10/24 for Trump and the Resurrection of America

Join us on Tuesday, October 24 for a SPECIAL MEETING at Abacoa with

John Michael Chambers

John will discuss his new book – “Trump and the Resurrection of America

Also Wednesday 10/25 there will be a John Michael Chambers workshop at the Marriot on PGA BLVD in Palm Beach Gardens 6:30pm no charge.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017
Abacoa Golf Club
105 Barbados Drive
Jupiter, Fl 33458
TIME: 5:30 PM Buffet
6:30 PM Program
Dinner – $20.00
(Buffet, Cash Bar)
No charge for meeting.

Please RSVP:

John Michael Chambers was born and raised in New York and has traveled across much of the United States. Presently residing in both the U.S. and Asia.

1996 – 2008: Financial Advisor, six independent offices in Colorado, Florida, and New Mexico with a focus on wealth preservation. Interviewed by the Wall Street Journal as well as many other newspapers and radio and television stations of note across the country, including CBS and NBC.

In Washington, D.C., John attended meetings held by members of Congress that were also attended by former President George W. Bush and First Lady Laura Bush, on Social Security Reform, Tax Reform, and Homeland Security. He was awarded by the Presidential Business Advisory Council of Washington DC, 2004 & 2005, The Businessman of the Year Award for the state of Colorado. John is a patriot who loves his country and serves as but one voice for humanity.

2008 -2017: Radio talk show host on 860 WGUL AM radio, a Salem Communications Company. Public speaking in over 30 cities, six states and three countries where he addressee both the dangers and opportunities as Trump deconstructs the New World Order. Founder of the Save America Foundation, a 501(c)4 not-for-profit foundation providing a variety of educational formats and modules. He has dedicated much of his time over the past two decades sharing insightful and empowering information to help keep freedom alive.

Author: 2013 – “Surviving Global Governance”. 2015 – “Misconceptions and Course Corrections” 2016 – “What One Man Can Do” John’s latest book – “Trump and the Resurrection of America”. Presently John is posting daily on his blog site and will continue to write and publish books and blogs. https://johnmichaelchambers.com/

As of January 2017 John has embarked upon a public speaking tour across the nation beginning in the great state of Ohio. The name of his tour is “Trump and the Resurrection of America”.

TPP Call -10/1/17

1. TPP Update; JBM

The administration has designated 10/02 as “Cut The Red Tape”day. The intent is to accelerate the administration’s political accomplishments. The following govt. agencies will be involved: Agriculture, Education, Labor, Small Business, Treasury, Health & Human Services, & Executive. The president will give a speech. There is a request for Tea party help by social media work, letters to prominent political people and flag/sign waving rallies.

2. Constitution Minute; Chris Wright

The left (Howard Dean & some college students) are saying that hate speech is unconstitutional. But even the ACLU is saying it is not.

3. D.C. Report; Bill Pascoe

The house is working on a budget reconciliation bill. Administration appointees continue to be slowly approved. Dr. Price has resigned in response to charges that he has charged as much as one million government dollars for personal travel costs. Southern border wall funding/ building has been started. obama care bill repeal appears to be dead. The new tax organization program will be released this week.

4. TPP live real time poll:

A.- Should the TPP take a stand to remove McConnell? No response provided.
B.- Should the TPP support the president’s tax reform program? 95% voted yes.

5. TPP Update; JBM

166 court nominations are outstanding. Support to expedite. Help to end the filibuster rule. Emails will be sent out this week to request these actions. Also, please consider house parties or rallies to add support. Budweiser, Inc. has started a “hot line” to help dispute the NFL “knee protests”. The telephone number is (1-800-342-5283). I just recently attended a US government “NORAD” meeting. The subject was national disaster response activities.

6. Q & A

Dan Bongino’s Thoughts on Donald Trump

On Monday at Abacoa, our speaker was Dan Bongino, former NYC police officer, secret service agent, congressional candidate and Foxnews contributor.

It was a busy day for Dan – a morning appearance on “Fox & Friends”, the “Hannity” radio show in the afternoon, and a scheduled appearance on “Tucker Carlson” at 8pm. That last engagement posed a scheduling problem for the meeting, so his presentation began about a half hour early. While most had arrived early for the 5:30pm buffet, some did not and we apologize if you missed the first part of Dan’s remarks.

The phenomenon that is Trump was the focus of the talk. While late to the “Trump Train” as a Ted Cruz supporter, Dan had initially missed what Donald Trump has that the 16 others do not – he does not need anybody – not money, not endorsements, not the GOP establishment. This provides unprecedented power and independence.

The President is also a master at trolling the left, easily making them reveal what they really believe, and they fall for it over and over.

On Immigration for example, by outrageously promising to build the wall and make Mexico pay for it, many Democrats began to outwardly show that open borders and unrestricted immigration was their platform – a position held by only a small minority of the country.

On the NFL controversy, he easily forced the league and the teams into revealing a position of opposing the flag, the anthem and the military – putting them and their handlers on the left again way out of the mainstream. He also was able to claim patriotism and love of country for himself and the GOP.

On taxes, Trump easily manipulated the Democrats into their reflexive position of wanting to raise taxes on the “rich”, not to raise revenue for government (it doesn’t) but to punish the achievers in society.

The Democrat party is no longer a mainstream party in the US, holding influence only in the blue enclaves on the coasts. At the state level, they have been wiped out pretty much everywhere else.

Dan took some questions from the audience then and discussed Antifa and like groups and their “heckler’s veto” which threatens violence at college speaking events, then asks the administrations to shut down the event because “there may be violence”.

He also made the point that whenever a Democrat calls for tax cuts to be “paid for” – you should ask them if any tax cut in history cost the government money. The answer – no, tax cuts always result in more revenue. The Bush tax cuts for example, generated $755B for the treasury over 10 years.

Check out Dan’s new book – “Protecting the President: An Inside Account of the Troubled Secret Service in an Era of Evolving Threats.”

TPP Call – 9/17

1. Constitution Minute; Chris Wright

Black Lives Matter continues to be one of the leading leftest attackers on the attempted destruction of our Constitution.

2. DC Report; Bill Pascoe

* Twelve new US attorneys were confirmed

* The debt ceiling review has been officially suspended. The suspension will be removed on December 8th. The plan appears to be to reset the debt limit on the 8th with all of the interim congressional approved incremental raises.

* Senator Graham and one other senator have proposed a new obama care change bill. The bill does not repeal obama care, but includes the following:

– Shifts significant parts of bill funding from the fed to states,
– Drops the employer mandate requirement,
– Drops insurer bail outs,
– Makes the obama care formula for state to state funding more equitable.
– Proposes dropping fed funding for abortions. However it also does not repeal any obama care taxes & keeps the congressional obama care exemptions.

In a TPP poll, the bill was rejected. However, JBM is still proposing support for the bill.

* Tax reform; Stay tuned.

3. TPP calls for action:

– There are six TPP important petitions on the TPP web site that every one needs to push for signing.
– The 9/23/17 DC meeting needs as many attendees as possible.
– No senators or representatives will be attending the 9/23 event because of the impending Jewish holidays.

Wellington Mayor Gerwig and FH85 Representative Roth at Wellington 10/4

Please join us on Wednesday, October 4
at the Wellington Community Center for

FH85 Representative Rick Roth

Wellington Mayor Anne Gerwig

Mayor Gerwig will discuss the current state of Wellington and Representative Roth will bring us up to date on the happenings in Tallahassee.

This will be a very informative meeting, please bring your friends and neighbors.

Wednesday, October 4, 2017, 6:30PM
Wellington Community Center
12150 Forest Hill Boulevard
(561) 753-2484


Please RSVP below; no meal is served with this meeting.

Convention of States Discussion at Boca on 10/3

Please Join us at Boca Raton on Tuesday, October 3 for

Ed Bender

Ed Bender is a Regional Captain for Convention of States Action, responsible for 12 districts in the Greater Palm Beach County area. He will offer a presentation regarding the Convention of States project and update our current progress and success so far.

In light of recent events in Washington, D.C., it has become clear that our federal government either cannot, or will not act according to the will of their constituents to fix the major problems we face. The Founders foresaw this day and provided a solution as big as the problem, the Convention of States, to restore the balance of power to our republic.

Questions and answers will follow the presentation.

Tuesday, October 3, 2017, 6:30pm
Boca Community Center
150 Crawford Blvd, Boca Raton, FL 33432
(561) 393-7807

Please RSVP:

Dan Bongino at Abacoa on 10/2

Please Join us at Abacoa on Monday, October 2 for

Dan Bongino

As a former secret service agent, best selling author, congressional candidate, and frequent contributor to the Fox News Network, Dan Bongino has a lot to say. Join us at Abacoa and hear what’s on his mind these days.

Monday, October 2, 2017
Abacoa Golf Club
105 Barbados Drive
Jupiter, Fl 33458
TIME: 5:30 PM Buffet
6:30 PM Program
Dinner – $20.00
(Buffet, Cash Bar)
No charge for meeting.

Please RSVP:

Dan Bongino’s public service career began with the NYPD in 1995. After joining the US Secret Service in 1999, Dan received a Department of Justice award for his many successful investigations while assigned to a financial fraud task-force.

In 2006, Dan joined the elite Presidential Protective Division during the administration of President George W. Bush. Dan became one of the earliest tenured agents to be given responsibility for an operational section of the presidential detail and he remained on protective duty with President Obama.

One of their most distinguished agents, Dan’s assignments included the coordination of President Obama’s visits to Prague, Jakarta, amongst a myriad of terror threats, and finally as the lead agent responsible for President Obama’s visit to an active war zone in Afghanistan.

A New York Times Best Selling author of Life Inside the Bubble: Why a Top-Ranked Secret Service Agent Walked Away From It All, and The Fight: A Secret Service Agent’s Inside Account of Security Failings and the Political Machine, Dan provides expertise on international security and political strategy for outlets such as Fox News, CNN, and others.

Dan has his MBA from Penn State University, and his MA and BA from the City University of New York.

Mini Phone Revolution on 9/12

ON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12 from 10am to 2:00pm EDT 



Speaker Paul Ryan:    202-225-0600
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell:     202-224-2541

Demand President Trump’s agenda be presented in a clean bill(s) and be voted upon this calendar year. 2017.


We will focus on the top 4 agenda items for this specific call so as to not dilute the impact. More mini phone revolutions will follow for other agenda items for the most powerful impact of we, the people. 

We demand that our votes count and our voices are heard by passing President Trump’s, and therefore our, agenda.


In the next 4 months, 121 days, Congress will be in session approximately 48 days; in fact they will be in session for only 5 Fridays out of those meager 48 days.!!!!!!!!
Outrageous and unacceptable especially during these dire times.

Suggested Script:

I am one of the 62 million or more people who voted for President Donald J.Trump and his agenda. My support is unwavering.

By the end of this year I expect you to pass:
  • Tax Reform and Tax Cuts
  • Repeal and Replace Obamacare ( NOT a propping up of Obamacare)
  • Financing for the Wall
  • Infrastructure
Do what you promised and STOP IGNORING THE VOTERS!

You are squandering the opportunity to make America Great Again as we, the people, voted for, expect and now demand.

Convention of States Discussed at Wellington on 9/6

Please join us on Wednesday, September 6
at the Wellington Community Center for

Ed Bender

Ed Bender is a Regional Captain for Convention of States Action, responsible for 12 districts in the Greater Palm Beach County area. He will offer a presentation regarding the Convention of States project and update our current progress and success so far.

In light of recent events in Washington, D.C., it has become clear that our federal government either cannot, or will not act according to the will of their constituents to fix the major problems we face. The Founders foresaw this day and provided a solution as big as the problem, the Convention of States, to restore the balance of power to our republic.

Questions and answers will follow the presentation.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017, 6:30PM
Wellington Community Center
12150 Forest Hill Boulevard
(561) 753-2484


Please RSVP below; no meal is served with this meeting.

Roger Stone at Abacoa on 9/11

This event has been CANCELLED because of Hurricane Irma.
Please Join us at Abacoa on Monday, September 11 for

Roger Stone

Roger Stone has been a fixture in Republican politics stretching back to Barry Goldwater. A master of the use of operations research, he has been referred to as a “political dirty trickster”, a “renowned infighter”, and a “seasoned practitioner of hard-edged politics”.

Serving as an adviser to the Trump campaign in 2016, he was responsible for raising doubts about the marital fidelity of Ted Cruz (“tabloid smear” said Cruz), and the pointing out connections between Hillary aide Huma Abedin and the Muslim Brotherhood. Although he left the campaign early, he was accused of potential involvement in russian hacking of John Podesta’s emails, and asked to testify before the Senate Intelligence Committee, but the testimony was later canceled.

Author of “The Clinton’s War on Women” (2015), and “Jeb! and the Bush Crime Family” (2016), his latest work is “The Making of the President 2016: How Donald Trump Orchestrated a Revolution“.

Monday, September 11, 2017
Abacoa Golf Club
105 Barbados Drive
Jupiter, Fl 33458
TIME: 5:30 PM Buffet
6:30 PM Program
Dinner – $20.00
(Buffet, Cash Bar)
No charge for meeting.

Please RSVP:

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