GOP State Committeeman Joe Budd in March

Please Join us at Abacoa on Monday, March 6, and in Boca Raton on Tuesday, March 7 for

Joe Budd
Palm Beach County State Committeeman

Help us kick off the new year with a thoughtful discussion of the political environment under a Trump administration, and its effect on our Congressional delegation and the state party.

Note: There will be no March meeting in Wellington

Can we trust Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell to follow through on the Trump agenda other than perhaps repealing Obamacare and some tax reform? If we want to really Make America Great Again, it is going to take constant pressure by the grassroots on our members of Congress to keep them on the path.

Newly elected State Committeeman Joe Budd, who campaigned against the status quo in the recent contest, is uniquely positioned to help us stay focused as the grassroots.

Besides a quick overview of what to expect from RPOF in 2017, we will hear Joe’s views on why he supported Donald Trump from the beginning (and served as county co-chair), what he expects in the first 100 days, and what we need to do as Republican activists to help our new President achieve real change in our government.

Monday, March 6, 2017
Abacoa Golf Club
105 Barbados Drive
Jupiter, Fl 33458
TIME: 5:30 PM Buffet
6:30 PM Program
Dinner – $20.00
(Buffet, Cash Bar)

Abacoa RSVP:

Tuesday, March 7, 2016, 6:30pm
Boca Community Center
150 Crawford Blvd, Boca Raton, FL 33432
(561) 393-7807

Boca RSVP:

Joe Budd is our newly elected State Committeeman and a member of the Palm Beach County Republican Executive Committee Board of Directors. He is the immediate past President of the Boca Raton Regional Republican Club and has been locally active in politics since his run for Congress in 2009. Joe served as a vice chair of the Palm Beach County Trump campaign helping President-Elect Trump win a decisive primary victory with 52% of the vote in our county.

Joe has been married to his wife Sherry for 31 years and has three children and one grandchild. Joe operates a successful Financial Planning firm in Boca Raton as well as an Insurance Brokerage firm.

Tea Party Patriots Call – 1/29/17

1. DC Report

– House: HR 7, No tax payer abortion funding; Passed
– Senate: Confirmed Pompao & Haley, Tillerson & Chow, next week
– Other: Scotus nomination next week; obama executive orders being dumped

2. Obamacare & Constitution Minute:

Obamacare is unraveling;
Trumps sanctuary city executive may be overruled by states rights issues

3. Scotus Update

– TPP need the “tool kit” local TP review results
– TPP goal is 1,000 house parties
– Contact senators, street rallies, sign petitions
– yes/no Ballot emailed for individual TP support confirmation
– women’s protest march comments: It was vulgar, loud and generated much trash. Inclination is to ignore it and do not worry about it.

Comment: No mention was made about TPP vetting of POTUS candidates.

Gun Show 2/11

The Palm Beach County Tea Party actively supports the monthly fairgrounds gun show. We consider the show as a great opportunity to meet & greet many many conservative, pro protective firearms ownership locals. We have a table at each show that is staffed by Tea Party members, including some very firearms knowledgeable members. We also have information about the Tea Party’s goals and tenets. In addition, we welcome discussions and questions about current national and world events.

The next show is next weekend. It starts on Saturday; February 11th at nine A.M. There will also be a show starting at ten A.M. on Sunday.

Hope To See You There!

Joe Burge,PE

Action Alert – Thank your Legislators for the Rail Bill

We have just had 2 very important bills filed in the Florida Senate and House.

They Are: Senate Bill 386 (High Speed Rail Safety Act); House Bill 269 (High Speed Passenger Rail).

These bills require the Florida Dept. of Transportation to supervise and require companies to:

  • Construct, Maintain and Repair their needed infrastructure
  • Construct and Maintain Fences;
  • Be Liable for certain Damages and be Responsible for Certain Improvements/Upgrades;
  • Be Responsible for Administrative Fines, Suits and Legal Costs;
  • Comply with minimum Safety Requirements & Reporting;
  • Comply with Federal Laws & Regulations;
  • Authorizes local governments to enact certain railroad speed limits.

I said important! These requirements will help save our communities, many life’s and put the costs on the back of the railroads. This is what we have been asking for many years.

Please Help! These bills will soon be assigned to committees and voted on.


To write bills like these is very difficult, legally arduous and a real threats to the big money railroad proponents.
Indeed these Representatives Are Brave. Also if you ask them to keep you up to date as these bills go through committees, They Will.

District Office Phone Numbers:

  • Sen. Mayfield (321)-409-2025
  • Rep. Magar (772) 545-3481
  • Rep. Harrell (772) 221-4011
  • Rep. Grall (772) 778-5055
  • Sen. Joe Negron, Pres. of Sen. (772) 219-1665

Thank you for your help! It is important to let our legislature know that we appreciate what they are doing for us.

Tea Party Patriots Call – 01/15/17

1. DC report, Bill Pascoe

– House & senate passed an obama care repeal process resolution
– House & senate have an off site retreat on Jan. 25 to 27
– Trump briefed on the Russian election supposed hacking claims document
– Sessions confirmation process is looking positive. The Tillerson confirmation process does not look as positive

2. Obamacare & Constitution Status- Chris Wright

– Obamacare is still a litany of problems
– The Constitution protection efforts are proceeding

3. TPP call to action for cabinet & supreme court nominees- Jennie Beth Martin

– Gearing up to support the supreme court nominee
– The democrats are planning major inauguration interference efforts
– We are continuing work on petitions, local rallies, & sign waving
– House party kit explanation:
a.- Will show relevant political videos
b.- Sign waving rallies
c.- Face Book & Twitter inputs
d.- Call local senator’s office
e.- E mail petitions to local senators offices
f.- Send post cards to local senators
g.- Telephone senators
h.-Letters to editors

J.C. Burge

Voter Fraud Detection at Boca

Please join us on February 7 at the Boca Community Center for

a City Council Candidate Expo

Patti Dervishi

Al Zucarro

and a discussion on

Voter Fraud Detection


Kirk Wolak

Tuesday, February 7, 2016, 6:30pm
Boca Community Center
150 Crawford Blvd, Boca Raton, FL 33432
(561) 393-7807

Please RSVP below; no meal is served with this meeting.

“Captain” Kirk Wolak is a software engineer having graduated from Michigan State with Honors in Computer Science and Minors in Mathematics and Telecommunications. He owns a small software company where he helps small to mid-sized businesses leverage technology and automation to lower costs and increase efficiency. He is also maintaining the statewide voter database to help detect and prevent voter fraud in Florida.

Human Trafficking Subject of Wellington Meeting

Please join us on February 1 at the Wellington Community Center for a discussion on

Human Trafficking

Rosa Castillo

Rosa is a victim of human traffickers, having been sold into slavery at the age of 14 and forced to endure 14 years of extreme abuse until her successful escape.

Rosa will relate her personal story and her current efforts to raise awareness of this modern day barbarism taking place in our country and along our southern border.

Tuesday, February 1, 2016, 6:30PM
Wellington Community Center
12150 Forest Hill Boulevard
(561) 753-2484


Please RSVP below; no meal is served with this meeting.

Tea Party Patriots Call – 01/08/17

1. Sessions confirmation by Gary Marx; President Madison Strategies

* He has excellent experience
* He will eliminate sanctuary cities
* Confirmation starts in two days
* Dems confirmation attacks have been continuous for more than 30 years
* Dems use same tactics for supreme court nominees

2. Jenny Beth Martin

* Particularly need to contact red state senators
* Nomination process can last for 2-1/2 months
* Explained the “Toolkit”
* Sign all of the petitions, and send out letters to senators and other contacts

3. DC Report; Bill Pascoe

* Ryan re-elected house speaker
* Obamacare repeal may take years per congress
* Congress will provide money for the Mexico wall. Trump will likely replace it, with Mexican money.
* Plan to use reconciliation process to repeal Obamacare, but it will not work for some major features.
* The Russian hacking issue is still being pushed by the Dems

4. Obama care report & Constitution report; Steve Wright

* If the Republicans insist on keeping pre existing conditions in their bill, it will fail.
* Demos are trying to use amendment #9 to expand citizens right limits

5. Jenny Beth Martin: Planning a confirmation reception on the day prior. Details to follow.

6. Q & A; No input

Joe Burge

Brian Mast Speaks for Israel on the House Floor

See also:
Mast Votes to Disapprove of Anti-Israel UN Resolution

City Council Candidate Night

On February 6, the Palm Beach County Tea Party will be hosting a

“City Council Candidate Night”

at the Abacoa Golf Club, starting at 6:30PM.

March Council candidates from Palm Beach Gardens and Jupiter will be invited to speak for up to 5 minutes to introduce themselves and their plans for their respective cities when elected.

Candidates and staffers will be free to distribute literature and solicit volunteers and contributors.

We will also have some discussion about the inauguration of President Donald J. Trump from those who attended the festivities in Washington, DC.

Confirmed participants include:
PBG Group 1
Mark Marciano

Michael Paolercio
PBG Group 3
Ron Berman

Kathryn Gettinger

Matthew Lane
PBG Group 5
Kevin Easton

Rachelle Litt

Joe Russo

George Wicker
Jupiter District 1
Teri Grooms

Wayne Posner (I)

Carol Watson
Jupiter District 2
Ron Delaney (I)

Heidi Epstein

Ben Klug

Please join us for this informative event and remember – our city councils and county commission have as much effect on our lives as the state and national governments. Get informed and vote on March 14.

Monday, February 6, 2016
Abacoa Golf Club
105 Barbados Drive
Jupiter, Fl 33458
TIME: 5:30 PM Buffet
6:30 PM Program
Dinner – $20.00
(Buffet, Cash Bar)

Please RSVP below. There is no charge for the meeting.

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