we found that refined sugar is quite unhealthy.” This is precisely the state of affairs at the Centers for Disease Control. The agency is, first and foremost, a PR machine. It promotes products. For example: vaccines. So when CDC whistleblower William Thompson emerged from the shadows on August 27 and admitted he’d participated in research fraud, thereby giving the dangerous MMR vaccine a free pass by claiming it had no causal connection to autism…he was illustrating a primary mission of his employer, the CDC: spread propaganda assuring the public that vaccines are safe. Science? Are you kidding? The “research” effort of the CDC is just another way to do PR. The rest of the CDC’s PR message? Vaccines are effective, and everyone must get them. How does the CDC convince millions of people they’d better take the needle? Through invoking fear.

It’s YOUR Fault: Fed Says Americans Who “Hoard Money” Are To Blame for Poor Economy

. Despite arguments to the contrary from the Obama administration, mounting evidence suggests that the U.S. economy is rapidly falling back into negative growth territory. More Americans are out of the workforce than ever before, median household incomes are at levels not seen since 1967, and consumer spending is coming to a veritable standstill. The crisis is apparently so significant that a Federal Reserve governor recently said U.S. policymakers are crafting regulations that will force bank depositors to cover any losses should their financial institutions fail. The question that many are asking is, how did this happen? How, after six years of recovery efforts and trillions of dollars printed, is it possible that the economy is not booming again? This week the Federal Reserve published a report that claims to have figured it out and it turns out that the renewed economic downturn has nothing to do with foreign outsourcing, high taxation, increased health care costs for business or rising consumer prices for food and energy. No, according to the Fed it is your fault. Apparently, you are not spending enough money. In order for the economy to recover you need to stop hoarding cash now and get out there and start buying more homes, cars, vacations, and electronics. Otherwise, you’ll only have yourself to blame when the system comes unhinged

They Are Dying In Droves

. The residents on the Gulf Coast are dying in droves. According to Kindra Arnesen “We are burying two people per week in my town”. On the Gulf Coast, many are affected by the Gulf oil spill, however, their illnesses have morphed into illnesses (e.g. cancer, asthma, etc.) that are being viewed as stand alone illnesses unrelated to the Gulf. Despite the research claims of Oregon State’s Kim Anderson and Gulf researcher, Wilma Subra, who have detected toxicity in residents blood to be 40-65 times the expected levels of substances such as cancer-causing benzene.

Obama’s Super Duper Awesome Plan To Destroy ISIS: Use Slightly-Less Insane Jihadists As His Ground Troops.

. In the interview on Sunday, Mr. Obama said he envisioned the Free Syrian Army’s providing the ground presence needed to confront ISIS in Syria. He said that until a moderate Sunni opposition emerged, there was no real hope of ousting President Bashar al-Assad of Syria. But the opposition has been fractured, and the moderate militias are viewed as far less capable than ISIS.

If The Economy Is Recovering, Why Is The Labor Force Participation Rate At A 36 Year Low?

. Should we be concerned that the percentage of Americans that are either working or looking for work is the lowest that it has been in 36 years? In August, an all-time record high 92,269,000 Americans 16 years of age and older did not “participate in the labor force”. And when you throw in the people that are considered to be “in the labor force” but are not currently employed, that pushes the total of working age Americans that do not have jobs to well over 100 million. Yes, it may be hard to believe, but there are more than 100 million working age Americans that are not employed right now. Needless to say, this is not a sign of a healthy economy, and it is a huge reason why dependence on the government has soared to absolutely unprecedented levels. When people can’t take care of themselves, they need someone else to take care of them. If the percentage of people in the labor force continues to decline like it has been, what is that going to mean for the future of our society?

The Slow Decline of American Entrepreneurship

. Start-up companies are the reason America’s economy is more innovative, prosperous and dynamic than the economies of other industrialized countries around the world. New companies create roughly 3 million jobs every year, while existing companies tend to shed 1 million jobs. It is no secret why a healthy entrepreneurial culture is important. However, thanks to new data from the federal government, we are able to identify job creation across all firms according to their date of “birth.” Yet, as important as this insight is, the data, which only goes back as far as 1977, also shows an alarming downward trend: America’s entrepreneurship rate is declining.

The 5 Most Egregious Myths about Conservatism

. When it has nothing else to do, the liberal establishment will dip into its bulging bag of clichés and declare that this time, absolutely, positively, without any doubt, the conservative movement is done. And once again it becomes the duty of right-thinking analysts to stand up and firmly say, “Poppycock!” Here are five of the most egregious myths about conservatism:

Man Arrested for Filming Militarized Police Raid

. An Oregon man was arrested for filming a militarized police raid in his neighborhood after cops accused him of “interfering” with their operation by recording the incident on an iPad from across the street. According to the man, who goes by the moniker Skylow Production on YouTube, he was sleeping in his girlfriend’s apartment at 4am on September 2nd when he was awoken by the sound of broken glass and multiple flash bang grenades going off. “I grabbed my iPad and ran outside as fast as I could to see what was going on,” he states. “There were 5 or more tank/military trucks just cruising through my neighborhood.”

DHS Wants to Tag Us before They Bag Us: The Enhanced Driver’s License

. I live in AZ and just went to get my driver’s license renewed. They handed me a paper with my photo on it and said my new license would be mailed in about 2 weeks. It says it is an ENHANCED DRIVERS LICENSE or EDL. A cursory internet search reveals at least 6 other states are implementing it and that it has a microchip in it that can be read up to 30 feet away. Contains your fingerprint and biometric data and is linked to multiple databases. In other words it is a REAL ID just under a different name! The American people wholeheartedly rejected the REAL ID yet they are going forward with it anyway by giving it a different name.

Report: No Global Warming For 215 Months

. The numbers are in and the verdict is that there has been no global warming for 17 years and 11 months, according to satellite data. Satellite data prepared by Lord Christopher Monckton shows there has been no warming trend from October of 1996 to August of 2014 — 215 months. To put this in perspective, kids graduating from high school this year have not lived through any global warming in their lifetimes.

Al Qaeda has the 11 Missing Libya Jetliners

. Eleven commercial jets have reportedly been stolen in recent weeks in Libya, and Western intelligence agencies have begun warning they could be used in terror attacks on the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. Bill Gertz, Senior Editor of the Washington Free Beacon said he has spoken with intelligence officials who told him this poses a real danger and the CIA is actively trying to locate them. Gertz told John that Al Qaeda has control of the commercial planes which could be used for an attack on US interests in the Middle East or as a way of transporting Al Qaeda terrorists.

IG let Veterans Affairs officials alter report to absolve agency in Phoenix deaths

. Corruption permeates to the core of the VA. Crucial language that the Department of Veterans Affairs inspector general could not “conclusively” prove that delays in care caused patient deaths at a Phoenix hospital was added to its final report after a draft version was sent to agency administrators for comment, the Washington Examiner has learned.

U.S. Army report urges preparations for troops to occupy NYC, other “megacities”

. A U.S. Army report warns that American troops need to be prepared to enter New York City and other global “megacities” in order to prevent civil unrest, political uprisings and protect key infrastructure and natural resources in the national interest. The report, entitled Megacities and the United States Army (PDF), was released by the Chief of Staff of the Army, Strategic Studies Group. Cautioning that the power of national governments to deal with the problems caused by increasing urbanization and the growth of megacities is “diminishing,” the report notes, “It is inevitable that at some point the United States Army will be asked to operate in a megacity and currently the Army is ill-prepared to do so.”

Cities Prepare for Warm Climate without Saying So

. With climate change still a political minefield across the nation despite the strong scientific consensus that it’s happening, some community leaders have hit upon a way of preparing for the potentially severe local consequences without triggering explosions of partisan warfare: Just change the subject. Big cities and small towns are shoring up dams and dikes, using roof gardens to absorb rainwater or upgrading sewage treatment plans to prevent overflows. Others are planting urban forests, providing more shady relief from extreme heat. Extension agents are helping farmers deal with an onslaught of newly arrived crop pests. But in many places, especially strongholds of conservative politics, they’re planning for the volatile weather linked to rising temperatures by speaking of “sustainability” or “resilience,” while avoiding no-win arguments with skeptics over whether the planet is warming or that human activity is responsible.

James O’Keefe Strikes Again: Our NORTHERN Border is Not Safe

. James O’Keefe of Project Veritas released a video yesterday showing how insecure our NORTHERN Border is. O’Keefe successfully brought a man dressed as an ISIS militant into America by boat. He was carrying fake ricin and stolen Ebola. The fake terrorist arrived in Cleveland and walked right into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame with not one authority or citizen questioning him. This is how easily it could happen.

Rep. Darrell Issa Says He Caught the Justice Department Red-Handed Conspiring with House Dems on IRS Documents

. House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) says the Obama administration’s Justice Department has been caught red-handed trying to orchestrate the leak of committee documents related to the ongoing IRS investigation, which would have allowed Justice to comment on the documents before Republicans made them public. Issa says he has clear evidence of this — a Justice official mistakenly called Issa’s staff directly, instead of calling a Democratic office, and asked Issa’s staff to leak the information “before the Majority” — meaning Republicans — could share it.

IRS under Fire for Targeting Conservatives Again … and This Time It’s a Media Outlet

. The Internal Revenue Service, already under investigation for illegally targeting conservative and tea party groups, recently audited the conservative Breitbart News Network in a move that the company says was politically motivated. The IRS sought the company’s financial records from 2012, Fox News reported earlier today. relaunched that year with a more robust reporting team. Over the past two years, it has produced hard-hitting stories exposing scandals in the Obama administration.

Obama: Order and Progress Can Only Come When Individuals Surrender Their Rights to an All-Powerful Sovereign

. In addressing various dignitaries and members of the NATO alliance back in March of this year, Barack Obama gave a speech, in which he used some phrases that some have taken out of context. Yet, if one listens to what Obama says following those statements and looks at what he advances policy-wise, one cannot help but understand that he is speaking out of both sides of his mouth. What is the phrase in question you might ask? Obama told the audience, “Order and progress can only come when individuals surrender their rights to an all-powerful sovereign.”

Obama to Partner with Islamists Iran & Saudi Arabia against ISIS – What Could Go Wrong?

. As it has been pointed out previously, Islam is Islam and Islam is the enemy of the freedom and liberty celebrated by western civilization. In order to fight an enemy, one has to be able to identify the enemy. Unfortunately, elected officials in Washington seem to be lacking in gray matter to do this. Obama is poised to increase the air strikes against ISIS, but a formal strategy to combat ISIS may rely on partnering with Saudi Arabia and Iran – two rival Muslim powerhouses. Saudi Arabia is a Sunni Muslim kingdom who is fond of beheadings while Iran is a Shia dominant state that executes thousands of dissidents. According to so-called foreign policy analysts, “these partners are vital to any serious effort to weaken the Islamic State.”

Commissioner Koskinen Says IRS Tries To Follow the Law ‘Whenever We Can’

. Take comfort in knowing that, just as you only try to follow federal tax law “whenever you can,” the agency that collects and enforces those same laws is right there with you. At a House Ways and Means subcommittee hearing today, IRS Commissioner John Koskinen told the panel the IRS sometimes does what the law prescribes. “Whenever we can, we follow the law,” said Koskinen,

Scottish Secession and What It Means for America
– B.M.G.
. As Scotland’s referendum on independence approaches, two things are becoming increasingly obvious. Firstly, there will be considerable turnout for the vote and as a result anything is possible. Independence is as likely as maintaining the union with London. Secondly, despite a noncommittal comment from President Obama, there does not seem to be much talk about this in American policy circles. That will likely change as the deadline approaches, and will certainly change if the vote ends up going for independence, but there are some key points that America should be aware of because this vote will end up affecting us too.

Large Government Out Of Place in a Society Based On Small Technology

. “Twentieth-century technology,” writes economic historian Joel Mokyr in the Manhattan Institute’s excellent City Journal, “was primarily about ‘large’ things.” Large in physical size, that is. Mokyr’s examples include the diesel engine and the gas turbine, shipping containers, communications satellites launched by giant rockets, oil-drilling platforms, massive power stations, giant steel mills and huge airplanes. Civilian technology, Joel Mokyr notes, has also gone “small” — nanotechnology, genetic engineering, custom-engineered materials, “mass customization” through 3-D printing. If the Rouge plant looming over Dearborn was the iconic symbol of the industrial age, the iconic symbol of our information age is the smartphone in your pocket. “Large” technology requires the standardization of masses of people, centralized command-and-control, conformity to social norms. Massive work forces and massive armies cannot operate optimally otherwise “Small” technology enables individuals to make personal choices, fashion their world to their own dimensions, deploy their own talents and pursue their interests in ways of their own choosing. Standardization yields to customization.

Pentagon Official: Obama’s ISIS Strategy Is Doomed To Fail

. After weeks…Americans were able to finally wake up in a country that had a strategy for the most recent Islamist threat. The problem is that the strategy — to provide logistical support for Iraqi forces, limited air strikes, and a strong Free Syrian Army — is a foolish strategy that is unlikely to succeed. The president’s strategy calls for U.S. air strikes against Islamic State targets in Iraq and Syria in support of Iraqi army forces and the Free Syrian Army rebels who are fighting the Islamic State on the ground. Obama made it clear that the U.S. military commitment will be limited to air strikes, as he will not order U.S. ground forces into either Iraq or Syria. Instead of ground forces, however, the president said that the United States will increase training and logistical support for those armies on the ground, but herein lies a critical flaw: The Iraqis have not proven to be a reliable partner in the war on terrorism. And this, despite ten years of U.S. military training and equipment provided by the United States.

Posted 9/7/2014


1. Obama Set to Sign UN Climate Change Agreement WITHOUT Congress
2. Feds Creating Database to Track ‘Hate Speech’ on Twitter
3. CIA Expert: Obama Switched Sides In War On Terror
4. Obama Named In RICO Lawsuit
5. Holder Cut Left-Wing Groups In On $17 Bil BofA Deal
6. ‘Fiscally responsible’ Florida has $11.5 billion in off-the-books debt
7. Luis Gutierrez Now Claiming Over SIX Million Illegals Could Receive Amnestys
8. UN Climate Chief: ‘Not Very Far’ from Considering ‘Climate Change as a Public Health Emergency’
9. Louisiana Gov. Jindal sues federal government over Common Core
10. Retired Republican Senator Leads Effort To Smash Local Tea Party
11. Obama Administration Punishes Oklahoma For Repealing Common Core Standards
12. Judicial Watch: Feds’ Bulletin Describes Threat of Imminent Terrorist Attack on Southern Border
13. Found: The Islamic State’s Terror Laptop of Doom
14. Hiding From Behind: “Global coalition needed to stop Islamic State”
15. CO: Secret EPA Water Maps Released
16. Fee to renounce US citizenship goes up fourfold to $2,350
17. ISIS Says, “The US-Mexican Border Is Now Open,” – Plan Crossing Into The US Through It
18. Myth of Arctic meltdown: Stunning satellite images show summer ice cap is thicker and covers 1.7million square kilometers MORE than 2 years ago…despite Al Gore’s prediction it would be ICE-FREE by now
19. Feds Encouraging Deported Illegal Aliens To Come Back To Us
20. Mysterious Phony Cell Towers Could Be Intercepting Your Calls
21. Missing Libyan Jetliners Raise Fears of Suicide Airliner Attacks on 9/11
22. Feds Punish Business For Engaging In ‘Citizenship-Discrimination’
23. Obama to launch climate contest for cities
24. For Robert and Anita Breinig, the Flash Beach Grille is more than a building.
25. Bugger the Bankers

Obama Set to Sign UN Climate Change Agreement WITHOUT Congress

. The New York Times is reporting that the Obama administration is working behind the scenes to “forge a sweeping international climate change agreement to compel nations to cut their planet-warming fossil fuel emissions,” without seeking approval from Congress whatsoever:

Feds Creating Database to Track ‘Hate Speech’ on Twitter

. The federal government is spending nearly $1 million to create an online database that will track “misinformation” and hate speech on Twitter. The National Science Foundation is financing the creation of a web service that will monitor “suspicious memes” and what it considers “false and misleading ideas,” with a major focus on political activity online. The “Truthy” database, created by researchers at Indiana University, is designed to “detect political smears, astroturfing, misinformation, and other social pollution.” The university has received $919,917 so far for the project.

CIA Expert: Obama Switched Sides In War On Terror

. It’s an explosive charge, one that practically accuses the president of treason. A former CIA agent bluntly told WND, America has switched sides in the war on terror under President Obama. Clare Lopez was willing to say what a few members of Congress have confided to WND in private, but declined to say on-the-record. She said the global war on terror had been an effort to “stay free of Shariah,” or repressive Islamic law, until the Obama administration began siding with such jihadist groups as the Muslim Brotherhood and its affiliates. Why the switch? Lopez explained, when the so-called Arab Spring appeared in late 2010, “It was time to bring down the secular Muslim rulers who did not enforce Islamic law. And America helped.” And why would Obama want to do that? As she told WND earlier this month, Lopez believed the Muslim Brotherhood has thoroughly infiltrated the Obama administration and other branches of the federal government.

Obama Named In RICO Lawsuit

. Attorney Larry Klayman, fresh off a preliminary court ruling that the National Security Agency’s spying on Americans likely is unconstitutional, now has named President Obama and others in a racketeering complaint. Klayman, founder of Freedom Watch and a columnist for WND, alleges the president and others laundered U.S. taxpayer money that was spent on Hamas rockets fired against Israel. The civil lawsuit, filed in federal court in Washington falls under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, or RICO, alleges criminal acts by Obama, Secretary of State John Kerry, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon. Seeking $1.5 billion in compensatory damages as well as punitive damages, it accuses the global figures of “laundering U.S. dollars” to Hamas, which is officially designated by the U.S. government as a Foreign Terrorist Organization.

Holder Cut Left-Wing Groups In On $17 Bil BofA Deal

. Radical Democrat activist groups stand to collect millions from Attorney General Eric Holder’s record $17 billion deal to settle alleged mortgage abuse charges against Bank of America. Buried in the fine print of the deal, which includes $7 billion in soft-dollar consumer relief, are a raft of political payoffs to Obama constituency groups. In effect, the government has ordered the nation’s largest bank to create a massive slush fund for Democrat special interests.

‘Fiscally responsible’ Florida has $11.5 billion in off-the-books debt

. Balanced budgets aside, Florida’s finances aren’t on solid ground, a fiscal watchdog group says. Not if you include $11.5 billion in missing debt. Calling it a “sinkhole state,” the Institute for Truth in Accounting, a Chicago-based economic think tank, ranks Florida 38th-worst when it comes to each taxpayer’s share of total state debt.

Luis Gutierrez Now Claiming Over SIX Million Illegals Could Receive Amnesty

. For the first time on Wednesday, Democratic congressman Luis Gutierrez hinted that “over six million undocumented workers” will be granted amnesty through President Obama’s impending executive action — greatly expanding his usual estimate of around five million illegal immigrants. Recent meetings with activists and leaks from the White House have left the Illinois congressman positively giddy about the broad amnesty soon-to-be granted by the president

UN Climate Chief: ‘Not Very Far’ from Considering ‘Climate Change as a Public Health Emergency’

. Secretary of State John Kerry has called climate change “the biggest challenge of all that we face right now,” and his French counterpart has warned of climate “chaos” in 500 days, and now the U.N. climate change chief is implying that climate change can be viewed on a par with the deadly Ebola outbreak. Christiana Figueres told a World Health Organization (WHO)-hosted event in Geneva Wednesday that “we are not very far” from the point where climate change should be declared an international public health emergency, according to her prepared remarks.

Louisiana Gov. Jindal sues federal government over Common Core

. Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal filed a lawsuit against the Obama administration in federal court Wednesday, claiming that the Department of Education has illegally manipulated grant money and regulations to force states to adopt the controversial Common Core standards. In the suit, Jindal argues that the Education Department’s $4.3 billion grant program “effectively forces states down a path toward a national curriculum” in violation of the state sovereignty clause in the Constitution and federal laws that prohibit national control of education content. The suit asks a judge to declare the department’s actions unconstitutional and to keep it from disqualifying states from receiving Race to the Top funds based on a refusal to use Common Core or to participate in one of two state testing consortia tied to the department’s grant program.

Retired Republican Senator Leads Effort To Smash Local Tea Party

. Sen. Al Simpson (R-WY) retired from the Senate in 1997, but he is now celebrating another political victory in his state. The retired senator ran and won his election as a member of the Republican precinct committee in his hometown of Cody, Wyoming, together with his wife Ann. Both Simpsons earned a majority of the vote, effectively pushing out Tea Party Republicans in the precinct. “We decided we’d start over,” Simpson explained in an interview with Breitbart News. “We did that about forty years ago when we started in politics.” Although he retired from state politics long ago, Simpson indicated he was annoyed with Tea Party conservatives criticizing his record as a conservative, and had grown increasingly alarmed at the tone of the local Republican party.

Obama Administration Punishes Oklahoma For Repealing Common Core Standards

. The U.S. Department of Education (USED) has punished the state of Oklahoma for repealing the Common Core standards and reverting to its previous academic standards by rescinding the state’s waiver from No Child Left Behind (NCLB), making it the second state ever to lose its waiver from the law. As Caitlin Emma of Politico reports, Indiana, on the contrary, was granted a one-year extension of its waiver from NCLB because, though Gov. Mike Pence (R) declared he was the first governor to repeal the Common Core standards, his state’s replacement standards are remarkably similar to the Common Core and, as such, still met the requirements for the waiver.

Judicial Watch: Feds’ Bulletin Describes Threat of Imminent Terrorist Attack on Southern Border

. Judicial Watch has just put out this statement: Islamic terrorist groups are operating in the Mexican border city of Ciudad Juarez and planning to attack the United States with car bombs or other vehicle born improvised explosive devices (VBIED). High-level federal law enforcement, intelligence and other sources have confirmed to Judicial Watch that a warning bulletin for an imminent terrorist attack on the border has been issued. Agents across a number of Homeland Security, Justice and Defense agencies have all been placed on alert and instructed to aggressively work all possible leads and sources concerning this imminent terrorist threat. Specifically, Judicial Watch sources reveal that the militant group Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria (ISIS) is confirmed to now be operating in Juarez, a famously crime-infested narcotics hotbed situated across from El Paso, Texas. Violent crimes are so rampant in Juarez that the U.S. State Department has issued a number of travel warnings for anyone planning to go there. The last one was issued just a few days ago.

Found: The Islamic State’s Terror Laptop of Doom

. Buried in a Dell computer captured in Syria are lessons for making bubonic plague bombs and missives on using weapons of mass destruction. Abu Ali, a commander of a moderate Syrian rebel group in northern Syria, proudly shows a black laptop partly covered in dust. “We took it this year from an ISIS hideout,” he says.

Hiding From Behind: “Global coalition needed to stop Islamic State”

. More weakness and cowardice from the jihad sympathizer in the White House. In the wake of Obama’s catastrophic failure in Iraq and Syria, the Obama administration is laying off on everyone else. The “Junior Varsity” team has conquered whole swaths of the Middle East and there is no stopping them. At least not while Hussein is in the White House. Obama’s Secretary of State John Kerry, in a NY Times editorial, which I am sure the Islamic State reads every morning over the pile-up of heads and corpses, is a “global coalition using political, humanitarian, economic, law enforcement and intelligence tools to support military force.” Obama has no global coalition. He has alienated every ally we had. Unlike George Bush, who had a “Coalition of the Willing” of 48 countries.

CO: Secret EPA Water Maps Released

. Secret EPA water maps obtained by the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology graphically show the increase reach of the EPA’s regulatory authority over Colorado’s waters under proposed rules supported by Rep. Jared Polis (D-Boulder).

Fee to renounce US citizenship goes up fourfold to $2,350

. The cost of getting rid of US citizenship has quadrupled to $2350, up from $450. The changes will come into effect on September 6th and the State Department says it is necessary to cover the real cost of processing an application to lose citizenship. The price hike marks a sharp u turn from 2010 when the State Department decided on the $450 fee “in order to lessen the impact on those who need the service and not to discourage the utilization of the service, a development the Department feels would be detrimental to national interests.” In order to leave America, citizens have to prove they’ve been paying tax for five years and if you are worth more than $2 million or if you’ve been paying income tax of $157,000 or more then you have to pay an exit tax like a capital gains tax.

ISIS Says, “The US-Mexican Border Is Now Open,” – Plan Crossing Into The US Through It

An ISIS propaganda trading group recently posted these disturbing words on Twitter: the US-Mexican border is now open large numbers of people crossing. The Texas Department of Public Safety has given this warning: A review of ISIS social media messaging during the week ending August 26 shows that militants are expressing an increased interest in the notion that they could clandestinely infiltrate the southwest border of US, for terror attack.

Myth of Arctic meltdown: Stunning satellite images show summer ice cap is thicker and covers 1.7million square kilometres MORE than 2 years ago…despite Al Gore’s prediction it would be ICE-FREE by now

. The speech by former US Vice-President Al Gore was apocalyptic. ‘The North Polar ice cap is falling off a cliff,’ he said. ‘It could be completely gone in summer in as little as seven years. Seven years from now.’ Those comments came in 2007 as Mr Gore accepted the Nobel Peace Prize for his campaigning on climate change. But seven years after his warning, The Mail on Sunday can reveal that, far from vanishing, the Arctic ice cap has expanded for the second year in succession – with a surge, depending on how you measure it, of between 43 and 63 per cent since 2012.

Feds Encouraging Deported Illegal Aliens To Come Back To Us

. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is expected to allow thousands of illegal immigrant deportees to return to the U.S., so long as they have ties to Southern California. Taxpayers will additionally fund a media campaign in Mexico, alerting deportees that they may be eligible to come back to the United States.

Mysterious Phony Cell Towers Could Be Intercepting Your Calls

. Every smart phone has a secondary OS, which can be hijacked by high-tech hackers. Like many of the ultra-secure phones that have come to market in the wake of Edward Snowden’s leaks, the CryptoPhone 500, which is marketed in the U.S. by ESD America and built on top of an unassuming Samsung Galaxy SIII body, features high-powered encryption. Les Goldsmith, the CEO of ESD America, says the phone also runs a customized or “hardened” version of Android that removes 468 vulnerabilities that his engineering team team found in the stock installation of the OS. His mobile security team also found that the version of the Android OS that comes standard on the Samsung Galaxy SIII leaks data to parts unknown 80-90 times every hour. That doesn’t necessarily mean that the phone has been hacked, Goldmsith says, but the user can’t know whether the data is beaming out from a particular app, the OS, or an illicit piece of spyware. His clients want real security and control over their device, and have the money to pay for it. To show what the CryptoPhone can do that less expensive competitors cannot, he points me to a map that he and his customers have created, indicating 17 different phony cell towers known as “interceptors,” detected by the CryptoPhone 500 around the United States during the month of July alone. Interceptors look to a typical phone like an ordinary tower. Once the phone connects with the interceptor, a variety of “over-the-air” attacks become possible, from eavesdropping on calls and texts to pushing spyware to the device.

Missing Libyan Jetliners Raise Fears of Suicide Airliner Attacks on 9/11

. Islamist militias in Libya took control of nearly a dozen commercial jetliners last month, and western intelligence agencies recently issued a warning that the jets could be used in terrorist attacks across North Africa. Intelligence reports of the stolen jetliners were distributed within the U.S. government over the past two weeks and included a warning that one or more of the aircraft could be used in an attack later this month on the date marking the anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks against New York and Washington, said U.S. officials familiar with the reports.

Feds Punish Business For Engaging In ‘Citizenship-Discrimination’
– B.M.G.
. A Texas catering business will pay the United States $26,400 for engaging in “citizenship-discrimination,” as part of a settlement with the Justice Department announced Tuesday. Culinaire International unlawfully discriminated against employees based on their citizenship status, the Justice Department claimed, because it required non-citizen employees to provide extra proof of their right to work in the United States.

Obama to launch climate contest for cities

. The White House is preparing a contest to showcase local government efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and address the impacts of climate change. “We’ll be announcing a new competition to identify and recognize climate leaders in cities, towns counties and tribal areas across the United States,” White House adviser John Podesta said Thursday at the National Clean Energy Summit in Las Vegas.

For Robert and Anita Breinig, the Flash Beach Grille is more than a building.

. SURPRISE: Robert and Anita Breinig are facing $1,000 per day fines for violating a 24-year-old land easement that the county never recorded. The Hobe Sound seafood restaurant and catering business is the culmination of years of hard work, and represents their slice of the American Dream. “We started as a mobile caterer. We used garages as kitchens for home parties,” Robert Breinig told The owners of Flash Beach Grille are locked in a land dispute with Martin County public officials over a seemingly insignificant 40-by-70 foot area behind the restaurant. But it’s no small fight. The outcome has the potential to affect property values, environmentally protected areas and the local title insurance market — not to mention put the Breinigs out of business.

Bugger The Bankers

. With English subtitles for those that have trouble with the language as spoken in Britain.

Posted 8/31/2014


1. Obama’s Secret Congress
2. Military Equipment Your Local Police Department Has Been Stockpiling
3. Florida at Back of the Pack in ACT Scores
4. The 35.4 Percent: 109,631,000 on Welfare
5. Texas Is a Real Model for Economic Opportunity
6. Investigations Underway, Suspected Voter Fraud in Virginia and Maryland
7. Ex-CIA Officer: ‘There Are ISIS Sleeper Cells in This Country’
8. Joint Chiefs Chair: ‘Open Borders,’ ‘Immigration Issues’ Making Isis Immediate Threat
9. Large Holes near the New Madrid Fault and a Giant Crack in the Earth in North Mexico
10. Obama’s Conflict of Interest – State Department Buying His Books
11. Ohio Schools Ends 40 Year Tradition Of Serving Pink Cookies
12. Government Dependency in U.S. Nears the Tipping Point
13. DHS saw no option but to free 169 illegals convicted of murder
14. Obama Ignores Congress, Lifts Ban on Libyans Training in U.S. as Pilots, Nuke Scientists
15. Ultimate Gameplan: Obama Defers to United Nations to Remove America’s Sovereignty
16. ‘Group-think’ school program ‘turns kids into sheep’
17. The Chinese Provide a Glimpse of An American Post-Collapse Society
18. We Now Have Scientific Proof That People Are Getting Stupider
19. Obamacare Now Pays for Gender Reassignment
20. Obama Has Begun to Systematically Depopulate and Deindustrialize the Suburbs
21. The Solari-Reininger Debate – B.M.G.
22. Deep Tax Cuts Opens Northern Front for U.S. Companies
23. This Obama Administration Proposal Would Authorize Some Americans Seceding
24. Syrian Government: James Foley Killed A Year Ago
25. The Border States of America

Obama’s Secret Congress

. With Congress in a proverbial “stand still,” Obama has, basically, created a “legislative branch” of his own behind closed doors, out of the public view, in order to enact government policies through executive order to “fix” problems ranging from immigration to tax laws. According to The New York Times, “Mr. Obama’s increasingly expansive appetite for the use of unilateral action on issues including immigration, tax policy, and gay rights has emboldened activists and businesses to flock to the administration with their policy wish lists.” This pseudo-legislative branch has included an array of lawmakers, experts and business leaders “for a wide range of perspectives to inform his plans for executive action.” So far, there have been more than 20 meetings this summer of what administration officials call “listening sessions” outside of the public view, with officials refusing to “discuss the sessions in detail because the conversations were private.”

Database Shows What Military Equipment Your Local Police Department Has Been Stockpiling

. There’s no doubt that domestic law enforcement agencies on every level have been ramping up their militarization efforts in recent years. In fact, it’s gotten so bad that it has prompted Senator Rand Paul to call for a demilitarization of domestic police departments. “The images and scenes we continue to see in Ferguson resemble war more than traditional police action,” notes Paul in a recent article. But if you’re interested in what your local county has been stockpiling compliments of The Department of Homeland Security, a database from the military’s Defense Logistics Agency can help.

Florida at Back of the Pack in ACT Scores

. Florida’s education system may have undergone changes in leaps and bounds over the last decade, but according to ACT test scores released Wednesday, Florida’s high schoolers are severely unprepared for college. Out of all 50 states (and the District of Columbia), Florida’s graduating class of 2014 fell to the back of the pack.

The 35.4 Percent: 109,631,000 on Welfare

. 109,631,000 Americans lived in households that received benefits from one or more federally funded “means-tested programs” — also known as welfare — as of the fourth quarter of 2012, according to data released Tuesday by the Census Bureau.

Texas Is A Real Model For Economic Opportunity

. Few states provide an economic environment that allows everyone an opportunity to succeed as does Texas. Evidence of this: excluding the 1.1 million jobs added in Texas since the last recession started in December 2007, the rest of the U.S. employs about 350,000 fewer people than its pre-recession level.

Investigations Underway, Suspected Voter Fraud In Virginia And Maryland

. Virginia Voters Alliance, an election integrity group, has called attention to the surprising amount of duplicate voter registrations in Maryland and Virginia, challenging the view that voter fraud is nonexistent, Watchdog reports. According to the Virginia Voters Alliance (VVA), the state has decided to term these as inactive voters, meaning that they join the total of 43,896 Virginia and Maryland voters who are eligible to vote up until 2019. As state officials have taken little action, Fairfax General Registrar Cameron Quinn has announced she intends to step in, although since there are an estimated 14,646 duplicate registrations, it’s a race to the clock to remove them before the voter database freezes 60 days before a general election.

Ex-CIA Officer: ‘There Are ISIS Sleeper Cells In This Country’

. A former CIA officer said Thursday he has no doubt Islamic State (ISIS) sleeper cells are already planted on U.S. soil. An unnamed U.S. intelligence official told CNN there’s already an indication of ISIS sleeper cells in Europe that could target U.S. embassies and other American interests.

Chair Of The Joint Chiefs Of Staff: ‘Open Borders,’ ‘Immigration Issues’ Making Isis Immediate Threat

. General Martin E. Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said “open borders” and ‘immigration issues” make ISIS an immediate threat. Dempsey said, “Because of open borders and immigration issues, it is an immediate threat, that is to say, the fighters who may leave the current fight and migrate home. Longer-term, it is about ISIS’ vision.” “I actually call them ISIS because it easier for me to remember their long-term vision is the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham which includes the current state of Lebanon, Israel and Kuwait,” he continued. “If they achieve that vision, it would fundamentally alter the face of the Middle-east and create a security environment that would certainly threaten us.”

Large Holes Forming Near The New Madrid Fault And A Giant Crack In The Earth In North Mexico

. Did you know that the number of big earthquakes during the first three months of 2014 was more than double the yearly average of what we have experienced since 1979? And did you know that the number of earthquakes in the central and eastern U.S. has quintupled in recent years? If you do not believe this, just keep reading. We live at a time when earthquakes are increasing in frequency and severity. And we are starting to see some very unusual activity in places that have been quiet for a very long time. For example, large holes are starting to mysteriously appear in Indiana near the New Madrid fault zone. And a giant crack in the ground nearly a kilometer long has appeared in northern Mexico. Could these be indications that even greater earthquake activity is on the way?

Obama’s Conflict of Interest – State Department Buying His Books

. Perhaps I have been asleep at the switch, but I did not realize that the U.S. State Department is buying copies of various books authored by President Obama. Let me rephrase that. They are buying books for which he claims authorship and on which he collects royalties. The books are indeed his—their authorship is less clear. However, whether or not the president used ghost writers is not my issue. My concern is books being purchased by agencies that are part of his administration, a questionable practice from an ethical perspective, and possibly from a legal perspective. ” target=”_blank”>

Ohio Schools Ends 40 Year Tradition Of Serving Pink Cookies To Comply With Michelle Obama’s Lunch Mandate…

. New federal nutritional guidelines for school cafeterias has meant the end of a favorite – and locally famous – treat in one northeast Ohio school district. The federal government’s edict to provide healthier foods and cut fats and cholesterol put an end of the sale of the traditional Elyria pink cookie – a buttery sweet treat with pink icing. The pink cookie has been a favorite for four decades. The Elyria Chronicle-Telegram reports the treat gained a cult following through the years and was once named the “Best Cafeteria Cookie” by Cleveland magazine.

Government Dependency In U.S. Nears The Tipping Point

. New data on federal public assistance programs show we’ve reached an ignominious milestone: More than 100 million Americans are getting some form of “means-tested” welfare assistance. The Census Bureau found 51 million on food stamps at the end of 2012 and 83 million on Medicaid, with tens of millions of households getting both. Another 4 million were on unemployment insurance. The percentage of American households on welfare has reached 35%. If we include other forms of government assistance such as Medicare and Social Security, almost half of all households are getting a check or other form of government assistance. The tipping point is getting closer and closer.

DHS saw no option but to free 169 illegals convicted of murder

. Of the 169 immigrants with homicide-related convictions released in fiscal year 2013, all but 15 were required to be let go because of specific court orders or because the immigrants had been held for too long under the rules established by a sweeping 2001 Supreme Court case, the Homeland Security Department said in an Aug. 15 letter to Sen. Chuck Grassley, Iowa Republican.

Obama Ignores Congress, Lifts Ban on Libyans Training in U.S. as Pilots, Nuke Scientists

. Less than two years after four Americans got massacred in a terrorist attack on the U.S. Special Mission in Benghazi, Libya the Obama administration is disregarding congressional opposition to lift a decades-old ban on Libyans attending flight schools and training as nuclear scientists in the United States. The ban was implemented in 1983 after a wave of terrorist incidents involving Libyans. The African nation continues to be a hotbed of terrorism and in fact, the U.S. Embassy in Tripoli was recently evacuated because violence between rival militias has created a deadly environment. Many other foreign governments have also shut down their embassies in Libya because the violence has spread throughout the entire country.

Ultimate Gameplan: Obama Defers to United Nations to Remove America’s Sovereignty

. President Obama defers to United Nations far too often and that can be easily proven. In one report submitted to the UN, the United States’ State Department included Arizona as a state that violates human rights. At the time the report was submitted, the Department of Justice under Eric Holder was in the process of suing Arizona for their immigration laws that were keeping illegal aliens out of that state. In another incident where the UN was given power and authority over America, back during the elections of November 2012, the UN was invited by the Obama administration to monitor US polling stations. Neil Cavuto reported on the situation then.

‘Group-think’ school program ‘turns kids into sheep’

. An Oprah-inspired program in public schools described by critics as an intrusive, emotionally manipulative effort with the laudable goal of ending bullying, cliques, gossip and other such behaviors, has been presented to a million students in 400 cities in 47 states. Challenge Day, the subject of the 2010 MTV series, “If You Really Knew Me,” promises to provide schools and communities with “experiential programs that demonstrate the possibility of love and connection through the celebration of diversity, truth, and full expression.” But critics contend Challenge Day, an independent, nonprofit program, can do more harm than good and pose a danger to emotionally fragile students, lacking privacy safeguards normally expected in counseling programs.

The Chinese Provide a Glimpse of An American Post-Collapse Society

. As ISIS is rampaging across Iraq and Syria, Ebola is on the loose and the flames of civil discontent are spreading across the United States, the country stands at a crossroads. There are many in the media who believe that America sits on the precipice of martial law followed by World War III. All signs certainly point to these fears coming to fruition. A question that very few seem to ask is what will society be like after World War III and the ushering in of the New World Order? The United States has a canary in the mine from which to predict its future and it has to do with how China is implementing the United Nations based Agenda 21 policies. Agenda 21 certainly is impacting our daily lives, however, the big changes will not felt until after the United States collapses or is conquered. If one wants to know what life will be like when that time comes, we can look across the Pacific to China.

We Now Have Scientific Proof That People Are Getting Stupider

. Are people dumber than they used to be? Were previous generations mentally sharper than us? You may have suspected that people are getting stupider for quite some time, but now we actually have scientific evidence that this is the case. As you will read about below, average IQs are dropping all over the globe, SAT scores in the U.S. have been declining for decades, and scientists have even discovered that our brains have been getting smaller over time. So if it seems on some days like you woke up in the middle of the movie “Idiocracy”, you might not be too far off. Much of the stuff that they put in our junk food is not good for brain development, our education system is a total joke and most Americans are absolutely addicted to mindless entertainment. Fortunately we have a lot of technology that does much of our thinking for us these days, because if we had to depend on our own mental capabilities most of us would be in a tremendous amount of trouble.

Obamacare Now Pays for Gender Reassignment

. The nation’s health law opens the door for transgender people to gain coverage for gender reassignment surgeries they previously could not afford.

Obama Has Begun to Systematically Depopulate and Deindustrialize the Suburbs

. If you live in the suburbs, you might be wise to advise your children on how to live, work and survive in America’s inner cities because that is where they are likely to be living in the near future in a Warsaw ghetto type of scenario. The mass migration from the suburbs back into densely populated urban areas is not a next week thing, or a next month thing or even next year proposition, but the groundwork is happening right now. If you are not a Baby Boomer, you will not likely be retiring in the suburbs.

The Solari-Reininger Debate
– B.M.G.
. The Taxpayers Association of Indian River County hosted a debate on August 11, 2014 between Indian River County Commissioner Bob Solari and All Aboard Florida’s President and Chief Development Officer Michael Reininger. The subject of the debate was the high speed passenger rail system that All Aboard Florida, LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Florida East Coast Industries, LLC, is proposing to operate.

Deep Tax Cuts Opens Northern Front for U.S. Companies

. Canada has become the latest frontier for U.S. companies fleeing the high cost of business, spurred by low corporate taxes and a policy that keeps international earnings out of the clutches of the Internal Revenue Service .

This Obama Administration Proposal Would Effectively Authorize Some Americans Seceding

. In its latest assault on the U.S. Constitution, the Obama administration is proposing to recognize so-called “Native” Hawaiians as an Indian tribe entitled to separate and become an independent sovereign and to “reestablish” a “government-to-government relationship between the United State and the Native Hawaiian community.” Such an unconstitutional action would amount to authorizing secession for certain residents of Hawaii. It would also implicitly authorize government-sanctioned, discriminatory conduct against any other residents who don’t meet the explicit ancestry and blood-quantum requirements to be considered a “Native.” This would balkanize Hawaii, dividing the islands into separate racial and ethnic enclaves, and undo “the political bargain through which Hawaii secured its admission into the Union.”

Syrian Government: James Foley Killed A Year Ago

. Fresh doubt has been thrown on the narrative behind the James Foley beheading video after a Syrian government spokesperson claimed that the American journalist was killed by ISIS militants a year ago. Following the release of a video last week which purported to show the murder of Foley, top forensic experts concluded that the footage was staged using “camera trickery and slick post-production techniques,” concurring with Infowars’ analysis that the video was highly dubious given that it was immediately used as justification for military strikes on Syria. Official Syrian government spokesperson Bouthaina Shaaban has now complicated matters further by asserting that Foley was in fact murdered by Islamic State militants a year ago.

The Border States of America

. The Border States of America, the new documentary from Tea Party Patriots, shows in graphic detail the problems caused by open borders and Obama’s refusal to enforce our immigration laws. Crime. Drugs. Financial strains on our local schools and hospitals. Fewer jobs for American citizens. Terrorism. Contempt for the rule of law. Lawlessness from the very pinnacle of American government. This is the legacy of President Obama’s illegal immigration policy and it is absolutely imperative that every American see with their own eyes what’s going on along our border. I was shocked by what I saw and The Border States of America will shock others once they see for themselves what our nation is facing. Here’s a preview of the film.

Posted 8/24/2014


1. Way More than a Handful of Lobbyists Work in the Obama Administration
2. New Jersey Jihad
3. A Second Declaration Of Independence
4. Japan’s GDP Drop Shows Failure Of Keynesian Policies
5. FBI Arrests Show Islamic State Poses Homeland Threat
6. Gamescom: shoot racist tea partiers in ‘battlefield hardline’
7. Gov’t Spending Per Household Exceeded Median Household Income 3 Straight Years
8. 5 Blue States Get The Tax Cut Religion
9. Morsi’s wife threatens to publish letters from Hillary Clinton, exposing “special relationship” between Muslim Brotherhood and Obama Administration
10. Lee County School Board Wants Out of Standardized Tests
11. Federal Agency Blames ‘Confusion’ for Choking Business Owners’ Access to Banks
12. Enviros burned as FL utility commission approves market-based solar plan
13. Rob Reiner Likens Tea Party to Hamas
14. DHS Is Employing Agent Provocateurs and Are behind the Events in Ferguson
15. Judge Demands Answers After IRS Contradicts Sworn Testimony on Lerner’s Scratched Hard Drive
16. Is President Obama applying Islamic principle of Taqiyya, or is he just painfully incompetent?
17. Tea party backers dominate Oakland County GOP convention
18. How Common Core Will Sink Florida Governor Rick Scott’s Re-Election
19. Executive Order 13673 pressures employers to capitulate to baseless demands and meritless claims
20. 62,000 New Yorkers Sign Petition to ‘Stop Common Core’ After Flat Results
21. When companies flee U.S. tax system, investors often don’t reap big returns
22. Democrat Pastor Accuses Thad Cochran Campaign Of Vote-For-Pay Scheme
23. If You Promote A Cure For Ebola, Men With Guns Could Show Up At Your Door
24. New Army Manual Calls for the Use of Lethal Force Against Peaceful Protesters
25. Emerging solar plants scorch birds in mid-air

Way More than a Handful of Lobbyists Work in the Obama Administration

. Obama Administration: Actually, We Were Cool With Lobbyists All Along All statements from Barack Obama come with an expiration date. All of them. Particularly the ones related to ideas that seem good and not particularly partisan: The Obama administration on Tuesday rolled back part of its ban on lobbyists serving in government, narrowing one of the president’s signature policies in the face of a legal challenge.

New Jersey Jihad

. The norming of jihad, the norming of sharia and an islamophiliac President makes such treason rather pedestrian. Can you, for a second, imagine a flag of jihad flying outside a New Jersey home on, say, September 12, 2001? There would have been mayhem! And rightly so. The difference between then and now is the powerful influence of Muslim Brotherhood operatives in the media, in the government and in the schools. We are witnessing our destruction from within.

A Second Declaration Of Independence

. When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to assume that their president, hostile to the principles that formed the nation and determined to act with malice toward its inhabitants by suppressing their rights and enabling its enemies to prosper in their attempts to destroy it, must be confronted, a rational response for the nation is to encumber itself no more with such a president and reject his authority and the acolytes who carry out his wishes. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, but their gifts are varied, and it is through the voluntary efforts of the fortunate among them to care for the less fortunate, not the province of a government to intrude on the natural imbalances that arise from the human condition, that the sanctity of ethically earned property is not to be compromised by a government eager to impose its will to address such imbalances, that when a president or member of the government flagrantly ignores the restraints of the Constitution of the United States they be punished with expulsion from the government; that when despotism in the form of such behavior arises it is the duty of the people to throw off such government and elect representatives who honor the foundational principles that underlie the nation’s existence.

Japan’s GDP Drop Shows Failure Of Keynesian Policies

. In case you missed it, Japan just reported a big 6.8% drop in second-quarter GDP, thanks to a hefty tax hike that took effect in April. Maybe our own leaders could learn something from Tokyo’s mistakes. If there’s a laboratory for exposing the many fallacies and errors of Keynesian thinking, it is surely Japan. Dating back to 1990, when its postwar economic miracle suddenly came to a screeching halt, the country has stumbled from slump to slump, showing barely any growth.

FBI Arrests Show Islamic State Poses Homeland Threat

. The FBI arrest of a North Carolina jihadist brings to five the number of ISIS-tied Muslim Americans captured. It’s time the president took the terror group’s anti-U.S. rants more seriously. The influence that this vicious successor to al-Qaida in Iraq is exerting inside our own borders is clearly growing. Obama must do more to take out its leaders abroad while increasing scrutiny inside our Muslim community to ferret out recruits.

Gamescom: shoot racist tea partiers in ‘battlefield hardline’

. In the upcoming first-person shooter Battlefield Hardline, players will shoot and kill racist anti-government Tea Party types, Gadsden flag and all.

Gov’t Spending Per Household Exceeded Median Household Income 3 Straight Years

. Combined federal, state and local government spending per household exceeded the median household income in 2009, 2010 and 2011, the three most-recent years for which full data is available, according to calculations made using numbers from the White House Office of Management and Budget and an historical online database of state and local finances recently established by the Census Bureau.

5 Blue States Get The Tax Cut Religion

. A new report finds several states that helped elect President Obama are doing something he won’t — implementing pro-growth tax policies to get their economies moving. Is the White House paying attention? You wouldn’t expect a solidly blue state like Maryland — which hasn’t voted for a Republican presidential candidate since Reagan — to be cutting taxes for the rich. But in their last legislative session, Maryland lawmakers passed a plan to raise the estate tax exemption almost fivefold over the next five years, according to the latest annual “Rich States, Poor States” report from the American Legislative Exchange Council. New Jersey, too, is considering reforms to its estate tax, which at up to 16% with a mere $675,000 exemption is particularly harsh.

Morsi’s wife threatens to publish letters from Hillary Clinton, exposing “special relationship” between Muslim Brotherhood and Obama Administration

. More revelations about the Obama administration’s treasonous collaboration with the terror organization, the Muslim Brotherhood. Obama’s axis of evil.For five years I have documented Obama’s covert and later overt support of the terror group. Many MB operatives sit in key positions in the Obama administration. Obama worked early in his presidency to bring the Brotherhood to power, and he did just that. There is more about this in my book, The Post American Presidency: The Obama Administration’s war on America. But this? This is high treason. And why all the secrecy if Obama believed that this was good for America? What is the point of all the hiding of his jihad collaborations? Because it’s treason and lethal for America, and he knows it. So the snake has to hide and Hillary, his Secretary of Sloth, has been pimping for jihad since she lip-locked with Suha Arafat.Morsi’s wife threatens to publish letters from Hillary Clinton, exposing “special relationship” between Muslim Brotherhood and Obama Administration

Lee County School Board Wants Out of Standardized Tests

. Among critics of modern education, standardized testing is one big detriment to public education. And in Lee County — the ninth largest district in Florida — the School Board wants to appeal the process entirely. Whatever the standards, whatever the test, the Lee County School Board doesn’t want it — and board members are looking into exactly how they can pull their district (so far the only district in Florida to discuss this) out of standardized testing.

Federal Agency Blames ‘Confusion’ for Choking Business Owners’ Access to Banks

. Federal regulators have backed away from pressuring banks to stop doing business with legal enterprises that the Obama administration labeled “high risk” — including selling guns, making payday loans, and trading in rare coins. Late last month, the Federal Depositors Insurance Corporation told banks that it had removed a list of 30 examples of “high risk” activities from the agency’s website, stating its list had “led to misunderstandings.” By “misunderstandings,” FDIC apparently meant that its guidance led to sudden decisions by banks across America to close accounts with customers that fell under any of the listed categories.

Enviros burned as FL utility commission approves market-based solar plan

. If you don’t use solar power, then you won’t have to pay for it. That’s what the Florida Public Service Commission, the state electric utility regulatory body, decided Tuesday, 4-1, when it approved Florida Power and Light’s new solar energy pilot program. Green groups aren’t buying it.

Rob Reiner Likens Tea Party to Hamas

. Hollywood director and liberal activist Rob Reiner told talk-show host Larry King that the Tea Party is like the terrorist group Hamas, because apparently both groups are extreme and cannot be negotiated with, and the only solution is to make them go away or “eliminate” them.

DHS Is Employing Agent Provocateurs and Are behind the Events in Ferguson

. What the mainstream media is not reporting is beginning to leak out from local citizens in St. Louis and from an informant from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) who are all telling a different story that the one you are seeing on Fox, CNN and CBS. First, the locals are reporting that the rioting has spread far beyond the Ferguson city limits. Rioting is taking place as far away as St. Charles which is located approximately 20 miles away from Ferguson. Second, more people are becoming aware that the police chief of Ferguson, Thomas Jackson, is not in control of his own police force as he has relinquished control to DHS. In the past five days I have been contacted, via one of my most trusted sources, a member of DHS who is opposed to the events and DHS involvement in Ferguson, Missouri. This source stated that DHS is running the Ferguson Police Department and their actions are designed to antagonize and to provoke the locals to violence. He further stated that he believed that the ultimate goal is to inflame the local citizens to such a point martial law will be declared.

Judge Demands Answers After IRS Contradicts Sworn Testimony on Lerner’s Scratched Hard Drive

. U.S. District Court Judge Emmet Sullivan Thursday ordered the Internal Revenue Service to come up with new answers after IRS employees contradicted sworn testimony about damage to Lois Lerner’s hard drive. Sullivan ruled that “the IRS is hereby ORDERED to file a sworn Declaration, by an official with the authority to speak under oath for the Agency, by no later than August 22, 2014″ on four issues: the IRS’ attempted recovery of Lerner’s lost emails after her computer allegedly crashed, bar codes that could have been on the hard drive, IRS policies on hard drive destruction, and information about an outside vendor who worked on IRS hard drives.

Is President Obama applying Islamic principle of Taqiyya, or is he just painfully incompetent?

. Islam is a religion that condones the use of lying and deception in order to accomplish its goals. The term is Taqiyya and it is found in the Muslim Holy book, the Quran. This principle of “lying for the advancement of Allah” allows Muslims to lie for any reason, in any place, at any time in order to advance the Islamic caliphate. It is using Taqiyya for their benefit. There are a lot of images that come to mind when I think of President Barack Hussein Obama and strong, diligent leader is not one of them. Rather, a slithering, cowardly snake comes to mind who speaks with a forked tongue in an effort to mislead you from his real intentions. Is Obama using Taqiyya?

Tea party backers dominate Oakland County GOP convention

. Michigan Republicans held county conventions across the state Thursday, some of which featured a battle for delegates that will be crucial in deciding an attempted tea party challenge to Gov. Rick Snyder’s running mate, Lt. Gov. Brian Calley. One of the most contentious meetings was in Oakland County, where tea party activist Matt Maddock ousted the chairman for the large 11th congressional district and pushed through his slate of delegates to the state convention, which is Aug. 23 in Novi. “The conservatives are going to have representation out of the 11th, that much I can tell you.

How Common Core Will Sink Florida Governor Rick Scott’s Re-Election

. Governor Rick Scott is suffering from political vertigo and consequently thinks he only needs to dust off his 2010 Gubernatorial Playbook in order to win re-election in 2014 – wrong! Rick Scott has to wage an effective campaign on more than just economics and jobs, he needs to hit Charlie Crist with a knock-out punch otherwise Charlie Crist will run circles around Governor Scott in the media until November 4th. An issue is ready made and it will carry a wallop of a punch this fall as Florida’s families send their most precious possessions back to school. The issue is of course the repeal of Common Core 2.0, also known as the Florida State Sunshine Core Standards. From a pedagogical perspective, the Common Core of State Standards Initiative is an abomination – it is also Charlie Crist’s glass jaw since he agreed to bring it to Florida. Yet today, Governor Rick Scott pussyfoots around this critical issue – indeed he simply gave the common core beast a haircut and a new name. Shame on him. Governor take a deep breath and cut ties with Common Core 2.0. Tell the people of Florida that you made an honest mistake – tell them you’ve examined this educational monstrosity more closely and have found it too dangerous both from a pedagogical perspective and an incredible overreach on the part of the federal government. Sir, if you do this and adopt either the Massachusetts “Liberal Arts” Standards from 1993 or the Florida Next Generation Standards from 2009 you will crush Charlie “Common Core” Crist this fall.

Executive Order 13673 pressures employers to capitulate to baseless demands and meritless claims

. A July 31 executive order from President Obama will make it very costly for employers to challenge dubious allegations of wrongdoing against them, if they are government contractors (which employ a quarter of the American workforce). Executive Order 13,673 will allow trial lawyers to extort larger settlements from companies, and enable bureaucratic agencies to extract costly settlements over conduct that may have been perfectly legal. That’s the conclusion of the The Wall Street Journal and prominent labor lawyer Eugene Scalia.

62,000 New Yorkers Sign Petition to ‘Stop Common Core’ After Flat Results

. On New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s official website, he touts the merits and needs of Common Core, an educational program detailing what students should know in regards to math and English by the end of the 12th grade: Despite his initial optimism surrounding Common Core, however, New York test scores have remained remarkably flat after its implementation: New Yorkers are flat out rejecting the program. GOP gubernatorial candidate Rob Astorino and the state GOP ticket submitted a Stop Common Core ballot line petition to further challenge Cuomo in November. In case you’re wondering how passionate people are about ending the program, 62,000 people have signed their names to the petition.

When companies flee U.S. tax system, investors often don’t reap big returns

. Establishing a tax domicile abroad to avoid U.S. taxes is a hot strategy in corporate America, but many companies that have done such “inversion” deals have failed to produce above-average returns for investors, a Reuters analysis has found.

Democrat Pastor Accuses Thad Cochran Campaign Of Vote-For-Pay Scheme

. A black Mississippi pastor has emerged to claim Sen. Thad Cochran’s (R-MS) campaign paid “thousands” of Democrats $15 each to vote in the June 24 GOP runoff – and that he was part of the scheme.

If You Promote A Cure For Ebola, Men With Guns Could Show Up At Your Door

. If I had a cure for Ebola, I could never sell it to you. I don’t have a cure for Ebola of course, but even if I did I could never promote it. And if you have a cure for Ebola and you start promoting it on the Internet, men with guns could soon show up at your door. Unfortunately, I am not kidding. Even if you have made a discovery that could potentially save millions of lives, that will not earn you an ounce of mercy from the FDA. In fact, the FDA has just issued a statement that contains a chilling warning for anyone that is claiming that they know how to prevent or cure Ebola. And without a doubt, FDA bureaucrats are scouring the Internet right now for any sign of an Ebola cure or treatment. When they find one, they are likely to crack down very hard based on their history. So if you do have a cure for Ebola, you might want to be very, very careful. You could end up having men with automatic weapons conducting a military-style raid on your home when you least expect it.

New Army Manual Calls for the Use of Lethal Force Against Peaceful Protesters

. The new Army manual, known as ATP 3-39.33, provides discussion and techniques about civil disturbances and crowd control operations that occur in the continental United States (CONUS) and outside the continental United States (OCONUS). This document, just published this past Friday, August 15, 2014, promises to change the way the “authorities” deal with protesters, even peaceful ones. The consequences of ATP 39.33 could prove deadly for protesters. Further, the provisions of this Army manual could prove to be the end of the First Amendment right to peaceably assemble.

Emerging solar plants scorch birds in mid-air

. Workers at a state-of-the-art solar plant in the Mojave Desert have a name for birds that fly through the plant’s concentrated sun rays — “streamers,” for the smoke plume that comes from birds that ignite in midair. Federal wildlife investigators who visited the BrightSource Energy plant last year and watched as birds burned and fell, reporting an average of one “streamer” every two minutes, are urging California officials to halt the operator’s application to build a still-bigger version.

Posted 8/17/2014


1. $619 Billion In Federal Spending Shown Missing
2. Jindal Admin: Common Core Is Illegal Federal ‘Scheme’
3. A drag on your business and the economy
4. Who You Callin’ a Grifter?
5. IRS Abolishes Mandatory Expiration Dates for Illegal Immigrants’ Taxpayer Status
6. Many Americans Renounce Citizenship, Hitting New Record
7. Historic fail? Greatest Americans missing from proposed curriculum
8. Hidden Controls Expose 2 Billion Devices to Hackers
9. Most of Government’s Own Watchdogs Say They’re Stonewalled
10. Obama Attacks For-Profit Colleges For Teacher Unions
11. Mom Expresses Shock Seeing Pornographic Content in School Textbook
12. The Global Elite Are Using Children’s Authors to Promote An Inevitable Agenda 21 Future
13. Conservatives Are Greatest Threat to Nation, Obama Suggests
14. The Obama Administration Is Forcibly Discharging from Hospitals People with Pandemic-Causing Diseases
15. Sacramento Taxi Drivers Say English Test Requirement Is Setting Them Up For Failure
16. Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund Publishes Evidence Henry Barbour At Center Of Race-Baiting In Ms, Calls On Reince Priebus To Censure
17. Mississippi: A Case Study in Republican Race-Baiting
18. School District Quits Fed Lunch Program: ‘Kids Won’t Eat That’
19. Obama’s Economy In Action! Data Shows Cash For Clunkers Was An Epic Debacle
20. DOJ Report: Nearly Half of Fed Crimes near Mexican Border
21. Florida lawmakers’ personal wealth keeps growing
22. Why Are Chemtrails Being Digitally Added to Old Movies?
23. Study: Proposed EPA Ozone Regulation Costliest in U.S. History
24. GAO: EPA Used 20-Year-Old Jobs Data To Justify Regulations
25. Florida: Legislative Spending Agendas. 113th Congress, First Session

$619 Billion In Federal Spending Shown Missing

. When it comes to incompetence, it doesn’t get much better than this: The federal website meant to make government spending more transparent was found to be missing $619 billion. Seven years ago, the Office of Management and Budget launched to let the public easily track how their tax dollars were spent on contracts, grants, loans and other spending. It was supposed to be a big win for open government. Except when the Government Accountability Office checked to see how well it tracked spending in 2012, it found the site to be less than useless. The audit found that out of the roughly $1 trillion federal agencies spent in these areas that year, $619 billion of it didn’t get reported to the site.

Jindal Admin: Common Core Is Illegal Federal ‘Scheme’

. Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, locked in multiple legal battles with his own school board over Common Core education standards, has has made a new, ambitious legal claim. Common Core, he says, is not merely bad policy, but a violation of federal law. It’s an allegation that could encourage lawsuits against the standards in other states currently implementing the standards. In a brief submitted Wednesday as part of a lawsuit against Louisiana’s Board for Elementary and Secondary Education (BESE), Jindal’s attorneys claim that a consortium used to create multistate standardized tests aligned with Common Core was transformed into a cudgel to force states to obey federal edicts on education.

A drag on your business and the economy

. While anyone who runs a business knows intrinsically that government regulation costs time and money and is a drag on the whole economy, thorough research on the costs to the entire economy has not been well known. But Clyde Wayne Crews, Jr. of the Competitive Enterprise Institute this spring issued the 2014 edition of “Ten Thousand Commandments,”(TTC) his “Annual Snapshot of the Federal Regulatory State.” By way of perspective, the federal government spent $3.45 trillion in FY 2013. President Obama’s FY 2015 budget calls for $3.9 trillion. Only four other nations on the planet collect more than $1 trillion and we are the only one over $2 trillion. Yet that spending is before the cost of regulations. Companies pay the costs of regulation, pass some on to consumers and some affects wages workers earn. It is impossible to precisely pin down regulatory costs because they are not budgeted by agencies and often are indirect costs, the report notes. “Ten Thousand Commandments” combs through government and private data and estimates to compile the numbers. Just the bottom line numbers are staggering. Regulatory compliance and economic impact cost is estimated at $1.863 trillion annually. U.S. households annually “pay” regulatory hidden taxes of $14,974. That means the cost of regulations comes to 23 percent of the average household income of $65,596. That is on top of the 29 percent of the average income that households pay to cover the regular budgeted federal expenditures. Put them together and the average household pays 52 percent of its income for regulatory taxes and federal spending

Who You Callin’ a Grifter?

. believe this is what people in the psych biz call “projection.” Former congressman, and current transportation lobbyist, Steve LaTourette recently penned a column accusing the Tea Party—of which I am a proud member—of “lining its pockets while Republicans are actually trying to get things done.” LaTourette is an established authority on the topic of lining pockets in Washington, given that he has increased his personal wealth by 11,000 percent since 2004.

IRS Abolishes Mandatory Expiration Dates for Illegal Immigrants’ Taxpayer Status

. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) quietly changed regulations to allow more undocumented immigrants to keep their taxpayer status through a program that is rife with fraud and abuse, and to delay deactivation of immigrant taxpayer status until 2016. The IRS now prevents peoples’ Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) from automatically expiring after five years as previously mandated. Now immigrants can keep their ITIN so long as they pay taxes at least once in a five-year period.

Many Americans Renounce Citizenship, Hitting New Record

. It may seem like a drop in the bucket, especially when droves want to immigrate to America. Still, the newly published names of individuals who renounced their U.S. citizenship or terminated long-term U.S. residency is up, with 576 for the quarter and 1,577 so far this year. The growing trend is a sad one as Record Numbers of Americans Are Renouncing Their U.S. Citizenship.

Historic fail? Greatest Americans missing from proposed curriculum

. New history curriculum standards proposed for top high school students leave out such American icons as Benjamin Franklin and Martin Luther King, Jr., paint colonists as bigots and gloss over the Greatest Generation’s fight to save the world from Nazi Germany, according to conservative education activists who want the framework delayed — and perhaps scrapped altogether.

Hidden Controls Expose 2 Billion Devices to Hackers

. Using the secret software, a hacker can access a device remotely, listen in on phone conversations, steal passwords for a user’s financial accounts, even hijack control of the device entirely, said Accuvant security researchers. Accuvant found the security flaw in a wide variety of Android, BlackBerry and some iOS mobile devices and platforms. Hidden software secretly installed on cars, mobile phones, and laptops has put roughly two billion devices at risk of being hijacked or attacked by hackers, according to new research. The vulnerability is so widespread that even automobiles use the software that contains the security flaw, said security scientists presenting at the Black Hat USA security conference in Las Vegas this week.

Most of Government’s Own Watchdogs Say They’re Stonewalled

. More than half of the federal government’s inspectors general have joined to lodge a formal complaint that the Obama administration places “serious limitations” on their ability to uncover waste, fraud, and abuse. A total of 47 of the 73 government watchdogs sent the unprecedented letter to leaders of two congressional committees, Fox News reported. In their complaint, the inspectors general say: Agency actions that limit, condition, or delay access thus have profoundly negative consequences for our work: they make us less effective, encourage other agencies to take similar actions in the future, and erode the morale of the dedicated professionals that make up our staffs.

Obama Attacks For-Profit Colleges For Teacher Unions

. In a fit of political pique and campaign considerations, President Obama’s Department of Education is proposing higher education regulations that would deny access to degree programs to nontraditional, low-income and minority students attending for-profit colleges and universities during a time of job scarcity.

Mom Expresses Shock Seeing Pornographic Content in School Textbook

. Once again, parents who hand over their children to state indoctrination centers, aka Public Schools, are shocked at what they find godless education systems are putting in front of their kids. Latonya Stevenson came across graphics in her child’s textbook that she called “very pornographic.”

The Global Elite Are Using Children’s Authors to Promote An Inevitable Agenda 21 Future

. It is no secret that the globalists use the mass media to send their messages to the public regarding the inevitability of the globalists takeover and the emergence of the subsequent conditions related to humanity’s enslavement. In the past few years, the mass media has specifically targeted the attitudes of our children. Our children’s books are increasingly being utilized to brainwash them into accepting the inevitability of the existence of a tyrannical world government in which society is exclusively based upon Agenda 21 principles.

Conservatives Are Greatest Threat to Nation, Obama Suggests

. Political conservatives are the greatest threat to the nation, President Barack Obama suggested in a kid-glove interview with the New York Times. “The president mused, the biggest threat to America — the only force that can really weaken us — is us,” said the interviewer, Thomas Friedman.

The Obama Administration Is Forcibly Discharging from Hospitals People with Pandemic-Causing Diseases

. Rebecca Scott was initially hospitalized and tested for TB. Her diagnosis came back with a positive confirmation that she has TB. However, her type of TB is a latent type and more testing is required. Quite unbelievably, under Obamacare’s mandate for Medicare, Scott cannot remain hospitalized as she awaits a confirmation that she is contagious. Therefore, the hospital at New York University discharged her against her wishes. In the meantime, Rebecca Scott is on the street and is very probably infecting many people that she comes into contact with.

Sacramento Taxi Drivers Say English Test Requirement Is Setting Them Up For Failure

. Taxi drivers required to pass an English test to renew their permits in Sacramento say they’re being set up for failure. Part of a newly passed ordinance that recently went into effect requires drivers to know a certain level of English. The city says the requirement came from passenger complaints. “We received a number of complaints from passengers that they couldn’t communicate with the driver of where they need to go and what they needed,” said city revenue manager Brad Wasson.

Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund Publishes Evidence Henry Barbour At Center Of Race-Baiting In Ms, Calls On Reince Priebus To Censure

. A new white paper from Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund puts a target on GOP operative Henry Barbour for his role in incendiary racial appeals in the Mississippi GOP Senate primary. “Henry Barbour was the field general in an unprecedented campaign to smear a fellow Republican, so desperate was his family to cling to power,” Jenny Beth Martin, the chair of TPPCF, said in the statement provided exclusively to Breitbart News. “We’re used to these tactics from Democrats: desperate appeals to emotion, fear-mongering, even playing the ‘Klan’ card. Who would have thought the Barbour machine would finance such despicable race-baiting?”

Mississippi: A Case Study in Republican Race-Baiting

. “Executive Summary: Henry Barbour, Republican National Committeeman from Mississippi, repeatedly claims in public that he had nothing to do with the race-baiting flyers and robocalls that were deployed against Republican State Senator Chris McDaniel during the June 3, 2014 Mississippi Republican U.S. Senate primary election and the June 24, 2014 Mississippi Republican U.S. Senate runoff election. Henry Barbour is not telling the truth.”

School District Quits Fed Lunch Program: ‘Kids Won’t Eat That’

. “The calorie limitations and types of foods that have to be provided … have resulted in the kids just saying ‘I’m not going to eat that,'” said Gene Kirchner, superintendent of Fort Thomas Independent Schools.

Obama’s Economy In Action! Data Shows Cash For Clunkers Was An Epic Debacle

. “Cash for Clunkers,” the 2009 Obama administration stimulus program designed to spend $2.85 billion to jumpstart the auto industry, turned out to be a complete disaster — for the auto industry. The law of unintended consequences is a brutal thing, though, especially for inexperienced, shortsighted policymakers. According to the findings of three Texas A&M University economics professors, “Cash for Clunkers” ultimately caused auto industry revenue to shrink by about $3 billion in less than a year

DOJ Report: Nearly Half of Fed Crimes near Mexican Border

. Crime is so high along the Mexican border that nearly half of all the criminal cases filed by federal prosecutors in the United States last fiscal year were concentrated in a handful of districts located in that region, according to the U.S. government’s figures. It’s not as if this is new, but to see it spelled out in a government report with a detailed breakdown is truly alarming. The statistics illustrate that the Mexican-border region is a cesspool of crime that’s costing American taxpayers a chunk of change not to mention loads of grief.

Florida lawmakers’ personal wealth keeps growing

. For some Florida legislators, politics is more profitable than business. Especially if you serve on the governor’s cabinet. Financial statements filed with the Florida Ethics Commission shows some politicians grew their personal wealth substantially last year. Members of the governor’s cabinet increased their wealth by an average of 51 percent. Despite refusing a salary, Florida Gov. Rick Scott’s net worth increased to $132.7 million by the end of 2013, up from $83.8 million in 2012, a 58 percent increase. Attorney General Pam Bondi joined the millionaire club last year when her wealth increased to $1,238,633, 58.6 percent higher than in 2012.

Why Are Chemtrails Being Digitally Added to Old Movies?

. Chemtrails have been popping up all over TV shows, movies and commercials for a while now. Even video games and cartoons are adding these trails to what would otherwise be clear blue skies — why do that if not for propaganda purposes to normalize everyone to what’s going on in the skies above our heads?

Study: Proposed EPA Ozone Regulation Costliest in U.S. History

. A study commissioned by the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) on the impact of a proposed Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulation shows that it could be the costliest federal rule by reducing the Gross National Product by $270 billion per year and $3.4 trillion from 2017 to 2040 and adds $2.2 trillion in compliance costs for the same time period.

GAO: EPA Used 20-Year-Old Jobs Data To Justify Regulations

. The Government Accountability Office reported the EPA “estimated effects of its regulations on employment, in part, using a study that… was based on data that were more than 20 years old and may not have represented the regulated entities addressed” in its regulatory impact analyses (RIAs). EPA officials told the GAO that the 20-year-old data “represented the best reasonably obtainable data” when they were analyzing regulations, and that “they are exploring new approaches for analyzing these effects but were uncertain about when such results would be available.”

Florida: Legislative Spending Agendas. 113th Congress, First Session

. The spending records of the Florida members of the US House and Senate

Posted 8/10/2014


1. Fast food workers can sue McDonald’s
2. When Will the Tea Party Become the Necessary Radicals to Overthrow the Lawless?
3. Rep. DeLauro Wants SWEET New Soda Tax
4. Growing concerns over ‘in the air’ transmission of Ebola
5. Democrat Delegate thinks the People Don’t have a Right to Know what’s going on in the White House
6. Obama to world: ‘We tortured some folks’ – firestorm erupts over president’s ignorance
7. What are US biowar researchers doing in the Ebola zone?
8. Homeless to be fully eradicated by 2020 says gov. assessment, camps being staffed now.
9. The Hegelian Dialectic: Offering communistic solutions to fabricated crises
10. President Obama, Clueless In Chief
11. Pentagon Official: The Facts Are In, And Obama’s Policy Is a Direct Danger to the United States
12. Coal Miners Union in Full Revolt after Supporting Obama In 2008
13. Holder Warns Judges against ‘Unjust Disparities’ in Sentencing Criminals
14. Meet the New Chief-of-Staff, US Army Europe
15. Congressman: ‘Anger, Frustration, Embarrassment’ When Redacted Portion of 9/11 Report Is Released
16. West Africans Are Streaming Across the U.S. Southern Border Carrying the Ebola Virus
17. Why Does The U.S. Government Have An ‘Office Of Population Affairs’?
18. Leaked CBP Report Shows Entire World Exploiting Open Us Border
19. ‘Nightmare bacteria’ spreading rapidly in Southeastern US
20. Confusing the concepts: individuals v. Collectives
21. Resettlement of border kids in Florida sparks compassion, fear
22. New Chinese First-Strike Missile Directly Threatens U.S.
23. The Anti-Endangered Species Tax (Aka Estate Tax)
24. Is thinking now obsolete?
25. Sovereign citizens seen as top terrorist threat by US law enforcement

Fast food workers can sue McDonald’s

. Fast food workers will be allowed to sue McDonald’s, which is responsible for the labor violations of its franchisees, the National Labor Relations Board said Tuesday. NLRB General Counsel Richard Griffin determined that McDonald’s should be considered a “joint employer,” along with the franchise owners that operate thousands of stores around the country. Labor groups hailed the decision, saying that McDonald’s could no longer shy away from its responsibilities as an employer.

When Will the Tea Party Become the Necessary Radicals to Overthrow the Lawless?

. The TEA Party has failed. Let’s face it. They came in late to the game, and tried to overcome a points deficit never before attempted, except by God. To that degree, the TEA Party depends on God to overcome the points deficit, but they have been unable to effectively transmit a winning motivating message in the 7 years they have been around.

Rep. DeLauro Wants SWEET New Soda Tax

. Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn.) introduced the Sugar-Sweetened Beverages Tax (SWEET Act) this week. A measure that aims to institute a tax of one cent per teaspoon – 4.2 grams – of sugar, high fructose corn syrup or caloric sweetener. The measure (HB 5279), introduced Wednesday says, “A 20-ounce bottle of soda contains about 16 teaspoons of sugars. Yet, the American Heart Association recommends that Americans consume no 6 more than six to nine teaspoons of sugar per day.”

Growing concerns over ‘in the air’ transmission of Ebola

. Canadian scientists have shown that the deadliest form of the ebola virus could be transmitted by air between species. In experiments, they demonstrated that the virus was transmitted from pigs to monkeys without any direct contact between them. The researchers say they believe that limited airborne transmission might be contributing to the spread of the disease in some parts of Africa. They are concerned that pigs might be a natural host for the lethal infection.

Democrat Delegate thinks the People don’t have a Right to Know what’s going on in the White House

. Why the District of Criminals (Columbia) has a delegate to Congress, I’ll never understand, especially since she can’t vote on the final passage of any legislation. However, Eleanor Holmes Norton doesn’t believe it is Congress’ job to know what is taking place in the White House, nor does she believe it is a proper check and balance between the Executive Branch and the Legislative Branch. “You don’t have a right to know everything in a separation-of-powers government, my friend. That is the difference between a parliamentary government and a separation-of-powers government,” Norton said during a House Oversight and Government Reform Committee hearing.

Obama to world: ‘We tortured some folks’ – firestorm erupts over president’s ignorance

. President Obama started a firestorm Friday when he said, at a White House press conference, that after 9/11 the Central Intelligence Agency did things that “were contrary to our values” by torturing “folks. ”Needless to say, Twitter exploded with criticism, most taking issue to the word “folks,” and the power such a statement would give our enemies.

What are US biowar researchers doing in the Ebola zone?

. This is a call for an immediate, thorough, and independent investigation of Tulane University researchers and their Fort Detrick associates in the US biowarfare research community, who have been operating in West Africa during the past several years. What exactly have they been doing? Exactly what diagnostic tests have they been performing on citizens of Sierra Leone? Why do we have reports that the government of Sierra Leone has recently told Tulane researchers to stop this testing? Have Tulane researchers and their associates attempted any experimental treatments (e.g., injecting monoclonal antibodies) using citizens of the region? If so, what adverse events have occurred? The research program, occurring in Sierra Leone, the Republic of Guinea, and Liberia—said to be the epicenter of the 2014 Ebola outbreak—has the announced purpose, among others, of detecting the future use of fever-viruses as bioweapons. Is this purely defensive research? Or as we have seen in the past, is this research being covertly used to develop offensive bioweapons?

Homeless to be fully eradicated by 2020 says Gov. Assessment, camps being staffed now.

. U.S. Government plans to drop hammer on homeless. According to the 2013 Annual Homeless Assessment published by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Office of Community Planning and Development, “On a single night in January 2013, there were 610,042 people experiencing homelessness in the United States, including 394,698 people who were homeless in sheltered locations and 215,344 people who were living in unsheltered locations.” The report also concluded that 23% of all homeless people were children and that major cities accounted for 45% of all homeless people. So how does the federal government plan to solve this “chronic” problem? The camps are being readied now. Rational thinking lets us know the only way to solve the problem of homelessness is to give the homeless homes. However, those homes will likely be FEMA camps which are now being fully staffed and manned by the federal government at various locations throughout the U.S. under the guise of a massive illegal influx which is nothing more than a massive cover funded by the U.S. Department of Defense and FEMA as the camps are truly intended for American citizens, homeless, political dissidents, etc. The round-up is coming. Remain vigilant.

The Hegelian Dialectic: Offering communistic solutions to fabricated crises

. By now, many have read that President Obama has recently called for a “new collectivized order” in order to quell many of the problems plaguing the world. President Obama cited the problems in Russia and Ukraine, Iraq, Israel and Palestine, and no doubt, acts as if the immigration issue is one of these crises as well. Truly, the world seems to be on fire, and the Global Elite that are calling the shots would have you believe that surrendering our sovereignty to an all-powerful global government is the solution, never mind the fact that it is the global elite causing these problems in the first place. Using the concepts of the Hegelian Dialectic, the powers that be create the global conditions that lead to fear and uncertainty, allow the targeted populations to demand “predetermined solutions,” and then reluctantly act as if they must go along with the demands to give the appearance of carrying out the peoples will. It’s all designed to get you to willingly accept what you once wouldn’t, global communism.

President Obama, Clueless in Chief

. It’s really true. The president hasn’t got a clue. President Barack Obama doesn’t understand why Russian President Vladimir Putin is chewing on Ukraine, and he doesn’t understand why Hamas can’t stick to a ceasefire with Jews. He doesn’t understand why the Senate is in gridlock, he doesn’t understand why the Ex-Im bank is unpopular, and he doesn’t understand why his immigration-boosting bill has collapsed. Obama showed his isolation from reality, and his parochial view of the world, during a Aug 1. press conference where he tried to explain why so many of his foreign policy and domestic projects have crashed since 2012. His rationalizations and explanations seemed sincere, as did his puzzlement and frustration.

Pentagon Official: The Facts Are In, And Obama’s Policy Is a Direct Danger to the United States

. In 2013, the United States Institute for Peace, “a congressionally-created, independent, nonpartisan institution whose mission is to prevent, mitigate, and resolve violent conflicts around the world,” was asked to assist the National Defense Panel with reviewing the Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR). The National Defense Panel is a congressional-mandated bipartisan commission that’s co-chairs were appointed by Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel. On July 31, the National Defense Panel released its long-awaited report on the effects of the QDR and delivered its findings to Congress. The panel pulled no punches — its findings were a scathing indictment of Obama’s foreign policy, national security policy, and defense policy. The panel found that president Barack Obama’s QDR, military force reductions, and trillion-dollar defense budget cuts are dangerous — and will leave the country in a position where it is unable to respond to threats to our nation’s security. This, the panel concluded, must be reversed as soon as possible.

Coal Miners Union in Full Revolt After Supporting Obama In 2008

. It’s unlikely that United Mine Workers of America president Cecil Roberts thought he would be arrested protesting the energy policies of the very politician his union supported in 2008. But things have come full circle for coal miners, who now see President Obama’s climate agenda threatening their livelihoods. Roberts and other UMWA members were arrested Thursday marching through Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, towards the federal building the Environmental Protection Agency was holding field hearings for a new rule that could very well force more coal mines and plants to shut down. Roberts was leading about 5,000 coal miners, their families and supporters to show the EPA that coal miners, boilermakers, electric workers and other unions did not support the Obama administration’s new regulations limiting carbon dioxide emissions from coal-fired power plants.

Holder Warns Judges against ‘Unjust Disparities’ in Sentencing Criminals

. In a speech Friday to criminal defense lawyers, Holder said he is concerned that judges in several states have begun factoring in “risk assessments,” such as a defendant’s education, neighborhood or socioeconomic background, in imposing sentences. Those risk assessments use aggregate data analysis in part to predict the likelihood that a particular defendant will commit more crimes.

Meet the New Chief-of-Staff, US Army Europe

. While certainly a joke, this is no laughing matter. This is absolutely unbelievable! I have served with and under commanders from other nations. My concern is not typical isolationist paranoia. I get that coalitions must share responsibilities, but to install a foreign officer as the Chief-of-Staff of a US Army (or any other uniformed service) Major Command (AF equivalent) is unthinkable in any administration other than the lead-from-behind Obama Regime.

Congressman: ‘Anger, Frustration, Embarrassment’ When Redacted Portion of 9/11 Report Is Released

. Kentucky Republican Congressman Thomas Massie said that U.S. citizens should have to right to read the 28 redacted pages from a report investigating the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001. Appearing on The Glenn Beck Program , he said there will be “anger, frustration, and embarrassment when these 28 pages finally come out.”

West Africans Are Streaming across the U.S. Southern Border Carrying the Ebola Virus

. While appearing on my talk show, Dr. Jane Orient, an internal medicine specialist and the Executive Director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS), clearly stated that Border Patrol informants told her that as many 100,000 West Africans are in Central America, have been taught to speak Spanish and are coming across our Southern border. Dr. Orient further stated that Ebola screening practices had not been implemented at the border with immigrants that were being detained. Please note that the incubation period for Ebola is up to 21 days. In Arizona, state officials learned that Obama had ordered ICE to deliver unscreened illegal immigrants to bus terminals in Phoenix and Tucson AFTER their arrival. The same was true in several border state communities and there was no evidence that ANY health screening had taken place. Dr. Orient had also learned that the Border Patrol has taken to laundering their own clothing at their work site because of the risk to their families.

Why Does The U.S. Government Have An ‘Office Of Population Affairs’?

. Did you know that the federal government has an “Office of Population Affairs”? I didn’t realize this either until someone sent me a link to their website. The Office of Population Affairs operates under the umbrella of the Department of Health & Human Services, and it might as well be called “The Office of Population Control” because almost everything on the website is about controlling or reducing the size of the population. On the site you can find information and resources about abortion, female sterilization, male sterilization and a vast array of contraceptive choices. There is even a search engine where you can find a local “family planning clinic” where you can get rid of any “unintended pregnancy” that may be bothering you. Frankly, it sickens me to think that my tax dollars are being used to fund all of this.

Leaked CBP Report Shows Entire World Exploiting Open Us Border

. A leaked intelligence analysis from the Customs and Border Protection (CBP) reveals the exact numbers of illegal immigrants entering and attempting to enter the U.S. from more than 75 different countries. The report was obtained by a trusted source within the CBP agency who leaked the document and spoke with Breitbart Texas on the condition of anonymity. The report is labeled as “Unclassified//For Official Use Only” and indicates that the data should be handled as “Sensitive But Unclassified (SBU).”

‘Nightmare bacteria’ spreading rapidly in Southeastern US

. Deadly, nearly untreatable superbugs known as CRE, dubbed “nightmare bacteria,” have spread at an alarming rate throughout the southeastern region of the US in recent years, new research indicates. Researchers at Duke University Medical Center have found cases of antibiotic-resistant CRE – or carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae – increased by at least a factor of five in community hospitals across the region from 2008 to 2012. CRE are a family of bacteria that live in one’s guts, often without causing illness. Yet when the bacteria escape – during ICU treatment, for example – they often cause major hospital-induced infections. One in 25 hospitalized patients contract at least one health-care-related infection on any given day, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Confusing the concepts: individuals v. Collectives

. Once upon a time in our America, each and every citizen was referred to as an independent individual, possessing an independent mind and body, and an independent future which each of us could forge for ourselves. Every school child was encouraged to think and act as an independent human being, possessing a character that distinguished him or her from each and every other person on the planet. Independence and individualism was central to education. Each person spoke proudly of being “his own man” or “her own woman” and each was reminded of the unique value and original contribution he could make to society through intelligence, education, hard work and enterprise. The reality of these values still exists because the truth cannot change. But individualism is no longer encouraged and the terms used to describe us have changed. Now, the pervasive terms refer to us not as individuals, but as members of groups. This is a perceptual shift toward a collectivist view.

Resettlement of border kids in Florida sparks compassion, fear

. More than 3,000 children detained after illegally crossing the border into the Southwestern United States have quietly resettled in Florida this year, and the prospect of more arrivals has sparked a mixture of compassion and fear. Their resettlement, shrouded in secrecy, has been unfolding for months but only recently became controversial as throngs of children fleeing from Central America generated what some have called a “crisis at the border.”

New Chinese First-Strike Missile Directly Threatens U.S.

. Beijing’s strategic military buildup continues with the unveiling of a road-mobile missile capable of delivering up to 10 atomic warheads anywhere in America. Time to show some flexibility, Mr. President? While President Obama was playing the back nine, and as it was confirmed that the Russians had developed a cruise missile, the R500, which violates 1987’s Intermediate Nuclear Forces treaty, the Chinese were busy as well. They now have a mobile intercontinental nuclear missile with no other purpose than to make war against the U.S.

The Anti-Endangered Species Tax (Aka Estate Tax)

. Little noticed in the debate over the Estate Tax, better known as the Death Tax because it punishes the heirs of people who have died, is the harm it does to wildlife, especially endangered species. Private lands are the linchpin for endangered species and most wildlife for that matter. Approximately 78 percent of species listed under the Endangered Species Act depend on private land for all or part of their habitat, compared to 50 percent for federal land. But private lands with endangered species habitat are hit hard by the Death Tax.

Is thinking now obsolete?

. Some have said that we are living in a post-industrial era, while others have said that we are living in a post-racial era. But growing evidence suggests that we are living in a post-thinking era. Many people in Europe and the Western Hemisphere are staging angry protests against Israel’s military action in Gaza. One of the talking points against Israel is that far more Palestinian civilians have been killed by Israeli military attacks than the number of Israeli civilians killed by the Hamas rocket attacks on Israel that started this latest military conflict. Are these protesters aware that vastly more German civilians were killed by American bombers attacking Nazi Germany during World War II than American civilians killed in the United States by Hitler’s forces? Talk-show host Geraldo Rivera says that there is no way Israel is winning the battle for world opinion. But Israel is trying to win the battle for survival, while surrounded by enemies. Might that not be more important? Has any other country, in any other war, been expected to keep the enemy’s civilian casualties no higher than its own civilian casualties? The idea that Israel should do so did not originate among the masses but among the educated intelligentsia. In an age when scientists are creating artificial intelligence, too many of our educational institutions seem to be creating artificial stupidity.

Sovereign citizens seen as top terrorist threat by US law enforcement

. The sovereign citizen movement is considered the top threat for domestic terrorism, according to a survey of state, local, and tribal law enforcement agencies. Islamist extremists and militia/patriot groups round out the top three threats to communities in the United States considered most serious by 364 officers of 175 state, local, and tribal law enforcement entities, according to a survey conducted by the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START).

Posted 8/3/2014


1. Border patrol agents: U.N. Taking control of America’s southern border
2. Declining Military Morale is Putting our National Defense at Risk
3. Common Core: The Progressive View of History
4. For The Left, ‘Children’ Are The Battering Ram To Force Amnesty
5. IRS Lawlessness: 20 Hard Drives, Six Unanswered Questions
6. Obama Student-Debt Crisis Debunked
7. Obama Calls for Collectivist “New World Order”
8. Sen. Maria Sachs Tells Tea Party That She Would Raise Taxes, Cut Spending
9. One Set of FEMA Camps for Immigrants and One Set for Americans
10. Greens really are commies: 130 UN-backed green groups call for end of capitalism
11. Obama to issue $34B in regulations after the midterm elections
12. As Russia Crisis Shows, Obama Has Checked Out
13. EPA Chief: ‘This Is Not About Pollution Control…It’s an Investment Strategy’
14. Obama to Go Big on Unilateral Amnesty
15. Illinois employers now banned from conducting background checks on interviewees
16. The Reason Americans Will Not Fight Back Against the Corruption and Criminality
17. The Government Is Cracking Down on School Bake Sales
18. Gutiérrez just spilled the Democratic beans; accidentally exposed real reason for amnesty
19. Halbig Is Not About a ‘Drafting Error’
20. An Obama-Caused Border Disaster
21. Obama’s offensive ‘rise or fall together’ reeks of socialism, angers Americans
22. Guatemala’s president: $2 billion ought to help border crisis
23. In Event Of Emergency, Illegals To Be Evacuated Before Citizens
24. Mortgage Rule Shows Lenders Not Joking About ‘Witch Hunt’
25. Democrats Admit Amnesty Is For Political Purposes

Border patrol agents: U.N. Taking control of America’s southern border

. Under the pretense of labeling illegals “refugees,” U.N. personnel are working with DHS to ship MS-13 gang members into U.S., says agent Two anonymous Border Patrol agents reportedly told radio host Dave Hodges that under the pretense of labeling illegal aliens “refugees,” the United Nations is “calling the shots” on America’s border operations and the U.N. is deciding which immigrants to ship to various parts of the U.S. One of the agents said U.N. personnel are already present at various detention facilities in the American Southwest, according to Hodges, and are working with Homeland Security agents in “gathering MS-13 gangsters, captured from different roundups, patch worked together as a group and then shipped together to various locations on the perimeter of the United States.” “I objected to admitting MS-13 gangsters into the U.S. and I was told that we have our orders to treat them like anyone else,” the other agent told Hodges.

Declining Military Morale is Putting our National Defense at Risk

. Reports suggest that morale in the various branches of the military is on the decline. In fact, military morale is said to be lower now than at any point since the worst years of the Viet Nam War. This being the case, the commander-in-chief could reasonably be expected to ask an important question: Why is military morale declining so precipitously and what can I do to turn it around? One would think a commander-in-chief would want to know the answer to this simple but important question. But there, as they say, is the rub. President Obama has not asked why military morale is declining and will not ask because he already knows the answer. The reasons for the decline in military morale can be traced directly to his desk.

Common Core: The Progressive View of History

. Common Core. Say that today and you are very likely to get a negative response, which is completely justified. When Barack Obama was first elected President he promised to fundamentally transform the United States, and he could have only dreamed of this. But let’s get that clear distinction out of the way in the beginning, Common Core was not created by Barack Obama and it is not a Republican vs. Democrat issue, it’s an American values issue created by Progressives looking to change our nation and make money doing it. Common Core made its secret way in states across the country in 2010 when the federal government offered the stimulus package. If states wanted the money, they would need to accept these new federal education mandates. There were several states who refused to adopt Common Core, and several others who have not made full implementations, but have adopted something similar. However, we are now seeing several states reject the Common Core mandates and curriculum due to massive public outcry. Most parents, teachers and kids despise Common Core. The teachers despise having to change their lessons to fit a test or new curriculum, along with the new ways of testing teachers, students hate being taught differently than before, as courses such as math have only become more difficult, and parents hate not being able to help their kids when the kids can’t understand their homework. No one seems to be happy about this, except those responsible for it and the government.

For The Left, ‘Children’ Are The Battering Ram To Force Amnesty

. The White House and open-borders lobby have stepped up pressure for amnesty by painting the migrant tsunami as a flood of toddlers. But a Pew study, citing Border Patrol data, shows that more than half the entrants are teenage males.

IRS Lawlessness: 20 Hard Drives, Six Unanswered Questions

. An internationally accredited information-technology asset-management firm says the IRS has some explaining to do as our patience is taxed with tales of even more convenient computer crashes. Private-sector organizations as vast as the Internal Revenue Service typically have redundancy built into their information technology systems, as secure record keeping is the key to managing their businesses and staying in business. Such records, if nothing else, are often required to be kept by law, and often by the IRS itself. As we have noted, Lois Lerner’s lost emails from the critical period when the IRS was serving as a political arm of the Obama administration and targeting Tea Party and other conservative groups suggest by themselves a conspiracy to obstruct justice as well as being a violation of the Federal Records Act, which requires paper copies of such critical emails to be printed and stored just in case of computer problems.

Obama Student-Debt Crisis Debunked

. Two new studies, including one by a liberal think tank, debunk White House claims that college debt is “shackling” young adults and discouraging homebuying and other wealth-building. President Obama and his regulators have used the charge of widespread financial hardship to justify a crackdown on student loan underwriters and servicers and to push for loan forgiveness. Last month, Obama signed an executive order capping payments on the school debt of millions of student borrowers at 10% of their income, no matter how much they owe. After 10 years, their debt is forgiven if they work for the government or a nonprofit. And Democrats are pushing a bill sponsored by Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., and endorsed by Obama that could shift to taxpayers the burden of hundreds of billions more in federal and private student debt. Except their claims aren’t true. Young borrowers with student loans historically are likelier to have mortgages and other loans than other young adults. And a recent joint study by Dartmouth College and the University of Wisconsin found “little evidence that student loan debt is a ‘major culprit’ of declining home ownership among young adults.”

Obama Calls for Collectivist “New World Order”

. President Obama at a fundraiser last night outside Seattle: “People are anxious. Now, some of that has to do with some big challenges overseas. I am very proud that we have ended one war, and by the end of this year we will have ended both wars that I inherited … But whether people see what’s happening in Ukraine, and Russia’s aggression towards its neighbors in the manner in which it’s financing and arming separatists; to what’s happened in Syria … to the failure in Iraq for Sunni and Shia and Kurd to compromise … to what’s happening in Israel and Gaza” … “Part of people’s concern is just the sense that around the world the old order isn’t holding and we’re not quite yet to where we need to be in terms of a new order that’s based on a different set of principles, that’s based on a sense of common humanity, that’s based on economies that work for all people. … But here in the United States, what people are also concerned about is the fact that although the economy has done well in the aggregate, for the average person it feels as if incomes, wages just haven’t gone up; that people, no matter how hard they work, they feel stuck.”

Sen. Maria Sachs Tells Tea Party That She Would Raise Taxes, Cut Spending

. State Sen. Maria Sachs wants to increase taxes and cut spending. That’s what Sachs told the Palm Beach County Tea Party. Sachs is a Democrat who represents Northeast Broward and a portion of Palm Beach County. She also told Tea Party activists that she would “protect” the Second Amendment governing gun rights. And that she would “return” education to “locals.” There is no definition of what “protect” gun rights and “return” education means. Intrestingly enough her opponent, former Sen. Ellyn Bogdanoff, R-Fort Lauderdale, did not answer the Tea Party’s questionnaire. Nor did gubernatorial candidates Charlie Crist, Nan Rich. Even Gov. Rick Scott, who won four years ago with the support of the Tea Party, refused to answer their questionnaire.

One Set of FEMA Camps for Immigrants and One Set for Americans

. I have been wondering through the midst of this illegal alien crisis, I have been wondering why are we not seeing the 800 known FEMA camps being used to house these illegal alien immigrants. After all, the following paragraphs establish the fact that this is why the concept of FEMA camps came into being back in 1987. There is not a simple one sentence, or one paragraph answer to this question except to say the aftermath of what has begun serves to threaten every American citizen. In the following paragraphs I will systematically present the notion that there are two types of FEMA camps. There is the one FEMA camp for the present illegal aliens and there are the untouched 800 FEMA camps plus the use of public venues for you and me.

Greens really are commies: 130 UN-backed green groups call for end of capitalism

. The green movement really is just the newest version of Marxist communism disguised as a concern for the environment. At the end of a 4-day United Nations-backed conference, called the Social Pre-COP Preparatory Meeting, of 130 green activist groups in Venezuela, the groups issued a declaration that global warming climate change can only be “combated” by ending capitalism altogether.

Obama to issue $34B in regulations after the midterm elections

. A new report from the conservative American Action Forum (AAF) has identified tens of billions of dollars worth of proposed regulations that are scheduled to be issued after November’s midterm elections. The report, based on information culled from the Obama administration’s formal rule-making agenda, follows a federal finding that politics were at play in the delays of major regulations ahead of the 2012 election. The AAF study counted 15 major regulations with associated projected costs of roughly $34 billion that are due in November, December and January. Among them are a series of contentious Environmental Protection Agency regulations, including a final rule imposing new limits greenhouse gas emissions from power plants and standards for ground-level ozone. Various labor, energy and healthcare regulations also made the list.

As Russia Crisis Shows, Obama Has Checked Out

. The president’s demeanor is worrying a lot of people. From the immigration crisis on the Mexican border to the Islamic State rising in Mesopotamia, Barack Obama seems totally detached. When he does interrupt his endless rounds of golf, fundraising and photo ops, it’s for some affectless, mechanical, almost forced public statement. Regarding Ukraine, his detachment — the rote, impassive voice — borders on dissociation. His U.N. ambassador, Samantha Power, delivers an impassioned denunciation of Russia. Obama cautions that we not “get out ahead of the facts,” as if the facts of this case — Vladimir Putin’s proxies shooting down a civilian airliner — are in doubt. The preferred explanation for the president’s detachment is psychological. He’s checked out. Given up. Let down and disappointed by the world, he is in withdrawal. Perhaps. But I’d propose an alternate theory that gives him more credit: Obama’s passivity stems from an idea. When Obama says Putin has placed himself on the wrong side of history in Ukraine, he actually believes it. He disdains realpolitik because he believes that, in the end, such primitive 19th-century notions as conquest are self-defeating. History sees to their defeat.

EPA Chief: ‘This Is Not About Pollution Control…It’s an Investment Strategy’

. ( – EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy told Congress on Wednesday that the EPA’s sweeping carbon-regulation plan “really is an investment opportunity. This is not about pollution control.” Spouting warnings about “climate change” (“The science is clear. The risks are clear…We must act.”), McCarthy described and defended the EPA’s plan to reduce pollution from existing power plants by setting various carbon-reduction goals for each state to meet by the year 2030. “And the great thing about this proposal is it really is an investment opportunity. This is not about pollution control. It’s about increased efficiency at our plants…It’s about investments in renewables and clean energy. It’s about investments in people’s ability to lower their electricity bills by getting good, clean, efficient appliances, homes, rental units,” McCarthy told the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee.

Obama to Go Big on Unilateral Amnesty

. Despite an ongoing humanitarian crisis at the border, President Obama is set to announce a major expansion of his already liberal executive amnesty program, according to multiple White House friendly sources.

Illinois employers now banned from conducting background checks on interviewees

. Employers in Illinois can no longer access criminal background checks on potential hires until after an interview is conducted. Gov. Quinn signed into law this week a bill that prohibits private employers from asking applicants about their criminal history prior to determining if they are qualified for the job.

The Reason Americans Will Not Fight Back Against the Corruption and Criminality

. Why won’t America stand up for herself? Why is the country, once a count ry which possessed courage and conviction sitting idly by and allowing itself to be taken to the slaughter without so much as a whimper? The answer to the above question lies in the psychological concept known as Learned Helplessness as discovered by Martin Seligman. “Learned helplessness occurs when an animal is repeatedly subjected to an aversive stimulus that it cannot escape. Eventually, the animal will stop trying to avoid the stimulus and behave as if it is utterly helpless to change the situation. Even when opportunities to escape are presented, this learned helplessness will prevent any action”

The Government Is Cracking Down on School Bake Sales

. Barely a month after federal regulations for school cafeterias kicked in, states are already pushing back. Specifically, they’re fighting nutrition standards that would considerably alter one of the most sacred rituals of the American public school system: bake sales. Twelve states have established their own policies to circumvent regulations in the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 that apply to “competitive snacks,” or any foods and beverages sold to students on school grounds that are not part of the Agriculture Department’s school meal programs, according to the National Association of State Boards of Education. Competitive snacks appear in vending machines, school stores, and food and beverages, including items sold at bake sales.

Gutiérrez just spilled the Democratic beans; accidentally exposed real reason for amnesty

. U.S. Rep. Luis Gutiérrez, D-Ill., inadvertently tipped the Democratic Party’s hand Friday on why they so doggedly pursue amnesty for millions of illegal immigrants in the United States. While appearing on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” Gutiérrez crowed about going to the White House later in the day to “negotiate” how the president, with a stroke of the pen, can legalize up to 5 million illegal immigrants. President Obama‘s expected executive action will, in effect, not only nullify the immigration laws of the United States, but serve to create a legion of brand new Democrat voters. A fact that didn’t escape Gutiérrez. “Let me just say in about an hour, I’m going over to the White House,” he said. “I’ll be meeting with Jeh Johnson and the Chief Legal Counsel to the President of the United States.” The joy he derived from making such a statement could hardly be missed. “We are going to sit down and we’re going to negotiate additional terms and avenues the president can use and prosecutorial discretion, and I think we can get three or four or maybe even five million people.”

Halbig Is Not About a ‘Drafting Error’

. The Left frequently misreads the public, projecting its attitudes on everyone else. That is the story of the Halbig ruling and the media reaction to it. Like a number of commentators, I observed (in Faithless Execution ) that the president was violating the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) by imposing the Obamacare regime of subsidies and taxes on states that declined to establish health care exchanges. I have to say I “observed” this fact, rather than that I “argued” this point, because it is not a contention. The PPACA makes it crystal clear. The Left now claims that this was the result of a drafting error. Even if that were true, Obamacare advocates would lose, assuming we are still governed by the rule of law. Only Congress can fix Congress’s drafting errors — judges, much less presidents and executive branch agencies, do not get to do this. But this was not a drafting error at all. The point was to coerce the states into setting up exchanges, and the Left’s premise in structuring Obamacare as it did was its assessment that Obamacare, and especially its subsidies, would be popular. Obamacare turned out to be unpopular, however, and state governors and legislators did not suffer any political blow-back for refusing to help implement it. There was no ministerial drafting mistake.

An Obama-Caused Border Disaster

. It is a grave error to view the swarming of illegal aliens across our southern border as anything other than a challenge to our sovereignty — a challenge abetted, rather than repulsed, by a president who vows to “fundamentally transform the United States of America.” The challenge brings into sharp relief a question I’ve repeatedly pressed: If the states cannot or will not defend themselves, are they still, in any real sense, sovereign?

Obama’s offensive ‘rise or fall together’ reeks of socialism, angers Americans

. President Obama’s attempt at rallying America in his weekly address on Saturday was nothing short of chilling – especially coming from him. “Let’s embrace an economic patriotism that says we rise or fall together, as one nation.” —Obama:

Guatemala’s president: $2 billion ought to help border crisis

. GIMME, GIMME: Guatemala’s President Otto Perez Molina, left, wants $2 billion to stop the flood of people coming from his country into the U.S. President Obama met Friday in Washington, D.C. with Molina, El Salvador’s President Salvador Sanchez Ceren and Honduran President Juan Hernandez to discuss the border crisis.

In Event Of Emergency, Illegals To Be Evacuated Before Citizens

. Should a hurricane or other life-threatening, catastrophic weather event impact South Texas, illegal aliens occupying various shelters will be first in line to get “to safer ground,” a National Weather Service coordinator says. At a meeting last week, emergency managers in the Rio Grande Valley region addressed the reality that, in addition to picking up the tab for putting the immigrants up, they have also accepted responsibility for their safety. That means ensuring illegal aliens have a safe evacuation from temporary and permanent shelters during an emergency.

Mortgage Rule Shows Lenders Not Joking About ‘Witch Hunt’

. In a proposed new mortgage rule, the Obama administration in effect confesses it never had enough credit data to charge dozens of mortgage lenders with racial bias. It’s a 573-page admission of guilt. On Friday, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau slipped into the Federal Register a regulation requiring bankers and mortgage lenders to start reporting for the first time credit scores, debt-to-income ratios, loans-to-value ratios and other risk factors as part of their regular data disclosure under the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act.

Democrats Admit Amnesty Is For Political Purposes

. Give us your poor, your tired, your future Democrats waiting to be registered. That’s what some in the party are saying as they urge the president to pursue immigration goals even if it hurts in the ’14 midterms. In other words, damn the political torpedoes and full speed ahead in the fundamental demographic and political transformation of America.

Posted 7/27/2014


1. Busloads of ADULT illegals shop in Walmart with food stamps
2. U.S. Selling $11B in Weaponry to Gulf State That Supports Hamas, Syrian Jihadists
3. A Plan Decades In The Making
4. Report: Russia will reopen spy base in Cuba
5. How GOP Donors Funded Sen. Thad Cochran’s Winning Appeal To African-Americans
6. Is Sending the Military to the Border a Good Idea?
7. What Is The Murder Of The Middle Class?
8. Unaccompanied Immigrant Minors To Be Placed In Florida Foster Homes
9. Nullification of Oppressive Federal Laws is Catching On
10. Furious Over Scandals, House Guts IRS Budget, Blocks Performance Bonuses
11. US Marine Corps commandant openly blasts CIC Obama
12. Obama misinterpreting 2008 human trafficking law
13. Operation Choke Point Hearing Reveals DOJ Threats And Strong-Arming
14. Why Is Fed Considering Paying Banks Not To Lend To Main Street
15. Brazen Smugglers Threaten Journalists While Operating In Broad Daylight
16. Border patrol agent: us gov’t ‘completing the smuggling cycle’
17. Feds Ask Massachusetts To House Illegal Immigrants At Unused Shopping Malls
18. U.S. territories exempted from Obamacare
19. Elizabeth Warren’s 11 Commandments of Progressivism
20. “Voice of God Weapon” Makes People Think God is Talking To Them
21. West Fails To Answer Threats To Its Very Existence
22. Congressional candidate says he doesn’t recall voting for $3 million stimulus project
23. Border Patrol Agents Reveal the UN Is In Control of the Border
24. Obama Frees Al-Qaida, Not Just Taliban, From Gitmo
25. Ray Stevens – Come to the USA

Busloads of ADULT illegals shop in Walmart with food stamps

. If we were to listen only to the mainstream media and the talking points from the White House, they would have us believe that not only is the government doing everything possible in order to stop the invasion of our Southern border, but those who are crossing are refugee children who can’t be turned away. However, a video that was recorded on Sunday by a North Carolina woman places serious doubts on whether or not either of those things are true, as it allegedly shows busloads of adult illegal immigrants getting dropped off at a local Walmart to shop for supplies for their shelter.

U.S. Selling $11B in Weaponry to Gulf State That Supports Hamas, Syrian Jihadists

. At a time when Hamas continues to fire salvos of rockets into Israel while rejecting a ceasefire proposal, the United States has finalized a deal to provide the Palestinian terrorist group’s leading supporter, Qatar, with weaponry worth $11 billion. The deal signed at the Pentagon Monday by Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel and his Qatari counterpart comes just months after a senior U.S. Treasury official in a speech deplored Qatar’s open support for Hamas, and covert funding for jihadists in Syria, including the al-Qaeda affiliate Al-Nusra and the al-Qaeda offshoot the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS).

A Plan Decades In The Making

. While many people are awakening to the Obama administration and their attempts to undermine our national sovereignty, it must be stated that this has been an ongoing effort for many, many decades. Barrack Obama is merely a tool selected to get an already conditioned population to accept the final stages of a plan that will see the United States surrender its sovereignty and merge into a global governing structure where she will no longer be respected as a world super power, but viewed merely as another third world nation that is morally equivalent to all others. There are three main pillars of our society and culture that need to be changed from the inside in order for this transformation to take place; immigration, education and the military. It is hard to argue, even for those who adamantly oppose any idea of conspiracy theories, that these three elements of our society have not been radically affected in recent years. This article will offer a brief analysis into the events taking place and the historical roots behind them. This is indeed a planned collapse, and to be calling it out for what it is now is indeed too little too late.

Report: Russia will reopen spy base in Cuba

. If true, the Russian move would complicate, if not halt, any Obama administration effort to warm up relations with Havana. A report that Russia will reopen a Havana base that eavesdropped on U.S. communications from Key West to Washington has triggered fresh warnings of Moscow’s expansionism and predictions of a continued freeze in U.S.-Cuba relations. Until its closure in 2002, the Lourdes base was Moscow’s largest intelligence facility abroad, with up to 1,500 KGB and GRU military intelligence officers manning an array of antennas and computers in the super-secret 28 square-mile base. “If the report is true, there’s no question Washington will put Cuba engagement on the back burner,” said Andy Gomez, a retired Cuba specialist at the University of Miami and now senior policy adviser for the Washington law firm Poblete Tamargo. Alvaro Alba, a Miami expert on Russia, said reopening Lourdes would underscore President Vladimir Putin’s ambitions and cast a pall on U.S.-Cuba relations as dark as Havana’s imprisonment of U.S. government subcontractor Alan Gross since 2009.

How GOP Donors Funded Sen. Thad Cochran’s Winning Appeal To African-Americans

. Sen. Thad Cochran’s (R-Miss.) appeal to African-American voters in his winning primary election runoff last month was funded entirely by a super PAC supporting his campaign. According to a report filed with the Federal Election Commission on Tuesday, a super PAC called All Citizens for Mississippi received all $144,685 of its funds from the Mississippi Conservatives super PAC run by Henry Barbour, a lobbyist and nephew to former Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour (R). Mississippi Conservatives super PAC was heavily funded by establishment Republican Party donors, including those closely connected to the Barbour family’s political network in the state. This included Barbour himself and businesses and their executives that have relied on federal money secured by Cochran over the years, including Bollinger Shipyards and General Atomics. The super PAC also received contributions from the leadership PACs of Republican Sens. Mitch McConnell (Ky.), Rob Portman (Ohio), Bob Corker (Tenn.), Richard Burr (N.C.), Mike Crapo (Idaho), Roy Blunt (Mo.) and Orrin Hatch (Utah). American Crossroads, the super PAC founded by Karl Rove, contributed $50,000 to Mississippi Conservatives as it transferred money to All Citizens for Mississippi — even though the national super PAC pledged to stay out of the race following the close primary vote that forced the runoff. The Rove-linked super PAC gave $210,000 overall to Mississippi Conservatives.

Is Sending the Military to the Border a Good Idea?

. Have we sent the military to the border before? Many times over the country’s history troops have been dispatched to help restore stability and sovereignty on the border, particularly on the boundary with Mexico. U.S. military patrols on the southern border continued through 1929. More recently, in 2006, President Bush sent more than 6,000 troops to the border to assist in the build-up of the Border Patrol. In 2010, President Obama dispatched 1,200 troops to help bolster border security missions. Some National Guard units routinely deploy to the border in support of state and federal authorities as part of annual training duties.

What Is The Murder Of The Middle Class?

. The greatest nation in world history is being destroyed, plundered and looted by the premeditated murder of the middle class. This is no accident, mistake or coincidence. This is a purposeful plan. This is the boldest, grandest criminal conspiracy in world history. Although the man at the center of this massive world-class fraud is Barack Obama, there are many moving parts and co-conspirators. These include famous billionaire businessmen, corporate CEOs, the Federal Reserve, Wall Street bankers, central bankers, government employee unions, the Internal Revenue Service, the Environmental Protection Agency, the National Security Agency, the Bar Association, assorted communists and America-haters, and even some well-known D.C. establishment Republicans. It’s quite a shocking list of conspirators. Lies and fraud are at the center of this murder of the middle class. Obama and various big-government politicians need to distract the middle class from their real agenda. Lies are their weapon of mass distraction.

Unaccompanied Immigrant Minors To Be Placed In Florida Foster Homes

. The Children’s Home Society of Florida confirmed with Breitbart News on Monday that some unaccompanied minors crossing the southern border of the U.S. will be sent to local foster homes in the state next month. “As you’re aware, this is an incredible humanitarian issue. Children’s Home Society of Florida is assisting the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to provide safe shelter and care for children who enter the United States without their families,” spokeswoman for Children’s Home Society of Florida Heather Morgan wrote in an email statement. “In Brevard County, we will be working with local families that will serve as transitional homes for 12 children. In Broward County, we will provide temporary shelter and care for 24 children in a group-home setting.”

Nullification of Oppressive Federal Laws is Catching On

. Earlier in 2014, the Kansas state legislature enacted a law stating that some federal gun control regulations would not be obeyed in Kansas. U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder immediately notified Governor Sam Brownback that this new state law was unconstitutional. He cited Article VI of the U.S. Constitution, specifically its “Supremacy Clause,” to support his stand. As is customary among federal officials, Holder relied on only a portion of this clause, the part stating that laws of the United States “shall be the supreme law of the land” binding all the states. But a more complete look at this clause shows that federal laws are legitimate only if “made in pursuance thereof” of the Constitution. In other words, if a federal law is not in keeping with, or exceeds, the powers granted in the Constitution, it can rightly be declared illegitimate and not obeyed. Though not employing the word, Kansas actually issued a decree of nullification regarding the pertinent gun control regulations issued by the federal government. Is nullification of a federal law permissible? Thomas Jefferson thought so. In the 1798 Kentucky Resolutions he penned to help the Kentuckians gain statehood, he wrote:

Furious Over Scandals, House Guts IRS Budget, Blocks Performance Bonuses

. The House voted to block performance bonuses for senior Internal Revenue Service executives Wednesday, The Hill reported. “Giving out bonuses is ludicrous and amounts to a slap in the face to the American public,” said Rep. Paul Gosar, who introduced the amendment. “They should not be given performance awards in the wake of one of the largest scandals in recent history.” The amendment passed by a vote of 282-138-1, with only Democrats voting against it. “To suggest and paint with a broad brush the whole IRS and say that everyone there at the senior level is not worthy of a bonus or not worthy of our respect is really to do a disservice to public service employees,” said ranking member Democrat Rep. José Serrano.

US Marine Corps commandant openly blasts CIC Obama

. On July 15, 2014, speaking at the Brookings Institute think tank in Washington, DC, the Commandant of the United States Marine Corps, 4-star Gen. James Amos, openly and publicly criticized Commander-In-Chief Barack Hussein Obama for: 1. Paving the way for the emergence of the Islamic State of Syria and Iraq (ISIS) by completely withdrawing American troops in 2011. 2. Failing to live up to U.S. obligations around the world. 3. Forfeiting gains made in Iraq and Afghanistan for which U.S. troops had fought and sacrificed.

Obama misinterpreting 2008 human trafficking law

. A new report released by the Center for Immigration Studies reveals the Obama White House may be misinterpreting the William Wilberforce Tracking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008 when it comes to not deporting most Central American illegal immigrant minors flooding across the U.S.-Mexico border. Specifically intended to combat the sexual exploitation and trafficking of children, the 2008 law allows the federal government to hold the children in “exceptional circumstances” and place them in the care of the Health and Human Services refugee division rather than return them to their home countries. CIS legal policy analyst Jon Feere explains in the report that the 2008 law as it was written applies only unaccompanied minors without a parent or a guardian in the United States, something he says is not the case for a “significant majority” of the youths.

Operation Choke Point Hearing Reveals DOJ Threats And Strong-Arming

. A Justice Department fraud prevention program came under fire Thursday for allegedly morphing into actively pressuring banks to deny financial services to businesses for political reasons. Operation Choke Point functions as a partnership between the Department of Justice (DOJ) and various other federal agencies which deal with bank regulations, specifically the Treasury and the SEC. The objective of the project is to choke-off fraudulent businesses from accessing financial services, in an effort to protect consumers. The controversy, however, is over allegations that the DOJ is pressuring financial institutions to decline doing business with so-called “high risk” industries which line up squarely against the political leanings of the current administration. These businesses include ammunition sales, payday loans, pornography, fireworks companies, and others—24 industries in total, as listed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC).

Why Is Fed Considering Paying Banks Not To Lend To Main Street

. The Federal Reserve created a monster $4.3 trillion balance sheet, up by $3 trillion from 2008, through quantitative easing. QE ends this fall. Now the Fed is trying to figure out what to do with this monster. Their thinking seems to be that they can maintain control over it by paying banks more money to not make loans. So let’s get this right. Households and businesses are attempting to borrow money from banks. But the Federal Reserve may eventually pay banks $100 billion per year not to lend to Main Street. Politicians will have a field day with that. The Fed’s scheme could work in the short term, but its mechanism for controlling short-term interest rates and inflation will eventually end up in the wastebasket of politicians. Since 2009, Fed officials have argued that QE was needed to encourage faster economic growth.

Brazen Smugglers Threaten Journalists While Operating In Broad Daylight

. Human smugglers operating on the Mexico side of the U.S. border threatened journalists out documenting the current immigrant surge, all while continuing their illegal activities in plain sight. On Thursday, journalists working with ABC affiliate KRGV Channel 5 News were on location in the border town of Roma, Texas, about 50 miles northwest of McAllen, where they spotted human traffickers brazenly carrying out their operations in broad daylight. A CHANNEL 5 NEWS crew watched as the smugglers blew up rafts, took payments and sent men floating across the river. The smugglers threatened the news crews. Dozen of vehicles circled the river bank on the Mexican side all day. Many of the vehicles had Texas license plates.

Border patrol agent: us gov’t ‘completing the smuggling cycle’

. Border Patrol agent Hector Garza stated in an interview on the Thursday broadcast of Fox News Channel’s “Hannity” that the U.S. government is “completing the smuggling cycle” of unaccompanied minors into the United States, and asked “why would anyone want to hire a smuggler when the US government is actually doing it for free?” He stated that “we apprehend [unaccompanied minors] we process these illegals and then release them to their family members in the US we just completed that smuggling cycle.” He also stated the US is giving illegal immigrants from countries other than Mexico a “free pass.”

Feds Ask Massachusetts To House Illegal Immigrants At Unused Shopping Malls

. Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick (D) said that the Obama administration asked whether his state had facilities to house up to 1,000 illegal immigrant children at military bases or unused shopping malls. On Friday, Patrick announced that he proposed two military bases where illegal immigrants can be housed. He said Joint Base Cape Cod in Bourne and Westover Air Base in Chicopee would have “spaces for children to sleep, eat, play and go to school,” and “the average stay for children sheltered there would be 35 days.” He said the federal government would pick up the tab.

U.S. territories exempted from Obamacare

. Don’t like Obamacare? Move to Puerto Rico, or the Marianas Islands, or any United States territory. Marilyn Tavenner, the administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, sent a letter Wednesday to the Lieutenant Governor of the U.S. Virgin Islands exempting them from most of the Affordable Care Act. The letter states that the act technically only applies to states, and that concerns about undermining the health care markets in the territories will allow them to opt out of most of the act. No word on whether the administration is concerned about the undermining of the markets in the 50 states, but they’re probably really concerned about it.

Elizabeth Warren’s 11 Commandments of Progressivism

. Speaking on Friday at Netroots Nation, a convention for liberal bloggers and activists, Warren got the crowd more fired up than Vice President Joe Biden was able to do the day before. (To be fair, the crowd was in a solemn mood at the time in reaction to the news of the Malaysian passenger plane crash). In her speech, Warren outlined more clearly than other Democrats the social issues that galvanize progressives. Her performance was reminiscent of a certain other young senator in 2008.

“Voice of God Weapon” Makes People Think God is Talking To Them

. Who could better control the masses than God himself? What if someone could make it seem as though God were talking to you, telling you what to do next? Imagine the control that person would have. The technology exists to make people hear things that they can’t triangulate. And guess who owns the patent?

West Fails To Answer Threats To Its Very Existence

. The downing of Malaysia Flight 17 casts new light on just how inept and decadent the United States and Europe have become. Faced with Russia’s annexation of Crimea and attempts to repeat in eastern Ukraine, the best Western Europe and the U.S. have mustered are strong words and token sanctions on top Russian officials and several companies. That’s hardly enough to deter Vladimir Putin’s ambitions to make Russia the dominant power in Eurasia.

Congressional candidate says he doesn’t recall voting for $3 million stimulus project

. Opposition to the $787 billion federal stimulus bill of 2009 helped galvanize the tea party movement. So it was odd to see the Palm Beach County Tea Party endorse Republican Calvin Turnquest’s congressional bid last week and mention that Turnquest, one of the group’s board members, was “instrumental” in bringing $3 million in stimulus money to Tequesta in 2009 for a bridge project.

Border Patrol Agents Reveal the UN Is In Control of the Border

. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHRC) has previously met with officials from the U.S., Mexico and various Central American countries on the pretense of labeling the thousands of illegal immigrants as refugees. Indeed, the United Nations is now categorizing the present wave of immigrants as refugees from political and domestic violence that are merely seeking asylum in the United States. By declaring this to be the case, the United Nations is “lawfully” exerting their international power to force the United States to openly take in any and all refugees with welcoming arms, at the expense of the American taxpayer.

Obama Frees Al-Qaida, Not Just Taliban, From Gitmo

. As al-Qaida threatens to blow up U.S. planes and the U.S. Open in New York, the president is cutting loose hardcore al-Qaida terrorists from Gitmo through a secretive parole board. Set up under a little-known executive order, the Periodic Review Board has already cleared for release detainees who were classified “continuing significant threats” and unreleasable. It maintains that they’re no longer dangerous because they’ve taken up yoga and want go home and be “milk and honey” farmers. It actually finds their stories “credible.”

Ray Stevens – Come to the USA

Posted 7/20/2014


1. Child Border Surge Includes Mara Salvatrucha Gang Elements
2. Oops: US Government Misallocated $100 Billion in 2013
3. 70 Million People Would Be Starving in the Streets Without Government Welfare Programs
4. Expert: Mideasterners pay $50,000 to sneak into U.S.
5. Yes we can!
6. Outrageous: Combat Troops to Receive Pink Slips While Deployed Overseas
7. Stanley Fischer Urges Congress to Expand Fed’s Mandate
8. The Bad Neighbor Policy: Playing Americans for Fools
9. Teachers Union Abruptly Breaks Rank On Common Core
10. EPA, Pentagon vehicle freeze could jeopardize wildfire assistance
11. The College Board’s Attack On American History
12. How U.S. Taxpayers Subsidize Fossil Fuels in Russia, Saudi Arabia While Being Penalized at Home
13. Why Is Congress Again Using a Budget Process that Will Protect Ineffective Programs?
14. Lois Lerner CAUGHT By Washington Post and CNN As Being Accessory to Terror Funding
15. Ben Carson floats an idea to overhaul elections in a way that will surprise you
16. Lois Lerner’s Former FEC Colleague Has Emails Go Missing Too
17. Governors group skirts ‘radioactive’ Common Core
18. U.S. Govt. Editing Wikipedia to smear independent media personalities?
19. Tax Returns: Americans Claim They Paid $2.3B More in Alimony Than They Received
20. Super Wealthy Move To Block All Aboard Florida
21. Balkanization Beckons: Breaking Up U.S. Into Ethnic Enclaves
22. First Five Steps to Solving Southern Border Crisis
23. Murrieta Mutiny: Border Patrol “Will Not Obey Unlawful Orders” From Homeland Security and White House
24. Retired U.S. Air Force Colonel Poll Worker: Mississippi Election Documents Thrown Away
25 Barack Calls His Wife Michael ~ Proof No Hoax

Child Border Surge Includes Mara Salvatrucha Gang Elements

. Border Patrol sources say some of the thousands of “children” flowing across the Texas frontier are Mara Salvatrucha’s gangster enforcers. It figures: No one benefits more from Obama’s open-door policies.

Oops: US Government Misallocated $100 Billion in 2013

. At a time when federal agencies and state governments are being stretched much too thin (or so they claim), the US government reportedly sent oodles of taxpayer dollars to the wrong people last year, according to the Associated Press: By its own estimate, the government made about $100 billion in payments last year to people who may not have been entitled to receive them — tax credits to families that didn’t qualify, unemployment benefits to people who had jobs and medical payments for treatments that might not have been necessary. Congressional investigators say the figure could be even higher. That’s an absurd amount of money. But perhaps we should rejoice. After all, the amount of money the federal government gave away last year to those who didn’t deserve it pales in comparison to the amount they misallocated in 2010:

70 Million People Would Be Starving in the Streets Without Government Welfare Programs

. Amid all the talk of recovery by politicians, economic officials and big business leaders, the fundamental numbers behind all the propaganda tell a starkly different story. Home sales have dropped to record lows, more people are out of the workforce than anytime in the last 50 years, and cash-strapped consumers have run out of money to fuel economic growth. By all meaningful measures the American boom times of old are gone. A recent report from the Department of Health and Human Services suggests that we may have already reached the tipping point and that things are only going to get worse going forward.

Expert: Mideasterners pay $50,000 to sneak into U.S.

. A filmmaker with extensive knowledge of the current border crisis says this chaos is exactly what President Obama wants and planned for, and he says the current media fixation on abandoned children means criminals, drug smugglers and terrorists are coming to the United States without even being noticed. Dennis Michael Lynch directed and produced “They Come to America” and “They Come to America II” and has extensive, daily contact with U.S. Border Patrol agents about the true state of the U.S.-Mexico border. He said there are essentially four groups of people pouring across the border: families of various sizes, unaccompanied minors, drug smugglers and career criminals and terrorists. Lynch said while the media focus on the kids, really bad people are easily slipping into the country. “I can tell you from the people I speak to in the Border Patrol who are in the intelligence unit, they have told me that gang members are receiving as much as $50,000 per head to bring a person through. Those people are typically from the Middle East or from China,” said Lynch, who predicts the people waltzing into the country will perpetrate an attack on the U.S. that will rival or exceed Sept. 11.

Yes we can!

. THE NOTE WAS SENT TO ME FROM ONE OF MY RELIABLE SOURCES at the TEXAS BORDER PATROL. I’ve received two sets of photos from two contacts at the border. I cannot validate the authenticity of the pictures. But I can say the agents who sent these to me is among a handful of agents who have sent me accurate information over the past few months. The note accompanied the photos without laces. Dennis Michael: These pictures were taken from a friend who works at the processing center in South Texas. These are being worn by an illegal who will soon be released into the general public. For people who may think this is a fake picture, notice the shoe laces. We make everyone remove their laces. Thanks for the reporting. You’re the only one reporting accurate facts. Keep up the outstanding work.

Outrageous: Combat Troops to Receive Pink Slips While Deployed Overseas

. Some members of the armed services, all of whom are currently deployed in war zones, will soon be notified by the Defense Department that they will be involuntarily discharged from the military at the end of their current tours. Why? “Budget cuts.” It’s as simple as that. Shockingly, too, hundreds of Army captains have already been handed the devastating news, according to the New York Post, and more officers are expected to get it, if they haven’t already, soon enough. For obvious reasons, this is an outrageous and heartless way to “thank” combat veterans.

Stanley Fischer Urges Congress to Expand Fed’s Mandate

. Stanley Fischer, the Federal Reserve’s new vice chairman, said on Thursday in his first public remarks that regulators had made “significant progress” in improving the resilience of the financial system. Mr. Fischer focused on three areas of regulation. He described stronger capital rules, which limit borrowing by banks, as the area of clearest improvement, reducing the chances of bank failures. He offered a mixed verdict, by contrast, on efforts to ensure that large banks can be safely dismantled if they fail. He suggested that complete success was probably beyond reach. Referring to the problem in his prepared remarks by the abbreviation T.B.T.F. for “too big to fail,” Mr. Fischer said, “While we must continue to work toward ending T.B.T.F. or the need for government financial intervention in crises, we should never allow ourselves the complacency to believe that we have put an end to T.B.T.F.”

The Bad Neighbor Policy: Playing Americans for Fools

. Guatemala and Mexico agreed this week to make it even easier for people to show up at the American border. That’s right: EASIER. After all the public outcry against thousands of foreigners crossing our border, you might have thought the Mexican government would help stop the wave of people traversing Mexico to get to Texas. That would be a good neighbor policy. On Monday, however, the presidents of Guatemala and Mexico met to announce a new policy of making it easier and more orderly for citizens of Belize, Guatemala and Honduras to travel through Mexico to the United States. This “Safe Passage” program will create a 72 hour window for Central Americans to transit Mexico to try to get into the United States. This is clearly a bad neighbor policy.

Teachers Union Abruptly Breaks Rank On Common Core

. In a major surprise, the American Federation of Teachers (AFT), the country’s second-largest teachers union, opened its biannual convention Friday by announcing a step back from its support for Common Core education standards. The group, gathering in Los Angeles, announced that it will now provide monetary grants from its Innovation Fund for teachers who want to critique the standards or even write entirely new ones themselves. The AFT’s executive council is also introducing a resolution, to be voted on at the convention, which would declare that the standards had noble intentions but have fallen short due to outside meddling and an inordinate focus on standardized tests.

EPA, Pentagon vehicle freeze could jeopardize wildfire assistance

. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) standards are to blame for a freeze in a Pentagon program that provides military equipment to fire departments for fighting wildfires, according to a group of bipartisan senators. In a letter to Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel, 25 senators urge the department to restart the program immediately to help rural communities battle growing wildfires. The issue: the Department of Defense (DOD) froze two programs that supply communities with trucks, pumps, generators and engine parts. In all, the excess federal equipment normally provided totals roughly $150 million. The reason behind the freeze appears to be an agreement made between the DOD and the EPA that prohibits the transfer and use of federal vehicles that don’t meet emission reduction targets.

The College Board’s Attack On American History

. Imagine having your teenager emerge from a U.S. history course with only a vague recognition of the name “George Washington.” Suppose that course mentioned the father of our country with reference to only one speech – no discussion of his military leadership and triumphs, his personal sacrifice to accept the call to become the first President, or his wise and steady leadership during the tumultuous first years of our nation. To put this into perspective, imagine how South Africans would respond if an unelected agency issued a history of their country that contained just one reference to Nelson Mandela. Beginning in August, such a course will be offered to 500,000 of America’s most talented high-school sophomores and juniors – the College Board’s new AP U.S. History Framework. The new College Board Framework will replace the traditional 5-page topical outline with a 98-page document that dictates how teachers should cover the required topics. George Washington gets one brief mention; other founders, such as Benjamin Franklin and James Madison, none. The Declaration of Independence is referred to in passing in one clause of one sentence.

How U.S. Taxpayers Subsidize Fossil Fuels in Russia, Saudi Arabia While Being Penalized at Home

. Americans have to pay more for electricity and compete for fewer jobs because of President Obama’s regulatory curbs on fossil fuels at home, even as their tax dollars support expansion of those same energy sources abroad. The Obama administration last month rolled out its most recent brake on fossil fuels, a 645-page proposed rule to achieve a 30 percent cut in carbon dioxide emissions from power sources by 2030 compared to 2005 levels. At the same time, the administration pressed for reauthorization this fall of the U.S. Export-Import Bank, a federal agency that offers billions of taxpayer dollars for development of fossil fuels in Russia, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Mexico and other countries. In effect, Heritage Foundation policy analyst Diane Katz says, the Obama administration is “imposing a hefty energy tax on Americans” while “subsidizing fossil-fuel projects in foreign countries.”

Why Is Congress Again Using a Budget Process that Will Protect Ineffective Programs?

. Last week, Senate Appropriations Chair Barbara A. Mikulski, D-Md., signaled her chamber already has begun to lay the groundwork for an omnibus budget bill in September, CQ Roll Call reports. Instead of debating on their own merits each of the 12 spending bills that fund government agencies and programs, Congress would bundle all of them into one massive package and rush it through the voting process at the 11th hour. This type of rushed, bloated spending legislation is guaranteed to include ineffective programs and those outside the proper scope of the federal government, as well as giveaways to corporate cronies and pork projects. Current and future taxpayers will be on the hook to fund all of them. With a half-trillion-dollar deficit expected to pile on top of the $17.5 trillion debt this year, Congress’ failure to budget according to its own rules is egregious.

Lois Lerner CAUGHT By Washington Post and CNN As Being Accessory to Terror Funding

. Based on a 2009 article that appeared in the Washington Post and a March 2013 report by CNN, Rep. Steve Stockman (R-TX) – who authored a resolution calling for the Sergeant at Arms to arrest Lois Lerner for contempt of Congress – should perhaps point to a much more significant crime in response to any concerns that Lerner could become a sympathetic figure if she were arrested. That crime involves Lerner’s alleged illegal backdating of a tax exempt approval letter for an organization whose founder does business with a State Sponsor of Terrorism, business the Post says is illegal.

Ben Carson floats an idea to overhaul elections in a way that will surprise you

. Dr. Ben Carson, the man who took President Barack Obama to task last year at the National Prayer Breakfast — while the president sat a few feet away – said removing party affiliations at the ballot box would force voters to learn more about where candidates really stand on issues.

Lois Lerner’s Former FEC Colleague Has Emails Go Missing Too

. The Federal Election Commission recycled the computer hard drive of April Sands — a former co-worker of Lois Lerner’s — hindering an investigation into Sands’ partisan political activities, according to the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. Sands resigned from the Federal Election Commission in April after she admitted to violating the Hatch Act, which bars executive branch employees from engaging in partisan political activities on federal time and at federal facilities.

Governors group skirts ‘radioactive’ Common Core

. Reviled by staunch conservatives, the common education standards designed to improve schools and student competitiveness are being modified by some Republican governors, who are pushing back against what they call the federal government’s intrusion into the classroom. The Common Core standards were not on the formal agenda during a three-day meeting of the National Governors Association that ended Sunday, relegated to hallway discussions and closed-door meetings among governors and their staffs. The standards and even the words, “Common Core,” have “become, in a sense, radioactive,” said Iowa Gov. Terry Branstad, a Republican whose state voluntarily adopted the standards in 2010.

U.S. Govt. Editing Wikipedia to smear independent media personalities?

. Edits to the Wikipedia profiles of Alex Jones and Abby Martin which malign the two alternative media personalities as Kremlin propagandists are linked to an IP address associated with the House of Representatives, prompting suggestions that the U.S. government is involved in an online smear campaign.

Tax Returns: Americans Claim They Paid $2.3B More in Alimony Than They Received

. Americans claimed $2.3 billion more in alimony paid than former spouses claimed they received, according to a Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA) report.

Super Wealthy Move To Block All Aboard Florida

. The rich are different than you and I. Super wealthy Treasure Coast power-brokers and some of the areas richest and most influential elite have gathered in an effort to derail the all new All Aboard Florida passenger train service that is scheduled to begin transporting travelers between Miami, Ft. Lauderdale, Palm Beach and Orlando in 2016. Several anti-train activist front organizations have recently been unveiled, which have been specifically formed and funded by the ultra-rich to stop the passenger train. Their efforts to manipulate the minds of Florida voters, the Florida Legislature and Governor Rick Scott have so far been dismissed but the well-funded “propaganda groups” funded by the financial elite have recently ramped-up their efforts to convince regular Floridians that a passenger train service that serves all of Florida, would somehow be bad for the state’s residents.

Balkanization Beckons: Breaking Up U.S. Into Ethnic Enclaves

. Speaking to the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce in Albuquerque in 2001, George W. Bush declared that, as Mexico was a friend and neighbor, “It’s so important for us to tear down our barriers and walls that might separate Mexico from the United States.” Bush succeeded. And during his tenure, millions from Mexico exploited his magnanimity to violate our laws, trample upon our sovereignty, walk into our country and remain here. In 2007, backed by Sens. John McCain, Hillary Clinton, Teddy Kennedy and Barack Obama, Bush backed amnesty for the 12 million people who had entered America illegally. The nation thundered no. And Congress sustained the nation. The latest mass border crossing by scores of thousands of tots, teenagers and toughs from Central America has killed amnesty in 2014, and probably for the duration of the Obama presidency. Indeed, with the massive media coverage of the crisis on the border, immigration, legal and illegal, and what it portends for our future, could become the decisive issue of 2014 and 2016. But it needs to be put in a larger context. For this issue is about more than whether the Chamber of Commerce gets amnesty for its members who have been exploiting cheap illegal labor. The real issue: Will America remain one nation, or are we are on the road to Balkanization and the breakup of America into ethnic enclaves? For, as Ronald Reagan said, a nation that cannot control its borders isn’t really a nation anymore.

First Five Steps to Solving Southern Border Crisis

. Putting aside politics is the key to stabilizing the US-Southern border with Mexico. There are key national interests at stake In addition to concerns over security, public health and sovereignty, the disruption of illegal migration flows at the border distracts from focusing resources on the clear and present danger of transnational criminal cartels and gangs whose tentacles reach from deep in Latin America to cities in the U.S. heartland. Further, a properly functioning border is an economic engine that creates prosperity by promoting the free flow of goods and services. The negative consequences of border mayhem ought to be a top concern for Washington. Bringing stability to the border ought to be job one. That can’t be accomplished by just playing for political advantage. Solving the problem has to start by dealing with the problem, not making it worse—and by putting first steps first.

Murrieta Mutiny: Border Patrol “Will Not Obey Unlawful Orders” From Homeland Security and White House

. As the Department of Homeland Security and The Department of Health and Human Services scrambled to find food, medical care and shelter for up to 60,000 illegal immigrants making their way into the United States over the last several months, they came up with the idea of shipping thousands of undocumented migrants to detention centers in Murrieta, California. According to the whistleblower, who has thus far remained anonymous for fear of reprisal, the Department of Homeland Security on orders from the White House was preparing to disperse the protesters with physical force if necessary. Federal riot police were being mobilized, complete with riot gear, body armor and armored personnel carriers. When local law enforcement and border patrol agents, many of whom live in Murrieta, got wind of the plot they reportedly pushed back against the Federal government and themselves protested behind closed doors. The real reason busses stopped delivering illegal immigrants was due to a virtual mutiny within the U.S. Border Patrol ranks. Frontline U.S. Border Patrol agents threatened to stand down if the Department of Homeland Security executed a plan to use force upon protestors [sic] if they impeded buses transporting undocumented immigrants into the Murrieta processing facility. “Most of the Border Patrol agents here at this facility are residents of Murrieta, and when they found out that the DHS was going to come in with riot gear, the agents declared that they would not obey any unlawful orders which violate the Constitutional rights of peaceful protestors.” said the informant.

Retired U.S. Air Force Colonel Poll Worker: Mississippi Election Documents Thrown Away

. Phil Harding, a 30-year Air Force veteran and Chris McDaniel supporter who helped run the June 24 primary runoff election in Harrison County, Mississippi, said he witnessed key documents being discarded and that a large volume of absentee ballot envelopes and applications are missing, making them unavailable for review by McDaniel’s campaign.

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Barack Calls His Wife Michael ~ Proof No Hoax

Posted 7/13/2014


1. Palm Beach County leaders plan workshop on switching regional planning councils – B.M.G.
2. Study Links Ethanol to Higher Air Pollution
3. Apollo Astronaut: Climate Alarmism Is the ‘Biggest Fraud in the Field of Science’
4. James Monroe, Who Died on Independence Day, was the Founding Father Who Most Shaped Florida
5. Obama’s Secret Directive Supporting Global Islamism
6. Obama Classmate: “Our Nation is Being run by the Real Life Manchurian Candidate”
7. Professor Exposes Plan To Collapse America
8. Duplicate voter registrations plague Florida’s election system
9. Why the White House Wants Amnesty
10. Intolerable! The truth about the Tea Party
11. Obama is on the side of jihadists every time
12. Scabies Spreads Among Border Detainees
13. Fins in the water: New ObamaCare warning signs emerge
14. Congressmen: Obama using ‘Cloward-Piven maneuver’
15. ‘Tequila Party’ asks holder to prosecute Tea Party for Murrieta ‘terrorism’
16. Obama Gives Murrieta Area Ice Agents Stand Down Order
17. Official 2014 IMF Forecast Based on ‘Magic Number Seven’
18. Top Obama official blasts Israel for denying Palestinians sovereignty, security, dignity
19. New ObamaCare Rules Mean Less Care, More Paperwork
20. Obama Wants You To Fund Lawyers For New Illegals
21. Why Are Armed “International Security” Personnel Now Arresting American Citizens?
22. 3 Steps China has taken to own the Internet
23. The Feces Officially Hits the Fan in Mississippi
24. Palm Beach County candidate’s answers from Boca Raton forum
25. Prof. Terry J. Lovell, Ph.D. at Yavapai College in Prescott, Arizona.

Palm Beach County leaders plan workshop on switching regional planning councils
– B.M.G.
. Palm Beach County commissioners Tuesday agreed to hold a workshop to consider whether to withdraw from the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council based in Martin County and instead join the South Florida Regional Planning Council, which is based in Broward County. The commission directed county administrators to research the change, which will be considered at a future workshop meeting. County Mayor Priscilla Taylor asked the commission to consider leaving the Treasure Coast-based council, pointing to the $500,000 in annual dues the county pays the planning group. “I think it is healthy to take a look at especially when we are spending this kind of money,” Taylor said.

Study Links Ethanol to Higher Air Pollution

. Ethanol may be causing elevated air pollution in Brazil, scientists report in a peer-reviewed study. The study may have public policy implications in the United States, where federal law requires the transportation fuel mix to contain approximately 10 percent ethanol. Pollution Dropped with More Gasoline Sugar cane-based ethanol, which is heavily subsidized by the Brazilian government, powers many of the cars in Brazil. However, a recent study of Sao Paulo air conditions found ethanol powered vehicles may be linked to the city’s smog problem. Scientists found that when higher ethanol prices induced drivers to switch from ethanol to gasoline, the city’s smog levels declined.

Apollo Astronaut: Climate Alarmism Is the ‘Biggest Fraud in the Field of Science’

. Climate alarmism is “the biggest fraud in the field of science” and the 97% consensus claim is nonsensical, Apollo 7 astronaut Walter Cunningham tells MRCTV in a preview of his presentation at the upcoming Heartland Institute climate conference, July 7-9. “Since about 2000, I looked farther and farther into it,” Col. Cunningham (USMC, Ret.) tells MRCTV in an exclusive interview. “I found that not one of the claims that the alarmists were making out there had any bearings, whatsoever. And, so, it was kind of a no-brainer to come to the conclusion.” Cunningham rejects the notion of man-made climate, not only as fact – but also as even qualifying as an actual “theory”: “In the media, it was being called a theory. Obviously, they didn’t know what it means to be a theory.”

James Monroe, Who Died on Independence Day, was the Founding Father Who Most Shaped Florida

. Florida has always been something of an afterthought in the American Revolution. Despite American efforts in the early stages of the war, the two colonies of East Florida and West Florida remained in British hands, though the Spanish broke through in Pensacola in 1781. Few of the Founding Fathers got involved with Florida though three South Carolinians who had signed the Declaration of Independence — Arthur Middleton, Edward Rutledge and Thomas Heyward — would be imprisoned in St. Augustine after the fall of Charleston. Fittingly enough, the Founding Father who most shaped Florida is also something of an afterthought. James Monroe simply wasn’t as heroic as George Washington, as fiery as Sam Adams or Patrick Henry, as stubborn as John Adams, as intelligent as Alexander Hamilton and James Madison and, unlike Benjamin Franklin and his friend Thomas Jefferson, wasn’t a personification of the Enlightenment.

Obama’s Secret Directive Supporting Global Islamism

. A recent Gulf News report sheds some light on how and why the United States helped bring the Muslim Brotherhood and its Islamist allies to power, followed by all the subsequent chaos and atrocities in the Mideast region. Large portions of the report follow with my commentary interspersed for added context:. For the past decade, two successive US administrations have maintained close ties to the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, Tunisia, Syria and Libya, to name just the most prominent cases. The Obama administration conducted an assessment of the Muslim Brotherhood in 2010 and 2011, beginning even before the events known as the “Arab Spring” erupted in Tunisia and in Egypt. The President personally issued Presidential Study Directive 11 (PSD-11) in 2010, ordering an assessment of the Muslim Brotherhood and other “political Islamist” movements, including the ruling AKP in Turkey, ultimately concluding that the United States should shift from its longstanding policy of supporting “stability” in the Middle East and North Africa (that is, support for “stable regimes” even if they were authoritarian), to a policy of backing “moderate” Islamic political movements.

Obama Classmate: “Our Nation is Being run by the Real Life Manchurian Candidate”

. During the recent campaign in Mississippi for Chris McDaniel, former classmate of Barack Obama, Wayne Allyn Root, said that Obama is a “Machurian Candidate .” Referencing his new book The Murder of the Middle Class , Root said that he is a “champion of small business and the middle class.” He claims that what is taking place is “not a mistake,” nor “a coincidence.” Instead, he echoed what this author and others have said time and again. “It’s a purposeful plan to wipe out America, capitalism, the middle class… and destroy American Exceptionalism and Judeo-Christian values.”

Professor Exposes Plan To Collapse America

. Alex and Dr of Sociology Darrell Hamomoto discuss the continued attacks on freedom by the current establishment including the confiscation of guns, the abuse by and militarization of police and the intentional crash of the American system by the current waves of immigrants pouring over the Southern US Border.

Duplicate voter registrations plague Florida’s election system

. When it comes to voting, the rules are clear: One person, one address and one vote. At least that’s how it’s suppose to work. But Andrew Ladanowski, owner of the computer software company AddinSolutions Inc., suspects Florida’s Division of Elections isn’t cross checking. To verify his suspicions, he did “a very quick analysis” of Miami-Dade’s voting system and turned up 44 voter IDs issued to the same person. Elections officials admit 42 of those 44 were in fact duplicates. All in all, some 762 Florida voters have more than one county-issued voter ID card. Some are registered with the same address, and others are registered in different counties.

Why the White House Wants Amnesty

. According to statistics provided by Immigration and Customs Enforcement, President Obama has now significantly decreased the number of illegal immigrants aged under 18 deported or turned away at the border. That statistic has decreased some 488% under President Obama, from 8,143 the last year of President Bush’s administration to 1,669 last year. Meanwhile, the Bush administration deported some 600 minors on average each year; Obama deported 95 last year. Those statistics demonstrate that George W. Bush was dramatically lax on illegal immigration. But they also demonstrate that President Obama is even more lax – and that laxity has resulted in tens of thousands of unaccompanied minors pouring across America’s southern border. Meanwhile, Democrats continue to promote higher spending, placing more and more Americans on the public rolls. In 2013, a record one out of five American households used food stamps. A record number of Americans were dependent on the federal government with regard to their higher education debt. Overall, a full 49 percent of Americans receive some form of federal benefits. Adding millions of illegal immigrants to the public rolls – which will happen in terms of lower education and healthcare by necessity – will skyrocket spending. Which is the plan. Many on the right believe that Democrats are pursuing the so-called Cloward-Piven strategy, in which sociologists Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven posited that by overloading welfare rolls, the Democratic Party would be forced to take heavy federal welfare action to save state and local governments.

Intolerable! The truth about the Tea Party

. The truth about the Tea Party is finally told in this documentary! From its rise in mid-2008 to present day influence. Intolerable also explores the origins of the name “Tea Party.” If you want the TRUTH then watch “Intolerable!”

Obama is on the side of jihadists every time

. The post-American world under the post-American president continues to descend into chaos and savagery. Palestinian Islamic jihadists in Gaza kidnapped and murdered three Jewish schoolboys in cold blood, and the predictable reaction came from the White House: Barack Obama told the Israelis not to do anything that would “destabilize the situation.” Do not destabilize, says the Hamas supporter. Obama destabilized the situation when his administration said it would work with the terrorist group Hamas. Days later, the three Jewish schoolboys were kidnapped and murdered in cold blood. And Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has said that Hamas will pay for these murders. Obama destabilized the situation when he supported the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood takeover of Egypt.

Scabies Spreads Among Border Detainees

. Approximately 40 immigrants in detention at one center in the U.S. Customs and Border Protection’s San Diego Sector have active cases of scabies, a source tells National Review Online, and they could soon be spreading it to the general public. A Border Patrol agent who helped process illegal immigrants at the Chula Vista Border Patrol Station on Sunday tells NRO that the 40 immigrants infected with scabies arrived on a plane that landed July 4, carrying about 140 immigrants total. The agent says the people at FEMA who are responsible for doing the medical screening of the immigrants before they’re transferred to California should be fired. “Management’s more concerned about processing and getting rid of them as quickly as possible than looking at decontamination,” the agent says. “And [the released illegal immigrants] go out in the community, get on the public transportation, go where they need to go, and it could result in another infestation of scabies being spread everywhere.”

Fins in the water: New ObamaCare warning signs emerge

. The Democratic declaration of victory on ObamaCare this spring was that the law was here to stay. As summer blazes on, that boast may come to sound more like a lament than a boast. Consider, for example, the NYT piece on how Americans are paying through the nose for care but increasingly wait longer and longer to see doctors: “The Commonwealth Fund, a New York-based foundation that focuses on health care, compared wait times in the United States to those in 10 other countries last year. The study found that 26 percent of 2,002 American adults surveyed said they waited six days or more for appointments, better only than Canada (33 percent) and Norway (28 percent), and much worse than in other countries with national health systems like the Netherlands (14 percent) or Britain (16 percent).” As physicians flee the field with new regulations coming on line, will the problem likely get worse or better?

Congressmen: Obama using ‘Cloward-Piven maneuver’

. Two U.S. congressmen tell WND they believe the flooding of America’s Southwest border with thousands of illegal-alien children seeking government handouts and citizenship is the intended outcome of policies by the Obama administration derived from a strategy by radical sociologists to transform America into a socialist state. In the 1960s, professors Andrew Cloward and Francis Fox Piven of Columbia University, Obama’s alma mater, devised a plan to provoke chaos by deliberately overwhelming governmental systems and the U.S. economy to the point of collapse, paving the way for state intervention that would ultimately replace America’s free-enterprise republic with a collectivist system. “I do feel this attempt to flood the border with illegals is a playing out of the Cloward-Piven theory,” said Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa. “If you don’t see them bring reinforcements down there to seal the border, that means that, yes, it’s a Cloward-Piven maneuver to flood the country until we get to the point where we are an open-borders country that welcomes everybody, legal and illegal,” he told WND. Rep. Steve Stockman, R-Texas, agreed that Obama – who studied the chaos strategy at Columbia, according to a classmate – “is trying to do a Cloward-Piven thing with the border.”

‘Tequila Party’ asks holder to prosecute Tea Party for Murrieta ‘terrorism’

. The “Tequila Party,” a Latino group formed in opposition to the Tea Party, wrote to U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder and FBI Director James Comey on Monday to request that the Tea Party and several officials be investigated for their role in protesting and blocking the transfer of illegal aliens captured in Texas to Murrieta, California. The protests on July 1 turned back three busloads of aliens, though more are scheduled to arrive.

Obama Gives Murrieta Area Ice Agents Stand Down Order

. Cloward and Piven strategy in full swing? An Immigration and Customs Enforcement employee claims that the Obama administration has handed a number of ICE agents in the Murrieta/LA area paid temporary leave, a move that will exacerbate the mass influx of illegal immigrants into the region. Liberty News’ Eric Odom, who is currently on the scene in the flashpoint town of Murrieta, says an ICE employee who lives in Orange County told him, “the Obama administration has furloughed Murrieta/LA area ICE agents full time until further notice,” but that the agents would continue to receive full pay. “One would think any ICE agents still being paid full time would be deployed to actually assist the U.S. in its fight against Obama’s foreign invasion of the interior United States. Especially in light of the controversially fight between the federal government and the citizens of Murrieta,” writes Odom, noting that the move weakens American security without even saving any money.

Official 2014 IMF Forecast Based on ‘Magic Number Seven’

. Radio talk show veteran and 10 time published author, Steve Quayle, says dark powers are at work in the financial markets at the highest levels of global government. Quayle contends, “First of all, the illuminati and the occult are one in the same with hidden meanings to the general population, but announcements to people on the inside.” At the beginning of 2014, the head of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Christine Lagarde, gave a primer on numerology to an audience at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. She did it as a set up to an official IMF forecast for “what we should expect for 2014.” Why is this important now? The IMF forecast was based on what Lagarde called the “magic 7,” and July is the seventh month of the year. Lagarde is overtly using numerology to forecast big changes this year and this month. For example, Lagarde pointed out that 2014 will “mark the 7th anniversary of the financial market jitters” that started in 2007. If you individually add up the numbers of the year 2014 (2+0+1+4=7), you get the number 7. Lagarde also said that 2014 “will mark the 70th anniversary, 70th anniversary, drop the zero, seven, of the Bretton Woods Conference that actually gave birth to the IMF” (7 + 0 = 7). Lagarde also said, “And it will be the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, 25th” (2 + 5 = 7). Lagarde also brings up the G-20 out of nowhere. Is that a reference to a date? (G is the 7the letter of the alphabet and this might be a reference to 7/20/2014.) Quayle explains, “People have to understand the number 7 to realize why this is critical. The number 7 is used 287 times; it’s used in the Old and New Testament. What is critical about this is these people rule their lives by the stars and numerology. Never in anything have I monitored in my 25 years being on talk radio that I have witnessed such a blatant presentation of the number 7. When she says it’s ‘quite a number,’ yes, it’s God’s number, but these people worship their god and their god is Lucifer.”

Top Obama official blasts Israel for denying Palestinians sovereignty, security, dignity

. ‘How can Israel have peace if it’s unwilling to delineate a border, end the occupation?’ asks White House Mideast chief, Phillip Gordon, in blistering Tel Aviv speech. Israel’s ongoing occupation of the West Bank is wrong and leads to regional instability and dehumanization of Palestinians, a top American government official said Tuesday in Tel Aviv, hinting that the current Israeli government is not committed to peace.

New ObamaCare Rules Mean Less Care, More Paperwork

. On July 3, when Americans were preparing to celebrate freedom, the Obama administration reduced freedom by adding 1,296 pages of regulations to ObamaCare. The burdensome rules were published in the Federal Register on Independence Day eve, when few were likely to be watching. So much for transparency. ObamaCare regulations compel doctors and their office staff, restaurateurs, business owners, local government officials and virtually everyone subject to the law to spend hours filling out paperwork without getting paid for it. It’s a colossal theft.

Obama Wants You To Fund Lawyers For New Illegals

. President Barack Obama is asking Congress to provide free lawyers to the illegal immigrants surging across the U.S. border from Central America. The request for $18 million of free legal services, which White House officials describe as an emergency, is included in White House request to Congress for $3.7 billion.

Why Are Armed “International Security” Personnel Now Arresting American Citizens?

. Very recently I came across a scenario in the streets of Hollywood, California. The big scene seemed a bit striking to the average person walking by as it was the middle of the day in a crowded busy Hollywood street. A closer look caused me to be even more intrigued – there was a gentleman being arrested. He was in handcuffs and surrounded by three or four armed officers. Or were they really officers? A closer look surprised me even more. The “officers” were not police. They were not Sheriffs department or California Highway Patrol (CHP). They all wore a logo on their sleeves and a logo on an otherwise unmarked car that read “Andrews International Security Services” nothing else. They otherwise had all black uniforms and all were armed like police officers, looking scary and aggressive.

3 Steps China has taken to own the Internet

. Robert Greene points out the image of The Hunter. He does not lay the same trap for the wolf as for a fox. He does not set bait where one will take it. He knows his prey thoroughly, its habits and hideaways, and hunts accordingly. And in the same manner the Chinese are coming after the internet and thus the future. Here’s how: The first step was for the Chinese government to turn some of the smartest computer scientists into hackers. And then state sponsor them as little knowledge missiles to gather information about our vulnerabilities and most importantly to ascertain and then steal our technological secrets. Although well documented, each day businesses and our government are hacked and our secrets are following back to mainland China.

The Feces Officially Hits the Fan in Mississippi

. There may now be a paper trail that directly links the GOP establishment to the race-baiting attack ads used against tea party challenger Chris McDaniel in his Mississippi U.S. Senate runoff against incumbent Thad Cochran. Independent investigative journalist Charles C. Johnson has been leading the way in digging into the details of exactly who was responsible for race-baiting black Democrat voters to infiltrate a Republican Party primary runoff and save Cochran from losing his seat, and how they did it. But now he’s been joined by Jeffrey Lord of the American Spectator, who was the former political director for the Reagan White House in the 1980s.

Palm Beach County candidate’s answers from Boca Raton forum

. Last night, July 8, 2014, several candidates for elective office met the Boca Raton group of the Palm Beach County Tea Party for a candidate forum. Two candidates for Florida’s U.S. House District 22 were there along with candidates for the Palm Beach County Commission, Palm Beach County School Board District 3, along with Florida Senate incumbent Maria Sachs who stayed for twenty minutes. There were approximately 35 people in the audience to listen to the candidate’s answers to over 15 questions and this was not a debate, however a candidate forum. Palm Beach County Tea Party President and Co-Founder Mel Grossman and his team did a great job hosting the forum.

Prof. Terry J. Lovell, Ph.D. at Yavapai College in Prescott, Arizona.

. President Obama has sided with Mexico against the American citizens.

Posted 7/6/2014


1. America is a one-party state
2. Zbigniew Brzezinski: The Decline Of The US And The End Of The American Empire
3. Mexican military chopper crosses the border, shoots at agents
4. Illegals Bankrupting Small Towns in Border States
5. The Enemy is the GOP
6. Stop Trashing Obama
7. Stone Cold Proof That Government Economic Numbers Are Being Highly Manipulated
8. It Didn’t All Start With Barack Obama
9. Red Cross says how it used Hurricane Sandy funds is ‘trade secret’
10. How NYU and the Guggenheim are selling out to Sharia law
11. Taxpayers Float 91 Percent of Florida Obamacare Enrollees
12. Swine Flu Found in Illegal Immigrant Children
13. Antarctic Sea Ice Growing Despite Global Warming Warnings
14. 100% of U.S. Employment Growth Since 2000 Went to Immigrants
15. Is the Tea Party dead again?
16. Hackers Have Quietly Penetrated Over One Thousand Power Plants In The U.S. And Europe
17. The Day the Establishment Died
18. Democrat Pastor Accuses Thad Cochran Campaign of Vote-For-Pay Scheme
19. True The Vote Sues MS Secretary Of State, GOP Over Cochran’s Alleged Voter Fraud
20. Medical staff warned: Keep your mouths shut about illegal immigrants or face arrest
21. Bombshell: Tax Exempt Status Granted to Terrorists & Enemies of the US by Lois Lerner Under Bush & Obama
22. Obama Civilian Security Force Takes Control of Immigrant Internment Camps: “Abide By Brown Shirts Law”
23. Federal Government Sues Private Company For Requiring Employees To Speak English On The Job
24. U.S. Congressman Blocked From Entering Child Immigrant Facility
25. The Platters

America is a one-party state

. The Republican Party is nothing more than the servile junior partner of an entrenched bipartisan political establishment in Washington DC that does everything in its power to extinguish representative government and thwart the will of the American people. In the Mississippi Republican primary run-off, Senator-For-Life, 76-year-old Thad Cochran was declared the winner over Tea Party-backed challenger Chris McDaniel by just over six thousand votes. To secure his slim victory, Cochran not only received the full-blown backing of the Republican establishment and the amnesty-supporting US Chamber of Commerce, but he shamelessly solicited cross-over votes from traditionally Democratic voters, blacks and union members, who, like himself, support big spending and big government. During the campaign, Cochran also adopted Democratic Party talking points about Tea Party candidates, leveling personal attacks against McDaniel, calling him an “extremist” and “dangerous.” Having acquired their candidate, the Republican establishment will, in November, attempt to intimidate conservatives with the usual general election blackmail, vote for Cochran or risk a Democratic majority in the Senate. If turnabout is fair play, then Mississippi conservatives would be justified in using the same tactics that Cochran used against them, voting for his Democratic opponent Travis Childers. There is a Cold Civil War underway between Americans who want to adhere to the Constitution and adopt responsible fiscal policies, and the party leaders, who wish to continue the practices of political expediency and crony capitalism.

Zbigniew Brzezinski: The Decline Of The US And The End Of The American Empire

. Ever since 9/11, it has been apparent that the American empire is living on borrowed time. In more recent years, the inevitable collapse of American world hegemony and the unipolar world is one that very few informed observers can continue to ignore. Riddled with massive unemployment, an overextended military, entrenched police state, crumbling infrastructure, and the ever-present threat to the US dollar, it is clear that the United States is merely the shell of its former self. Indeed, in 2014, the concept of long-term American primacy is only a fantasy maintained by the mainstream media with its constant repetition of meaningless and absurd notions of recoveries, humanitarian interventions, and national security. More credible researchers, however, are well aware of the fact that the United States, as an empire as well as a nation, is headed the way of every empire before it. There is little doubt that the United States will soon run out of steam in its march across the world and a crackdown at home while reckless economic policy continues to be dictated from the halls of Wall Street. Yet the decline of the United States is not simply the result of a few years of stupid mistakes made by the ruling class. The truth is that the end of America is nothing more than a waypoint in a script that was written long ago.

Mexican military chopper crosses the border, shoots at agents

. News 4 Tucson has learned a Mexican military helicopter travelled across the border and fired on U.S. Border Patrol agents. It happened in the early morning hours Thursday, west of the San Miguel Gate on the Tohono O’Odham Nation. The chopper fired on the agents but missed them. The chopper then flew back into Mexico. We’re told Mexican authorities contacted the U.S. and apologized for the incident.

Illegals Bankrupting Small Towns in Border States

. Small towns and counties in states bordering Mexico are drowning in debt due to the swarm of illegals stealing and destroying property, requiring expensive medical care and needing proper burials, all of which the federal government has largely refused to pay for.

The Enemy is the GOP

. We cannot beat back the Maoist wannabes in the Democrat Party until the GOP establishment – the new enemy – is defeated. The only question is when are you going to start believing it? Are you against ObamaCare being in your life? Been against it since 2009? Did you help the Republicans get back in the House Majority specifically to rid you and your family of the abject disaster and tragedy of socialized medicine? The lies of ObamaCare? How did that work out? What? The GOP majority in the House fully funded ObamaCare through 2016 and stood by while Obama rewrote the legislation umpteen times? The GOP who took your votes, your money, your trust, smiled and promised they’d stop ObamaCare did nothing while Obama ignored the Separation of Powers? What? No..

Stop Trashing Obama

. Quit trashing Obama’s accomplishments. He has done more than any other President before him. Here is a list of his impressive accomplishments:

Stone Cold Proof That Government Economic Numbers Are Being Highly Manipulated

. How in the world does the government expect us to trust the economic numbers that they give us anymore? For a long time, many have suspected that they were being manipulated, and as you will see below we now have stone cold proof that this is indeed the case. But first, let’s talk about the revised GDP number for the first quarter of 2014 that was just released. Initially, they told us that the U.S. economy only shrank by 0.1 percent in Q1. Then that was revised down to a 1.0 percent contraction, and now we are being informed that the economy actually contracted by a whopping 2.9 percent during the first quarter. So what are we actually supposed to believe? Sometimes I almost get the feeling that government bureaucrats are just throwing darts at a dartboard in order to get these numbers. Of course that is not actually true, but how do we know that we can actually trust the numbers that they give to us? Over at, John Williams publishes alternative economic statistics that he believes are much more realistic than the government numbers. According to his figures, the U.S. economy has actually been continually contracting since 2005. That would mean that we have been in a recession for the last nine years.Could it be possible that he is right and the bureaucrats in Washington D.C. are wrong?

It Didn’t All Start With Barack Obama

. Richard Willard Armour , an American writer of humor and satire, wrote a parody history of the United States entitled It All Would Have Started With Columbus . He subtitled it A Merry Mangling of American History from Columbus to Nixon . In it, he recounted American history in the manner of the old “Fractured Fairy Tales” cartoons that used to appear on TV . He filled the book with many cockeyed interpretations of the events of history, giving them the twist of a kid whose understanding was skewed by a pervasive, even an invasive, sense of humor, as though the events themselves were far less important than their funny interpretation. Sometimes I think that what is happening today, if it weren’t so dire and horrible, would actually fit Mr. Armour’s style of narrative. It won’t of course, because we are in a seriously bad way today. However, a lot of people don’t go deep enough in assigning blame for our desperate situation. Our tendency in the Right is to blame Obama for all our ills, but these ills have much deeper roots. I don’t know whether I got all of them here, but I am going to try to give a rough outline of them as I see them.

Red Cross says how it used Hurricane Sandy funds is ‘trade secret’

. American Red Cross has been reluctant to make public details over how it raised and spent over $300 million in Hurricane Sandy relief funds. The charity’s lawyers say the disclosure would inflict “competitive harm” on the group.

How NYU and the Guggenheim are selling out to Sharia law

. Abu Dhabi enforces brutal sharia punishments — on westerners. What are NYU and the Guggenheim doing there? They can feign ignorance, but we aren’t buying it. The million-dollar payoffs Abu Dhabi is making to these institutions are blood money. What wretched sellouts on the backs of countless victims. American philanthropists who give to these institutions really ought to rethink their contributions. Is this really what they want to support? Saadiyat Island in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, has been buzzing with construction activity for the past few years. Two prestigious western institutions, New York University and the Guggenheim Museum, have decided to open branches in the country — and were immediately embroiled in controversy.Immigrant construction workers at the NYU site were working 11- to 12-hour days, seven days a week, it was revealed. Many of them have not been reimbursed recruitment fees, costing up to a year’s wages, and live in terrible conditions. The ones who were brave enough to protest the abuses were met with beatings and imprisonment.

Taxpayers Float 91 Percent of Florida Obamacare Enrollees

. Obamacare health plans obtained through Florida’s federal exchange are eminently affordable — when applying generous government subsidies. On average, those subsidies cost taxpayers 80 cents on the dollar, new data released by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services shows. The average cost of a monthly premium for a Florida plan is $347, according to an HHS research brief, released Wednesday. The average tax credit — paid directly to insurance companies — is $278, or 80 percent, making the end cost to the Obamacare enrollee only $68. Floridians making more than $46,000 a year and applying as individuals receive no financial aid, pre-existing condition or not. Newly confirmed HHS Secretary Sylvia Burwell lauded the assisted premium prices and cited the department’s data as evidence the health-care overhaul is living up to its billing.

Swine Flu Found in Illegal Immigrant Children

. U.S. Border Patrol agents in Texas have discovered four cases of the H1N1 flu strain among illegal immigrant children held at two detention centers in Brownsville in the past two days, National Border Patrol Council Vice President Chris Cabrera told Newsmax on Saturday.

Antarctic Sea Ice Growing Despite Global Warming Warnings

. The sea ice coverage around Antarctica over the weekend marked a record high, with the ice surrounding the continent measuring at 2.07 million square kilometers, according to an environmentalist and author who says the ice there has actually been increasing since 1979 despite continued warnings of global warming.

100% of U.S. Employment Growth Since 2000 Went to Immigrants

. The Center for Immigration Studies reports All Employment Growth Since 2000 Went to Immigrants . Actually, greater than 100% of jobs went to immigrants because the number of non-immigrants holding a job is negative, and the total must equal 100%. On a population adjusted basis, the numbers look horrific. Population-wise, native US citizens account for two-thirds of the working-age population growth, yet fewer work today. Here’s the harsh reality: 17 million working-age native US citizens were not working in the first quarter of 2014 than in 2000.

Is the Tea Party dead again?

. The Mississippi race always had more potential — a weaker (and less conservative) incumbent and a much stronger challenger. But the fact that this was a race at all came as a surprise to conventional thinking. Little consolation for conservatives, perhaps, but it is nonetheless significant in the long run. The party establishment is celebrating Cochran’s victory, but the glee only hides their relief. They are not spoiling to repeat this experience. Nothing is more irritating to party bosses than constantly bailing out drowning politicians — they’d sooner find someone who can swim next time. And in the long run, this is working in conservatives’ favor. As with horseshoes and hand grenades, his is a case where close actually does count for something. Conservatives would rather have a win under their belt, obviously, but Cochran’s near-loss in Mississippi illustrates an easily overlooked point of this sort of conservative primary challenge. When these can be made into real races, as in this case, conservatives become more powerful in either victory or defeat. A near-loss like Cochran’s serves as a deterrent to establishment resistance against conservatives across the board. As with the actual scalps taken in years past, this race will result in other incumbents being more responsive to their base voters. It will also open doors to conservatives (thought probably not to McDaniel himself) in the future, both in Mississippi and elsewhere. This is how Pat Toomey, after just narrowly losing to Sen. Arlen Specter, R-Pa., in 2004, was able to seize the GOP nomination six years later without facing any serious opposition.

Hackers Have Quietly Penetrated Over One Thousand Power Plants In The U.S. And Europe

. Security firm Symantec has discovered a large-scale hacking campaign responsible for successfully infiltrating the computer systems of more than a thousand power plants across the United States and Europe. In a blog post published on the company’s website Monday, Symantec said the group of attackers, dubbed “Dragonfly,” used a malware campaign to spy on systems operations, but could have taken the remote-access hack a step further and manipulated those systems to cause serious damage. Everything from grid operators to gas pipelines across 1,018 organizations primarily in the United States, Spain, France, Italy, Germany, Turkey, and Poland were infected. Dragonfly employed a variety of attacks from basic phishing emails all the way to targeting component manufacturers, the parts from which would then infect systems further downstream.

The Day the Establishment Died

. The strategy used in the Mississippi Senate runoff revealed just how desperate and out of ideas the GOP establishment really is. Facing a candidate who pulled more votes in the primary, and was propelled by a massive network of grassroots enthusiasm, the Sen. Thad Cochran (R-Miss.) camp had no choice but to fire the last arrow in its quiver. They did what no self-respecting conservative would ever do: they went running to the Democrats for help. In this most underhand of tactics, Cochran used Republican Party dues money to conduct get-out-the-vote activities for Mississippi Democrats, charging Chris McDaniel with “causing problems for President Barack Obama,” and accusing the liberty movement of indiscriminate racism.

Democrat Pastor Accuses Thad Cochran Campaign of Vote-For-Pay Scheme

. A black Mississippi pastor has emerged to claim Sen. Thad Cochran’s (R-MS) campaign paid “thousands” of Democrats $15 each to vote in the June 24 GOP runoff – and that he was part of the scheme. Rev. Stevie Fielder, an associate pastor at First Union Missionary Baptist Church in Meridian, Mississippi, says Cochran’s campaign “told me to offer blacks $15 each and to vote for Thad.”

True The Vote Sues MS Secretary Of State, GOP Over Cochran’s Alleged Voter Fraud

. Conservative election integrity organization True The Vote filed suit in federal court Tuesday against Mississippi’s Secretary of State Delbert Hosemann and the Mississippi Republican Party, asking a judge for an immediate injunction against them so that the election material from the state’s June 24 GOP primary runoff can be inspected.

Medical staff warned: Keep your mouths shut about illegal immigrants or face arrest

. A government-contracted security force threatened to arrest doctors and nurses if they divulged any information about the contagion threat at a refugee camp housing illegal alien children at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas, sources say. In spite of the threat, several former camp workers broke their confidentiality agreements and shared exclusive details with me about the dangerous conditions at the camp. They said taxpayers deserve to know about the contagious diseases and the risks the children pose to Americans. I have agreed to not to disclose their identities because they fear retaliation and prosecution.

Bombshell: Tax Exempt Status Granted to Terrorists & Enemies of the US by Lois Lerner Under Bush & Obama

. Enemies of the United States should clearly not have tax exempt status. The problem is that said groups have been receiving such status for decades. Yet, Republicans – as well as attorneys for Tea Party groups harmed by the IRS – continue to ignore it. What is even more disgusting is that the Republican Party also gave Muslim terrorist fronts groups complete legitimacy.

Obama Civilian Security Force Takes Control of Immigrant Internment Camps: “Abide By Brown Shirts Law”

. In the run up to the 2008 Presidential election Barack Obama promised he would work to implement a domestic security force which would rival that of the U.S. military. It was an idea heavily criticized by his opponents because of fears that such an organization would bear similarity to World War II era spying groups that policed the citizens of Nazi Germany. Rather than deploy Homeland Security or the National Guard to stop the migration at its source, the Administration has instead set up makeshift internment camps, some of which put scores of people in a room the size of a studio apartment. As a result, disease has spread and civilian emergency personnel have been tasked with providing care. But among the doctors and caregivers is also a private security force that has been hired to keep the peace. And according to several people working inside the camps, the security groups have turned their attention not towards keeping peace between the migrants, but rather, at keeping the goings on of the facilities completely secret from the general public. According to the unnamed source, who could not provide video documentation of these events because cell phones are not allowed in the facility, the security force is reportedly calling itself the “Brown Shirts.” The insider says they have been given orders to arrest anyone speaking to the public or using cell phones, and have implemented what is being referred to as “Brown Shirts Law.”

Federal Government Sues Private Company For Requiring Employees To Speak English On The Job

. The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has filed suit against a Wisconsin-based manufacturer for firing Hmong and Hispanic employees because they don’t speak English on the job. The EEOC says it’s a matter of discrimination based on an employee’s “national origin, which includes the linguistic characteristics of a national origin group.” In this case, Wisconsin Plastics, Inc. allegedly violated Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 by firing non-English speakers “based on 10-minute observations that marked them down for their English skills, even though those skills were not needed to perform their jobs.”

U.S. Congressman Blocked From Entering Child Immigrant Facility

. An Oklahoma Congressman who visited an Army base being used to house illegal immigrant children now wonders what the federal government is hiding after he was denied access to the facility. “There is no excuse for denying a Federal Representative from Oklahoma access to a federal facility in Oklahoma where unaccompanied children are being held,” Rep. Jim Bridenstine said in a statement following his visit Tuesday to Ft. Sill Army base near Lawton. The Department of Health and Human Services has set up housing at Ft. Sill and two other military bases – Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio and Ventura County Naval Base in Oxnard, Cali. – to house thousands of unaccompanied alien children, or UACs, who were apprehended at the southern U.S. border. Bridenstine went to Ft. Sill to observe the conditions under which the 1,200 UACs there are living and to find out to whom they would be released. But when he showed up at the facility, Bridenstine says he was told by a guard with a security unit which calls itself the “Brown Shirts” that he could not observe the children or their living conditions.

The Platters

. Little did the Platters know in 1955 that this song would be so appropriate 58 years later.

PBCTP Candidate Forums in July

Join us starting in July for our 2014 primary season candidate forums. On August 26, there will be primary elections for some districts (see below) as well as the general election for School Board. Candidates running in these races have been invited to the forums being held in their districts to make their case for their election. Since the PBCTP is non-partisan, we have invited candidates of both parties to participate.

Some of the candidates responded to a set of questions submitted to them beforehand and their answers can be downloaded from:
The PBCTP Primary Election Member Voting Guide

For the details of each of the three forums and who has been invited, please see: Jupiter Forum, Boca Forum, and Wellington Forum.

The races that will appear on the August ballots (depending on where you live) are:

Republican Primary Races
Congress 18 Carl Domino, Beverly Hires, Brian Lara, Alan Schlesinger, Calvin Turnquest and Nick Wukoson
Congress 22 Andrea McGee, Paul Spain and David Wagie
Governor Rick Scott and other minor candidates
Senate 32 Joe Negron and Brandon Cannon
Senate 34 Joseph Bensmihen and Ellyn Bogdanoff
Democrat Primary Races
Congress 20 Jean Enright and Jameel McCline
Congress 21 Ted Deutch and Emmanuel Morel
Governor Charlie Crist, Nan Rich and other minor candidates
Atty General George Sheldon and Perry Thurston
House 81 Kevin Rader and Joshua Izaak
Cty Com. 6 Kathy Foster and Melissa McKinlay
Non Partisan – August General Election
School Brd 3 Karen Brill, John Hartman, David Mech
School Brd 4 Justin Katz, Larry Rosensweig, Thomas Sutterfield, Erica Whitfield
School Brd 6 Marcia Andrews, Carla Donaldson and Joseph Moore
School Brd 7 Debra Robinson and Piaget “Peppi” Hendrix
Ckt Judge 14 Diana Lewis and Jessica Ticktin
Ckt Judge 30 Maxine Cheesman, Jaimie Goodman and Peggy Rowe-Linn

Dennis Michael Lynch on August 15



Welcoming the Return of Dennis Michael Lynch


PROGRAM: Dennis Michael Lynch will present excerpts from his new video “Coming to America” and discuss current border problems. You can see Dennis on a recent MEGYN KELLY SHOW and see a video trailer of the films at THEY COME to AMERICA

DATE: Friday, August 15, 2014

TIME: 5:30 PM Dinner (Soup & Sandwiches, Cash Bar)
6:30 PM Meeting

COST: Dinner & Meeting: $18 (tax & tip included).

               Meeting only: $5.

PLACE: Abacoa Golf Club, 105 Barbados Dr., Jupiter, FL 33458.

DIRECTIONS: MAP Donald Ross Rd. to Parkside Dr. North on Parkside Dr. 0.4 miles to Barbados Dr. Left on Barbados Dr. to first driveway on Left.



so we are prepared to accommodate you.


If this announcement went to someone else and you want to be on the list to receive your own copy, Sign-Up


Are referendums the way to get our agenda moving forward ?

See: Initiative & Referendum Institute

I think this would be a great way to get some really good things passed. We could bypass the logjam in the capital. I think a good start would be mandating e-verify and enforcing immigration laws similar to the way they did in Alabama and Arizona.

Is anyone interested in having a meet up or online chat about this ?

Boca Chapter Candidate Forum July 8

PROGRAM: Candidate forum for 2014 Primary Election*

CANDIDATES:Candidates for the following offices have been invited:

US Congressional District 22, Florida executives, Florida Senate District 34, Florida House District 89, County Commission District 4, School Board District 3, and School Board District 7.

MODERATOR: David DiCrescenzo, Publisher, The Patriots Press

DATE: Tuesday, July 8, 2014

TIME: 6:30 PM. Doors open at 6:00 PM

PLACE:Palm Beach County Library
West Boca Branch
18685 State Rd. 7, Boca Raton, FL 33498
Phone: 561-470-1600


I-95 to Exit 48 (Yamato Rd.). West on Yamato Rd. to State Road 7. Right onto State Road 7. Library is the first left.

Florida Turnpike to exit 81 (FL 806, W. Atlantic Ave.). At the end of the exit ramp turn right (westbound). Drive west to State Road 7. Left onto State Road 7. Library is approximately 4 miles on the west (right side) between Clint Moore and Yamato Roads.


For information:

*Note – check out the Voters Guide before coming to the forum

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