Congratulations to the GOP Primary Winners!

The Palm Beach County Tea Party supports “favorite son” Brian Mast for re-election to the House in district 18, Governor Rick Scott for Senator, and Representative Ron DeSantis for Governor.

In a great primary victory, Brian Mast triumphed over his challengers, winning 78% of the 71,379 votes cast in the Republican primary. With approximately 203K Republicans eligible to vote on Tuesday, that represents a turnout of 35% – quite a showing for any primary, let alone a midterm, and a sign that enthusiasm is high. We can’t rest now though as the Democrats had a respectable turnout also – their 57,929 voters was 31% of their 184K eligible voters. Now is the time to give Brian your money and your time to help him hold this seat against the formidble resources that the left will bring to “bear” for Baer.
In the Governor’s race, our friend Ron DeSantis, backed by President Trump, rode to a 20 point victory over Adam Putnam, proving once again that media polling is fake. Ron also had a turnout advantage over the Democrats who have nominated a Bernie Sanders socialist who could not represent a more stark contrast to the DeSantis/Trump agenda. This one is for keeps, so saddle up.
For Senator, Rick Scott brought down 89% of the vote against token opposition and will face long term incumbent Bill Nelson, a tiresome politician long past his expiration date. This election is an opportunity to replace obstructionist Democrats and never-Trumper Republicans with those who can advance the Trump agenda. Electing Rick Scott and others like him is key to this and it can succeed with our help.

We are also rooting for our Florida House candidates – Rick Roth for HD85, Laurel Bennett for HD86, and Michael Caruso for HD89.

TPP Call – 8/16/18

Welcome to the Tea Party Patriots Weekly National Leadership Call Report. Glad you checked in to see what going on.

Chris Wrights’ “Constitution Minute” talked in detail about the genealogy of the impeachment clause found in our constitution and borrowed from British parliament. CNN and MSNBC together used impeachment 222.

Invalidated: The Shredding of the US Patent System at Boca and Wellington

Join the Palm Beach County Tea Party
for the premier viewing of the Tea Party Patriot documentary


When a father of eight invents the “Toy of The Year,” he hopes his invention will bring financial security to his family. But his genius idea is stolen! Thrust into a battle to save his invention he uncovers the shocking truth that intellectual property rights are at risk and American innovation is dying.

Boca Showing
September 4, 2018 at 7:00PM
Boca Raton Community Center
150 Crawford Blvd, Boca Raton, FL 33432
(561) 393-7807

Wellington Showing
September 5, 2018 at 7:00PM
Wellington Community Center
12150 Forest Hill Boulevard
(561) 753-2484

Wellington Showing of “Invalidated”

Join the Palm Beach County Tea Party
for the premier viewing of the Tea Party Patriot documentary


Wellington Showing
September 5, 2018 at 7:00PM
Wellington Community Center
12150 Forest Hill Boulevard
(561) 753-2484

Boca Showing of “Invalidated”

Join the Palm Beach County Tea Party
for the premier viewing of the Tea Party Patriot documentary

September 4, 2018 at 7:00PM
Boca Raton Community Center
150 Crawford Blvd, Boca Raton, FL 33432
(561) 393-7807


Several conservative organizations score the conservativeness of the members of the United States Congress

You can find the scores of your representative and senators as follows:

American Conservative Union

Americans For Prosperity

Conservative Review

Club for Growth


Heritage Action

In addition to the conservative scorecards, there is other information available for members of Congress.

Information on the legislative activity of members of Congress can be found at:

2017 Report Cards

The roll call votes of members of Congress can be found at:

Congressional Voting Records

A database with information on members of Congress can be downloaded at:

Ideology and Related Data

TPP Call – 8/12/18

Welcome to the Tea Party Patriots Weekly National Leadership Call Report. Glad you stopped by.

Chris Wrights’ Constitution Minute talked in detail about the new Tea Party Patriot documentary “Invalidated.” The documentary discusses current threat to the US patent system under the Patent Trial and Appeal Board (P-TAB).

A Reason for Optimism – John Michael Chambers

Over the years, we have been warned about the Globalist Conspiracies that threaten to reduce our country to one more cog in a dreary machine controlled by multi national elites who profit while the world’s peoples are enslaved. This is nothing new – I remember how my father used to rage against the “Tri-Lateral Commission” during the Carter era. Even though he was a Roosevelt Democrat, he was deeply suspicious of what we would now call “The Deep State”.

Typically, these warnings of impending doom suggest that unless we change our ways and wake up to what is happening, Armageddon will ensue.

Last evening we were treated to something different – an optimistic message that help is on the way.

John Michael Chambers, who describes himself as a strategic wealth coach, is the creator of the Economic Institute for Asset Preservation, and would like to help you manage your money. A Tampa resident, John is back at the PBCTP for a second time, as he makes the rounds of tea parties, Republican and Trump clubs, relating his perceived global threats to our sovereignty and their effect on our personal financial situations.

His optimistic message is that Trump is the existential threat to the global power structure that seeks to control us and HE IS WINNING!

Yes, this Global Cabal exists, controls most of the media (who are beholden to the “Clinton Machine”) and the bureaucracy, seeks one world government and the reduction of global population to less than 1 Billion, has over 10,000 “secret” organizations working within the US alone, and have us under 24×7 surveillance through “post-constitutional” government enabled by the Patriot Act. And yes, they have saddled us with a $20 trillion national debt, $150 trillion in unfunded liabilities, $1.5 trillion in student loan debt – all of which will lead to a “Global Financial Reset” that will replace our current system of government and economic systems.

Not to worry though, because the 2016 election has dealt “them” their first real setback and they have met their match in Donald Trump. Real soon now, expect to see “Nuremberg style” trials of the deep state perpetrators who have fought to de-legitimize the President and maintain their stranglehold on the levers of power. He cites the long list of accomplishments of barely 18 months of the administration – the tax cuts, deregulation, leaving TPP, the Paris Accords and the Iran deal, Judicial appointments, 4.1% economic growth, lowest unemployment in history, the “America First” foreign policy, etc. as proof that the tide has turned. The President has them right where he wants them and it is driving them CRAZY!.

We shall see.

Also at the meeting we heard from Lowell Levine – founder and president of the Stop Bullying Now Foundation, whose mission is to “… raise money for school districts around the country to address and eliminate the ongoing dangerous student bullying problem which is causing death, much mental and physical harm as well as forcing students to drop out of school”. Lowell was a candidate for PBC School Board in 2010 and 2012.

We also heard from several candidates – CD18 incumbent Brian Mast and challenger Dave Cummings and FH86 candidate Laurel Bennett.

TPP Call – 7/22/18

Welcome to the Tea Party Patriots Weekly National Leadership Call Report. Glad you stopped by.

From Washington Bill Pascoe reported on the FBI Department’s release of the heavily redacted versions of the FISA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) warrant application of Carter Page.

The Treasury Department announced late Monday that it will no longer require non-profit organizations to disclose the names and addresses of donors giving $5,000 or more arguing this change doesn’t affect the information legally available to the public. No surprise the Left is outraged that the IRS will not be receiving this information given their proclivity to police state tactics. See: irs nonprofit donor disclosure/

President Trump met with Putin in Helsinki on Monday where his response to a hostile media went sideways – the President took the side of Putin over his intelligence community in whether or not the Russians interfered in our election process.


Jenny Beth Martin’s Call to Action for the week of July 23 through July 27 remains the same as last week. The Call to Action remains the same with the #ConfirmKavanaugh media campaign and the Pledge to Vote. Please visit the Tea Party Patriot site follow the directions to have the action items placed on your Facebook page and Twitter account.

Finally, this week is the much anticipated Tea Party Patriots national fly-in conference, July 24-25 in Washington, D.C. Conference speakers include Representative Jim Jordan, Senator Ted Cruz, Senator David Perdue, Representative Mark Meadows and many, many, more. Portions of the fly-in will be taped and possibly live streamed.

The conference will include a premier viewing of the award winning documentary “The shredding of the U.S. Patent System.” The documentary will be available to the public beginning Friday 7/27 on Amazon Prime, iTunes and Xfinity. A small fee may be required.

That’s all for this week.
Thank you for tuning in.
Keep fighting for Liberty and God Bless.
Teri Hughes

Remarks made to the PBC School Board on Tax Increase Proposal

OPENING: Good evening. My name is Teri Hughes. I am a PBC tax payer and my 16-year-old daughter attends a PBC high school.

At the last PBC School Board meeting we heard from the Board members discuss placing the proposed tax hike on the ballet in November to cover the cost of the mandatory hiring of Resource Officers, as well as mental health resources in order to fulfill the mandates set forth in the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Public Safety Act. The proposal would add $1 to every $1000.00 in taxable dollars if it’s placed on the November ballot and approved by the voters.

It is critical that every tax payer in this room familiarizes themselves with the data before any votes are cast. Hat tip to WJNO’s Brian Mudd’s Cheat Sheet and Jane Justice, one of our leaders.


  • Broward County: Received $74 million over last year and $152 million over two years.
  • Miami-Dade County: $87 million over last year and $144 million over two years.
  • Palm Beach County: $477 million over last year and $629 million over two years. This money represents 50% of the entire budget of PGC.



  • Broward County: $8,928.00/student
  • Miami-Dade: $9,116.00/student
  • Palm Beach County: $15,420/student
  • Average state spending per student in PBC is $8,920

Average per Student for the 2017-2018 School Year

  • Broward County: +$9 or .001% higher
  • Miami-Dade County: +$196 or +2.2% higher
  • Palm Beach County: +$6,500 or 72.9% higher

Now Let’s take a look at Administrator’s Base Salaries which come from tax payer dollars

  • Superintendent Avosa was hired at: $325,000/yr
  • Avosa’s two friends were hired at $202,000/yr and $190,962 respectively.
  • MB $185,657/yr
  • DF $185,400/yr
  • GL $175,100/yr
  • LC $169,332
  • WP $161,600/yr
  • ST $157,996.65/yr
  • TOTAL: $1,567,390
  • During the 2015-2017 school calendar year, salaries over $120,000 doubled from 37 staff to 74. That’s 120,000 x 74 = $8,800,000

These salaries in my opinion are outrageous and what is even more outrageous is the CHUTZPAH of the School Board asking taxpayers in PBCC for more money.

Palm Beach County has seen a windfall from the 16.7% sales tax increase in PBC, which the PBC school district nets half of. I would argue this places Palm Beach County in a financial position that should enable it to meet all its needs, challenges, and cost increases without even blinking an eye – let alone suggesting other tax increases are necessary.  

So I have just one question for each of you; where is the $629 million being allocated to if not the retention of good teachers and safe schools.

I say NO to property tax increases in PBC. Maybe you need to manage your money better.

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