Call to Action: Cut, Cap, Balance Vote Tomorrow

Hello Friends and Fellow Patriots,

Tomorrow, Tuesday, July 19th,  the US House of  Representatives will be voting on the Cut, Cap, and Balance Act of 2011.  Even though President Obama has vowed to veto this bill, it will make a statement to our country that our representatives are ready to take a stand for:

  • Substantial cuts in spending
  • Enforceable spending caps
  • Congressional passage of a Balanced Budge Amendment to the U.S. Constitution that includes a spending limitation an a super-majority vote to raise taxes before the debit ceiling can be raised.

Please contact your Representative today to ask for him to co-sponsor and vote Yes on the Cut, Cap, and Balance Act of 2011.

Here are some facts that you can use to support this stance:

  • The debt held by the public has more than doubled in just the past five years. Interest paid on the national debt is expected to more than triple over the next ten years.
  • Many economists believe the US faces a Greek-style debt crisis within the next five years if we do not get our fiscal house in order very soon.
  • The federal government has hit the $14.292 trillion debt limit set in February 2010. Raising the debt ceiling without significant spending cuts is simply a tax increase on future generations.
  • Moody’s Investors Services has said the AAA rating of US government bonds is in jeopardy unless Congress passes “a budget that includes long-term deficit reduction.”
  • Standard & Poor’s has said it will downgrade US debt if the US doesn’t 1) cut spending substantially and 2) REFORM the way it budgets, to control future spending.
  • The Cut Cap and Balance Act (CCB) would meet the tests set forth by Moody’s and S&P, so we never again face this kind of debt problem. In short, “CCB=AAA.”
  • The Cut, Cap, and Balance Act is a long-term deficit reduction package that will ensure we get back on the path of fiscal sanity and are not downgraded from our AAA bond rating.

For your convenience, here are the US Congressmen from Palm Beach County and their contact information.  To email them directly, just click on the link after their name.


Tom Rooney (R-16)

Washington Office Tel:  (202) 225-5792  Fax:  (202) 225-3132

Stuart Office (772) 288-4668   Fax:  (772) 288-4631


Ted Deutch (D-19)

Washington Office Tel:  (202) 225-3001   Fax:  (202) 225-5974

Boca Raton Office Tel:  (561) 988-6302 or (561) 732-4000


Allen West (R-22)

Washington Office Tel:  (202) 225-3026    Fax:  (202) 225-8398

West Palm Beach Office Tel: (561) 655-1943 Fax: (561) 655-8018


Alcee Hastings (D-23)

Washington Office Tel:  (202) 225-131  Fax:  (202) 225-1171

Delray Beach City Hall Tel:  (561) 243-7042    Fax: (561) 243-7327


Thank you for taking this action TODAY!

Upcoming August Chapter Meetings

Monday,  August 8th,  Col. (Ret) Mike McCallister will talk with our Boca Raton Chapter.  While he is in the area, Col.(Ret) McCallister will also be the keynote speaker at the first Wellington Chapter meeting on Tuesday, August 9th.  Meanwhile, Congressman Allen West will launch the first meeting of the Palm Beach County Tea Party, Jupiter/PBG Chapter on Monday, August 15th.  Joyce Kaufman will also be our Guest Speaker. (note that the Jupiter/PBG meeting was rescheduled from August 1st)

All of our chapter meetings will follow the same format:  Doors open at 5:30 pm, Buffet served at 6:00 pm, and the speaker meeting starts promptly at 7:00 pm.  Please click on these links for the specifics for each upcoming meeting.

Aug 8th Boca Raton Monthly Meeting

Aug 9th Wellington Monthly Meeting

Aug 15th Jupiter/PBG Monthly Meeting

Lastly, mark you calendar for the Palm Beach County Tea Party BBQ on Labor Day, September 5th.  Our keynote speaker will be Congressman Tom Rooney.  Click here for details: BBQ

Congressman Tom Rooney Speaking at PBCTP Labor Day BBQ

MEETING NOTICE – PBCTP Labor Day Family BBQ – Save the Date!

Join us for the Monday, September 5th BBQ in lieu of the regularly scheduled monthly meeting of the Palm Beach County Tea Party’s Jupiter / Palm Beach Gardens Chapter.  Our special guests will be U S Congressman Tom Rooney , CD # 16, and State Representative Pat Rooney, CD # 83.  Beautiful tent-covered dining area with grassy areas for bocce ball and other fun games.   Food will be excellent! Children 10 and under are half price-children 3 and under are free.

DATE: Monday, September 5, 2011
TIME: BBQ 5:30 PM, ($15 includes tax & tips, Cash Bar); Speaker at 7:00 PM
PLACE: DoubleTree Hotel, Palm Beach Gardens

Keynote Speaker: Florida State Representative CD # 83, Pat Rooney will speak at 7:00 PM Q & A to follow.US Congressman Tom Rooney, Florida District 16, will attend the entire evening’s event and speak at 7:30, Q & A to follow.

Click here to RSVP with name and number of buffet attendees: RSVP

For More Information
Call: 561.463.2174
Palm Beach County Tea Party

Aug 8th Boca Raton Monthly Meeting

MEETING NOTICE – Boca Raton Chapter

Join us for the Monday, August 8th meeting of the Palm Beach County Tea Party’s Boca Raton Chapter, with keynote speaker, Mike McCallister.

DATE: Monday, August 8, 2011
TIME: Doors open at 5:30 PM, Buffet at 6:00 PM ($15, Cash Bar); Meeting at 7:00 PM
PLACE: Boca Greens Country Club, 19642 Trophy Drive, Boca Raton, FL  33498-4633

Keynote Speaker: Keynote Speaker: Ret. Col. Mike McCallister, candidate for US Senate.  Question and Answer session to follow his talk.

Boca Greens CC is a gated community.  Click here to RSVP with name of each attendee: RSVP


For More Information
Call: 561.302-1479
Palm Beach County Tea Party


Aug 9th Wellington Monthly Meeting

MEETING NOTICE – Wellington Chapter

Join us for the August 9th meeting of the Palm Beach County Tea Party’s Wellington Chapter, with keynote speaker Mike McCallister.

DATE: Tuesday, August 9, 2011
TIME: Doors open at 5:30 PM, Buffet at 6:00 PM ($15, Cash Bar); Meeting at 7:00 PM
PLACE: Binks Forest Golf Club, 400 Binks Forest Drive, Wellington, FL 33414

Keynote Speaker: Ret. Col. Mike McCallister, candidate for US Senate.  Question and Answer session to follow his talk.

Click here to RSVP with name and number of buffet attendees: RSVP


For More Information


Call: (561) 921-5298

Palm Beach County Tea Party

Obama Campaign on the Move!

If this doesn’t motivate Tea Party members, I don’t know what will!  Losing in 2012 is not an option!  We need to work as hard and be as organized as the opposition!

Obama Campaign has Record Haul

Independence Day – First Meetup of the Palm Beach County Tea Party

Video from the event

The new Palm Beach County Tea Party hosted its first event on Independence Day. It was a meet-up in the Food Court at the Gardens Mall in Palm Beach Gardens. One reporter at the Meet-up estimated that we had 150 people in attendance.

The sight of that many people wearing red, white, and blue and carrying small flags was very touching. And, when we broke out and sung the Star Spangled Banner (not once but twice), there were many teary eyes! We also took a moment to Pledge our allegience to our country on this very special day.

The PBC Tea Party would like to thank all of who came out to show their patriotism and love of their country. We also want to thank those who helped to spread the word about this event and even brought friends and friends of friends!

We hope that you were able to get signed up on our website so that you will continue to get our email announcements. We are a new organization and just beginning to create our member list — and we hope to have you join us!

If you registered at the Meet-up, you should have received an email by now that gives you further instructions on how to get set up on our email list and website. Please contact us if you do not get this problem or have problems with this next step.

One last note: Joyce Kaufman wanted to be with us but called before the meet-up with a bad case of laryngitis. She was not able to attend but sent everyone her best wishes for a blessed Independence Day. We missed you, Joyce!

Pictures by Delia, Dawn and Fred

Proudly Singing the Star Spangled Banner at our Independence Day Meetup

Video captured by Barbara Grossman

Meet-up at Gardens Mall

The new Palm Beach County Tea Party will hold its first Meet-up from 10 to 11 am on Monday, July 4th, Independence Day!  The location is the food court, second floor, at The Gardens Mall at 3101 PGA Blvd, Palm Beach Gardens, FL.  The purpose of the Meet-up is to meet local Tea Party members and other like-minded people.

We want to recognize you so please wear red, white, and/or blue and bring a flag no bigger than an 8 1/2 x 11″.

Also, please bring your friends!

Come, Join the Fight

Hello Friends and Fellow Patriots,

I received an email this morning from Jeff Atwater, our Florida Chief Financial Officer. In it, he reminded me of a quote by Thomas Paine in his Common Sense speech:

“When so great an object is at stake, let it be told to the future world that in the depth of winter, when nothing but hope and virtue could survive, that the city and the country, alarmed at one common danger, came forth to meet and to repulse it.”

This quote keeps resonating in my mind and I need to share it with all of you. Whether or not you are affiliated with a political party, you are probably alarmed about the future of our country. If you want “to meet and to repulse” this “common danger”, please join us at the new Palm Beach County Tea Party.

The Palm Beach County Tea Party is a non-profit organization founded by a group of concerned citizens who want to provide:

  • A variety of venues, (e.g., chapter speaker meetings and candidate forums) where you can hear experts, elected officials, and candidates speak on current local, state, and federal issues impacting our three tenets of:
    • Fiscal Responsibility
    • Constitutionally Limited Government
    • Free Markets
  • A website where you can go to study issues of interest to our members and quickly see a list of upcoming events that you don’t want to miss.
  • A limited number of emails that will update you on the latest issues and let you know where our elected officials and candidates stand on these issues.
  • Various ways for you to express your opinions to and hear from other like minded citizens. These will include:
    • Facebook – look for “Palm Beach County Tea Party” to join us on the Palm Beach County Tea Party Face Book page.
    • Twitter – join us on Twitter at @pbctp
    • Blog – click “PBCTP Blog” at the top of this webpage to get to our Palm Beach County Tea Party Blog.
    • Polls to express your opinion on an issue issues. The poll results will be published and sent to those elected officials who need to know how a large group of citizens feel on a given issue.
  • Activities such as peaceful rallies where you can join other like-minded citizens in expressing your opinion to get the attention of others.
  • Small teams you can join to take a level of action most suited to your time availability, talents, and interests.
  • Coordination and collaboration with other like-minded local and national groups that will offer our members other forums to listen, learn, and take action.

Please click on “Events” at the top of this page to see our schedule of upcoming speaker meetings and our big BBQ on Labor Day! As we state as our Mission, the Palm Beach County Tea Party wants to attract, educate, organize, and mobilize our fellow citizens to secure public policy consistent with our three core values of Fiscal Responsibility, Constitutionally Limited Government, and Free Markets. We want to “attract” you and have you join us in this joint learning experience. We want you to work with us to make a difference in 2012 and beyond!

Thank you for reading this note. Please feel free to contact me if you have ideas as on to how we can better accomplish the mission of the Palm Beach County Tea Party.

You can reach me at . We look forward to hearing from you!

Hope & Action,

Pam Wohlschlegel
Foounder and County Coordinator
Palm Beach County Tea Party

PS. Thank you, Jeff Atwater for reminding me of the quote!

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