Sign Waving 12/13 in NPB
FRIDAY, DEC.13 at 4:30
US 1 & SO. ANCHORAGE DRIVE (2 blocks north of Northlake Blvd…..east side….park in plaza lot)
Bring your signs and flags!
Wear your Trump shirt and hat!
Joan Lagoulis
Tax Day Rally – “Stop Socialism Now”

Tea Party Patriots:
We have been so blessed to live in a country that we have enjoyed Liberty and Freedom, but we see every day a push towards a socialist agenda.
Please join us Monday April 15th from 4 to 6pm at the corner of PGA and Military for a” Stop Socialism Rally”.
Bring your signs and your Americans Flags, lets have have fun, and show our community that we are standing strong!
RSVP to help us contact you with updates after the rally and for follow-up events.
Vote NO on PBG Ballot Questions !!
On March 13, there will be a Palm Beach Gardens Election with four ballot questions related to the city charter. There are no candidates on the ballot this year.
These questions, if passed, will have the effect of seriously weakening the term limits that we so dearly won in 2014.
You may have heard there is controversy about misleading wording on some of the questions, and a city resident has filed a lawsuit to challenge the language as dishonest. If the lawsuit is successful, voters will be told that the results will not count. It is too late to change the questions and absentee ballots have already been mailed.
It is difficult to tell from the ballot language what a yes or no vote really means, but here is our synopsis:
A YES on question 1 replaces much of the charter language to “clean it up” and bring it into line with state law. It also drops the requirement for city manager annual review, lets him (or her) live outside the city, throws out the votes for a candidate when they drop out of a race late, removes the requirement for charter reviews and many other things that go beyond “fixup”. Because there are so many substantive changes under the false guide of “fixup”, we urge you to VOTE NO ON 1.
A YES on question 2 extends council term limits from the current 2 terms of 3 years (6 total – adopted in 2014) to 3 terms of 3 years (9 total). Since this changes the rules for the current council (who would not be there if not for term limits), a very self-serving move, we urge you to VOTE NO ON 2.
A YES on question 3 allows council members to run again after their term limits are reached if they wait three years. Since this would have the effect of throwing out the 4th District Court of Appeals judgement in the Woods case, which ruled that term limited councilmen cannot run again, we urge you to VOTE NO ON 3.
A YES on question 4 drops the requirement for “majority wins” (50% + 1) in council elections. In a race with 3 or more candidates, the candidate with the most votes wins – even if it is only a small percentage of the votes cast. Since this “Incumbent Protection Act” makes it easier for incumbents with name recognition to split the opposition vote by encouraging a larger field to counter challengers, we urge you to VOTE NO ON 4.
For the actual ballot language see: SAMPLE BALLOT
With no candidates on the ballot it is expected to be a low turnout – perhaps 1000 voters or so. Keep in mind that when term limits were adopted in November 2014 – 20,000 people voted and over 16,000 voted for 2 terms of 3 years. If you think it is unfair for a handful of people to overturn the will of 16,000, then GET OUT AND VOTE ON MARCH 13.
For more information, see:
March in the Veterans Day Parade with PBCTP
Come and join the Palm Beach County Tea Party as we march in the Veteran’s Parade on Sunday November 5th on Clematis Street in West Palm Beach. See below for parade information:
Dear Parade Participants,
The Palm Beach County Veterans Committee is honored to have you join us for the 10th annual City of West Palm Beach Veterans Day Parade!
The mission of Palm Beach County Veterans Committee, Inc., is to proudly honor through the Memorial Day Ceremony and the Veterans Day Parade our past, present, and future veterans in this our Country; the United States of America.
We thank you for your participation and support!
Below and attached you will find important information.
Please forward to those in your group that will be participating.
Sunday, November 5, 2017.
Line up – 12 noon at Clematis and Tamarind or Sapodilla (see below)
Parade start – 2 pm and travels east on Clematis to Flagler
RAIN or SHINE – We start at 2 pm.
VOLUNTEERS are greatly needed to help distribute information and help with lineup – we need them from 11am (training, line up & parade) to 3pm (parade end) – we can give volunteer service letters to students as needed – please email me to confirm by Friday 11/3/17 by 12 noon. Volunteers will check in at the post office at Clematis and Sapodilla and be assigned a job during training at 11am.
PARKING is free in City garages and on streets other than Clematis – parking garages are highlighted on the attached route and line up document – please use their Banyan and Evernia entrances. (Clematis starts shutting down at 11am)
PARADE VEHICLES – Please enter at Tamarind and Clematis, we will have volunteers there to guide you to your spot.
MOTORCYCLES – Please enter at Datura and Sapodilla you will be lining up between Sapodilla and Rosemary on Clematis – ask for Gary who will help you with placement.
SHOW CARS – Please enter at Banyan and Sapodilla – ask for Dee who will help you with placement.
STUDENTS – There will be no dropping off at Tamarind and Clematis – it is for vehicles in the parade only. We recommend parents drop their child/children off at the corner of Datura and Sapodilla then have them walk 1 block north to the corner of Sapodilla and Clematis where a volunteer will help with placement. (We ask that you have at least one chaperone with your group in the lineup at all times – do not leave your child/children without supervision) Parking recommendation for parents: park in one of the Evernia garages as groups will be directed to Post Park at Evernia and Narcissus (3 blocks south of Clematis) for pick up – there will be no vehicle stopping or standing on the street.
CHECK IN – Please look for volunteers in flourescent vests at the corner of Clematis & Tamarind and Clematis & Sapodilla – they will direct your group to it’s placement.
PLACEMENT – Much effort and thought has gone into placement and no changes will be made to the parade lineup order. (Although there may be some additions) Please let me know if you see a spelling error for your group. PLEASE NOTE – we reserve the right to change placement on event day because of challenges out of our control or if your group is late for line up.
SIGNAGE/BANNER – It is mandatory that your group display signage identifying your organization/group.
PORTALETS – Will be available at the corners of Clematis & Tamarind and Clematis & Sapodilla.
SAFETY – No throwing of candy or any items to spectators, if you have something you want to distribute you must walk it to them – it can not be given out from the vehicles. Bring water, sunscreen, first aid kit and wear comfortable shoes. If unable to complete parade please find volunteer at one of the cross streets who will contact parade staff to assist as able. Please contact parade staff or volunteers if you see or hear anything that may be of concern on the day of the parade – the safety of our participants and those in attendance is our primary concern!
SOLICITATION – There will be absolutely no solicitation of funds/donations from any organizations participating in or affiliated with the parade other than the PBC Veterans Committee.
GRAND STAND – Please advise those you are inviting to attend parade that the parade announcements will be made at Clematis and Dixie. It is the best spot for viewing. Please ask them to stop by and thank our media sponsors – Palm Beach Post and Alpha Media WIRK/WFTL!
NEW THIS YEAR – ROTCs, Bands and Dance/Baton Troops may perform at the bandstand – You/they are limited to 2 minutes and under. Please note that this means those behind you/them will have times during the parade when they will be at a complete stop. PLEASE INFORM THOSE YOU KNOW WHO ARE ATTENDING AS SPECTATORS!
END OF PARADE – Per the request of the City of West Palm Beach there will be a change in the end of the parade. Please follow directions of volunteers in fluorescent vests placed at the intersection. ONLY vehicles will travel on Clematis from Narcissus to Flagler. Walking participants (bands, ROTCs, etc) will turn right on Narcissus and proceed to Post Park for pickup. There will be no unloading of participants on Clematis – you must turn right on Flager and proceed to either Datura, Evernia, or the parking garage where your passengers parked. We must keep the parade moving.
VETERAN INFO TENTS – There will be many Veteran and community organizations located at the end of the parade (Clematis and Narcissus) at Fountain Park including: American Legion Post 199, DAR – Seminole Chapter, FL Dept of Veterans Affairs, Freedom Veterans of America Motorcycle Association #11, Health Career Institute, Keiser University Spirit Squad, Legal Aid Society of Palm Beach County, Inc., Palm Beach County Democratic Veterans Caucus of Florida, Palm Beach County Veteran Service Officers, Palm Beach State College, Palm Beach Twirling Coalition, Palm Beach Vet Center, South Florida National Cemetery, Veterans Health Organization, Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 25 and Young Marines of the Palm Beaches – please stop by for important information.
MOLLY’S TROLLEY – Once again we will have Molly’s Trolley as the last vehicle in the parade. Veterans who can not walk and have no other vehicle are invited to ride in the parade. At the end of the parade for those who need assistance to their vehicles parked at the beginning of the parade route we do have access for a very limited time after the parade. It is first come, first served and will only travel to City garages. (not street parking) You will be able to board the Trolley on the north side of the fountains. These trips are reserved exclusively for those who are physically in need of assistance.
SPONSORS/DONORS – Please make note of our sponsors and donors, who without their support we would be unable to produce our parade!
Host City of West Palm Beach; Gold sponsors Florida Public Utilities and GEO Group; Silver sponsors Florida Public Utilities and Palm Beach Kennel Club; Bronze sponsors Disabled Veterans of America and Lytal, Reiter, Smith, Ivey & Fronrath LLP; Supporters Mercedez Benz and Republican Party of Palm Beach County and Media sponsors Alpha Media – WIRK/WFTL and The Palm Beach Post.
If you or your organization would like to sponsor or make a donation, please contact me at sstjohn@pbcveteranscommittee.o rg. Your donation is tax deductible.
Please like and share our facebook page – we need you to help insure a huge turnout this year! Beach-County-Veterans-Committe e-Inc
This is the page where you will find photos afterwards – and you are encouraged to share yours here as well!
Please #PBCVetparade2017!
I think that is it!
I am here to answer any other questions you have – please let me know if you have any 🙂
Again, we thank you for joining us in this exciting and meaningful day.
We hope you feel as we do that the day truly shows our support for Veterans and all they have and continue to do for us!
Thank you!
Serving in gratitude,
Shanna D St John
​Palm Beach County Veterans Committee
561-523-6553 cell
http://pbcveteranscommittee.or g
The mission of Palm Beach County Veterans Committee, Inc., is to proudly honor through the Memorial Day Ceremony and the Veterans Day Parade our past, present, and future veterans in this our Country; the United States of America.
Mini Phone Revolution on 9/12
We will focus on the top 4 agenda items for this specific call so as to not dilute the impact. More mini phone revolutions will follow for other agenda items for the most powerful impact of we, the people.
We demand that our votes count and our voices are heard by passing President Trump’s, and therefore our, agenda.
In the next 4 months, 121 days, Congress will be in session approximately 48 days; in fact they will be in session for only 5 Fridays out of those meager 48 days.!!!!!!!!
Outrageous and unacceptable especially during these dire times.
Suggested Script:
- Tax Reform and Tax Cuts
- Repeal and Replace Obamacare ( NOT a propping up of Obamacare)
- Financing for the Wall
- Infrastructure
Independence Day Rally
Rally to Honor Our Country and All Our Veterans
Come Honor Those Brave Men & Women in Uniform who laid their lives & limb on the line
for our beloved United States so that we can live in the Land of the Free – because of the Brave!
Please invite your friends and family to this special event and let’s show our community what a real Tea Party is all about.
Wear your Patriotic best – the Red, White & Blue – bring your American flags & your Trump T-shirts!!
This Memorial Day will be that much more significant now that we have a real American Patriot in the White House and an Administration who truly believes in the American Constitution and in Supporting our Veterans!!
Tax Day Rally
Tax Day Rally
Tuesday April 18 th
4 PM to 6 PM
PGA Blvd and MILITARY Trail
Bring Signs / We will also have signs available
Please support
Tax Reform Measure
PBCTP Co-Hosts Palm Beach Gardens Forum on 2/28
Gun Show 2/11
The Palm Beach County Tea Party actively supports the monthly fairgrounds gun show. We consider the show as a great opportunity to meet & greet many many conservative, pro protective firearms ownership locals. We have a table at each show that is staffed by Tea Party members, including some very firearms knowledgeable members. We also have information about the Tea Party’s goals and tenets. In addition, we welcome discussions and questions about current national and world events.
The next show is next weekend. It starts on Saturday; February 11th at nine A.M. There will also be a show starting at ten A.M. on Sunday.
Hope To See You There!
Joe Burge,PE