Boca July Mtg: Armando Escalante/Director for Bear Witness Central


Armando Escalante is currently the Northeast Florida Director for Bear Witness Central and an active speaker on Cultural Marxism. He is also a current board member of Volusia 912 Patriots in Florida and the Communications Chair for the Volusia County Republican Executive Committee. He, along with his wife, are in the media and web development business and are the producers of the Tales of Waterville™, wholesome animated shows for Children based on Christian values.

As an independent producer of children’s animated content and media professional, he has seen first hand how the culture is being influenced through entertainment, media and education. Over the last few years he and his wife have been active in Patriot groups and the Christian community on a county and state level advocating our Nation’s Constitutional founding, speaking and teaching on the evils of Socialism, Communism, Globalization and an outspoken opponent of Common Core. As a Christian, and Bible teacher for over 16 years, he has been active in bringing awareness on the issue of “Cultural Marxism” and how much of an impact it has had (and continues to have) on American Culture.

Armando, a water baptized born-again Christian, is active in leading bible studies in apologetics and helping many understand the assault on Christianity. He and his wife have been guests on local talk radio, speaking about the 912 movement and the current attacks on our culture. Armando has also been on national radio and a guest on shows such as Sons of Liberty Radio Show and American Freedom Watch Radio.

The meeting schedule follows:

Tuesday July 7,  2015 – 6:30pm
Boca Community Center
150 Crawford Blvd, Boca Raton, FL 33432
(561) 393-7807

Please RSVP below; no meal is served with this meeting.

Jupiter July Mtg: Rebecca Negron, Common Core

When:  July 6, 2015
Where:  Abacoa Golf Club, 105 Barbados Drive, Jupiter, Fl 33458

Time: 5:30 PM Dinner – $17.00 (Soup & Sandwiches, Cash Bar), 6:30 PM Meeting


Rebecca Negron serves on the Martin County School Board, representing Hobe Sound and southern Martin County in District 3, and is a Registered Nurse who practiced in the field of Obstetrics.

She has spent many hours volunteering in classrooms and is concerned not only that our students have a rigorous academic experience, but that they are taught the values that are important to a thriving and free society.
As a School Board member, Rebecca has focused on three major issues. First, she is working to empower and encourage parents to be actively involved in their students’ education. Second, Rebecca believes students must have a solid foundation in traditional academics, as well as learning to think critically and creatively. Finally, Rebecca is committed to developing, keeping and rewarding high performing teachers.

$725M County Budget Proposal Largest in History

The county budget proposal, to be discussed in the first budget workshop on Tuesday, June 9 at 6pm, proposes flat millage at 4.7815 producing $57.5M in new taxes on rising valuations.
With property values having returned to 89% of the peak seen in 2007, this budget is actually $36M higher than the record set that year, making it the highest dollar value budget in the history of the county.

Floridians For E-Verify Now

Floridians for E-Verify Now is gathering signed petitions to make E-verify mandatory for all businesses in Florida.  All state employees are required to be E-verified to work for the State of  Florida. Florida businesses are not yet required to verify that  job applicants are U.S. citizens. Many illegal aliens are coming to Florida to get jobs because of this . Many of Florida’s neighboring states require employers to E-verify their job applicants. The petition is available as well as a complete explanation of just about everything you want to know about E-verify at the following link.

I hope you review the information and sign the petition so that it will be placed on the ballot this fall. About 680,000 signed petitions needed  Your signed petition would be very helpful in making sure that Florida is no longer a job magnet for illegal aliens.


Or as Rush Limbaugh says: “Why liberals lie”

You may find this Heritage Foundation lecture from March 5, 2007 by Evan Sayet, comedian and writer, both entertaining and informative.

How Modern Liberals “Think”

Carly Fiorina’s Debut in Palm Beach County

In a quickly expanding field of GOP Presidential hopefuls, several candidates stand out for what they are not.

Most have been in the political arena for much of their careers and currently are sitting (or former) Governors or Senators, and few of these have made much of a mark in the private sector.

Only two – Ben Carson and Carly Fiorina, are known for their accomplishments outside of politics and have not held public office. Carson, a leading neurosurgeon, was inserted into the national psyche when he took on Obama at a national prayer breakfast. Fiorina, well known for being the first woman to lead a Fortune-50 tech company, made an unsuccessful attempt at a Senate seat from California. One of these, Carly Fiorina, visited Palm Beach County on Wednesday and spoke to a good size crowd of party regulars.

Considered a long shot, barely registering in the polls, Ms. Fiorina should not be overlooked. Since her debut on the national stage, she has rained fire on the presumptive Democrat nominee Hillary Clinton, deftly turned the tables on snarky media types like Chuck Todd and Katie Couric, and staked out her own territory in the emerging campaign narratives.

For whatever reason, Clinton is getting a pass from most of the other candidates, in spite of hiding from the press and having new scandals emerge on a regular basis. Carly Fiorina on the other hand, is not shy about pointing out Clinton’s most outrageous failings, from the Benghazi coverup, to the server in her basement, to the “pay to play” aspects of Clinton Foundation slush fund collecting millions from foreign governments as she handed out favors as Secretary of State. Mrs. Clinton will not be able to hide behind the “war on women” shield with this candidate.

Speaking forcefully on the characteristics of leadership and what she can bring to the table, Ms. Fiorina’s themes are compelling.

There is an uneasy feeling in the country she says, that we are losing something precious. The country that has offered the most opportunities to all people, regardless of who you are or where you came from, has lost its way. Oppressive regulations like Dodd-Frank have consolidated the too-big-to-fail banks, while driving smaller regional and community banks out of business. Crony capitalism is alive and well, and only the larger companies have the financial and legal resources to effectively deal with big government. Our foreign policy is in disarray as we curry favors with adversaries like Iran while turning back on our traditional allies like Israel and Egypt.

Carly Fiorina lays out a reasoned case that our government needs change, making the arguments without resorting to red meat and applause lines. Whether her campaign will catch fire is anybody’s guess, but she brings a new perspective and should liven things up as we go forward into the debate season.

Rand Paul Event Cancelled

Dear Members,

Senator Rand Paul was scheduled to speak in Palm Beach this week but chose to reschedule so that he can fight the renewal of the Patriot Act up in DC. How often do you see a politician place liberty over campaigning?

Our event on this Thursday, May 21st is cancelled. However, we will be rescheduling it sometime in the near future.

We want to thank all of you who have responded with an RSVP and ask your patience and understanding. When something goes wrong there is always something good that comes from it. The something good? We know that we would have filled the FAU auditorium with Patriots. Hold tight because we WILL have another opportunity.

Second Amendment Coalition at Wellington

Please join us in May for
Second Amendment Coalition of Florida, Inc

Mike Lameyer, Marine Corps Combat Veteran
Alison Rampersad, Vice President

The Second Amendment Coalition of Florida, Inc., is a local grassroots organization dedicated to the preservation of the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution. “A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed”
Our mission is to inform, educate and advise citizens to the true meaning of the Second Amendment and advise them of any violations committed by our publicly elected officials and the media and noting its importance in America’s history and future. It is evident, from our forefathers’ writings, that the individual citizen’s right to keep and bear arms is a fundamental right to be exercised for the protection of one’s family, property and country.
A. Rampersad, PhD

Second Amendment Coalition at Jupiter

Please join us in May for
Second Amendment Coalition of Florida, Inc

Mike Lameyer, Marine Corps Combat Veteran
Alison Rampersad, Vice President

The Second Amendment Coalition of Florida, Inc., is a local grassroots organization dedicated to the preservation of the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution. “A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed”
Our mission is to inform, educate and advise citizens to the true meaning of the Second Amendment and advise them of any violations committed by our publicly elected officials and the media and noting its importance in America’s history and future. It is evident, from our forefathers’ writings, that the individual citizen’s right to keep and bear arms is a fundamental right to be exercised for the protection of one’s family, property and country.
A. Rampersad, PhD

Brian Mast at Boca Chapter



Palm Beach County Tea Party Presents:  

Brian Mast
May 6,  Wednesday 7pm
Brian Mast served the United States of America from 2000-2012 as a soldier in the U.S. Army. He has held the Military Occupational Specialties of Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD), Airborne Infantry, and Combat Engineer.
In 2012 Brian retired from the U.S. Army’s Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) following a catastrophic injury incurred while serving in Afghanistan. His service and many lifesaving actions on the battlefield have been recognized by multiple awards for Valor, Merit, Sacrifice, Conduct, Achievement, and Excellence. Brian has also been recognized by the President of the United States, and been made an Honorary Member of the 75th Ranger Regiment for his contributions to the War on Terror.
Though Brian’s service with our nation’s most elite Special Operations Forces resulted in the bilateral amputation of both legs, neither his pace of life nor his work ethic have slowed. Since injury Brian has continued his work in Global Security Operations. He has provided analysis and training as a member of the National Nuclear Security Administrations (NNSA) Office of Emergency Operations in accordance with U.S. policy objectives. Brian has also provided explosive and tactical training to all federal agencies with first responder capabilities as an instructor of Home Made Explosives for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF).
Today Brian operates as an Explosive Specialist with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) (TSA). His work is to defend the multimodal transportation systems from explosive threat and advise local law enforcement and federal agencies to include U.S. Secret Service, FBI, U.S. Marshals, ATF, and U.S. Department of State on explosive threats, possible effects, trends, and solutions.
When Brian is not working he is utilizing his GI Bill as a full time student of Harvard University, is a constant advocate for countless non-profit organizations, and a contributor to veterans and veteran supporting foundations.
  Seats are filling up fast.  
Cake and Coffee will be provided.
Boca Raton Note: New Location

The Boca Raton Public Library
Downtown Library
400 NW 2nd Ave, Boca Raton, FL 33432


Wednesday, May 6, 2015


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