Did the Media Ignore Obama’s Dissing Queen Elizabeth?

The Queen just celebrated her Diamond jubilee on the throne.

That is the kind of foreign ceremony to which the United States would typically send the Vice President to represent us.

But neither the President nor Vice President went to London.

What is the message?

President Unconstitutionally Usurping Congress’ Powers

President Obama, faced with an inability to get the legislation he desires from Congress, has said “we can’t wait” and is proceeding to do things of questionable constitutional and legal authority.

This “can’t wait” activity violates the “separation of powers” by which the Constitution makes the Legislative, Executive and Judicial branches of government independent and secure from encroachment by another branch of government.

The Constitution provides (Article II Section 2) the President “shall nominate, and by and with the advice and consent of the Senate shall appoint … other offices of the United States, whose appointments are not herein otherwise provided for.

The President shall have power to fill up all vacancies that may happen during the recess of the Senate, by granting commissions, which shall expire at the end of their next session.”

The President made Unconstitutional “recess” appointments when the Senate was not in recess.

The President took the oath prescribed in the Constitution (Article II Section 1):
“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States; and will, to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend, the Constitution of the United States.”

Do his “recess” appointments in violation of the Constitution justify impeachment?

EPA Uses Drones to Spy on Us

The EPA use of unmanned drones to spy on the United States has raised some concerns.
The drones operated by the Defense Department use military assets to send commands to the drones and collect information.
Does EPA use similar military assets to spy on the US?

If you are a Cow you are being Watched!
Nebraska cattle are now under the watchful eye of the EPA via drones.
The Environmental Protection Agency uses aerial surveillance across a swath of the Midwest known as Section 7 – which includes Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas and Missouri — and has defended the practice as cost-efficient.
Farmers are asking if the EPA is peeking into farm houses as well as barns

EPA conducts aerial surveillance of Nebraska livestock operations
Nebraska’s congressional delegation wants to know why the Environmental Protection is flying over Nebraska livestock operations.

Reps. Adrian Smith, Jeff Fortenberry, Lee Terry and Sens. Ben Nelson and Mike Johanns wrote to EPA Midwest Administrator Lisa Jackson Tuesday inquiring about the EPA’s aerial surveillance in Nebraska.

Jackson is the chief of EPA’s region 7 office that oversees Nebraska, Kansas, Iowa and Missouri.
The flyovers have apparently been conducted for several months, the lawmakers said, and could date back to before 2010. They asked the EPA to tell them the precise number that have occurred.

And, they also asked EPA to cite the statutory authority for the flyovers.

“It is our understanding… that the aerial surveillance is being conducted…under the Clean Water Act,” the letter said. “If so… is (that) the exclusive purpose of the flights?”

“This practice has resulted in privacy concerns among our constituents and raises several questions,” the Nebraska lawmakers wrote. “Farmers and ranchers in Nebraska pride themselves in the stewardship of our state’s natural resources.”

The letter asks 23 questions, including questions about flight elevation, livestock stress, collaboration with other state and federal agencies, including the Nebraska’s environmental agency — the Department of Environmental Quality.

“These operations are in many cases near homes, and landowners deserve legitimate justification given the sensitivity of the information gathered by the flyovers,” Smith said. “Nebraskans are rightfully skeptical of an agency which continues to unilaterally insert itself into the affairs of rural America.”

Letter to EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson questioning Aerial Surveillance

Why Conservatives are Designated the Right and Liberals the Left

The designation goes back at least to the Old Testament: Ecclesiastes Chapter 10, verse 2.
“A wise man’s understanding is at his right hand; but a fool’s understanding at his left.”



The Presidents
The White House web site contains biographies of all of the presidents. These are from:
“The Presidents of the United States of America,” by Michael Beschloss and Hugh Sidey. Copyright 2009 by the White House Historical Association.

Barak Obama has seen fit to add additional material about himself and his wife to all of the biographies from Herbert Hoover to George Bush except Gerald R. Ford.

Following is the text he added:

Herbert Hoover
President Herbert Hoover signed the bill founding the Department of Veterans Affairs July 21, 1930. President Obama is committed to making sure that the VA, the second-largest cabinet department, serves the needs of all veterans and provides a seamless transition from active duty to civilian life, and has directed his Administration to modernize the way health care is delivered and benefits are administered for our nation’s veterans. First Lady Michelle Obama and Dr. Jill Biden launched Joining Forces to mobilize all sectors of society to give our service members and their families the opportunities and support they have earned.

Franklin D. Roosevelt
On August 14, 1935, President Roosevelt signed the Social Security Act. Today the Obama Administration continues to protect seniors and ensure Social Security will be there for future generations

Harry S. Truman
In a 1946 letter to the National Urban League, President Truman wrote that the government has “an obligation to see that the civil rights of every citizen are fully and equally protected.” He ended racial segregation in civil service and the armed forces in 1948. Today the Obama Administration continues to strive toward upholding the civil rights of its citizens, repealing, allowing people of all sexual orientations to serve openly in our armed forces

Dwight D. Eisenhower
President Dwight Eisenhower established the President’s Council on Youth Fitness on July 16, 1956 (now known as The President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports) after learning from a study that American youth were less fit than European youth. Today the Council is still going strong—with Olympians and professional athletes on board—working in conjunction with the First Lady Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move initiative to help promote healthier lifestyles

John F. Kennedy
President John F. Kennedy famously suggested the American people: “Ask what you can do for your country.” In 1961, the Peace Corps was created, facilitating service among citizens working toward peace in developing countries. In 2011, President Obama celebrated the 50th anniversary of the Peace Corps with a Presidential Proclamation

Lyndon B. Johnson
President Lyndon Johnson signed Medicare signed into law in 1965—providing millions of elderly healthcare stability. President Obama’s historic health care reform law, the Affordable Care Act, strengthens Medicare, offers eligible seniors a range of preventive services with no cost-sharing, and provides discounts on drugs when in the coverage gap known as the “donut hole.”

Richard M. Nixon
In 1973, Richard Nixon created The President’s Export Council, which was expanded and reconstituted under President Jimmy Carter in 1979. Today the PEC continues to work towards reaching President Obama’s goal of doubling the nation’s exports by 2014’s end.

James Carter
In 1977, President Jimmy Carter created the Department of Energy; today the DOE works with the Obama Administration to drive towards innovation in energy and reducing reliance on foreign oil with an “all of the above” approach.

Ronald Reagan
President Reagan designated Martin Luther King Jr. Day a national holiday; today the Obama Administration honors this tradition, with the First and Second Families participating in service projects on this day.
In a June 28, 1985 speech Reagan called for a fairer tax code, one where a multi-millionaire did not have a lower tax rate than his secretary. Today, President Obama is calling for the same with the Buffett Rule.

George H. W. Bush
President Barack Obama awarded George H. W. Bush the 2010 Presidential Medal of Freedom, the nation’s highest civilian honor, for his commitment to service and ability to inspire volunteerism throughout the country, encouraging citizens to be “a thousand points of light.” The administration continues to promote service and civic engagement, honoring heroes of local communities as “Champions of Change” and fostering

William J. Clinton
Continuing his work as a lifelong public service, Clinton created the Clinton Foundation in 2001 to improve global health, education, economies and environments. Affectionately calling him “Do-Gooder-in-Chief”, President Obama has worked with Clinton to make buildings in our country more efficient—announcing a $4 billion investment in energy efficiency upgrades for commercial buildings.
In 2009, former President Clinton partnered with 43rd President Bush to help, after the country was devastated by an earthquake.

George W. Bush
In 2002, President George W. Bush’s State of the Union was the first to be live broadcast on the Internet. In 2011 and 2012, President Obama’s State of the Union speeches were available in an version that featured infographics, charts and data side-by-side in real time with the President’s speech.
In 2009, former President Bush partnered with 42nd President Clinton to help, after the country was devastated by an earthquake.


Updated – May 7, 2012

Reference: Governor Action

Selection Criteria: Bills that passed but are not included in this list include LOCAL BILLS, CLAIM BILLS, and bills not involving the tea party principles (limited government, fiscal responsibility, free markets) or constitutional issues (eg. firearms, privacy, regulations, religious freedom, states’ rights, taxation, voting).

Presentation Order: The bills are listed in each category in numerical order with Senate bills first. Chronological order is ignored but that information is available in the synopses and links below.

Legislation Approved By the Florida Governor

CS/SB 98: Education
GENERAL BILL by Judiciary; Siplin; (CO-INTRODUCERS) Evers; Storms; Negron
Authorizing a district school board to adopt a policy that allows an inspirational message to be delivered by students at a student assembly; providing policy requirements; providing purpose, etc.
Last Action: 03/25/2012 Chapter No. 2012-9
Effective Date: July 1, 2012

CS/SB 116: Freeholder Voting
GENERAL BILL by Rules Subcommittee on Ethics and Elections; Wise; (CO-INTRODUCER) Gaetz
Permitting the submission of a written declaration to establish that an elector is a freeholder and qualified to vote in an election or referendum limited to freeholders who are qualified to vote, etc.
Last Action: 04/29/2012 Chapter No. 2012-156
Effective Date: July 1, 2012

SB 436: Video Voyeurism
GENERAL BILL by Storms; (CO-INTRODUCERS) Gardiner; Latvala; Lynn
Revising the definition of the term “place and time when a person has a reasonable expectation of privacy” to include the interior of a residential dwelling; increasing the classification of specified video voyeurism offenses, etc.
Last Action: 04/07/2012 Chapter No. 2012-39
Effective Date: July 1, 2012

CS/SB 1174: Establishing the Congressional Districts of the State
GENERAL BILL by Reapportionment; Reapportionment
Redistricting the state’s congressional districts in accordance with the United States Decennial Census of 2010 (plan H000C9047); amending provisions relating to the inclusion of unlisted territory in contiguous districts; reenacting provisions which provide for the election of representatives to the United States House of Representatives; providing for severability; providing for applicability, etc.
Last Action: 02/17/2012 Chapter No. 2012-2
Effective Date: upon becoming a law, except as otherwise provided

HB 13 – Sovereignty Submerged Lands
General Bill by Frishe (CO-SPONSORS) Harrell; Mayfield; Snyder; Williams, T.
Provides for lease of sovereignty submerged lands for private residential single-family docks & piers, private residential multifamily docks & piers, & private residential multislip docks; provides for term of lease & lease fees; provides for inspection of such docks, piers, & related structures by DEP; clarifies authority of Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund & DEP to impose additional fees & requirements; provides appropriation.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Approved by Governor on Friday, May 04, 2012 4:24 PM

CS/HB 95 – Homestead Property Tax Exemptions
General Bill by Harrison (CO-SPONSORS) Abruzzo; Ahern; Artiles; Baxley; Berman; Brandes; Broxson; Campbell; Corcoran; Costello; Cruz; Dorworth; Fullwood; Glorioso; Hooper; Hukill; Ingram; Julien; Logan; Lopez-Cantera; McBurney; Metz; Nehr; Nelson; Pilon; Plakon; Rehwinkel Vasilinda; Smith; Steube; Tobia; Trujillo; Waldman; Weinstein
Creates “Fallen Heroes Family Tax Relief Act”; exempts from taxation homestead property of surviving spouse of first responder who dies in line of duty; provides definitions for “first responder” & “line of duty”; provides construction with respect to applicable tax roll & date of death; provides appropriation; provides effective dates, one of which is contingent.
Effective Date: on the same date that CS for SJR 1056, or a similar joint resolution having substantially the same specific intent and purpose, takes effect if approved by the electors at the general election held in November 2012 or at an earlier special election specifically authorized by law for that purpose
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-54 on Saturday, April 07, 2012 7:25 PM

CS/HB 357 – Homestead Exemptions for Seniors
General Bill by Oliva (CO-SPONSORS) Abruzzo; Campbell; Costello; Gonzalez; Hukill; Kiar; Nuñez; Snyder; Trujillo
Authorizes board of county commissioners of county or governing authority of municipality to adopt ordinance granting additional homestead tax exemption equal to specified amount, or additional homestead tax exemption equal to assessed value of property with just value lower than specified amount, or both such exemptions, to owner who has maintained permanent residency on property or permanent residency on property for specified duration, who has attained age 65, & whose household income does not exceed specified amount; provides definitions applicable to such additional exemption; provides applicability of requirements relating to adoption of local ordinance granting such exemption; provides appropriation; provides application.
Effective Date: upon the approval of House Joint Resolution 169, or a similar joint resolution having substantially the same specific intent and purpose, at the general election to be held in November 2012 or at an earlier special election specifically authorized by law for that purpose, and shall first apply to the 2013 tax roll
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-57 on Saturday, April 07, 2012 7:27 PM

CS/HB 463 – Weapons or Firearms
General Bill by Kreegel and Brandes (CO-SPONSORS) Broxson; Burgin; Caldwell; Corcoran; Dorworth; Eisnaugle; Gaetz; Ingram; Plakon; Precourt; Renuart; Stargel; Williams, T.
Provides that otherwise qualified members & veterans of U.S. Armed Forces be issued concealed weapon or firearm license regardless of age in certain circumstances; provides additional methods for taking of fingerprints from such license applicants; provides that members & veterans of U.S. Armed Forces be granted reciprocity regardless of age; prohibits reckless or negligent discharge of firearm in certain locations; provides criminal penalties.
Effective Date: April 13, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-108 on Monday, April 16, 2012 9:13 AM

CS/CS/CS/CS/HB 503 – Environmental Regulation
General Bill by Patronis (CO-SPONSORS) Broxson; Coley; Dorworth; Drake; Mayfield; Oliva; Precourt; Williams, T.; Young
Creates, amends, & revises numerous provisions relating to: development, construction, operating, & building permits; permit application requirements & procedures, including waivers, variances, & revocation; local government comprehensive plans & plan amendments; programmatic general permits & regional general permits; permits for projects relating to stormwater management systems, coastal construction, dredge & fill activities, intermodal logistics centers & commercial & industrial development; sanitary program surveys of certain water systems; innocent victim petroleum storage system restoration, ambient air quality & water quality standards, & solid waste disposal; sale of unblended gasoline for certain uses; exemption from payment to authorizing agencies for use of certain extensions; provides 2-year permit extension.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Approved by Governor on Friday, May 04, 2012 4:24 PM

CS/HB 809 – Communications Services Taxes
General Bill by Grant (CO-SPONSORS) Dorworth; Patronis; Plakon; Tobia
Revises legislative intent; modifies definitions; removes definition of term “cable service”; adds definition for term “Internet access service”; revises definitions of terms “communication services,” “information service,” “sales price,” “service address,” and “video service”; revises provisions relating to communications services dealer’s liability for tax underpayments that result from incorrect assignment of service addresses to local taxing jurisdictions & provides requirements & conditions with respect thereto; prohibits DOR from denying dealer of communications services deduction of specified amount as collection allowance; requires DOR to aggregate monthly & make available to public on jurisdiction-by-jurisdiction basis certain sales & net tax information; provides for retroactive effect; creates Communications Services Tax Working Group; houses working group in DOR for administrative purposes.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-70 on Sunday, April 08, 2012 7:39 PM

CS/HB 945 – Broadband Internet Service
General Bill by Holder (CO-SPONSORS) Williams, T.
Transfers Broadband Initiative Program from DMS to DEO & revises provisions to promote adoption of broadband Internet service if certain conditions are met.
Effective Date: upon approval of the budget amendment required under section 3
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-131 on Sunday, April 22, 2012 11:30 AM

CS/CS/HB 947 – Possession of a Firearm or Destructive Device During the Commission of an Offense
General Bill by Boyd (CO-SPONSORS) Snyder; Weinstein
Provides that exception to 10-year minimum term for persons convicted of certain offenses during which person actually possessed firearm or destructive device does not to apply to offenders convicted for possession of firearm by felon who have certain prior convictions & actually possessed firearm or destructive device during commission of prior felony.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-74 on Sunday, April 08, 2012 7:41 PM

CS/CS/HB 959 – State and Local Government Relations with Cuba or Syria
General Bill by Bileca (CO-SPONSORS) Artiles; Diaz; Dorworth; Fresen; Gonzalez; Lopez-Cantera; Nuñez; Oliva; Porth; Trujillo
Prohibits SBA from being fiduciary with respect to voting on any proxy resolution advocating expanded U.S. trade with Cuba or Syria; prohibits SBA from being fiduciary with respect to having right to vote in favor of any proxy resolution advocating expanded U.S. trade with Cuba or Syria; creates reporting requirements; prohibits state agency or local governmental entity from contracting for goods & services of more than certain amount with company that has business operations in Cuba or Syria; requires contract provision that allows for termination of contract if company is found to have business operations in Cuba or Syria; provides exceptions; requires certification upon submission of a bid or proposal for contract, or before company enters into or renews contract, with agency or governmental entity that company is not engaged in business operations in Cuba or Syria; provides procedures upon determination that company has submitted false certification; provides for civil action; provides penalties; provides attorney fees & costs; provides statute of repose; prohibits private right of action; requires DMS to notify U.S. Attorney General after act becomes law.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-196 on Tuesday, May 01, 2012 8:38 PM

CS/HB 1037 – Eminent Domain
General Bill by Broxson (CO-SPONSORS) Baxley
Authorizes Board of Trustees of Florida School for Deaf & Blind to exercise power of eminent domain after receiving approval from Administration Commission.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-78 on Sunday, April 08, 2012 7:44 PM

HB 4001 – Florida Climate Protection Act
General Bill by Plakon (CO-SPONSORS) Eisnaugle; Gaetz; Harrell; Ingram; Precourt; Van Zant; Weinstein; Young
Repeals provisions for cap & trade regulatory program to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from electric utilities.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-89 on Sunday, April 08, 2012 7:58 PM

HB 4123 – Federal Environmental Permitting
General Bill by Burgin (CO-SPONSORS) Williams, T.
Repeals provisions directing DEP to file specified reports with Speaker of the House of Representatives & President of the Senate & to coordinate with Florida Congressional Delegation on certain matters.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-114 on Monday, April 16, 2012 9:17 AM

HB 5501 – One-Stop Business Registration Portal
General Bill by Hooper (CO-SPONSORS) Abruzzo; Berman; Burgin; Campbell; Clemens; Fullwood; Gibbons; Perman; Ray; Steinberg; Young
Directs DOR to establish One-Stop Business Registration Portal through which individuals & businesses may submit applications for various licenses, registrations, or permits, file various documents, or remit payment for various fees to state department or agency; authorizes DOR to contract for development & maintenance of portal’s Internet website; requires certain state departments to cooperate with DOR in development & implementation of portal; requires DOR to submit annual report to Governor & Legislature on portal’s implementation & expansion; authorizes DOR to provide certain information relative to portal to certain state departments & agencies & local governments; authorizes DOR to adopt rules; deletes provisions relating to One-Stop Permitting System of former STO; repeals provisions relating to One-Stop Permitting System Grant Program & Quick Permitting County Designation Program.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-139 on Sunday, April 22, 2012 11:30 AM

HB 5601 – License to Carry a Concealed Weapon or Firearm
General Bill by Williams, T. (CO-SPONSORS) Van Zant
Reduces specified nonrefundable license fees.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-144 on Sunday, April 22, 2012 11:30 AM

HB 5701 – Taxation
General Bill by Precourt
Requires that deductions for cost of collecting & enforcing documentary stamp tax & for specified service charge be available for payment of certain obligations secured by such tax revenues with respect to bonds authorized before specified date; provides for collection of allowances of amount of tax due by persons who file returns only by electronic means & pay amount due on such returns only by electronic means; adopts 2012 version of Internal Revenue Code for purposes of ch. 220, F.S.; changes filing date for estimated tax under certain circumstances; requires DOR to provide adequate notice to affected taxpayers relating to earlier due dates for making estimated payment, etc.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-145 on Sunday, April 22, 2012 11:30 AM

Legislation That Became Law Without the Florida Governor’s Signature

CS/CS/HB 7117 – Energy
General Bill by Plakon and Mayfield (CO-SPONSORS) Abruzzo; Campbell; Clemens; Fullwood; Gibbons; Kiar; Williams, T.; Young
Requires utilities’ 10-year site plans to address existing & proposed renewable energy production and purchases; provides for portion of proceeds of local government infrastructure surtax to be used to provide loans, grants, & rebates to residential or commercial property owners who make energy efficiency improvements to their residential or commercial property, subject to referendum; reestablishes corporate tax credit for certain costs related to renewable energy technologies; directs DMS in coordination with DOACS to further develop state energy management plan.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-117 on Monday, April 16, 2012 9:18 AM

Resolutions Filed With the Florida Secretary Of State

SM 1080: Vietnam Veterans
MEMORIAL by Dean; (CO-INTRODUCERS) Bullard; Gaetz; Lynn
Urging Congress to initiate and support nationwide efforts to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the end of the United States’ involvement in the Vietnam War and demonstrate the nation’s appreciation for the honorable service and sacrifice of Vietnam Veterans, etc.
Last Action: 03/08/2012 Signed by Officers and filed with Secretary of State

CS/SJR 1176: Joint Resolution of Apportionment
JOINT RESOLUTION by Reapportionment
Providing for the apportionment of the House of Representatives and the Senate (plans H000H9049 and S000S9008); adopting the United States Decennial Census of 2010 for use in such apportionment; providing for the inclusion of omitted areas; providing contiguity for areas specified for inclusion in one district which are noncontiguous; specifying that the apportioned districts constitute the legislative districts of the state; providing for severability of invalid portions; providing for application beginning in 2012, etc.
Last Action: 02/10/2012 Signed by Officers and filed with Secretary of State -SJ 508

CS/SM 1486: Taiwan Policy Act of 2011
MEMORIAL by Governmental Oversight and Accountability; Braynon
Urging Congress to pass H. R. 2918, the Taiwan Policy Act of 2011, etc.
Last Action: 03/08/2012 Signed by Officers and filed with Secretary of State

SM 1778: Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010
MEMORIAL by Richter
Urging Congress to repeal the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010, etc.
Last Action: 03/08/2012 Signed by Officers and filed with Secretary of State

SM 1822: Sarbanes-Oxley Act
Urging Congress to repeal the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, etc.
Last Action: 03/08/2012 Signed by Officers and filed with Secretary of State

HM 83 – Congressional Term Limits
Memorial by Caldwell (CO-SPONSORS) Ahern; Artiles; Boyd; Brandes; Corcoran; Diaz; Dorworth; Eisnaugle; Gaetz; Hager; Harrell; Julien; Metz; Nuñez; O’Toole; Perry; Pilon; Precourt; Wood
Urges Congress to propose to states amendment to U.S. Constitution that limits consecutive terms of office which member of U. S. Senate or U. S. House of Representatives may serve.
Effective Date: Not Specified
Last Event: Signed by Officers and filed with Secretary of State on Friday, March 23, 2012 12:29 PM

CS/HJR 93 – Homestead Property Tax Exemption for Surviving Spouse of Military Veteran or First Responder
Joint Resolution by Harrison (CO-SPONSORS) Abruzzo; Ahern; Baxley; Berman; Brandes; Campbell; Clemens; Corcoran; Costello; Cruz; Diaz; Dorworth; Fullwood; Gaetz; Hooper; Hukill; Ingram; Julien; Kiar; Lopez-Cantera; McBurney; Metz; Nehr; Nelson; Pilon; Plakon; Porth; Precourt; Reed; Rehwinkel Vasilinda; Renuart; Smith; Snyder; Soto; Steube; Tobia; Trujillo; Waldman; Watson; Weinstein
Proposes amendment to State Constitution to allow Legislature by general law to provide ad valorem homestead property tax relief to surviving spouse of military veteran who died from service-connected causes while on active duty or surviving spouse of first responder who died in line of duty, provide definitions with respect thereto, & provide effective date.
Effective Date: Not Specified
Last Event: Signed by Officers and filed with Secretary of State on Friday, March 30, 2012 10:55 AM

CS/HJR 169 – Additional Homestead Tax Exemption for Seniors
Joint Resolution by Oliva (CO-SPONSORS) Abruzzo; Artiles; Burgin; Campbell; Costello; Diaz; Fullwood; Gonzalez; Hukill; Kiar; Lopez-Cantera; Nuñez; Plakon; Precourt; Snyder; Steube; Trujillo
Proposes amendment to s. 6, Art. VII of State Constitution to authorize Legislature, by general law, to allow counties & municipalities to grant additional homestead tax exemption equal to assessed value of homestead property, if property has just value lower than specified amount, to owner who has maintained permanent residency on property for specified duration, who has attained age 65, & whose household income does not exceed specified amount.
Effective Date: Not Specified
Last Event: Signed by Officers and filed with Secretary of State on Friday, April 13, 2012 12:14 PM

HM 611 – Kings BayMemorial by Smith
Urges Congress to direct U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service to reconsider proposed rule to designate Kings Bay as manatee refuge & in lieu of rule partner with state & local governments in seeking joint long-term solutions to manatee protection.
Effective Date: Not Specified
Last Event: Signed by Officers and filed with Secretary of State on Friday, March 23, 2012 12:29 PM

CS/HJR 1003 – Tangible Personal Property Tax Exemptions
Joint Resolution by Eisnaugle
Proposes amendment to s. 3, Art. VII & creation of s. 32, Art. XII of State Constitution to provide additional exemption from ad valorem taxes on tangible personal property valued at more than $25,000 but less than $50,000, to authorize county or municipality to provide additional exemption from ad valorem taxation for tangible personal property by ordinance as provided by general law, & to provide effective date.
Effective Date: Not Specified
Last Event: Signed by Officers and filed with Secretary of State on Friday, April 06, 2012 11:24 AM

HCR 8001 – Joint Session to Receive Governor’s Message
Concurrent Resolution by Aubuchon
Joint Session to Receive Governor’s Message: Provides that House of Representatives & Senate convene in Joint Session for purpose of receiving message from Governor.
Effective Date: Not Specified
Last Event: Signed by Officers and filed with Secretary of State on Tuesday, January 10, 2012 2:19 PM

A Pledge of Allegiance to the Constitution of the United States of America

I pledge allegiance to the Constitution
of the United States of America
and to its principles which include
a republic with limited delegated rights and responsibilities
and that I will, to the best of my ability,
seek to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution
so help me God.

This pledge was inaugurated by the Palm Beach County Tea Party at its Tax Day rally on April 16, 2012. It followed the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and used as its icon a copy of the Constitution downloaded from the Library of Congress web site and mounted on a poster board.

The plan is to have the Constitution at all meetings and to say the pledge following the pledge to the flag.


Updated – May 6, 2012

Reference: Governor Action

Timing: There is a delay between the time the Florida Legislature finishes its work and the time the results appear on the Internet. The Florida Legislature concluded its initial session on March 9, 2012. Following the session the Officers of the Legislature signed the bills that passed and delivered them to the Governor in batches for his consideration.All of the 280 bills that passed the legislature finally reached the governor and he has acted on them.

Presentation Order: The bills are listed in each category in numerical order with Senate bills first. Chronological order is ignored but that information is available in the synopses and links below..

Legislation Approved By the Florida Governor

CS/SB 2: Relief of William Dillon by State of Florida
CLAIM BILL/GENERAL by Rules; Haridopolos; (CO-INTRODUCER) Richter
Providing for the relief of William Dillon, who was wrongfully incarcerated for 27 years; providing an appropriation to compensate William Dillon for his wrongful incarceration; directing the Chief Financial Officer to draw a warrant for the purchase of an annuity; providing for a waiver of certain tuition and fees; providing conditions for payment; providing that the act does not waive certain defenses or increase the state’s liability; providing a limitation on the payment of fees and costs; providing that certain benefits are void upon any future finding that William Dillon is not innocent of the alleged crime, etc. CLAIM WITH APPROPRIATION: $1,350,000
Last Action: 03/01/2012 Approved by Governor -SJ 759
Effective Date: March 1, 2012

CS/SB 4: Relief of Eric Brody by the Broward County Sheriff’s Office
CLAIM BILL/LOCAL by Rules; Benacquisto
Providing for the relief of Eric Brody by the Broward County Sheriff’s Office; providing for an appropriation to compensate Eric Brody for injuries sustained as a result of the negligence of the Broward County Sheriff’s Office; providing a limitation on the payment of fees and costs rel
ated to the claim against the Broward County Sheriff’s Office; providing legislative intent regarding lien interests held by the state, etc. CLAIM: $10,750,000
Last Action: 03/29/2012 Approved by Governor
Effective Date: upon becoming a law

CS/SB 98: Education
GENERAL BILL by Judiciary; Siplin; (CO-INTRODUCERS) Evers; Storms; Negron
Authorizing a district school board to adopt a policy that allows an inspirational message to be delivered by students at a student assembly; providing policy requirements; providing purpose, etc.
Last Action: 03/25/2012 Chapter No. 2012-9
Effective Date: July 1, 2012

CS/SB 116: Freeholder Voting
GENERAL BILL by Rules Subcommittee on Ethics and Elections; Wise; (CO-INTRODUCER) Gaetz
Permitting the submission of a written declaration to establish that an elector is a freeholder and qualified to vote in an election or referendum limited to freeholders who are qualified to vote, etc.
Last Action: 04/29/2012 Chapter No. 2012-156
Effective Date: July 1, 2012

SB 140: Repeal of a Workers’ Compensation Reporting Requirement
Repealing provision relating to the duty of the Department of Financial Services to make an annual report on the administration of ch. 440, F.S., the Workers’ Compensation Law, to specified officials, etc.
Last Action: 04/07/2012 Chapter No. 2012-34Effective Date: July 1, 2012

CS/SB 186: Misdemeanor Pretrial Substance Abuse Programs
GENERAL BILL by Judiciary; Ring; (CO-INTRODUCERS) Bogdanoff; Joyner; Rich; Lynn
Providing that a person who is charged with a nonviolent, nontraffic-related misdemeanor and identified as having a substance abuse problem or who is charged with certain other designated misdemeanor offenses, and who has not previously been convicted of a felony, may qualify for participation in a misdemeanor pretrial substance abuse program, etc.
Last Action: 04/07/2012 Chapter No. 2012-35
Effective Date: July 1, 2012

CS/SB 198: State University System Optional Retirement Program
GENERAL BILL by Governmental Oversight and Accountability; Thrasher
Increasing to no more than six the number of companies from which contracts may be purchased under the program; providing a procurement process for additional provider companies, etc.
Last Action: 03/25/2012ss Chapter No. 2012-10
Effective Date: upon becoming a law

CS/SB 226: Disabled Parking Permits
GENERAL BILL by Budget Subcommittee on Transportation, Tourism, and Economic Development Appropriations; Margolis; (CO-INTRODUCERS) Gaetz; Lynn
Providing for a parking enforcement specialist or agency to validate compliance for the disposition of a citation issued for illegally parking in a space provided for people who have disabilities; revising requirements for renewal or replacement of a disabled parking permit; prohibiting applying for a new disabled parking permit for a certain period of time upon a second finding of guilt or plea of nolo contendere to unlawful use of such permit; requiring the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles to randomly review disabled parking permitholders, verify certain information, and invalidate the permit of a deceased permitholder; directing the department to implement a means for reporting abuse of disabled parking permits, etc.
Last Action: 04/29/2012 Chapter No. 2012-157
Effective Date: July 1, 2012

CS/CS/CS/SB 268: Sponsorship of State Greenways and Trails
GENERAL BILL by Environmental Preservation and Conservation; Commerce and Tourism; Transportation; Wise
Creating the “John Anthony Wilson Bicycle Safety Act”; providing for the Department of Environmental Protection to enter into concession agreements for commercial sponsorship displays to be displayed on certain state greenway and trail facilities or property; providing requirements for concession agreements; specifying which greenways and trails are included in the initial sponsorships; authorizing the department to enter into sponsorship agreements with entities to sponsor other state greenways and trails; providing for distribution of proceeds from the concession agreements; authorizing the department to adopt rules, etc.
Last Action: 05/04/2012 Approved by Governor

SB 276: Recognition of Military Personnel and Veterans
GENERAL BILL by Sachs; (CO-INTRODUCERS) Evers; Gaetz; Dean; Bullard
Creating the Florida Veterans’ Hall of Fame Council within the Department of Veterans’ Affairs; designating August 7 of each year as “Purple Heart Day”, etc.
Last Action: 05/04/2012 Approved by Governor
Effective Date: July 1, 2012

SB 278: Preventing Deaths from Drug-related Overdoses
GENERAL BILL by Sachs; (CO-INTRODUCERS) Hays; Smith; Bullard
Cites this act as the “911 Good Samaritan Act;” providing that a person acting in good faith who seeks medical assistance for an individual experiencing a drug-related overdose may not be charged, prosecuted, or penalized for specified offenses in certain circumstances; providing that a person who experiences a drug-related overdose and needs medical assistance may not be charged, prosecuted, or penalized for specified offenses in certain circumstances; providing that the protections from prosecution for specified offenses are not grounds for suppression of evidence in other prosecutions; amending mitigating circumstances under which a departure from the lowest permissible criminal sentence is reasonably justified to include circumstances in which a defendant was making a good faith effort to obtain or provide medical assistance for an individual experiencing a drug-related overdose, etc.
Last Action: 04/07/2012 Chapter No. 2012-36
Effective Date: October 1, 2012

SB 326: State Symbols/State Flagship
Designating the schooner Western Union as the official state flagship, etc.
Last Action: 04/29/2012 Chapter No. 2012-158
Effective Date: July 1, 2012

CS/SB 364: Blood Establishments
GENERAL BILL by Health Regulation; Gaetz
Prohibiting local governments from restricting access to public facilities or infrastructure for certain activities based on whether a blood establishment is operating as a for-profit organization or not-for-profit organization; prohibiting a blood establishment from considering whether certain customers are operating as for-profit organizations or not-for-profit organizations when determining service fees for selling blood or blood components; requiring that certain blood establishments disclose specified information on the Internet; exempting certain blood establishments from the requirements to be permitted as a prescription drug manufacturer and register products; authorizing the Department of Business and Professional Regulation to adopt rules regarding the distribution of prescription drugs by blood establishments, etc.
Last Action: 04/07/2012 Chapter No. 2012-37
Effective Date: July 1, 2012

SB 368: Financial Emergencies
Requiring the Auditor General to notify each member of the governing body of a local governmental entity, district school board, charter school, or charter technical career center of certain fund balance deficits; authorizing the Governor or Commissioner of Education to require a local governmental entity or district school board to include provisions implementing the consolidation, sourcing, or discontinuance of all administrative direction and support services in certain plans; providing that the members of the governing body of a local governmental entity or the members of a district school board who fail to resolve a state of financial emergency are subject to suspension or removal from office, etc.
Last Action: 04/07/2012 Chapter No. 2012-38
Effective Date: July 1, 2012

SB 374: Public Records/Donor Information/Florida Historic Capitol/Legislative Research Center and Museum
Exempting from public record requirements all identifying information of a donor or prospective donor to the direct-support organization of the Florida Historic Capitol and the Legislative Research Center and Museum; providing for future repeal and legislative review of the exemption under the Open Government Sunset Review Act; providing a statement of public necessity, etc.
Last Action: 03/25/2012 Chapter No. 2012-11
Effective Date: July 1, 2012

SB 436: Video Voyeurism
GENERAL BILL by Storms; (CO-INTRODUCERS) Gardiner; Latvala; Lynn
Revising the definition of the term “place and time when a person has a reasonable expectation of privacy” to include the interior of a residential dwelling; increasing the classification of specified video voyeurism offenses, etc.
Last Action: 04/07/2012 Chapter No. 2012-39
Effective Date: July 1, 2012

SB 446: OGSR/Insurance Claim Data Exchange Information/Past Due Child Support
GENERAL BILL by Children, Families, and Elder Affairs
Amending provisions relating to a public records exemption for insurance claim data exchange information used for identifying parents who owe past due child support; saving the exemption from repeal under the Open Government Sunset Review Act; removing the scheduled repeal of the exemption, etc.
Last Action: 05/04/2012 Approved by Governor

SB 520: Veteran’s Guardianship
Repealing provisions relating to guardians of incapacitated world war veterans, etc.
Last Action: 04/07/2012 Chapter No. 2012-40
Effective Date: July 1, 2012

SB 524: Restraint of Incarcerated Pregnant Women
Citing this act as the “Healthy Pregnancies for Incarcerated Women Act”; prohibiting use of restraints on a prisoner known to be pregnant during labor, delivery, and postpartum recovery unless a corrections official makes an individualized determination that the prisoner presents an extraordinary circumstance requiring restraints; restricting the use of certain restraints during the third trimester of pregnancy unless there are significant security concerns documented by the Department of Corrections or correctional institution, etc.
Last Action: 04/07/2012 Chapter No. 2012-41
Effective Date: July 1, 2012

SB 570: Public Records/Donor Identity/Publicly Owned Performing Arts Center
Defining the term “publicly owned performing arts center”; creating an exemption from public records requirements for information that identifies a donor or prospective donor of a donation made for the benefit of a publicly owned performing arts center if the donor desires to remain anonymous; providing for future legislative review and repeal of the exemption under the Open Government Sunset Review Act, etc.
Last Action: 03/25/2012 Chapter No. 2012-12
Effective Date: October 1, 2012

SB 608: Florida Healthy Kids Corporation
Revising the membership of the board of directors of the Florida Healthy Kids Corporation to include a member nominated by the Florida Dental Association and appointed by the Governor, etc.
Last Action: 04/07/2012 Chapter No. 2012-42
Effective Date: upon becoming a law

SB 634: Spaceport Facilities
GENERAL BILL by Benacquisto; (CO-INTRODUCERS) Gaetz; Ring; Gibson; Flores; Fasano; Storms; Norman; Detert; Hays; Siplin; Altman; Bennett; Thrasher; Latvala; Bogdanoff
Defining the term “launch support facilities”; deleting the term “spaceport launch facilities,” etc.
Last Action: 02/17/2012 Chapter No. 2012-1
Effective Date: July 1, 2012

SB 638: Florida Motor Vehicle Theft Prevention Authority
Repealing provisions relating to the Florida Motor Vehicle Theft Prevention Authority; repealing provisions relating to a short title, purpose, definitions, establishment, compensation of members, personnel, powers and duties, and expenditures, etc.
Last Action: 04/16/2012 Chapter No. 2012-103
Effective Date: July 1, 2012

CS/SB 692: Formation of Local Governments
GENERAL BILL by Community Affairs; Bennett
Revising the deadline for submission of a feasibility study of a proposed incorporation of a municipality; providing that qualified electors of an independent special district that meets certain criteria may commence a municipal conversion proceeding by filing a petition with the governing body of the independent special district; requiring the governing body to meet, prepare, and approve by resolution a proposed elector-initiated combined conversion and incorporation plan; prohibiting a conversion process from being initiated for 2 years if the referendum fails; providing for an effective date of the incorporation, etc.
Last Action: 04/22/2012 Chapter No. 2012-121
Effective Date: July 1, 2012

CS/CS/CS/SB 694: Adult Day Care Centers
GENERAL BILL by Budget Subcommittee on Health and Human Services Appropriations; Health Regulation; Children, Families, and Elder Affairs; Fasano; (CO-INTRODUCERS) Haridopolos; Norman; Sachs; Gaetz; Bullard; Garcia; Dockery; Sobel
Citing this act as the “Specialized Alzheimer’s Services Adult Day Care Act”; prohibiting an adult day care center from claiming to be licensed or designated as a specialized Alzheimer’s services adult day care center under certain circumstances; providing educational and experience requirements for the operator of an adult day care center seeking licensure designation as a specialized Alzheimer’s services adult day care center; requiring that dementia-specific services be documented in a participant’s file; requiring that the center coordinate and execute discharge procedures with a participant who has a documented diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease or a dementia-related disorder and the caregiver if the participant’s enrollment in the center is involuntarily terminated, etc.
Last Action: 04/07/2012 Chapter No. 2012-43
Effective Date: July 1, 2012

CS/CS/SB 704: Building Construction and Inspection
GENERAL BILL by Budget Subcommittee on General Government Appropriations; Community Affairs; Bennett
Revising the authorized methods of sending notices to violators of local codes; requiring a county or municipality, a department or agency of the state, a county, or a municipality, or any other public body or institution to open a sealed bid and announce the name of each bidder and the price submitted in the bid at a public meeting and make such information available upon request; authorizing a building code administrator or building official to approve the electronic filing of building plans and related documents, etc.
Last Action: 03/25/2012 Chapter No. 2012-13
Effective Date: except as otherwise expressly provided in this act and except for section 20, which shall take effect upon this act becoming a law, this act shall take effect July 1, 2012

CS/SB 730: Medicaid Managed Care
GENERAL BILL by Health Regulation; Flores; (CO-INTRODUCERS) Negron; Gaetz
Specifying which health plan entities are subject to the subscriber assistance program; authorizing the Agency for Health Care Administration to extend or modify certain contracts with behavioral health care providers under specified circumstances; directing the agency to calculate a medical loss ratio for managed care plans under specified circumstances and providing the method of calculation; specifying that contracts necessary to administer the Medicaid program are not rules and are not subject to ch. 120, F.S., the Administrative Procedure Act, etc.
Last Action: 04/07/2012 Chapter No. 2012-44
Effective Date: except as otherwise expressly provided in this act and except for section 14, which shall take effect upon this act becoming a law, this act shall take effect July 1, 2012

SB 792: Financial Institutions
GENERAL BILL by Gaetz; Rich; (CO-INTRODUCERS) Latvala; Thrasher; Fasano; Oelrich; Negron; Ring; Benacquisto; Sobel; Richter; Lynn; Detert; Joyner; Gardiner; Gibson; Margolis; Hays; Evers; Diaz de la Portilla; Dean; Siplin; Garcia; Montford; Simmons; Flores; Braynon; Storms; Sachs; Smith; Bullard; Haridopolos; Alexander; Altman; Bennett; Bogdanoff; Dockery; Jones; Norman; Wise
Financial Institutions; Requiring a financial institution that is chartered in this state and that maintains certain accounts with a foreign financial institution to establish due diligence policies, procedures, and controls reasonably designed to detect whether the foreign financial institution engages in certain activities facilitating the development of weapons of mass destruction by the Government of Iran, provides support for certain foreign terrorist organizations, or participates in other related activities; requiring the Financial Services Commission to adopt rules establishing minimum standards for the due diligence policies, procedures, and controls, etc.
Last Action: 05/04/2012 Approved by Governor

CS/SB 800: County Boundary Lines
GENERAL BILL by Budget Subcommittee on Finance and Tax; Negron
Incorporating a portion of St. Lucie County into Martin County; revising the legal description of Martin County; revising the legal description of St. Lucie County, to conform; transferring roads; providing for transition pursuant to an interlocal agreement; providing requirements for such agreement; providing for Martin County to compensate St. Lucie County for certain loss of revenue, etc.
Last Action: 04/07/2012 Chapter No. 2012-45
Effective Date: July 1, 2013, upon its approval by a majority vote of certain qualified voters in conjunction with next election in St. Lucie County, except for section 5 which shall take effect upon becoming a law

SB 878: Florida College System Personnel Records
GENERAL BILL by Benacquisto
Specifying records that constitute limited-access records, etc.
Last Action: 04/07/2012 Chapter No. 2012-46
Effective Date: July 1, 2012

CS/CS/SB 922: Military Support
GENERAL BILL by Criminal Justice; Military Affairs, Space, and Domestic Security; Bennett; (CO-INTRODUCERS) Detert; Jones; Gaetz; Fasano; Bullard; Evers; Latvala; Haridopolos; Alexander; Altman; Benacquisto; Bogdanoff; Braynon; Dean; Diaz de la Portilla; Dockery; Flores; Garcia; Gardiner; Gibson; Hays; Joyner; Lynn; Margolis; Montford; Negron; Norman; Oelrich; Rich; Richter; Ring; Sachs; Simmons; Siplin; Smith; Sobel; Storms; Thrasher; Wise
Authorizing the Florida Defense Support Task Force to recommend to the Legislature specified changes in military installations and local governments under the Community Planning Act; creating the Florida Veterans’ Hall of Fame Council; creating the Military Base Protection Program within the Department of Economic Opportunity; transferring and reassigning the functions and responsibilities of the Florida Council on Military Base and Mission Support within the Department of Economic Opportunity to the Florida Defense Support Task Force within the Department of Economic Opportunity by type two transfer; creating the “T. Patt Maney Veterans’ Treatment Intervention Act”; creating a pretrial veterans’ and servicemembers’ treatment intervention program; requiring certain Florida College System institutions and state universities to provide priority course registration for veterans, etc.
Last Action: 04/29/2012 Chapter No. 2012-159
Effective Date: except as otherwise expressly provided in this act and except for section 34, which shall take effect upon this act becoming a law, this act shall take effect July 1, 2012

CS/SB 924: Special Observances
GENERAL BILL by Environmental Preservation and Conservation; Simmons; (CO-INTRODUCERS) Margolis; Rich; Bogdanoff; Latvala
Designating April 7 of each year as “Everglades Day”, etc.
Last Action: 04/07/2012 Chapter No. 2012-47
Effective Date: July 1, 2012

SB 990: Natural Guardians
Revising provisions relating to the authority of natural guardians to act on behalf of their children, etc.
Last Action: 04/07/2012 Chapter No. 2012-48
Effective Date: July 1, 2012

SB 1040: Practice of Dentistry
GENERAL BILL by Bogdanoff; (CO-INTRODUCERS) Oelrich; Altman
Revising the eligibility requirements for taking the examinations required to practice dentistry if the applicant is a graduate of a certain dental college or school; revising the eligibility requirements for taking the examinations required to practice dental hygiene; revising the licensing requirements to practice as a dental hygienist; authorizing dental hygienists to administer certain local anesthesia under the direct supervision of a licensed dentist if certain educational requirements are met; requiring dental hygienists to maintain current certification in basic or advanced cardiopulmonary resuscitation or advanced cardiac life support with recertification every 2 years, etc.
Last Action: 03/25/2012 Chapter No. 2012-14
Effective Date: upon becoming a law

CS/SB 1050: Fiduciaries
GENERAL BILL by Banking and Insurance; Bogdanoff
Requiring a mortgage holder to provide certain information within a specified time relating to the unpaid loan balance due under a mortgage if a mortgagor, a record title owner of the property, a fiduciary or trustee lawfully acting on behalf of a record title owner, or any person lawfully authorized to act on behalf of a mortgagor or record title owner of the property makes a written request under certain circumstances; deleting a provision authorizing a trustee to release the power to adjust between principal and income if the trustee desires to convert the form of certain trusts, etc.
Last Action: 03/25/2012 Chapter No. 2012-14
Effective Date: January 1, 2013

CS/SB 1174: Establishing the Congressional Districts of the State
GENERAL BILL by Reapportionment; Reapportionment
Redistricting the state’s congressional districts in accordance with the United States Decennial Census of 2010 (plan H000C9047); amending provisions relating to the inclusion of unlisted territory in contiguous districts; reenacting provisions which provide for the election of representatives to the United States House of Representatives; providing for severability; providing for applicability, etc.
Last Action: 02/17/2012 Chapter No. 2012-2
Effective Date: upon becoming a law, except as otherwise provided

SB 1724: Mosquito Control Districts
GENERAL BILL by Alexander
Repealing provisions relating to certain powers of the board of county commissioners to hold, control, acquire, or purchase real or personal property, condemn land or easements, exercise the right of eminent domain, and institute and maintain condemnation proceedings for a mosquito control district, etc.
Last Action: 04/07/2012 Chapter No. 2012-50
Effective Date: July 1, 2012

CS/SB 1856: Public Records and Public Meetings/Peer Review Panels/Biomedical Research Grants
GENERAL BILL by Health Regulation; Flores
Providing an exemption from public meeting requirements for certain meetings of a peer review panel under the James and Esther King Biomedical Research Program and the William G. “Bill” Bankhead, Jr., and David Coley Cancer Research Program; providing an exemption from public records requirements for certain records related to biomedical research grant applications; providing an exemption from public records requirements for research grant applications provided to, and reviewed by, the peer review panel, etc.
Last Action: 03/25/2012 Chapter No. 2012-15
Effective Date: on the same date that CS for SB 616 or similar legislation takes effect, if such legislation is adopted in the same legislative session or an extension thereof and becomes law

SB 1958: Department of Health
Assigning, for administrative purposes, the Correctional Medical Authority to the Executive Office of the Governor, rather than the Department of Health; reducing the membership of the authority, etc.
Last Action: 04/22/2012 Chapter No. 2012-122
Effective Date: July 1, 2012

SB 1960: State Judicial System
Authorizing the chief judge of the circuit to limit the number of attorneys on the circuit registry list; revising the procedures by which a regional conflict counsel is appointed by the Governor; providing that, if a regional counsel is unable to complete a full term in office, the Governor may immediately appoint an interim regional counsel to serve as regional counsel for that district until a new regional counsel is appointed; requiring the Florida Supreme Court Judicial Nominating Commission to provide the Governor with a list of nominees for appointment within 6 months after the date of a vacancy; authorizing a county and the Statewide Guardian Ad Litem Office to enter into an agreement whereby the county provides funding to the office in order to employ additional guardian ad litem personnel to serve in the county, etc.
Last Action: 04/22/2012 Chapter No. 2012-123
Effective Date: July 1, 2012

SB 1964: Court-related Assessments
Providing for a monetary assessment mandated by statute to be imposed regardless of whether the assessment is announced in open court; requiring the clerks of court to develop a uniform form to be used in identifying and imposing mandatory assessments; providing for the clerks to consult with the Office of the State Courts Administrator; revising requirements for the clerks of court to report on the assessment and collection of certain fines or other monetary penalties, fees, costs, and charges; requiring the clerks, rather than the Department of Financial Services, to develop a reporting form and guidelines; providing for the clerks to consult with the Office of the State Courts Administrator; providing for the clerks of court, rather than the Office of the State Courts Administrator, to prepare and disseminate a manual of filing fees, service charges, costs, and fines, etc.
Last Action: 04/22/2012 Chapter No. 2012-124
Effective Date: July 1, 2012

SB 1968: Criminal Justice
Requiring a court to assess a specified fine against a defendant who pleads guilty or nolo contendere to, or who is convicted of, violating certain specified offenses if the services of a criminal analysis laboratory are used in the investigation of the offense; providing for the proceeds of the assessment to be deposited into the Operating Trust Fund of the Department of Law Enforcement and used by the statewide criminal analysis laboratory system, etc.
Last Action: 04/22/2012 Chapter No. 2012-125
Effective Date: October 1, 2012

SB 1986: Water Management Districts
Authorizing the Legislature to set the maximum millage rate for each district; requiring each water management district to submit a preliminary budget for legislative review; requiring the preliminary budget to include certain information; requiring that budget amendments greater than a certain amount be reviewed and approved by the Executive Office of the Governor, which must notify the Legislative Budget Commission of such approval; providing that, upon review and approval by the Executive Office of the Governor and after providing notice of intention to amend to the Legislative Budget Commission, a water management district may amend unanticipated funds into its final budget; requiring that a 5-year water resource development work program describe the district’s implementation strategy and funding plan for water resource, water supply, and alternative water supply development components of each approved regional water supply plan, etc.
Last Action: 04/22/2012 Chapter No. 2012-126
Effective Date: except as otherwise expressly provided in this act, this act shall take effect July 1, 2012

SB 1994: Postsecondary Education
Deleting provisions creating the University of South Florida Polytechnic; requiring that the Florida Polytechnic University meet certain criteria established by the Board of Governors by a specified date; requiring that students enrolled at the University of South Florida Polytechnic be afforded the opportunity to complete their degrees at the University of South Florida; transferring all real and personal property, licenses and associated revenues, existing contracts, unexpended balances, appropriations, allocations, funds, and mutually agreed-upon obligations, responsibilities, and liabilities from the University of South Florida which relate to the University of South Florida Polytechnic campus, as determined by the Board of Trustees of the University of South Florida and the Board of Trustees of the Florida Polytechnic University, to the Florida Polytechnic University, etc. APPROPRIATION: $16,000,000
Last Action: 04/22/2012 Chapter No. 2012-129
Effective Date: upon becoming a law

SB 1996: Department of Economic Opportunity
Requiring the Auditor General and the Office of Program Policy Analysis and Government Accountability to conduct a joint audit and review of the Florida Housing Finance Corporation; revising provisions relating to the State Apartment Incentive Loan Program; deleting the future expiration of provisions authorizing workers’ compensation coverage for a participant in an adult or youth work experience activity; authorizing a local governmental entity that is an independent special district providing certain utility services to reduce its rates by resolution for a specified time for a user that will provide a community benefit, etc.
Last Action: 04/22/2012 Chapter No. 2012-127
Effective Date: except as otherwise expressly provided in this act and except for section 9, which shall take effect upon this act becoming a law, this act shall take effect July 1, 2012

SB 1998: Transportation
Repealing provisions relating to contract requirements for transportation projects; revising provisions for the financing of port transportation or port facilities projects; increasing funding for the Florida Seaport Transportation and Economic Development Program; adding military access facilities to the types of facilities included in the Strategic Intermodal System and the Emerging Strategic Intermodal System which form components of an interconnected transportation system; requiring that a challenge to a consolidated environmental resource permit or an associated variance or a sovereign submerged lands authorization proposed or issued by the Department of Environmental Protection in connection with the state’s deepwater ports be conducted pursuant to certain summary hearing provisions, etc.
Last Action: 04/22/2012 Chapter No. 2012-128
Effective Date: except as otherwise expressly provided in this act and except for section 43, which shall take effect upon this act becoming a law, this act shall take effect July 1, 2012

SB 2058: Office of Legislative Services
Providing for duties related to the registration and reporting of legislative lobbyists to be conducted by the office rather than the Division of Legislative Information Services within the office; requiring that certain content relating to the published edition of the Florida Statutes be determined by the office rather than by the Division of Statutory Revision within the office; requiring that the office, rather than the Division of Statutory Revision, certify to the Legislature public records and public meetings exemptions that are scheduled for repeal, etc.
Last Action: 04/07/2012 Chapter No. 2012-51
Effective Date: upon becoming a law

HB 13 – Sovereignty Submerged Lands
General Bill by Frishe (CO-SPONSORS) Harrell; Mayfield; Snyder; Williams, T.
Provides for lease of sovereignty submerged lands for private residential single-family docks & piers, private residential multifamily docks & piers, & private residential multislip docks; provides for term of lease & lease fees; provides for inspection of such docks, piers, & related structures by DEP; clarifies authority of Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund & DEP to impose additional fees & requirements; provides appropriation.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Approved by Governor on Friday, May 04, 2012 4:24 PM

CS/HB 37 – Knowingly and Willfully Giving False Information to a Law Enforcement Officer
General Bill by Diaz and Plakon (CO-SPONSORS) Abruzzo; Ahern; Albritton; Baxley; Berman; Bileca; Boyd; Brodeur; Broxson; Burgin; Campbell; Corcoran; Costello; Davis; Dorworth; Ford; Gaetz; Garcia; Gonzalez; Hager; Harrell; Harrison; Horner; Ingram; Julien; Kiar; Kreegel; Mayfield; McBurney; Metz; Nehr; Nuñez; Oliva; Perman; Perry; Porter; Porth; Ray; Rooney; Rouson; Smith; Snyder; Soto; Steinberg; Tobia; Trujillo; Van Zant; Watson; Weinstein; Williams, T.
Provides that it is third-degree felony for person to knowingly & willfully give false information to law enforcement officer conducting missing person investigation involving child 16 years of age or younger with intent to mislead officer or impede investigation if child suffers great bodily harm, permanent disability, permanent disfigurement, or death.
Effective Date: October 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-53 on Saturday, April 07, 2012 7:25 PM

CS/HB 45 – Postsecondary Education Course Registration for Veterans
General Bill by Smith (CO-SPONSORS) Campbell; Corcoran; Costello; Dorworth; Grant; Metz; Rooney; Stargel; Tobia
Requires certain Florida College System institutions & state universities to provide priority course registration for veterans; provides eligibility requirements; encourages certain independent postsecondary educational institutions to provide priority course registration for veterans.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-162 on Sunday, April 29, 2012 9:37 PM

CS/HB 59 – Spaceport Territory
General Bill by Ray (CO-SPONSORS) Abruzzo; Adkins; Ahern; Bernard; Burgin; Costello; Crisafulli; Davis; Ford; Fullwood; Hukill; Jones; Mayfield; McBurney; Nuñez; Perman; Perry; Pilon; Porter; Porth; Renuart; Rogers; Van Zant; Wood; Young
Revises spaceport territory to include certain properties.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-104 on Monday, April 16, 2012 9:08 AM

CS/HB 95 – Homestead Property Tax Exemptions
General Bill by Harrison (CO-SPONSORS) Abruzzo; Ahern; Artiles; Baxley; Berman; Brandes; Broxson; Campbell; Corcoran; Costello; Cruz; Dorworth; Fullwood; Glorioso; Hooper; Hukill; Ingram; Julien; Logan; Lopez-Cantera; McBurney; Metz; Nehr; Nelson; Pilon; Plakon; Rehwinkel Vasilinda; Smith; Steube; Tobia; Trujillo; Waldman; Weinstein
Creates “Fallen Heroes Family Tax Relief Act”; exempts from taxation homestead property of surviving spouse of first responder who dies in line of duty; provides definitions for “first responder” & “line of duty”; provides construction with respect to applicable tax roll & date of death; provides appropriation; provides effective dates, one of which is contingent.
Effective Date: on the same date that CS for SJR 1056, or a similar joint resolution having substantially the same specific intent and purpose, takes effect if approved by the electors at the general election held in November 2012 or at an earlier special election specifically authorized by law for that purpose
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-54 on Saturday, April 07, 2012 7:25 PM

CS/CS/HB 99 – Sexual Exploitation
General Bill by Fresen and Nuñez (CO-SPONSORS) Baxley; Bullard; Clemens; Costello; Cruz; Diaz; Dorworth; Fullwood; Harrison; Horner; Jenne; Julien; Kiar; Logan; Lopez-Cantera; Oliva; Perman; Perry; Plakon; Rooney; Snyder; Weinstein
Cites act as “Florida Safe Harbor Act”; provides legislative intent & goals; revises definitions; authorizes delivery of children alleged to be dependent & sexually exploited to short-term safe houses; requires assessment of certain children for placement in safe house; provides for use of such assessments; requires annual report concerning placements; requires circuits of DCFS to address child welfare service needs of sexually exploited children in master plans; provides duties, responsibilities, & requirements for safe houses & their operators; provides for training for law enforcement officials who are likely to encounter sexually exploited children; provides for increased civil penalty for soliciting another to commit prostitution or related acts; provides for disposition of proceeds; allows victim compensation for sexually exploited children.
Effective Date: January 1, 2013
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-105 on Monday, April 16, 2012 9:11 AM

HB 103 – Transfer of Tax Liability
General Bill by Wood
Revises provisions relating to tax liability when person transfers or quits business; provides transfer of assets of business or stock of goods of business is considered transfer of business; requires DOR to notify business before circuit court temporarily enjoins business activity; provides liability for certain taxes unless specified conditions are met; requires department to conduct certain audits; requires DOR to notify transferee before circuit court enjoins business activity; specifies that transferor & transferee of assets of business are jointly & severally liable up to maximum amount; specifies maximum liability of transferee; provides methods for calculating fair market value or total purchase price of specified business transfers to determine maximum tax liability of transferees; excludes transferees from tax liability when transfer consists only of specified assets; authorizes DOR to provide tax information to transferee against whom tax liability is being asserted; repeals provisions relating to tax liability & criminal liability of dealers of communications services who make certain transfers related to communications services business; repeals provisions relating to dealer’s tax liability & criminal liability for sales tax when business transferred.
Effective Date: upon becoming a law
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-55 on Saturday, April 07, 2012 7:26 PM

CS/CS/CS/HB 107 – Special Districts
General Bill by Caldwell (CO-SPONSORS) Campbell; Costello; Pafford; Williams, T.
Revises provisions relating to merger & dissolution procedures for special districts; provides for certain merger & dissolution procedures to include referenda & special acts; provides for local governments to assume indebtedness of, & receive title to property owned by, special districts under certain circumstances; deletes provision relating to conditions under which merger of independent special districts or dependent fire control districts with other special districts is effective & conditions under which merged district is authorized to increase ad valorem taxes; revises criteria by which special districts are declared inactive by governing body.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-16 on Sunday, March 25, 2012 8:43 AM

CS/CS/HB 119 – Motor Vehicle Personal Injury Protection Insurance
General Bill by Boyd (CO-SPONSORS) Albritton; Broxson; Costello; Horner; Tobia; Wood
Revises conditions for completing long-form traffic crash report; provides that certain entities exempt from licensure as health care clinic must nonetheless be licensed in order to receive reimbursement for provision of PIP benefits; requires that application for licensure, or exemption from licensure, as health care clinic include statement regarding insurance fraud; specifies additional unfair claim settlement practice; authorizes Division of Insurance Fraud of DFS to establish direct-support organization for purpose of prosecuting, investigating, & preventing motor vehicle insurance fraud; specifies effects of Florida Motor Vehicle No-Fault Law.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Approved by Governor on Friday, May 04, 2012 2:29 PM

CS/HB 171 – Osteopathic Physicians
General Bill by Trujillo (CO-SPONSORS) Campbell; Harrell; Renuart
Revises requirements for licensure or certification as osteopathic physician in this state; revises provisions relating to registration of physicians, interns, & fellows.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-163 on Sunday, April 29, 2012 9:37 PM

CS/HB 173 – Department of Juvenile Justice
General Bill by Pilon (CO-SPONSORS) Campbell; Julien
Revises types of diversified & innovative programs to provide rehabilitative treatment that may be developed or contracted for by DJJ, to include mother-infant programs; authorizes department, at secretary’s discretion, to pay up to specified amount toward basic funeral expenses for youth who dies while in custody of department & whose parents or guardians are indigent & for which no other source of funding is available.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-56 on Saturday, April 07, 2012 7:27 PM

CS/CS/HB 189 – Criminal Restitution
General Bill by Young (CO-SPONSORS) Campbell; Corcoran; Costello; Diaz; Fullwood; Grant; Harrell; Julien; Logan; Nuñez; Pilon; Steube; Tobia; Trujillo
Provides that crime victim entitled to restitution may include trade association representing owner or lawful producer of recording who sustains loss as result of physical piracy; provides limitation of restitution obligation to specifically exclude acts of online piracy; defines “trade association.”
Effective Date: October 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-17 on Sunday, March 25, 2012 8:44 AM

CS/CS/HB 227 – Prescription Drug Abuse
General Bill by Stargel (CO-SPONSORS) Burgin; Glorioso; Harrell; Holder; Plakon; Snyder; Young
Creates Statewide Task Force on Prescription Drug Abuse & Newborns; provides purpose; provides membership of task force; provides for reimbursement of per diem & travel expenses for members of task force; requires that DLA provide task force with necessary staff; specifies date for task force’s organizational session; provides meeting times; provides duties of task force; requires that task force submit reports to Legislature.
Effective Date: April 19, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-120 on Thursday, April 19, 2012 1:14 PM

HB 231 – Intergovernmental Cooperation
General Bill by Horner (CO-SPONSORS) Costello
Revises definition of “electric utility”; authorizes certain parties to interlocal agreement to conduct public meetings & workshops by means of communications media technology; provides notice requirements; provides definition; provides legislative intent that electric utilities included in revision to definition of “electric utility” may exercise powers & authority granted by ch. 163, F.S.; provides legislative intent that revision is enacted in furtherance of & is consistent with application of Joint Power Act.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-164 on Sunday, April 29, 2012 9:38 PM

S/CS/HB 233 – Substance Abuse Education and Intervention Programs
General Bill by Rouson
Provides that probation supervision services for defendants found guilty of certain misdemeanor controlled substance offenses may be provided by licensed substance abuse education & intervention programs; authorizes certain entities providing probation services to provide licensed substance abuse education & intervention programs; requires private entities providing such programs to contract with county & comply with other applicable provisions.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-106 on Monday, April 16, 2012 9:11 AM

CS/HB 249 – Public Lodging Establishments
General Bill by Bembry
Revises definition of “public lodging establishment” to exclude certain apartment buildings designated primarily as housing for persons at least 62 years of age & certain roominghouses, boardinghouses, & other living or sleeping facilities; authorizes Division of Hotels & Restaurants to require written documentation from apartment building operator that such building is in compliance with certain criteria; authorizes division to adopt certain rules; revises public lodging establishment classifications.
Effective Date: October 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-165 on Sunday, April 29, 2012 9:38 PM

CS/HB 267 – East Naples Fire Control and Rescue District, Collier County
Local Bill by Hudson
Amends district charter; provides for incorporation; provides that district is independent special district; provides for charter amendments; revises boundaries; provides for annexation; revises provisions relating to board of commissioners; revises board duties, powers, & authority; revises powers of district; provides for financing of district; provides savings clause for district’s millage authority; provides for bonds; provides for reimbursement to county when referendum is required; provides for impact fees; provides for collection & disbursement of such fees; provides for deposit of taxes, assessments, & fees & authority to disburse funds; provides for elections; requires district planning; provides for immunity from tort liability; provides for dissolution procedures; provides for exemption from taxation; provides for liberal construction; provides for severability.
Effective Date: March 23, 2012
Last Event: Approved by Governor on Friday, March 23, 2012 4:09 PM

CS/HB 285 – Sick Leave for School District Employees
General Bill by Harrell (CO-SPONSORS) Campbell
Authorizes district school system to provide policy allowing donation of accrued sick leave to district employee; provides standards for sick leave transfer policy.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-166 on Sunday, April 29, 2012 9:38 PM

CS/HB 291 – Youth Athletes
General Bill by Renuart (CO-SPONSORS) Jones; Tobia
Requires independent sanctioning authority for youth athletic teams & FHSAA to adopt guidelines, bylaws, & policies relating to nature & risk of concussion & head injury in youth athletes; requires informed consent for participation in practice or competition; requires removal from practice or competition under certain circumstances & written medical clearance to return; requires FHSAA to adopt bylaws for establishment & duties of sports medicine advisory committee; specifies membership.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-167 on Sunday, April 29, 2012 9:39 PM

CS/HB 309 – Radiological Personnel
General Bill by Oliva (CO-SPONSORS) Campbell
Defines term “specialty technologist” as it relates to certification of radiological personnel; provides titles for persons who hold certificate as specialty technologist; authorizes person holding certificate as specialty technologist to perform specific duties allowed for specialty technologist as defined by DOH; requires that duties fall within scope of practice of specialty as set by national organization for particular advanced, postprimary, or specialty area; provides criteria for certification as specialty technologist; provides for applicant for certification as specialty technologist to be certified only by endorsement rather than by examination; authorizes department to issue certificate by endorsement to practice as specialty technologist to applicant who meets certain criteria.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-168 on Sunday, April 29, 2012 9:39 PM

CS/CS/HB 313 – Premises Liability
General Bill by Bembry and Steube (CO-SPONSORS) Albritton; Baxley; Brandes; Caldwell; Campbell; Dorworth; Gaetz; Harrison; Patronis; Smith; Tobia; Van Zant
Provides that owner or lessee who makes area available to another person for hunting, fishing, or wildlife viewing is entitled to certain limitations on liability if certain notice is provided; provides that owner of area who enters into written agreement with state for area to be used for outdoor recreational purposes is entitled to certain limitations on liability; deletes requirement that area be leased to state in order for limitations on liability to apply; defines term “area.”
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Approved by Governor on Friday, May 04, 2012 4:24 PM

HB 347 – College Credit for Military Training and Education Courses
General Bill by Harrell (CO-SPONSORS) Abruzzo; Adkins; Brandes; Dorworth; Eisnaugle; Fullwood; Gaetz; Hager; Julien; Kiar; Kriseman; Metz; Rehwinkel Vasilinda; Renuart; Rooney; Smith; Stargel
Requires Board of Governors of SUS & State Board of Education to adopt regulations & rules, respectively, that enable U.S. Armed Forces servicemembers to earn college credit for college-level training & education acquired in military.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-169 on Sunday, April 29, 2012 9:40 PM

CS/HB 357 – Homestead Exemptions for Seniors
General Bill by Oliva (CO-SPONSORS) Abruzzo; Campbell; Costello; Gonzalez; Hukill; Kiar; Nuñez; Snyder; Trujillo
Authorizes board of county commissioners of county or governing authority of municipality to adopt ordinance granting additional homestead tax exemption equal to specified amount, or additional homestead tax exemption equal to assessed value of property with just value lower than specified amount, or both such exemptions, to owner who has maintained permanent residency on property or permanent residency on property for specified duration, who has attained age 65, & whose household income does not exceed specified amount; provides definitions applicable to such additional exemption; provides applicability of requirements relating to adoption of local ordinance granting such exemption; provides appropriation; provides application.
Effective Date: upon the approval of House Joint Resolution 169, or a similar joint resolution having substantially the same specific intent and purpose, at the general election to be held in November 2012 or at an earlier special election specifically authorized by law for that purpose, and shall first apply to the 2013 tax roll
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-57 on Saturday, April 07, 2012 7:27 PM

CS/CS/CS/HB 363 – Physician Assistants
General Bill by Kreegel (CO-SPONSORS) Campbell; Harrell; Renuart; Steube
Revises requirements for physician assistants to prescribe or dispense medicinal drugs; authorizing, rather than requiring, DOH to issue prescriber number to physician assistants granting authority to prescribe medicinal drugs; provides that physician assistant applying for prescribing authority must submit course transcripts and copy of course description in addition to other licensure application requirements.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-170 on Sunday, April 29, 2012 9:40 PM

CS/HB 377 – Miami-Dade County Lake Belt Mitigation Plan
General Bill by Nuñez (CO-SPONSORS) Baxley; Bullard; Caldwell; Campbell; Gonzalez; Horner; Patronis; Trujillo
Deletes references to Miami-Dade County Lake Belt Plan Implementation Committee report; deletes obsolete provisions; redirects funds for seepage mitigation projects; requires proceeds of water treatment plant upgrade fee to be transferred by DOR to SFWMD to be deposited into Lake Belt Mitigation Trust Fund; provides criterion when transfer is not required; provides for proceeds of mitigation fee to be used to conduct mitigation activities that are approved by Miami-Dade County Lake Belt Mitigation Committee; clarifies authorized uses for proceeds from water treatment plant upgrade fee.
Effective Date: April 13, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-107 on Monday, April 16, 2012 9:12 AM

CS/HB 387 – Electronic Filing of Construction Plans
General Bill by Ahern (CO-SPONSORS) Baxley; Brandes; Campbell; Dorworth; Mayfield; Williams, A.
Provides for certain documents to be electronically signed & sealed by licensee & electronically transmitted to building code administrator or building official for approval.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-58 on Saturday, April 07, 2012 7:28 PM

HB 393 – Recreational Vehicle Dealers
General Bill by Broxson
Authorizes RV dealers to obtain certificates of title for recreational vehicles; provides limitations & requirements.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-18 on Sunday, March 25, 2012 8:44 AM

CS/HB 401 – Effect of Dissolution or Annulment of Marriage on Certain Designations
General Bill by Moraitis
Provides that designation made by or on behalf of decedent providing for payment or transfer at death of interest in asset to or for benefit of decedent’s former spouse becomes void if marriage dissolved or declared invalid before decedent’s death, if designation was before dissolution or order; provides for disposition of assets; specifies assets subject to provisions; provides exceptions; provides that payors are not liable for payments or transfers contrary to provisions in certain circumstances; provides that certain provisions apply notwithstanding payor’s knowledge; provides that provisions do not affect specified interests & rights; provides applicability.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-148 on Wednesday, April 25, 2012 10:13 AM

CS/HB 413 – Chiropractic Medicine
General Bill by Mayfield and Perman (CO-SPONSORS) Coley; Gibbons
Revises requirements for obtaining chiropractic medicine faculty certificate; authorizes Board of Chiropractic Medicine to approve continuing education courses sponsored by chiropractic colleges under certain circumstances; revises requirements for person who desires to be licensed as chiropractic physician; requires that chiropractic physician preserve identity of funds or property of patient in excess of specified amount; provides that services rendered by certified chiropractic physician’s assistant under indirect supervision may occur only at supervising chiropractic physician’s address of record; revises provisions relating to proprietorship by persons other than licensed chiropractic physicians.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-171 on Sunday, April 29, 2012 9:40 PM

CS/HB 435 – Gilchrist County
Local Bill by Porter
Authorizes school board to issue bonds to finance & refinance construction of educational facilities & purchase of equipment; authorizes school board to issue refunding bonds & bond anticipation notes; requires school board to pay principal of, premium for, & interest on such bonds out of funds that accrue annually to county & are allocated to school board & from certain other moneys of school board; provides for investment of proceeds of sale of bonds; makes bonds legal investments, lawful collateral for public deposits, & negotiable instruments; provides that referendum is not required to exercise any powers under such act, unless required by State Constitution; affirms distribution of funds that accrue to county & are allocated to district school board & board of county commissioners; provides construction.
Effective Date: upon becoming a law
Last Event: Approved by Governor on Friday, April 06, 2012 6:59 PM

CS/HB 437 – Protection of Minors
General Bill by Eisnaugle (CO-SPONSORS) Campbell; Coley; Drake; Fullwood; Metz; Perry; Pilon
Designates act “Protect Our Children Act of 2012”; requires person convicted of second or subsequent violation of specified video voyeurism provisions to register as sexual predator if that person has been convicted of specified prior offense; provides that if more than one child is involved in violation of provisions prohibiting sexual performance by child, each child involved in violation creates separate offense; requires person convicted of video voyeurism violations to register as sexual offender; revises definition of term “sexual offender” to include persons convicted of specified video voyeurism provisions; increases classification of specified video voyeurism offenses involving minors.
Effective Date: October 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-19 on Sunday, March 25, 2012 8:45 AM

CS/CS/HB 449 – Public Fairs and Expositions
General Bill by Steube (CO-SPONSORS) Boyd; Caldwell; Ford; Horner; Smith
Public Fairs and Expositions: Revises requirements for proposed charter of fair association; revises primary objective of fair association for purposes of oath required to be taken by subscribers; revises public notice requirements for fair association charter applications; authorizes fair association to file charter with DOS in addition to DACS; revises requirements for amendments to fair association charters; exempts certain money & property of fair association from taxation; revises provisions for use of remaining property upon dissolution of fair association; revises powers of fair associations; revises authority of fair associations to contract with state & local governments for use of land; revises exemptions from certain local business taxes for annual public fairs held by fair association; revises provisions that prohibit making false statements in annual public fair permit or application for distribution of certain licenses taxes; prohibits fair association from conducting more than one annual public fair; revises requirements for annual public fair permit fees; revises waiver requirements from minimum exhibit requirements; revises provisions that prohibit trespassing upon public fair grounds; removes limitations on use of certain buildings for public fairs.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Approved by Governor on Friday, May 04, 2012 4:24 PM

CS/HB 457 – Relief/Denise Gordon Brown & David Brown/North Broward Hospital District
Claims/Local Bill by Nehr
Provides for relief of Denise Gordon Brown & David Brown, parents of Darian Brown, by North Broward Hospital District; provides for appropriation to compensate them for injuries & damages sustained by Darian Brown as result of negligence of Broward General Medical Center; provides limitation on payment of fees & costs.
Effective Date: March 29, 2012
Last Event: Approved by Governor on Thursday, March 29, 2012 5:01 PM

CS/HB 463 – Weapons or Firearms
General Bill by Kreegel and Brandes (CO-SPONSORS) Broxson; Burgin; Caldwell; Corcoran; Dorworth; Eisnaugle; Gaetz; Ingram; Plakon; Precourt; Renuart; Stargel; Williams, T.
Provides that otherwise qualified members & veterans of U.S. Armed Forces be issued concealed weapon or firearm license regardless of age in certain circumstances; provides additional methods for taking of fingerprints from such license applicants; provides that members & veterans of U.S. Armed Forces be granted reciprocity regardless of age; prohibits reckless or negligent discharge of firearm in certain locations; provides criminal penalties.
Effective Date: April 13, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-108 on Monday, April 16, 2012 9:13 AM

CS/HB 465 – District School Board Bonds
General Bill by Diaz (CO-SPONSORS) Bullard; Campbell; Fresen; Fullwood
Revises provisions relating to issuance & retirement of bonds.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-52 on Saturday, April 07, 2012 7:23 PM

CS/CS/HB 473 – Alzheimer’s Disease
General Bill by Hudson (CO-SPONSORS) Abruzzo; Baxley; Berman; Brodeur; Campbell; Cruz; Fullwood; Glorioso; Harrell; Holder; Horner; Kiar; Logan; Pafford; Roberson, K.; Rogers; Smith
Establishes Purple Ribbon Task Force within DEA; provides for membership; provides that members shall serve without compensation or reimbursement for per diem or travel expenses; requires department to provide administrative support; requires task force to submit interim study to Governor & Legislature regarding state trends with respect to persons having Alzheimer’s disease or related form of dementia; provides duties of task force; authorizes task force to hold meetings by teleconference or other electronic means, or in person without compensation or reimbursement for per diem or travel expenses; requires task force to submit report in form of Alzheimer’s disease state plan to Governor & Legislature; provides for termination of task force.
Effective Date: upon becoming law
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-172 on Sunday, April 29, 2012 9:35 PM

CS/HB 479 – Animal Control
General Bill by O’Toole (CO-SPONSORS) Bullard; Caldwell; Porter; Porth; Sands; Williams, A.
Requires animal control officers, wildlife officers, & disease laboratories to report potential health risks to humans from animals; provides for use of additional prescription drugs for euthanasia & chemical immobilization of animals; provides for rulemaking to expand list of additional prescription drugs; provides that Board of Pharmacy or DOH may revoke or suspend permit upon determination that permittee or its employees or agents is using or has used authorized drug for other purposes or if permittee has committed specified violations; restricts use of intracardial injection for euthanizing animals; prohibits delivery of lethal solution or powder by adding it to food.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-173 on Sunday, April 29, 2012 9:36 PM

CS/HB 483 – Uniform Commercial Code
General Bill by Passidomo
Revises & provides provisions of Florida Uniform Commercial Code relating to secured transactions to conform to revised Article 9 of Uniform Commercial Code as prepared by National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws.
Effective Date: July 1, 2013
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-59 on Saturday, April 07, 2012 7:28 PM

CS/CS/CS/CS/HB 503 – Environmental Regulation
General Bill by Patronis (CO-SPONSORS) Broxson; Coley; Dorworth; Drake; Mayfield; Oliva; Precourt; Williams, T.; Young
Creates, amends, & revises numerous provisions relating to: development, construction, operating, & building permits; permit application requirements & procedures, including waivers, variances, & revocation; local government comprehensive plans & plan amendments; programmatic general permits & regional general permits; permits for projects relating to stormwater management systems, coastal construction, dredge & fill activities, intermodal logistics centers & commercial & industrial development; sanitary program surveys of certain water systems; innocent victim petroleum storage system restoration, ambient air quality & water quality standards, & solid waste disposal; sale of unblended gasoline for certain uses; exemption from payment to authorizing agencies for use of certain extensions; provides 2-year permit extension.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Approved by Governor on Friday, May 04, 2012 4:24 PM

CS/CS/HB 509 – Pharmacy
General Bill by Logan (CO-SPONSORS) Campbell
Revises types of vaccines that pharmacists may administer; authorizes pharmacists to administer vaccine or epinephrine autoinjection within framework of established protocol; revises continuing professional pharmaceutical educational requirements with respect to administering such vaccines or autoinjection.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-60 on Saturday, April 07, 2012 7:29 PM

CS/HB 517 – Reducing and Streamlining Regulations
General Bill by Grant (CO-SPONSORS) Ahern; Brandes; Fullwood; Young
Requires certain appraisers to follow specific standards of professional practice in appraisals involving restoration of Lake Apopka Basin; waives initial licensing, application, & unlicensed activity fees for certain military veterans; revises certain licensure requirements & continuing education requirements for reactivating license, certificate, or registration to practice certain professions & occupations regulated by DBPR or board or council within DBPR, including community association management, employee leasing, home inspection, mold-related services, real estate appraisal, cosmetology, architecture & interior design, landscape architecture, construction contracting, & electrical & alarm system contracting; provides exemption from licensure as asbestos consultant or contractor for activities involving pipe or conduit used for gas service, etc.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-61 on Saturday, April 07, 2012 7:30 PM

CS/CS/HB 521 – State Preemption of the Regulation of Hoisting Equipment
General Bill by Artiles
Preempts to state regulation of certain hoisting equipment; provides that act does not apply to regulation of elevators or to airspace height restrictions.
Effective Date: upon becoming a law
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-62 on Saturday, April 07, 2012 7:31 PM

HB 541 – Administrative Procedures
General Bill by Brandes (CO-SPONSORS) Dorworth; Porth
Directs agency under Administrative Procedure Act to send written notice of certain rules affecting small businesses to rules ombudsman in EOG rather than to DEO; revises provisions with respect to revision & publication of Florida Administrative Code to provide that Department of State is not required to publish printed version of code but may contract with publishing firm for printed publication; provides that electronic version of code is official compilation of administrative rules of state; provides for adopted rules & material incorporated by reference to be filed in electronic forms; renames “Florida Administrative Weekly” as “Florida Administrative Register”; requires continuous revision & publication of Florida Administrative Register on Internet website managed by department; revises content & website search requirements; deletes requirement to provide printed copies of Florida Administrative Register to certain federal & state entities; provides directive to Division of Statutory Revision.
Effective Date: October 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-63 on Saturday, April 07, 2012 7:32 PM

CS/HB 575 – Hillsborough County Aviation Authority
Local Bill by Young
Codifies, amends, & repeals Authority’s special acts; provides editorial & other technical changes; clarifies definitions; provides that independent special districts operate to serve public purpose; incorporates specific references to existing practices; clarifies procedure for election of members; clarifies that advertisement provisions pertain to sealed bids & other competitive selection processes when & as required; clarifies employment responsibilities; clarifies procedures for manual execution of instruments on behalf of Authority; provides that Authority can dispose of personal property, derelict or abandoned aircraft, & derelict or abandoned vehicles in accordance with existing statutory law; deletes requirement that Authority may not hold alcoholic beverage licenses exceeding certain number; clarifies requirements for award of contracts & clarifies when such requirements do not apply; provides for recodification; provides savings clause.
Effective Date: April 13, 2012
Last Event: Approved by Governor on Friday, April 13, 2012 6:00 PM

HB 577 – City Pension Fund for Firefighters and Police Officers in the City of Tampa, Hillsborough County
Local Bill by Young and Cruz
Authorizes city to enter into supplemental contract with certain firefighters & police officers to increase amount of pension received by widow or widower or child or children should member lose his or her life or later die from injuries or causes occurring while in discharge of duties; allows joint annuitant who is also lawfully wedded spouse to be eligible for 13th check; confirms in part City of Tampa Firefighters & Police Officers Pension Contract.
Effective Date: October 1, 2012
Last Event: Approved by Governor on Friday, May 04, 2012 4:24 PM

CS/HB 579 – Relief/Lopez, Guzman, Lopez, Jr., Lopez-Velasquez, and Guzman/Miami-Dade County
Claims/Local Bill by Nuñez
Provides for relief of Ronnie Lopez & Roberto Guzman, as co-personal representatives of Estate of Ana-Yency Velasquez, deceased, & for minor children of Ana-Yency Velasquez, by Miami-Dade County; provides for appropriation to compensate estate & minor children for death of Ana-Yency Velasquez as result of negligence of employee of Miami-Dade County; provides limitation on payment of fees & costs.
Effective Date: March 29, 2012
Last Event: Approved by Governor on Thursday, March 29, 2012 5:01 PM

CS/HB 593 – North St. Lucie River Water Control District, St. Lucie County
Local Bill by Mayfield
Provides expiration date for North St. Lucie River Water Control District in St. Lucie County contingent upon district’s submission of draft codified charter to Legislature; provides repeal date for act if bill to codify charter of district is not filed by specified date.
Effective Date: upon becoming a law
Last Event: Approved by Governor on Friday, May 04, 2012 4:24 PM

CS/CS/CS/HB 599 – Transportation and Mitigation Programs
General Bill by Pilon (CO-SPONSORS) Adkins; Brandes; Dorworth
Directs Florida Seaport Transportation & Economic Development Council to develop guidelines for project funding; authorizes DOT to subject projects funded under program to specified audit; increases amount of funding DOT is required to include in its annual legislative budget request for Florida Seaport Transportation & Economic Development Program; creates Intermodal Logistics Center Infrastructure Support Program within DOT; requires department to establish pilot program to open certain limited access highways and bridges to bicycles & other human-powered vehicles; revises powers & duties of department relating to jurisdictional responsibility, designating facilities, & highway landscaping; requires local governmental authority to bear costs of work on utility facility that was initially installed to serve governmental entity or its tenants.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-174 on Sunday, April 29, 2012 9:35 PM

HB 601 – Sebastian Inlet Tax District, Brevard and Indian River Counties
Local Bill by Mayfield
Requires members of district’s board of commissioners to be elected by plurality of qualified electors of district.
Effective Date: April 13, 2012
Last Event: Approved by Governor on Friday, April 13, 2012 6:00 PM

HB 605 – Hillsborough County
Local Bill by Harrison
Authorizes purchases of goods & services by county & other public bodies operating in county under bids submitted by tax-exempt organizations under provisions of s. 501(c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code which are organized exclusively to assist governmental entities in serving & representing citizens.
Effective Date: upon becoming a law
Last Event: Approved by Governor on Friday, April 06, 2012 7:04 PM

CS/HB 619 – Fort Pierce Farms Water Control District, St. Lucie County
Local Bill by Mayfield
Provides expiration date for Fort Pierce Farms Water Control District in St. Lucie County contingent upon district’s submission of draft codified charter to Legislature; provides repeal date for act if bill to codify charter of district is not filed by specified date.
Effective Date: upon becoming a law
Last Event: Approved by Governor on Friday, April 27, 2012 8:23 PM

CS/HB 629 – Pub. Rec./Personal Indentifying Information/Certain Current and Former Public Employees,Spouses, and Children
General Bill by Hooper (CO-SPONSORS) Williams, T.
Includes dates of birth within types of personal identifying information of specified agency personnel & spouses & children of such personnel that are exempt from public records requirements for specified agency personnel; clarifies exemption for personal identifying information of active or former law enforcement personnel & spouses & children thereof; revises exemption for personal identifying & location information of Supreme Court justices, district court of appeal judges, circuit court judges, & county court judges, & spouses & children of such justices & judges, to include former Supreme Court justices, district court of appeal judges, circuit court judges, & county court judges, & spouses & children thereof; provides for retroactive application of exemptions; provides for future legislative review & repeal of exemptions; defines term “telephone numbers”; provides statement of public necessity.
Effective Date: October 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-149 on Wednesday, April 25, 2012 10:16 AM

CS/HB 637 – Citrus County
Local Bill by Smith
Revises criteria for special alcoholic beverage licenses for restaurants in Citrus County; provides construction.
Effective Date: March 23, 2012
Last Event: Approved by Governor on Friday, March 23, 2012 4:10 PM

CS/HB 639 – Reclaimed Water
General Bill by Young (CO-SPONSORS) Abruzzo; Cruz; Grant; Pilon; Sands; Williams, T.
Provides legislative findings relating to use of reclaimed water; provides that reclaimed water is eligible for alternative water supply funding; authorizes specified contract provisions for development of reclaimed water as alternative water supply; prohibits exclusion of reclaimed water use in regional water supply planning; prohibits water management districts from requiring permits for use of reclaimed water & from requiring or restricting services provided by reuse utilities; requires DEP & each water management district to initiate rulemaking to adopt specified revisions to water resource implementation rule.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-150 on Wednesday, April 25, 2012 10:16 AM

CS/CS/HB 643 – Title Insurance
General Bill by Moraitis
Specifies continuing education requirements for title insurance agents; specifies additional grounds to deny, suspend, revoke, or refuse to renew or continue license or appointment of title insurance agent or agency; requires attorney serving as title or real estate settlement agent to deposit & maintain certain funds in separate trust account & permit account to be audited by applicable title insurer, unless prohibited by rules of Florida Bar; provides procedures & requirements relating to approval or disapproval of title insurance forms by OIR; requires title insurance agencies & certain insurers to submit specified information to office to assist in analysis of title insurance premium rates, title search costs, & condition of title insurance industry; requires FSC to adopt rules.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Approved by Governor on Friday, May 04, 2012 4:24 PM

CS/CS/HB 645 – Pub. Rec./Title Insurance Data/Office of Insurance Regulation
General Bill by Moraitis
Provides exemption from public records requirements for proprietary business information provided by title insurance agencies & insurers to Office of Insurance Regulation; authorizes disclosure of aggregated information; provides for future review & repeal of exemption; provides statement of public necessity; provides for contingent effect.
Effective Date: on the same date that HB 643 or similar legislation takes effect, if such legislation is adopted in the same legislative session, or an extension thereof, and becomes law
Last Event: Approved by Governor on Friday, May 04, 2012 4:25 PM

CS/CS/HB 653 – Health Care Fraud
General Bill by Cruz (CO-SPONSORS) Costello
Revises grounds under which DOH or corresponding board is required to refuse to admit candidate to examination & refuse to issue or renew license, certificate, or registration of health care practitioner; provides exception; provides that all persons who were denied renewal of licensure, certification, or registration under s. 456.0635(3), F.S., may regain licensure, certification, or registration only by completing application process for initial licensure; provides exception.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-64 on Saturday, April 07, 2012 7:33 PM

CS/HB 655 – Biomedical Research
General Bill by Coley
Extends period during which certain expenditures may be made from Biomedical Research Trust Fund; revises composition, terms, & duties of Biomedical Research Advisory Council; exempts grant programs under purview of council from ch. 120, F.S.; requires council to submit progress report & specifies contents thereof; revises provisions relating to James & Esther King Biomedical Research Program & William G. “Bill” Bankhead, Jr., & David Coley Cancer Research Program; provides that certain types of applications may, rather than shall, be considered for funding under programs; revises provisions relating to appointment, duties, & meetings of peer review panels; removes reporting requirement; revises composition of advisory council under Florida Center for Universal Research to Eradicate Disease.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-20 on Sunday, March 25, 2012 8:45 AM

HB 665 – Gasparilla Island Bridge Authority, Charlotte and Lee Counties
Local Bill by Roberson, K.
Corrects scrivener’s error; revises requirements for election of voting members of authority’s board of supervisors; clarifies & revises financial disclosure requirements for board members; revises authority’s fiscal year.
Effective Date: upon becoming a law
Last Event: Approved by Governor on Friday, April 27, 2012 8:24 PM

CS/CS/HB 667 – Murder
General Bill by Corcoran (CO-SPONSORS) Abruzzo; Burgin; Dorworth; Holder; Julien; Kiar; Metz; Pilon; Snyder
Designates act “Deputy John C. Mecklenburg Act”; provides that unlawful killing of human being when committed by person engaged in perpetration of, or in attempt to perpetrate, offense of aggravated fleeing or eluding with serious bodily injury or death is murder of specified degree in certain circumstances; requires life imprisonment for defendants convicted of specified offenses where victim is correctional officer, correctional probation officer, or related type of officer; conforms provisions; reenacts provisions.
Effective Date: October 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-21 on Sunday, March 25, 2012 8:45 AM

CS/HB 691 – Beach Management
General Bill by Frishe (CO-SPONSORS) Ahern; Caldwell; Chestnut; Clemens; Coley; Costello; Gibbons; Glorioso; Hooper; Julien; Kriseman; Metz; Nehr; Nuñez; Patronis; Perry; Pilon; Porter; Roberson, K.; Rooney; Saunders; Soto; Steube; Waldman; Weinstein
Renames parts I & II of ch. 161, F.S., as Dennis L. Jones Beach & Shore Preservation Act; specifies that adequacy of design & construction for projects is supported by certain evidence; authorizes DEP to issue permits for incidental take authorization; requires department to adopt & amend rules involving excavation & placement of sediment, guidelines, & permit streamlining; provides permit life for certain joint coastal permits; requires DEP to justify items listed in certain requests; provides legislative intent with regard to permitting for periodic maintenance of certain beach nourishment projects & inlet management activities; requires DEP to maintain certain project information on its website & notify Governor & Legislature of certain changes; provides permit exemption for specified exploratory activities.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-65 on Saturday, April 07, 2012 7:33 PM

HB 693 – Department of Business and Professional Regulation
General Bill by Ingram
Redefines term “agent” as it relates to cigarette tax, to conform to changes made by act; deletes provision that allows cigarette tax to be paid by affixing stamp insignia through metering machine; deletes provisions authorizing use of metering machines; requires retail dealers of cigarettes, rather than wholesale dealers, to affix to each such machine, in conspicuous place, identification sticker furnished by Division of Alcoholic Beverages & Tobacco within DBPR; deletes provision that prohibited division from approving use of meter machines to evidence payment of taxes on cigarettes except to qualified wholesale dealers; deletes provision that provides that licensee of department who changes from inactive to active status is not eligible to return to inactive status until licensee thereafter completes licensure cycle on active status, etc.
Effective Date: upon becoming a law
Last Event: Approved by Governor on Friday, May 04, 2012 4:25 PM

CS/HB 699 – East Lake Tarpon Community, Pinellas County
Local Bill by Nehr
Provides requirements for municipal annexation of East Lake Tarpon Community; requires referendum of electors within community prior to such annexation; provides exceptions; describes community boundaries; provides for expiration.
Effective Date: April 13, 2012
Last Event: Approved by Governor on Friday, April 13, 2012 6:00 PM

CS/HB 701 – Florida Evidence Code
General Bill by Logan and Holder (CO-SPONSORS) Campbell; Costello; Gaetz; Porth
Florida Evidence Code: Provides that statement offered against party that wrongfully caused declarant’s unavailability is not excluded as hearsay.
Effective Date: upon becoming a law
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-152 on Sunday, April 29, 2012 9:32 PM

CS/CS/CS/HB 711 – Sale or Lease of a County, District, or Municipal Hospital
General Bill by Hooper (CO-SPONSORS) Patronis
Requires that governing board of county, district, or municipal hospital evaluate possible benefits to affected community from sale or lease of hospital facility to not-for-profit or for-profit entity within specified time period; requires governing board to make public required findings & documents & to publish notice of proposed transaction in one or more newspapers of general circulation in county in which majority of physical assets of hospital are located; provides that sale or lease is subject to approval of Secretary of Health Care Administration; provides that purposes for which special taxing district may appropriate funds from sale or lease of hospital or health care system include promotion & support of economic growth in district & county in which taxing district is located & furthering of purposes of taxing district.
Effective Date: upon becoming a law
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-66 on Saturday, April 07, 2012 7:36 PM

CS/HB 715 – Self-service Storage Facilities
General Bill by Caldwell
Revises definition of term “last known address”; revises notice requirements relating to enforcing owner’s lien; authorizes notice by e-mail or first-class mail with certificate of mailing; provides requirements for e-mail notice; revises provisions relating to when notice given is presumed delivered; requires rental agreements & applications for rental agreements to contain provision for disclosure of applicant’s membership in uniformed services.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-175 on Sunday, April 29, 2012 9:41 PM

701CS/CS/CS/HB 725 – Insurance Agents and Adjusters
General Bill by Hager
Revises definitions of “adjuster” & “home state”; revises provisions relating to who may bind insurance coverage; provides applicant is responsible for information in application even if completed by third party; requires application to include statement about method used to meet certain requirements; revises provisions relating to when applicant may apply for license after initial application is denied by DFS; revises provisions relating to license examinations; deletes exemption from examination for certain adjusters; deletes requirement that applicant for public adjuster or public adjuster apprentice be resident of the state; provides for submitting application for examination on designee’s website; requires public adjusting firm that adjusts claims exclusively for institutions that guarantee or service mortgages to provide affidavit to insurer with certain information; provides requirements relating to surety bonds; revises scope of examination for all-lines adjuster; provides for e-mailing notices of examinations; specifies how many times applicant may take examination during year; revises provisions relating to continuing education requirements; provides that persons on active military duty may seek waiver; provides for update course & contents of such course; eliminates continuing education advisory board; revises provisions relating to all-lines adjuster license; requires persons transacting mortgage guaranty insurance to be licensed & appointed as credit insurance agent.
Effective Date: October 1, 2012
Last Event: Approved by Governor on Friday, May 04, 2012 4:25 PM

S/CS/HB 729 – Hiring, Leasing, or Obtaining Personal Property or Equipment with the Intent to Defraud
General Bill by Pilon (CO-SPONSORS) Campbell; Julien; Soto
Provides that failure to redeliver property or equipment within specified time after receiving demand for return is prima facie evidence of abandonment or refusal to redeliver property or equipment; provides that notice mailed by delivery by courier with tracking capability to address given by renter at time of rental is sufficient & equivalent to notice having been received by renter, if notice is returned undelivered; provides that failure to redeliver property or equipment after rental period expires, & after demand for return is made, is prima facie evidence of abandonment or refusal to redeliver property or equipment; provides that demand for return of overdue property or equipment & for payment of amounts due may be sent by courier service with tracking capability; provides that possession of personal property or equipment by third party does not eliminate lessee’s obligation to return such property or equipment according to contract; provides exception when personal property or equipment was obtained without lessee’s consent; provides that lessor of vehicle that is not returned at conclusion of lease is entitled to report vehicle as stolen.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Approved by Governor on Friday, May 04, 2012 4:25 PM

HB 733 – Probate
General Bill by Kiar (CO-SPONSORS) Campbell
Excludes real property owned in tenancy by entireties or in joint tenancy with rights of survivorship from definition of term “protected homestead”; clarifies application of amendments to s. 732.102, F.S., made by ch. 2011-183, LOF, relating to spouse’s share of intestate estate; revises period of time during which attorney in fact or guardian of property of surviving spouse may petition for approval to elect to take one-half interest in decedent’s homestead; specifies minimum duration of extension of time; bars inheritance rights of natural or adoptive parent whose parental rights have been previously terminated pursuant to law; provides for application of act.
Effective Date: April 13, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-109 on Monday, April 16, 2012 9:13 AM

CS/CS/HB 749 – Consumer Services
General Bill by Young
Revises powers & duties of DOACS’s Division of Consumer Services & merges Division of Standards into division; revises requirements for licensure, discipline, & continuing education of land surveyors & mappers; revises licensee application & disciplinary requirements for enforcement of child support orders; authorizes waiver of license fees upon excess trust fund balance; authorizes DOACS to administer oaths, take depositions & issue subpoenas; authorizes waiver of firearms training for private investigators, security officers, & recovery agents; provides for disciplinary action against certain licensees & schools or training facilities; revises notice requirements for health studio contracts; revises requirements for no sales solicitation calls listings; revises application requirements for commercial telephone sellers & telemarketing salespersons; revises registration requirements for antifreeze brands; authorizes temporary waiver of certain requirements for generators at retail motor fuel outlets used in emergency or major disaster in another state; revises requirements for registration, branding, & enforcement of brake fluid regulations; replaces criminal penalties with noncriminal fines & sanctions; revises notice by pawnshops for change of location; eliminates requirements that social security numbers of independent agents of sellers of business opportunities or sellers of travel be provided to DOACS; repeals provisions for financial assistance for motor vehicle repair shop employee training; repeals provisions establishing Division of Standards.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-67 on Saturday, April 07, 2012 7:37 PM

HB 763 – Motor Vehicle Registration
General Bill by Rogers (CO-SPONSORS) Campbell
Specifies that vehicle may not be operated after expiration of renewal period or, for natural person, after midnight on owner’s birthday unless registration was renewed before then; authorizes person who has renewed vehicle registration during early registration period to apply for refund of specified license taxes upon surrendering registration license plate before end of renewal period.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-110 on Monday, April 16, 2012 9:15 AM

CS/CS/HB 769 – Public Accountancy
General Bill by Ford (CO-SPONSORS) Bileca; Campbell; Gonzalez; Van Zant; Williams, A.
Revises & updates education & work experience requirements for applicants for licensure as certified public accountant; revises provisions governing licensure by endorsement; revises requirements for reactivation of inactive license as certified public accountant; requires Board of Accountancy to conduct study to assess privatization of Division of Certified Public Accounting.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-176 on Sunday, April 29, 2012 9:41 PM

HB 777 – Criminal Penalties for Violations of Securities Laws
General Bill by Eisnaugle
Increases offense severity ranking for failing to register securities with OFR; specifies offense severity ranking for failure of dealer, associated person, or issuer of securities to register with OFR.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-68 on Sunday, April 08, 2012 7:38 PM

CS/CS/HB 787 – Health Care Facilities
General Bill by Trujillo
Requires that urgent care center publish & post schedule of charges; requires administrator to designate, in writing, for each licensed entity, qualified alternate administrator to serve during administrator’s absence; revises requirements for becoming licensed as home health agency, home medical equipment provider, or health care clinic; requires at least one specialist in multispecialty practice to be board-eligible; requires AHCA to refer criminal acts regarding operation of clinical laboratory to local law enforcement agency; provides that health services administration or equivalent major satisfies education requirements for nursing home administrator applicants.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-160 on Sunday, April 29, 2012 9:36 PM

CS/CS/CS/HB 799 – Physical Therapy
General Bill by Goodson (CO-SPONSORS) Ahern; Campbell; Rehwinkel Vasilinda; Williams, A.
Authorizes issuance of temporary permit to practice as physical therapist or physical therapist assistant; provides requirements for issuing temporary permit; provides for voiding of temporary permit; provides requirements for supervision of temporary permittees; prohibits certain acts concerning temporary permits.
Effective Date: June 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-69 on Sunday, April 08, 2012 7:39 PM

CS/CS/HB 801 – Emergency 911 Service
General Bill by Steube and Passidomo (CO-SPONSORS) Young
Provides exception to certain confidentiality provisions when coronary emergency is taking place; revises membership of E911 Board & qualifications for members; revises provisions for implementation of E911 fee & provisions limiting local carrier liability in connection with 911 or E911 service; provides for entity to notify local public safety answering point regarding location of defibrillator; revises provisions for appointment of representatives to advisory committee to PSC.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-177 on Sunday, April 29, 2012 9:42 PM

CS/CS/HB 803 – Child Protection
General Bill by Diaz (CO-SPONSORS) Ahern; Baxley; Campbell; Costello; Dorworth; Harrell; Plakon
Revises definitions; revises provisions relating to criminal history records check on persons considered for child placement; provides procedures for certain hotline calls that do not meet criteria for report of child abuse, abandonment, or neglect, but indicate need for assistance; revises requirements for child protective investigations; revises provisions relating to required services; revises requirement for DCFS’s training & quality assurance programs; revises provisions relating to child protective injunction; requires home study report if child has been removed from home & will be remaining with parent; provides additional requirements for case plans; provides that Children & Youth Cabinet shall meet at least 4 times but no more than 6 times each year.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-178 on Sunday, April 29, 2012 9:42 PM

CS/HB 809 – Communications Services Taxes
General Bill by Grant (CO-SPONSORS) Dorworth; Patronis; Plakon; Tobia
Revises legislative intent; modifies definitions; removes definition of term “cable service”; adds definition for term “Internet access service”; revises definitions of terms “communication services,” “information service,” “sales price,” “service address,” and “video service”; revises provisions relating to communications services dealer’s liability for tax underpayments that result from incorrect assignment of service addresses to local taxing jurisdictions & provides requirements & conditions with respect thereto; prohibits DOR from denying dealer of communications services deduction of specified amount as collection allowance; requires DOR to aggregate monthly & make available to public on jurisdiction-by-jurisdiction basis certain sales & net tax information; provides for retroactive effect; creates Communications Services Tax Working Group; houses working group in DOR for administrative purposes.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-70 on Sunday, April 08, 2012 7:39 PM

CS/HB 827 – Limited Agricultural Associations
General Bill by Porter (CO-SPONSORS) Van Zant; Williams, T.
Provides for conversion of limited agricultural associations to corporations not for profit; specifies fee for filing limited agricultural association’s certificate of conversion to domestic corporation; provides procedures for conversion of limited agricultural association to domestic corporation not for profit; requires filing of certificate of conversion & articles of incorporation with DOS; provides for effective date of conversion; provides that conversion does not affect any obligation or liability of association; provides that all rights, property, & obligations of association are vested in corporation; specifies that association is not required to wind up its affairs or pay its liabilities & distribute its assets; provides for association’s approval before certificate of conversion is filed; authorizes association to provide plan or other record of conversion.
Effective Date: upon becoming a law
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-71 on Sunday, April 08, 2012 7:40 PM

CS/HB 843 – Department of the Lottery
General Bill by Roberson, K. (CO-SPONSORS) Hooper
Deletes provision relating to player-activated vending machines; revises requirement that Department of the Lottery lease certain vending machines; allows vending machines to dispense lottery tickets if certain requirements are met.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-130 on Sunday, April 22, 2012 11:30 AM

CS/CS/CS/HB 859 – Florida Tax Credit Scholarship Program
General Bill by Corcoran (CO-SPONSORS) Baxley; Costello; Dorworth; Hudson; Precourt; Young
Revises student eligibility requirements for participation in program; increases tax credit cap amount applicable to program; provides that private school may choose to offer & administer statewide assessments at school; revises DOE duties relating to site visits; provides conditions under which statewide assessments may be administered at private school; revises conditions upon which Commissioner of Education may base denial, suspension, or revocation of private school’s participation in program or suspension of scholarship fund payment.
Effective Date: March 23, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-22 on Sunday, March 25, 2012 8:46 AM

CS/HB 867 – City of Clearwater, Pinellas County
Local Bill by Hooper
Authorizes Division of Alcoholic Beverages & Tobacco of DBPR to issue temporary permits to nonprofit civic organizations for sale of alcohol for consumption on premises at outdoor events on public right-of-way in downtown Clearwater, subject to statutory requirements.
Effective Date: upon becoming a law
Last Event: Approved by Governor on Friday, April 06, 2012 7:07 PM

CS/HB 869 – Pinellas Planning Council, Pinellas County
Local Bill by Frishe and Hooper
Pinellas Planning Council, Pinellas County: Codifies, amends, reenacts, & repeals district’s special acts; reorganizes council; provides intent that countywide plan be broadly defined & policy-based; provides that primary focus of council be land use & transportation planning; provides that membership of council be same as that of county MPO; provides for election of officers, council meetings, quorum requirements, & member expenses; provides for council powers & duties, including revising required components of countywide plan, consistent with stated legislative intent; provides for countywide staff & committees; provides for budget & annual independent audit; recognizes countywide planning authority of board of county commissioners as provided by county charter; provides for repeal of existing countywide plan, adoption of new countywide plan, future amendment of plan, & standards & procedures for such actions; provides timetable for consistency review after adoption of new countywide plan; provides for public hearing & notice requirements; requires authority to adopt specific notice standards in countywide rules; provides for compliance with pt. II, ch. 163, F.S., relating to growth policy.
Effective Date: upon becoming a law or upon the final approval of the Pinellas County Metropolitan Planning Organization’s reapportionment plan increasing its membership from 11 to 13 members (“the MPO reapportionment plan”), whichever occurs later
Last Event: Approved by Governor on Friday, April 27, 2012 8:25 PM

CS/HB 877 – Relief/Odette Acanda and Alexis Rodriguez/Public Health Trust of Miami-Dade County
Claims/Local Bill by Trujillo
Provides for relief of Odette Acanda & Alexis Rodriguez by Public Health Trust of Miami-Dade County, d.b.a. Jackson Memorial Hospital; provides for appropriation to compensate Odette Acanda & Alexis Rodriguez for death of their son, Ryan Rodriguez, as result of negligence of employees of Public Health Trust of Miami-Dade County; provides limitation on payment of fees & costs.
Effective Date: March 29, 2012
Last Event: Approved by Governor on Thursday, March 29, 2012 5:01 PM

CS/CS/HB 885 – Transactions by Secondhand Dealers and Secondary Metals Recyclers
General Bill by Ford and Metz (CO-SPONSORS) Broxson; Burgin; Gaetz; Garcia; Holder; Hooper; Ingram; McBurney; Perry; Roberson, K.; Rouson; Smith; Watson; Williams, T.; Young
Deletes exemptions for flea market transactions & auction businesses; revises provisions relating to recordkeeping; revises requirements information recyclers must obtain & maintain; limits liability for conversion of motor vehicles to scrap metal; revises requirements for payments; provides methods of payment for restricted regulated metals property; requires that purchases of certain property be made by check or by electronic payment; prohibits secondary metals recyclers from purchasing regulated metals property, restricted regulated metals property, or ferrous metals during specified times, from certain locations, or from certain sellers; prohibits purchase of specified restricted regulated metals property without certain proof of seller’s ownership & authorization; preempts to state regulation of secondary metals recyclers & purchase transactions involving regulated metals property; provides exceptions; amends provisions relating to theft of copper or other nonferrous metals from utility or communications services provider; prohibits removing copper or other nonferrous metals from electrical substation site without authorization of utility; provides civil liability & civil & criminal penalties.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-179 on Sunday, April 29, 2012 9:42 PM

CS/CS/HB 887 – Business and Professional Regulation
General Bill by Ingram (CO-SPONSORS) Burgin; Nelson; Smith
Authorizes credit for sale of tobacco products to be extended to retail dealer under specified conditions; provides for suspension of sale of tobacco products to retail dealers delinquent in their credit payments until certain conditions are met; waives initial licensing, application, & unlicensed activity fees for certain military veterans; revises continuing education provider & course approval procedures; limits to DBPR authority to reinstate license that has become void; provides for certain notices by e-mail; authorizes distance learning courses as acceptable alternative to classroom instruction for renewal of real estate instructor permit; provides that distance learning courses are under discretion of school offering real estate course; requires distance learning courses to adhere to certain requirements; revises definition of terms “appraisal management company” & “appraisal management services”; defines term “subsidiary”; revises requirements for issuance of registration or certification upon receipt of proper documentation; revises provisions relating to titles appraisal management company must be registered to use; provides exemptions from registration requirements; provides additional grounds for discipline of appraisal management companies, to which penalties apply; revises procedures for cosmetology licensure by endorsement; authorizes performance of cosmetology & specialty services in location other than licensed salon; deleting definition of “glass & glazing contractors”; reenacts & revives grandfathering provisions & establishes new deadline for applications for certification of certain registered contractors; deletes exemptions from certain restrictions on specified amateur matches & other events; repeals provisions relating to requirement that each person or club that holds or shows pugilistic matches on closed circuit telecast viewed within state must file certain reports; provides for type two transfer of relevant administrative rules relating to redesignation of Pilotage Rate Review Board as Pilotage Rate Review Committee within Board of Pilot Commissioners & transfer of matters pending before board at time of redesignation & Governor’s appointment of board pursuant to ss. 5 & 6, ch. 2010-225, Laws of Florida.
Effective Date: October 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-72 on Sunday, April 08, 2012 7:46 PM

CS/CS/HB 897 – Construction Contracting
General Bill by Moraitis
Provides that public entity may not make payment to contractor unless entity has received certified copy of bond; provides that part of payment bond furnished for public works contract that limits or expands effective duration of bond or adds conditions precedent is unenforceable; revises bond form provisions & requirements; provides that payment to contractor who has furnished payment bond on public works project may not be conditioned upon production of certain documents if surety has given written consent; provides prerequisites for action against payment bond; requires that public body open sealed bids for competitive solicitation at public meeting; revives grandfathering provisions & sets new deadline by which certain registered contractors may apply for certification; provides that specified notice concerning lessor’s liability for liens for improvements made by lessee prohibits liens in certain circumstances; revises provisions relating to service of specified items; specifies requirements for certain written instruments; clarifies applicability of certain provisions.
Effective Date: October 1, 2012
Last Event: Approved by Governor on Friday, May 04, 2012 4:25 PM

CS/HB 909 – Relief/Anais Cruz Peinado/School Board of Miami-Dade County
Claims/Local Bill by Gonzalez
Provides for relief of Anais Cruz Peinado by School Board of Miami-Dade County; provides for appropriation to compensate Anais Cruz Peinado, mother of Juan Carlos Rivera, deceased, for death of Juan Carlos Rivera as result of negligence of School Board of Miami-Dade County; provides limitation on payment of fees & costs.
Effective Date: March 29, 2012
Last Event: Approved by Governor on Thursday, March 29, 2012 5:01 PM

CS/CS/HB 937 – Legal Notices
General Bill by Workman (CO-SPONSORS) Williams, T.
Requires that, after specified date, if legal notice is published in newspaper, newspaper shall also place notice on website at no additional charge; requires free online access; requires that legal notices published in newspapers also be published on specified statewide website; requires that, after specified date, newspapers that publish legal notice must provide e-mail notification of new notices; authorizes electronic proof of publication affidavits; limits rate that may be charged for certain government notices required to be published more than once; requires that website publication of certain legal notices include maps that appear in newspaper advertisements; deletes requirements that certain notices be published in Leon County; requires that notice to certain professional licensees be posted on website & provided to certain news outlets; deletes requirements relating to newspaper publication of certain notices relating to marketing orders & provides for Internet publication & for information to certain news outlets.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012, and shall apply to legal notices that must be published on or after that date
Last Event: Approved by Governor on Friday, May 04, 2012 4:25 PM

CS/HB 941 – Insurance
General Bill by Holder and Bernard
Revises requirements for submitting notice of election of exemption; revises duties of DFS relating to expiration of certificates of exemption; exempts certain limited liability companies from penalties for failure to secure payment of workers’ compensation; authorizes OIR to expend funds for professional development of its employees; removes workers’ compensation & employer’s liability insurance from those types of insurance that must report & refund excess profits; provides that transfer of policy to certain other insurers is considered renewal of policy rather than cancellation or nonrenewal; exempts certain insurers from performing onsite premium audits for workers’ compensation insurance, etc.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Approved by Governor on Friday, May 04, 2012 4:25 PM

CS/CS/CS/HB 943 – Background Screening
General Bill by Holder (CO-SPONSORS) Baxley; Campbell; Snyder
Revises exemptions from background screening requirements for certain mental health personnel & law enforcement officers; eliminates rule that requires AHCA to stagger rescreening schedules; revises provisions relating to background screening for persons rendering care in consumer-directed care program; revises provisions relating to general vocational rehabilitation programs; requires registration of service providers; requires background screening & rescreening of certain persons having contact with vulnerable persons; provides exemptions; provides disqualifying offenses; provides that cost of screening shall be borne by provider or person being screened; provides conditions for denial, suspension, termination, or revocation of registration or other agreements; provides for notice; provides applicability; includes person who has access to client’s personal identification information within definition of term “direct service provider”; exempts certain professionals licensed by DOH, attorneys in good standing, relatives of clients, & certain volunteers from level 2 background screening; exempts certain licensed professionals & persons from further screening; provides requirements for screening of direct service providers; requires vendors who submit fingerprints on behalf of employers to meet specified criteria; authorizes employer to hire employee to position that otherwise requires background screening before completion of screening process for purpose of training employee; prohibits employee from having direct contact with vulnerable persons until screening process is complete; creates Care Provider Background Screening Clearinghouse under AHCA, in consultation with FDLE; provides for specified agencies to share results of criminal history checks; provides exemption for certain employees who have undergone criminal history check before clearinghouse is operational; requires application for initial licensure or license renewal in profession regulated by DOH to include fingerprints submitted by approved vendor after specified date; requires applicant to pay costs of fingerprint processing; provides procedures for submission of fingerprints by private vendors, private entities, & public agencies; specifies standards for electronic submission of fingerprints.
Effective Date: upon becoming a law
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-73 on Sunday, April 08, 2012 7:47 PM

CS/HB 945 – Broadband Internet Service
General Bill by Holder (CO-SPONSORS) Williams, T.
Transfers Broadband Initiative Program from DMS to DEO & revises provisions to promote adoption of broadband Internet service if certain conditions are met.
Effective Date: upon approval of the budget amendment required under section 3
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-131 on Sunday, April 22, 2012 11:30 AM

CS/CS/HB 947 – Possession of a Firearm or Destructive Device During the Commission of an Offense
General Bill by Boyd (CO-SPONSORS) Snyder; Weinstein
Provides that exception to 10-year minimum term for persons convicted of certain offenses during which person actually possessed firearm or destructive device does not to apply to offenders convicted for possession of firearm by felon who have certain prior convictions & actually possessed firearm or destructive device during commission of prior felony.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-74 on Sunday, April 08, 2012 7:41 PM

CS/CS/HB 959 – State and Local Government Relations with Cuba or Syria
General Bill by Bileca (CO-SPONSORS) Artiles; Diaz; Dorworth; Fresen; Gonzalez; Lopez-Cantera; Nuñez; Oliva; Porth; Trujillo
Prohibits SBA from being fiduciary with respect to voting on any proxy resolution advocating expanded U.S. trade with Cuba or Syria; prohibits SBA from being fiduciary with respect to having right to vote in favor of any proxy resolution advocating expanded U.S. trade with Cuba or Syria; creates reporting requirements; prohibits state agency or local governmental entity from contracting for goods & services of more than certain amount with company that has business operations in Cuba or Syria; requires contract provision that allows for termination of contract if company is found to have business operations in Cuba or Syria; provides exceptions; requires certification upon submission of a bid or proposal for contract, or before company enters into or renews contract, with agency or governmental entity that company is not engaged in business operations in Cuba or Syria; provides procedures upon determination that company has submitted false certification; provides for civil action; provides penalties; provides attorney fees & costs; provides statute of repose; prohibits private right of action; requires DMS to notify U.S. Attorney General after act becomes law.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-196 on Tuesday, May 01, 2012 8:38 PM

CS/CS/HB 965 – Relief/Aaron Edwards/Lee Memorial Health System/Lee County
Claims/Local Bill by Diaz (CO-SPONSORS) Abruzzo; Campbell; Kiar; Randolph
Provides for relief of Aaron Edwards, a minor, by Lee Memorial Health System of Lee County; provides for appropriation to compensate Aaron Edwards for damages sustained as result of medical negligence by employees of Lee Memorial Health System of Lee County; provides limitation on payment of fees & costs.
Effective Date: March 29, 2012
Last Event: Approved by Governor on Thursday, March 29, 2012 5:02 PM

CS/HB 967 – Relief/Kristi Mellen/North Broward Hospital District
Claims/Local Bill by Diaz
Provides for appropriation to compensate estate & statutory survivors for wrongful death of Michael Munson as result of negligence of NBHD; provides limitation on payment of fees & costs.
Effective Date: March 29, 2012
Last Event: Approved by Governor on Thursday, March 29, 2012 5:02 PM

CS/CS/HB 979 – Developments of Regional Impact
General Bill by Diaz (CO-SPONSORS) Dorworth
Requires that comprehensive plan amendments proposing certain developments follow state coordinated review process; limits scope of certain recommendations & comments by reviewing agencies regarding proposed developments; revises review criteria for regional planning agency reports; provides that specified changes to development orders are not substantial deviations; provides exemption from development-of-regional-impact review for certain proposed developments; revises conditions under which local government is required to rescind development-of-regional-impact development orders; provides presumption that certain agricultural enclaves do not constitute urban sprawl; establishes qualifications for designation as agricultural enclave for such purpose & establishes exceptions from definition for designated protected areas.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-75 on Sunday, April 08, 2012 7:41 PM

CS/CS/CS/HB 1001 – Timeshares
General Bill by Eisnaugle (CO-SPONSORS) Campbell; Costello; Porth
Revises purposes of ch. 721, F.S., relating to vacation & timeshare plans, to include provision of certain disclosure; revises definition of “resale service provider”; defines “consumer resale timeshare interest,” “consumer timeshare reseller,” “resale broker,” “resale brokerage services,” “resale advertiser,” & “resale advertising service”; deletes provision requiring resale service providers to provide certain fee or cost & listing information to timeshare interest owners; specifies information resale service provider must provide to consumer timeshare reseller; prohibits certain services related to offering of resale advertising by resale advertisers; provides certain restrictions on offering of resale advertising services by resale advertisers; provides voidability of certain contracts; provides duties of resale service provider; provides that provision of resale advertising services in this state constitutes operating, conducting, engaging in, or carrying on business or business venture for purposes relating to jurisdiction of courts of this state; provides penalties.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-76 on Sunday, April 08, 2012 7:42 PM

CS/CS/HB 1011 – Warranty Associations
General Bill by Abruzzo (CO-SPONSORS) Kiar
Provides criteria for motor vehicle service agreement company, home warranty association, & service warranty association to effectuate refunds through issuing salesperson or agent; provides recordkeeping requirements; requires salesperson or agent to provide copy of document to service agreement company if requested by DFS or Office of Insurance Regulation; provides requirements of office; authorizes rather than requires office to examine service agreement companies, home warranty associations, & service warranty associations; limits examination period & costs; authorizes certain entities to provide money to DFS to pursue unauthorized entities operating as motor vehicle service agreement company, home warranty association, or service warranty association; provides that funds shall be available for carrying out duties & responsibilities of department or office.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-77 on Sunday, April 08, 2012 7:43 PM

CS/HB 1013 – Residential Construction Warranties
General Bill by Artiles
Provides legislative findings; provides legislative intent to affirm limitations to doctrine or theory of implied warranty of fitness & merchantability or habitability associated with construction & sale of new home; provides definition; prohibits cause of action in law or equity based upon doctrine or theory of implied warranty of fitness & merchantability or habitability for damages to offsite improvements; provides that existing rights of purchasers of homes or homeowners’ associations to pursue certain causes of action are not altered or limited; provides for applicability of act; provides for severability.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012, and applies to all cases accruing before, pending on, or filed after that date
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-161 on Sunday, April 29, 2012 9:37 PM

HB 1015 – Tourist Development Tax
General Bill by Hooper (CO-SPONSORS) Holder
Provides for proceeds of tourist development tax to be used for benefit of certain aquariums.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-180 on Sunday, April 29, 2012 9:43 PM

CS/HB 1033 – Lealman Special Fire Control District, Pinellas County
Local Bill by Ahern
Lowers millage rate; provides for future annexation.
Effective Date: upon becoming a law
Last Event: Approved by Governor on Friday, April 20, 2012 5:45 PM

CS/HB 1037 – Eminent Domain
General Bill by Broxson (CO-SPONSORS) Baxley
Authorizes Board of Trustees of Florida School for Deaf & Blind to exercise power of eminent domain after receiving approval from Administration Commission.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-78 on Sunday, April 08, 2012 7:44 PM

CS/HB 1039 – Relief/James Feurtado/Miami-Dade County
Claims/Local Bill by Steube
Provides for relief of James D. Feurtado, III, by Miami-Dade County; provides for appropriation to compensate him for injuries sustained as result of negligence of employee of Miami-Dade County; provides limitation on payment of fees & costs.
Effective Date: March 29, 2012
Last Event: Approved by Governor on Thursday, March 29, 2012 5:02 PM

CS/CS/HB 1089 – Pub. Rec./Agency Personnel Information
General Bill by Adkins
Provides exemption from public records requirements for personal identifying & location information of current & former investigators & inspectors of DBPR & spouses & children of such investigators & inspectors; provides condition to exemption; provides for future review & repeal of exemption; provides exemption from public record requirements for personal identifying & location information of county tax collectors & spouses & children of such tax collectors; provides condition to exemption; provides for future review & repeal of exemption; provides statement of public necessity.
Effective Date: upon becoming a law
Last Event: Approved by Governor on Friday, May 04, 2012 4:25 PM

CS/CS/HB 1097 – Sexually Violent Predators
General Bill by Kreegel (CO-SPONSORS) Burgin; Snyder; Williams, T.
Provides for prioritization of written assessment & recommendation for person scheduled or up for review for release; revises provisions relating to petitions to hold person in custody following release & transfer to DCFS to provide for extension of certain time periods that expire after normal business hours; deletes exception for detainers for deportation to provisions requiring sexually violent predators to be committed to custody of DCFS upon expiration of incarcerative portion of all criminal sentences & disposition of any detainers; prohibits knowingly & intentionally bringing contraband into or its removal from grounds of any facility for commitment or detention of sexually violent predators; specifies items that constitute contraband.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-79 on Sunday, April 08, 2012 7:48 PM

CS/CS/HB 1099 – Stalking
General Bill by Plakon (CO-SPONSORS) Bullard; Dorworth; Fullwood; Julien; Porth
Provides certain injunctions issued by foreign court be accorded full faith & credit; provides that person who makes threat which places another person in reasonable fear for his or her safety or safety of his or her family members or individuals closely associated with person commits aggravated stalking; requires that sentencing court consider issuing injunction restraining defendant from contact with victim for up to 10 years; provides for injunction for protection against stalking or cyberstalking; prohibits clerk of court from assessing filing fee; provides exception; authorizes court to enforce violation of injunction for protection against stalking or cyberstalking through civil or criminal contempt; authorizes state attorney to use criminal procedures for violations; provides for award of economic damages for violations; provides that person may not possess any firearm or ammunition if current final injunction restrains person from committing stalking or cyberstalking.
Effective Date: October 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-153 on Sunday, April 29, 2012 9:33 PM

CS/CS/HB 1101 – Insurance
General Bill by Horner
Exempts salvage motor vehicle dealers from having to carry certain types of insurance coverage under certain circumstances; authorizes corporation not for profit self-insurance funds that are required to maintain continuing program of excess insurance coverage & reserve evaluation to purchase excess insurance from eligible surplus lines insurers or reinsurers; authorizes DFS to provide examinations in Spanish; revises provisions relating to limited licenses for travel insurance; provides specified exemptions from requirement that insurer provide notification of nonrenewal to insured; provides legislative intent relating to application of certain mandatory health benefits regulated under ch. 627, F.S.; specifies interest rate applicable to accrual of interest on overdue payments of personal injury protection benefits; expanding kinds of insurance for which captive insurer may seek licensure, etc.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-151 on Wednesday, April 25, 2012 10:17 AM

HB 1127 – Citizens Property Insurance Corporation
General Bill by Albritton (CO-SPONSORS) Weinstein
Reduces to 2 percent from 6 percent amount of projected deficit in coastal account for prior calendar year which is recovered through regular assessments; requires that remaining projected deficits in personal & commercial lines accounts be recovered through emergency assessments after accounting for Citizens policyholder surcharge; requires OIR of FSC to notify assessable insurers & Florida Surplus Lines Service Office of dates assessable insurers shall collect & pay emergency assessments; removes reference to recoupment of residual market deficit assessments; requires board of governors to make determination that account has projected deficit before it levies Citizens policyholder surcharge; requires limited apportionment company begin collecting regular assessments within 90 days & pay in full within 15 months after assessment is levied; authorizes OIR to assist Citizens Property Insurance Corporation in collection of assessments; replaces term “market equalization surcharge” with term “policyholder surcharge.”
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-80 on Sunday, April 08, 2012 7:49 PM

HB 1153 – Broward County
Local Bill by Jenne
Revises dates on which municipal candidates must file qualification papers & pay certain fees with respect to certain elections.
Effective Date: upon becoming a law
Last Event: Approved by Governor on Friday, April 06, 2012 7:10 PM

CS/CS/CS/HB 1163 – Adoption
General Bill by Adkins (CO-SPONSORS) Broxson; Burgin; Gaetz; Horner; Plakon
Requires DCFS to inform parents of child of availability of private placement of child with adoption entity in certain circumstances; revises provisions relating to scientific testing to determine paternity or maternity of minor; requires that unmarried biological father comply with specified requirements in order for his consent to be required for adoption; requires court to advise biological parent who is party to dependency proceeding of right to participate in private adoption; revises language of adoption disclosure statement; requires publishers of telephone directories to include certain statements at beginning of any classified heading for adoption and adoption services.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-81 on Sunday, April 08, 2012 7:51 PM

CS/HB 1165 – Identification Cards and Driver Licenses
General Bill by McBurney (CO-SPONSORS) Corcoran
Revises requirements for documentation verifying veteran status; provides for issuance of replacement identification card or replacement driver license with designation indicating holder is veteran; requires documentation of veteran status; provides for fee & disposition of fee.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-82 on Sunday, April 08, 2012 7:52 PM

CS/CS/HB 1175 – Controlled Substances
General Bill by Ingram (CO-SPONSORS) Adkins; Burgin; Campbell; Coley; Glorioso; Julien; Porter; Snyder
Adds to list of Schedule I controlled substances certain specified materials, compounds, mixtures, or preparations that contain hallucinogenic substances or that contain any of these substances’ salts, isomers, & salts of isomers, if existence of such salts, isomers, & salts of isomers is possible within specific chemical designation; provides reduced penalties for possession of 3 grams or less of certain such substances.
Effective Date: March 23, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-23 on Sunday, March 25, 2012 8:46 AM

HB 1183 – East County Water Control District, Lee and Hendry Counties
Local Bill by Kreegel
Revises procedure for filling vacancies on district’s board of commissioners.
Effective Date: upon becoming a law
Last Event: Approved by Governor on Friday, April 06, 2012 7:11 PM

CS/CS/HB 1193 – Pub. Rec./Victims of Violence
General Bill by Jones (CO-SPONSORS) Adkins; Bullard; Campbell; Jenne; Julien; Stafford
Provides exemptions from public records requirements for personal identifying & location information of victims of domestic violence, repeat violence, sexual violence, & dating violence held by clerks & law enforcement agencies in conjunction with automated process developed by Florida Association of Court Clerks & Comptrollers by which petitioner may request notification of service of injunction for protection; provides that exemption is conditional upon petitioner’s request; provides specified duration of exemption; provides for access by state or federal agencies in furtherance of agencies’ statutory duties; provides for future review & repeal of exemptions; provides statement of public necessity.
Effective Date: October 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-154 on Sunday, April 29, 2012 9:34 PM

CS/HB 1197 – Agriculture
General Bill by Horner (CO-SPONSORS) Williams, T.
Defines term “governmental entity”; prohibits certain governmental entities from charging stormwater management assessments or fees on certain bona fide farm operations except under certain circumstances; revises powers & duties of DOACS to enforce laws & rules relating to use of commercial stock feeds; authorizes apiaries to be located on certain lands; revises qualifications for certified Florida Farm Winery; provides exemption from Florida Building Code for farm signs, etc.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-83 on Sunday, April 08, 2012 7:53 PM

CS/CS/CS/HB 1205 – Drug-free Workplaces
General Bill by Smith (CO-SPONSORS) Burgin; Costello
Requires drug testing to be conducted within each state agency’s appropriation; authorizes agencies within state government to require employees to submit to periodic random drug testing; revises provisions relating to discharging or disciplining certain employees; authorizes agency to refer employee, at employee’s expense, to employee assistance program or alcohol & drug rehabilitation program if not discharged; requires employer to transfer employee to job assignment he or she can perform safely & effectively while participating in employee assistance program or alcohol & drug rehabilitation program or place employee on leave status if such position is unavailable; authorizes employee to use accumulated leave credits before being placed on leave without pay; provides that employer remains qualified for insurer rate plan that discounts rates for workers’ compensation & employer’s liability insurance policies if employer maintains drug-free workplace program that is broader in scope than that provided for by standards & procedures established in act; authorizes public employer to conduct random drug tests of certain employees under specified conditions; provides requirements for public sector employer assigning public sector employee to position other than mandatory-testing position.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-8 on Tuesday, March 20, 2012 7:16 AM

CS/HB 1207 – Vehicles with Autonomous Technology
General Bill by Brandes and Corcoran (CO-SPONSORS) Abruzzo; Broxson; Clemens; Dorworth; Ingram; Nuñez; Perry; Ray; Steinberg; Young
Provides for operation of autonomous motor vehicles on public roads; directs DHSMV to prepare report on safe operation of such vehicles; provides for content of report; requires submission of report to Legislature.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-111 on Monday, April 16, 2012 9:15 AM

CS/CS/HB 1223 – Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles
General Bill by Albritton (CO-SPONSORS) Abruzzo; Gibbons; Kiar; Patronis
Renames Office of Motor Carrier Compliance within Division of Florida Highway Patrol as “Office of Commercial Vehicle Enforcement”; authorizes person who is mobility impaired to use motorized wheelchair to temporarily leave sidewalk & use roadway under certain circumstances; revises safety standard requirements for bicycle helmets that must be worn by certain riders & passengers; removes condition for motorcycle or moped license plate that reads from top to bottom to be affixed perpendicular to ground; requires that owners or operators of motorcycles or mopeds with vertical tags pay any required toll by whatever means available; authorizes operation of swamp buggies on public road, highway, or street if local governmental entity has designated public road, highway, or street for such use; provides that authorization does not apply to State Highway System; provides that certain restrictions on number of consecutive hours that commercial motor vehicle may operate do not apply to farm labor vehicle operated during state of emergency or during emergency pertaining to agriculture; requires that application for certificate of title, corrected certificate, or assignment or reassignment be filed within certain time period after consummation of sale of mobile home.
Effective Date: January 1, 2013
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-181 on Sunday, April 29, 2012 9:43 PM

CS/HB 1227 – Certification of 911 Public Safety Telecommunicators
General Bill by Drake and Passidomo (CO-SPONSORS) Campbell; Gonzalez; Julien; Weinstein; Williams, A.; Williams, T.
Revises requirements for certification of 911 public safety telecommunicators; provides conditions under which requirement for certification as 911 public safety telecommunicator may be waived for certain law enforcement officers; provides for exemption from examination fee.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-24 on Sunday, March 25, 2012 8:47 AM

CS/CS/HB 1229 – Reorganization of the Department of Children and Family Services
General Bill by Drake
Changes name of Department of Children & Family Services to Department of Children & Families; authorizes department to restructure its organizational units to establish circuits, which are aligned geographically with judicial circuits, & regions, which include multiple circuits in geographical proximity to each other; revises requirements relating to community alliances; deletes provisions relating to service districts, prototype region, & procurement of health services; revises mission of department; provides for appointment of Director for Substance Abuse & Mental Health to head state’s Substance Abuse & Mental Health Program Office; deletes provisions relating to service districts; revises provisions relating to structure of & services provided by department; revises provisions aligning boundaries of service areas for Department of Health to those of service districts of department to conform to changes made by this act; deletes authority of Governor to appoint executive director of State Office on Homelessness; provides for future legislation to conform Florida Statutes to changes made by act.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-84 on Sunday, April 08, 2012 7:54 PM1207

CS/CS/HB 1237 – Department of Citrus
General Bill by Albritton and Crisafulli (CO-SPONSORS) Baxley; Brandes; Caldwell; Drake; Gaetz; Grimsley; Horner; Kreegel; Oliva; Patronis; Smith; Stargel; Steube; Williams, T.; Wood
Revises Florida Citrus Code; provides for appointment of Department of Citrus’ (DOC’s) executive director; revises terms of Florida Citrus Commission (FCC) members; provides for staggered terms of members appointed from each citrus district; establishes staffing requirements for DOC; deletes requirements for days, hours, & other conditions of employment for DOC employees; repeals various statutory standards & authorizes DOC to prescribe such standards, including maturity & quality standards for grapefruit, oranges, tangerines, canned orange juice, grapefruit juice products, canned blends of orange & grapefruit juices, frozen concentrated orange juice, & high-density frozen concentrated orange, limits on spacing between stacked field boxes caused by cleats, issuance of emergency quality assurance orders following freezing temperatures, & quality of citrus exports; redesignates excise taxes on citrus fruit as assessments & revises maximum rates of such assessments; revises number of FCC members required to issue marketing orders; & revises bond requirements for citrus fruit dealer licensees.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-182 on Sunday, April 29, 2012 9:44 PM

HB 1239 – Pub. Rec./Department of Citrus
General Bill by Albritton and Crisafulli (CO-SPONSORS) Adkins; Baxley; Caldwell; Drake; Gaetz; Horner; Kreegel; Patronis; Smith; Stargel; Steube; Williams, T.; Wood
Provides exemption from public records requirements for nonpublished reports or data related to certain studies or research related to citrus fruit, citrus fruit juices, & products & byproducts thereof that is conducted, caused to be conducted, or funded by Department of Citrus; provides for future legislative review & repeal of exemption under OGSR Act; provides statement of public necessity.
Effective Date: on the same date that HB 1237 or similar legislation takes effect, if such legislation is adopted in the same legislative session or an extension thereof and becomes law
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-183 on Sunday, April 29, 2012 9:44 PM

CS/HB 1253 – City of Jacksonville, Duval County
Local Bill by Ray
Provides for amendment or repeal of any provision of article of charter relating to Jacksonville Economic Development Commission by ordinance without approval by electors at referendum or further action by Legislature.
Effective Date: upon becoming a law
Last Event: Approved by Governor on Thursday, April 19, 2012 10:45 AM

CS/HB 1255 – Acme Improvement District and Lake Worth Drainage District, Palm Beach County
Local Bill by Abruzzo
Transfers land referred to as “Wellington Medical Arts District” from Lake Worth Drainage District to Acme Improvement District; provides purposes.
Effective Date: upon becoming a law
Last Event: Approved by Governor on Friday, April 06, 2012 7:12 PM

CS/CS/CS/CS/HB 1261 – State Employment
General Bill by Mayfield
Revises employment policy of state system of personnel management; revises provisions relating to employee background screening; revises provisions relating to administrative leave for service-connected disability; revises provisions relating to agency furloughs; revises provisions relating to authority of DMS to administer oaths; revises duties of state agencies with respect to employment of OPS employees; provides reporting requirements; requires DFS to provide alternative retirement income security program for eligible temporary & seasonal employees; revises provisions relating to state employee telecommuting; provides telework program; provides program requirements for agencies & employees; revises provisions relating to Florida State Employees’ Charitable Campaign; requires state officers & employees to designate charitable organization to receive certain charitable contributions; revises purposes for establishment of local steering committees; deletes provisions relating to distribution of funds; revises provisions relating to pay additives; deletes provision authorizing carrying forward of unused compensatory leave by certain employees; revises provisions relating to change in employee’s position status; deletes requirements for agency that removes from promotional position career service employee who is serving probationary period in such position to return such employee to employee’s former position or comparable position, if such position is vacant.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Approved by Governor on Friday, May 04, 2012 4:26 PM

CS/CS/CS/HB 1263 – Department of Health
General Bill by Hudson (CO-SPONSORS) Baxley; Burgin; Campbell; Coley; Dorworth; Drake; Ford; Gaetz; Ingram; Mayfield; Patronis; Plakon; Steube; Williams, T.; Wood
Revises purpose of DOH; revises duties of State Surgeon General; eliminates Officer of Women’s Health Strategy; eliminates Florida Drug, Device, & Cosmetic Trust Fund as trust fund under DOH; provides that two or more counties may combine for operation of county health department under certain conditions; requires DOH to be responsible for state public health system; requires DOH to provide leadership for partnership involving federal, state, & local government & private sector to accomplish public health goals; allows counties to enact health regulations & ordinances consistent with state law; requires DOH to establish rules for conditions & procedures for imposing & releasing quarantine; provides that rules established under this section supersede all rules enacted by other state agencies, boards, or political subdivisions; provides that violation of rules established under section, quarantine, or requirement adopted pursuant to declared public health emergency is second-degree misdemeanor, etc.
Effective Date: upon becoming a law
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-184 on Sunday, April 29, 2012 9:45 PM

CS/HB 1277 – Money Services Businesses
General Bill by Davis
Revises frequency & notice requirements for examinations & investigations by OFR of money services business licensees; prohibits money services businesses, authorized vendors, & affiliated parties from knowingly possessing certain paraphernalia used or intended or designed for use in misrepresenting customer’s identity; prohibits certain persons from providing customer’s personal identification information to licensee; prohibits certain acts by money services businesses, authorized vendors, & affiliated parties; revises conditions for which money services business license may be suspended; requires licensee to maintain its own federally insured depository account & deposit into account any payment instruments cashed; requires licensee to notify OFR & cease to cash payment instruments if licensee ceases to maintain account; prohibits licensee from accepting or cashing payment instrument from person who is not original payee except under certain circumstances; establishes limit on amount of fees that licensees may charge for direct costs of verification; revises requirements for records that licensee must maintain.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-85 on Sunday, April 08, 2012 7:55 PM

CS/HB 1287 – Voluntary Contributions on Registration, Driver License, and Identification Card Forms
General Bill by Abruzzo (CO-SPONSORS) Fullwood; Jenne; Kiar
Requires application forms for motor vehicle registration & renewal of registration & original, renewal, or replacement driver license or identification card to include language permitting applicant to make voluntary contribution to Autism Services & Supports & to Support Our Troops.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-86 on Sunday, April 08, 2012 7:56 PM

HB 1297 – City of Dania Beach, Broward County
Local Bill by Jenne
Extends corporate limits of City of Dania Beach to include area that extends 3 miles out into Atlantic Ocean from city’s existing shoreline.
Effective Date: upon becoming a law
Last Event: Approved by Governor on Friday, April 06, 2012 7:13 PM

CS/CS/HB 1299 – North Lake County Hospital District, Lake County
Local Bill by Metz (CO-SPONSORS) Brandes; Corcoran; Nelson; O’Toole; Van Zant
Codifies special laws relating to district; provides legislative intent; amends, codifies, reenacts, & repeals chs. 2002-348 & 2004-460, LOF, relating to district; re-creates district & re-creates & reenacts charter; provides definitions & public purpose; prohibits person from seeking election to board of trustees if person has previously served on board of certain entities within specified time; requires publication of annual meeting notice on publicly accessible website; provides general powers of district, including power to levy ad valorem tax not to exceed specified millage; establishes permitted uses of tax funds; provides restrictions on district board’s activities; prescribes requirements of board for fiscal responsibility, transparency, & accountability; provides financial disclosure requirements & reporting, notice, & public meeting provisions for board; provides for sovereign immunity; provides for expiration of district at specified time without further legislative action & permits continuation of district by referendum at end of 10-year intervals; provides for referendum.
Effective Date: upon becoming a law
Last Event: Approved by Governor on Friday, April 27, 2012 8:27 PM

HB 1301 – City of West Palm Beach, Palm Beach County
Local Bill by Abruzzo
Amends definitions; revises provisions relating to retirement pension calculation, funding of share accounts, supplemental pension distribution, deferred retirement option plan (DROP), duty disability pension, member contributions & refunds, rollovers from qualified plans, & actuarial assumptions.
Effective Date: upon becoming a law
Last Event: Approved by Governor on Friday, May 04, 2012 4:26 PM

CS/HB 1305 – Pub. Rec./Officers-Elect
General Bill by Adkins (CO-SPONSORS) Abruzzo; Kiar
Declares that it is policy of this state that provisions of state’s public records laws apply to certain constitutional officers upon their election to public office; requires that such officers adopt & implement reasonable measures to ensure compliance with public records obligations; requires that public records of such officers be maintained in accordance with policies & procedures of public offices to which elected; requires that online & electronic communication & recordkeeping systems preserve records on such systems; requires that such officers timely deliver all public records kept or received in transaction of official business during period following election to public office; revises public meeting requirements to apply such requirements to meetings with or attended by newly elected members of boards & commissions.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-25 on Sunday, March 25, 2012 8:47 AM

CS/HB 1323 – Metal Theft
General Bill by Drake and Ford (CO-SPONSORS) Brandes; Broxson; Fullwood; Grant; Julien; Nuñez; Perry; Smith
Increases criminal penalties for specified violations relating to secondary metals recycling; provides increased criminal penalties for third & subsequent criminal violations; prohibits removing copper or other nonferrous metals from electrical substation site without authorization of utility.
Effective Date: October 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-185 on Monday, April 30, 2012 9:45 AM

HB 1325 – City of West Palm Beach, Palm Beach County
Local Bill by Abruzzo
Revises provisions relating to West Palm Beach Firefighters Pension Fund; revises definitions; provides for ch. 175 funds to be used to reduce member contributions to pension fund for specified calendar years; provides that city shall make up certain shortfalls in member contributions; provides for reduction in member contributions for 2 years; revises fixed rate for certain members; requires members to take lump sum distribution of their entire share account balance within specified time after their termination of employment in certain circumstances; deletes provision requiring members to elect to participate in BackDROP within specified time or forfeit their benefits; provides lower interest rate for BackDROP benefits for retirements after certain date; revises BackDROP benefits; revises availability of loans for certain members.
Effective Date: upon becoming a law
Last Event: Approved by Governor on Friday, May 04, 2012 4:26 PM

CS/HB 1351 – Homeless Youth
General Bill by Glorioso (CO-SPONSORS) Abruzzo; Adkins; Ahern; Albritton; Artiles; Aubuchon; Baxley; Bembry; Berman; Bernard; Bileca; Boyd; Brandes; Brodeur; Broxson; Bullard; Burgin; Caldwell; Campbell; Cannon; Chestnut; Clarke-Reed; Clemens; Coley; Corcoran; Costello; Crisafulli; Cruz; Davis; Diaz; Dorworth; Drake; Eisnaugle; Ford; Fresen; Frishe; Fullwood; Gaetz; Garcia; Gibbons; Gonzalez; Goodson; Grant; Grimsley; Hager; Harrell; Harrison; Holder; Hooper; Horner; Hudson; Hukill; Ingram; Jenne; Jones; Julien; Kiar; Kreegel; Kriseman; Legg; Logan; Lopez-Cantera; Mayfield; McBurney; McKeel; Metz; Moraitis; Nehr; Nelson; Nuñez; Oliva; O’Toole; Pafford; Passidomo; Patronis; Perman; Perry; Pilon; Plakon; Porter; Porth; Precourt; Proctor; Randolph; Ray; Reed; Rehwinkel Vasilinda; Renuart; Roberson, K.; Rogers; Rooney; Rouson; Sands; Saunders; Schenck; Schwartz; Slosberg; Smith; Snyder; Soto; Stafford; Stargel; Steinberg; Steube; Taylor; Thompson, G.; Thurston; Trujillo; Van Zant; Waldman; Watson; Weatherford; Weinstein; Williams, A.; Wood; Workman; Young
Defines term “certified homeless youth”; provides that minor who is certified homeless youth or who has had disabilities on nonage removed under specified provisions may obtain certified copy of his or her birth certificate; provides that unaccompanied youths who are certified homeless youths 16 years of age or older who apply to court to have disabilities of nonage removed shall have court costs waived; requires court to advance such cases on calendar.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-186 on Monday, April 30, 2012 9:46 AM

CS/CS/CS/HB 1355 – Protection of Vulnerable Persons
General Bill by Dorworth (CO-SPONSORS) Adkins; Brodeur; Burgin; Campbell; Coley; Costello; Fullwood; Gaetz; Harrell; Holder; Julien; Nuñez; Pafford; Plakon; Porth; Snyder; Steube; Williams, T.
Revises language concerning child abuse reporting; requires DCF to provide for web-chat & update other web-based forms for reporting; requires specified educational institutions & their law enforcement agencies to report known or suspected child abuse, abandonment, or neglect in certain circumstances; provides financial penalties for violations; increases penalties for certain reporting offenses; provides for upward reclassification of certain prostitution offenses involving minors; provides for denial of relocation payment for domestic violence claim if claimant has been paid sexual battery relocation claim for same incident; provides for relocation assistance payments to victims of sexual battery; provides criteria for awards; provides for denial of relocation payment for sexual battery claim if claimant has previously been paid domestic violence relocation claim for same incident; provides appropriations; authorizes specified numbers of full-time equivalent positions with associated salary rates within DCF; defines “mental injury” with respect to offenses of abuse, aggravated abuse, & neglect of child; requires physician or psychologist acting as expert witness in certain proceedings have certain credentials; redefines “crime” for purposes of crime victims compensation to include additional forms of injury; redefines “victim” to conform with modified definition of “crime”.
Effective Date: October 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-155 on Sunday, April 29, 2012 9:34 PM

CS/HB 1357 – District School Boards
General Bill by Glorioso
Requires that district school board organize & elect chair in November &, in election year, elect chair in compliance with requirements for general election year; provides exception if chair is elected by districtwide vote.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-87 on Sunday, April 08, 2012 7:56 PM

HB 1381 – West Palm Beach Downtown Development Authority, Palm Beach County
Local Bill by Clemens (CO-SPONSORS) Abruzzo; Bernard; Kiar; Rooney
Revises West Palm Beach Downtown Development Authority’s boundaries.
Effective Date: upon becoming a law
Last Event: Approved by Governor on Friday, April 06, 2012 7:14 PM

CS/CS/HB 1383 – Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
General Bill by Glorioso (CO-SPONSORS) Patronis
Transfers & reassigns functions & responsibilities of Division of Law Enforcement, excluding Bureau of Emergency Response, within DEP to Division of Law Enforcement within FWCC; transfers & reassigns functions & responsibilities of specific positions within DACS to Division of Law Enforcement within FWCC; provides for transition advisory working groups; provides authority for enforcement of certain laws & rules of DEP & DACS to FWCC; confers full power to law enforcement officers of FWCC to enforce certain rules; authorizes retention & transfer of benefits for certain employees.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-88 on Sunday, April 08, 2012 7:57 PM

CS/HB 1389 – Water Storage and Water Quality Improvements
General Bill by Perman (CO-SPONSORS) Artiles; Boyd; Caldwell; Campbell; Williams, T.
Requires specified determination as condition of agreement for water storage & water quality improvements on private agricultural lands; provides methodology for such determination; provides for regulation of such lands during agreement & after its expiration; creates Study Committee on Investor-Owned Water & Wastewater Utility Systems; prohibits compensation of members; provides for removal or suspension of members by appointing authority; requires PSC to provide staff, information, assistance, & facilities that are deemed necessary for committee to perform its duties; provides for funding from Florida Public Service Regulatory Trust Fund; provides for public meetings; requires committee to report its findings to Governor, Legislature, & appropriate agencies & make certain recommendations.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-187 on Monday, April 30, 2012 9:46 AM

CS/CS/CS/HB 1403 – High School Athletics
General Bill by Stargel (CO-SPONSORS) Dorworth
Authorizes high schools, including charter schools, virtual schools, & home education cooperatives to become members of FHSAA; prohibits FHSAA from taking retributory or discriminatory action against any of its member schools under certain circumstances; prohibits FHSAA from withholding approval of any other athletic organization that governs athletic competition in state; requires FHSAA to adopt bylaws relating to transfers, recruiting violations, sanctions, investigators, & determinations of eligibility; provides requirements relating to appeals.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-188 on Monday, April 30, 2012 9:46 AM

CS/HB 1417 – State Investments
General Bill by Oliva
Increases amount of money that may be invested in alternative investments by State Board of Administration.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-112 on Monday, April 16, 2012 9:16 AM

CS/HB 1481 – Loxahatchee Groves Water Control District, Palm Beach County
Local Bill by Abruzzo
Revises procedures for election of members of board of supervisors.
Effective Date: upon becoming a law
Last Event: Approved by Governor on Friday, April 06, 2012 7:14 PM

HB 1483 – Alachua County
Local Bill by Chestnut
Revises location of law library; removes outdated & unnecessary sections relating to assessment of certain fees & court costs.
Effective Date: upon becoming a law
Last Event: Approved by Governor on Friday, May 04, 2012 4:26 PM

CS/HB 1495 – Spring Lake Improvement District, Highlands County
Local Bill by Albritton
Amends board, election, & terms of office provisions; deletes eminent domain provisions; provides bond limitations; authorizes mosquito control; repeals language proposing changes to district charter which did not take effect for failure of adoption at referendum; requires referendum & provides ballot statement; provides for repeal of act if referendum fails.
Effective Date: upon becoming a law
Last Event: Approved by Governor on Friday, April 06, 2012 7:15 PM

HB 1513 – Spring Hill Fire Rescue and Emergency Medical Services District, Hernando County
Local Bill by Schenck (CO-SPONSORS) Smith
Abolishes district; transfers assets & liabilities to county pursuant to general law.
Effective Date: April 13, 2012
Last Event: Approved by Governor on Friday, April 13, 2012 6:00 PM

HB 4001 – Florida Climate Protection Act
General Bill by Plakon (CO-SPONSORS) Eisnaugle; Gaetz; Harrell; Ingram; Precourt; Van Zant; Weinstein; Young
Repeals provisions for cap & trade regulatory program to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from electric utilities.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-89 on Sunday, April 08, 2012 7:58 PM

\HB 4003 – Growth Policy
General Bill by Diaz (CO-SPONSORS) Fullwood
Terminates Urban Infill & Redevelopment Assistance Grant Program.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-90 on Sunday, April 08, 2012 7:58 PM

HB 4027 – Community-Based Development Organizations
General Bill by Rouson (CO-SPONSORS) Campbell; Fullwood
Repeals provisions relating to Community-Based Development Organization Act, eligibility of community-based development organizations & eligible activities for certain grant funding, award of grants by former DCA, & reporting of certain information by grant recipients to former DCA.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-91 on Sunday, April 08, 2012 7:59 PM

HB 4039 – Recreation and Parks
General Bill by Porter (CO-SPONSORS) Williams, T.
Repeals provisions relating to recreation centers, use & acquisition of land, & equipment & maintenance; supervision; playground & recreation boards; cooperation with other units & boards; gifts, grants, devises, & bequests; issuance of bonds; petition for referendum; resolution or ordinance providing for recreation system; tax levy; payment of expenses & custody of funds; & duties & functions of Division of Recreation & Parks of DEP.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-189 on Monday, April 30, 2012 9:46 AM

HB 4047 – Judicial Census Commissions
General Bill by Bernard
Repeals provisions relating to judicial census commissions.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-26 on Sunday, March 25, 2012 8:47 AM

HB 4061 – Uniform Home Grading Scale
General Bill by Bernard
Uniform Home Grading Scale: Repeals provisions relating to required adoption by Financial Services Commission of uniform home grading scale to grade ability of home to withstand wind load from tropical storms or hurricanes.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-92 on Sunday, April 08, 2012 7:59 PM

HB 4075 – Charlotte County
Local Bill by Roberson, K.
Repeals special act relating to county Animal Control Agency & animal control in county.
Effective Date: upon becoming a law
Last Event: Approved by Governor on Friday, April 27, 2012 8:29 PM

HB 4077 – Actions for Damages
General Bill by Metz
Repeals provisions relating to optional settlement conference in certain tort actions.
Effective Date: April 13, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-113 on Monday, April 16, 2012 9:16 AM

HB 4123 – Federal Environmental Permitting
General Bill by Burgin (CO-SPONSORS) Williams, T.
Repeals provisions directing DEP to file specified reports with Speaker of the House of Representatives & President of the Senate & to coordinate with Florida Congressional Delegation on certain matters.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-114 on Monday, April 16, 2012 9:17 AM

HB 4139 – Repeal of Health Insurance Provisions
General Bill by Brodeur
Deletes requirement that Florida Health Insurance Plan’s board of directors annually report to Governor & Legislature concerning Florida Health Insurance Plan; deletes redundant language making implementation of plan by board contingent upon certain appropriations; deletes requirement that OIR of DFS annually report to Governor & Legislature concerning Small Employers Access Program.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-93 on Sunday, April 08, 2012 8:00 PM

HB 4163 – Continuing Education for Athletic Trainers and Massage Therapists
General Bill by Hudson
Repeals provisions relating to requirement for athletic trainers & massage therapists to complete continuing education on modes of transmission, infection control procedures, clinical management, & prevention of human immunodeficiency virus & acquired immune deficiency syndrome.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-115 on Monday, April 16, 2012 9:17 AM

HB 4175 – Palm Beach County
Local Bill by Rooney
Repeals special act relating to rabies vaccination & licensing & regulation of animals in county.
Effective Date: upon becoming a law
Last Event: Approved by Governor on Friday, April 27, 2012 8:29 PM

HB 5001 – Appropriations
General Bill by Grimsley
Provides moneys for annual period beginning July 1, 2012, & ending June 30, 2013, to pay salaries, & other expenses, capital outlay – buildings, & other improvements, & for other specified purposes of various agencies of State government.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-118 on Tuesday, April 17, 2012 3:56 PM

HB 5003 – Implementing the 2012-2013 General Appropriations Act
General Bill by Grimsley
Implements 2012-2013 GAA; incorporates by reference certain calculations of Florida Education Finance Program for 2012-2013 fiscal year; authorizes transfer of funds between appropriation categories to fund fixed capital outlay projects for charter schools upon certain approval; authorizes university board of trustees to expend reserve or carryforward balances for establishment of new campus; provides requirements to govern completion of Phase 2 & Phase 3 of DOH’s Florida Onsite Sewage Nitrogen Reduction Strategies Study; prohibits any state agency from adopting or implementing rule or policy mandating or establishing new nitrogen-reduction limits under certain circumstances; provides for organizational units called “circuits” & “regions” in DCFS; authorizes AHCA to provide Medicaid prepaid dental health program in Miami-Dade County; authorizes DOC to submit budget amendment for additional positions to operate additional prison bed capacity under certain circumstances; authorizes municipality to expend funds from its special law enforcement trust fund to reimburse municipality’s general fund; provides for trust fund loans to state court system sufficient to meet its appropriation; allows funds from State Agency Law Enforcement Radio System Trust Fund to be used for mutual aid buildout maintenance & sustainment & interoperability network; requires DMS to use certain interest earnings to fund administration of MyFlorida.com portal, etc.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-119 on Tuesday, April 17, 2012 5:16 PM

HB 5005 – Retirement
General Bill by Grimsley
Revises employer contributions for members of FRS who are employees of public community colleges or charter technical career centers sponsored by public community colleges on certain date; revises employer contributions for members of Senior Management Service Class of FRS on certain date; revises employer contributions for members of optional retirement program for State University System on certain date; revises required employer retirement contribution rates for members of each membership class & subclass of FRS; revises allocations from FRS Contributions Clearing Trust Fund to investment plan member accounts on certain date; revises employer contributions for members of State Community College System Optional Retirement Program on certain date; provides that act fulfills important state interest.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-146 on Sunday, April 22, 2012 11:30 AM

HB 5007 – State Employees
General Bill by Grimsley
Provides for resolution of certain collective bargaining issues at impasse between State of Florida & certified bargaining units of state employees; provides for all other mandatory collective bargaining issues that are at impasse & that are not addressed by act or GAA to be resolved consistent with personnel rules or by otherwise maintaining status quo.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-132 on Sunday, April 22, 2012 11:30 AM

HB 5101 – Prekindergarten through Grade 12 Education Funding
General Bill by Coley
Deletes provisions that authorize DOE to provide equipment, funds, & other services to extend & update existing & proposed educational radio systems; deletes provisions that authorize DOE support & funding for public broadcasting program system educational radio stations; requires that any contract or employment agreement, or renewal or renegotiation of existing contract or employment agreement, entered into by school district with officer, agent, employee, or contractor which contains provision for severance pay include provisions in s. 215.425, F.S., relating to limitations on extra compensation, bonuses, & severance pay; revises provisions relating to calculation of total administrative fee for providing administrative & educational services to charter schools; requires that each school district having low-performing elementary schools use funds from supplemental academic instruction categorical fund, along with school district’s research-based reading instruction allocation, to provide additional hour of instruction per day for intensive reading instruction.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-133 on Sunday, April 22, 2012 11:30 AM

HB 5201 – Postsecondary Education Funding
General Bill by O’Toole
Requires that Auditor General notify Legislative Auditing Committee of any financial or operational audit report indicating that state university or Florida College System institution has failed to take full corrective action in response to recommendations in previous audit reports; revises name of South Florida Community College; requires that each contract or employment agreement, or renewal or renegotiation of existing contract or employment agreement, containing provision for severance pay include certain provisions; requires that BOG adopt regulations requiring universities to enter into consortia & cooperative agreements; provides restriction on transfer of certain funds by state university board of trustees; establishes Adults with Disabilities Workforce Education Pilot Program for specified period in certain counties; establishes Florida Virtual Campus to provide access to online student & library support services & to serve as statewide resource & clearinghouse for technology-based public postsecondary education distance learning courses & degree programs; establishes Degree Completion Pilot Project to recruit, recover, & retain adult learners & assist them in completing degrees aligned to high-wage, high-skill workforce needs.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-134 on Sunday, April 22, 2012 11:30 AM

CS/HB 5203 – Reemployment Services
General Bill by O’Toole
Repeals provisions relating to Workers’ Compensation Administration Trust Fund within DOE; terminates trust fund & transfers balance remaining in, & all revenues of, terminated fund; revises legislative intent to remove DOE’s duty to administer Workers’ Compensation Law; removes authorization of DFS to share confidential & exempt records, reports, or information with DOE; amends provisions relating to reemployment of injured workers & rehabilitation; authorizes DFS to contract with third parties to administer training & education screenings, reemployment assessments, vocational evaluations, & reemployment services; removes rulemaking authority of DOE with respect to Workers’ Compensation Law.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-135 on Sunday, April 22, 2012 11:30 AM

HB 5301 – Health Care Services
General Bill by Hudson
Revises legislative intent relating to funding for regional perinatal intensive care centers; deletes prohibition preventing children who are eligible for coverage under state health benefit plan from being eligible for services provided through subsidized program; creates, subject to appropriation, Internet-based system for eligibility determination for Medicaid & CHIP; requires DCFS to develop system contingent upon appropriation; limits number of paid hospital emergency department visits for nonpregnant Medicaid recipients 21 years of age or older; authorizes AHCA to submit budget amendment to request approval of adjustments to hospital rates in cases of insufficient collection of intergovernmental transfers; deletes references to Adult Day Health Care Waiver in provisions relating to Medicaid eligibility & duties & responsibilities of DOEA.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-33 on Friday, March 30, 2012 9:03 AM

HB 5303 – Department of Children and Family Services
General Bill by Hudson
Provides conditions for DCFS to outsource certain housekeeping & environmental functions at specified hospitals; requires submission of budget amendment to Legislative Budget Commission if certain savings can be achieved without outsourcing such functions.
Effective Date: upon becoming law
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-136 on Sunday, April 22, 2012 11:30 AM

HB 5401 – Shared County and State Responsibility for Juvenile Detention
General Bill by Glorioso
Redefines term “detention care” to include respite beds for juveniles charged with domestic violence.
Effective Date: upon becoming a law
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-137 on Sunday, April 22, 2012 11:30 AM

HB 5403 – State Court Revenues
General Bill by Glorioso
Redirects revenue from filing fees for certain civil actions in circuit court relating to real property or mortgage foreclosure from State Courts Revenue Trust Fund to General Revenue Fund; revises distribution of portion of filing fees received for certain civil actions in circuit court relating to real property or mortgage foreclosure.
Effective Date: June 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-138 on Sunday, April 22, 2012 11:30 AM

HB 5501 – One-Stop Business Registration Portal
General Bill by Hooper (CO-SPONSORS) Abruzzo; Berman; Burgin; Campbell; Clemens; Fullwood; Gibbons; Perman; Ray; Steinberg; Young
Directs DOR to establish One-Stop Business Registration Portal through which individuals & businesses may submit applications for various licenses, registrations, or permits, file various documents, or remit payment for various fees to state department or agency; authorizes DOR to contract for development & maintenance of portal’s Internet website; requires certain state departments to cooperate with DOR in development & implementation of portal; requires DOR to submit annual report to Governor & Legislature on portal’s implementation & expansion; authorizes DOR to provide certain information relative to portal to certain state departments & agencies & local governments; authorizes DOR to adopt rules; deletes provisions relating to One-Stop Permitting System of former STO; repeals provisions relating to One-Stop Permitting System Grant Program & Quick Permitting County Designation Program.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-139 on Sunday, April 22, 2012 11:30 AM

HB 5503 – One-Stop Business Registration Clearing Trust Fund
General Bill by Hooper (CO-SPONSORS) Berman; Campbell; Fullwood; Gibbons; Steinberg
Creates One-Stop Business Registration Portal Clearing Trust Fund within DOR; provides purpose of trust fund & sources of funds; provides requirement with respect to transfer & distribution of funds; provides for future review & termination or re-creation of trust fund; provides for contingent effect.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012, if HB 5501 or similar legislation is adopted in the same legislative session or an extension thereof and becomes law
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-140 on Sunday, April 22, 2012 11:30 AM

HB 5507 – Department of Management Services
General Bill by Hooper (CO-SPONSORS) Gibbons
Revises provisions relating to reimbursement of Department of Management Services for actual costs of coordinating Florida State Employees’ Charitable Campaign; provides for transfer of funds generated by fees collected for use of DMS’s electronic information services from DMS to DFS to support statewide purchasing operations; establishes amount of transfer; repeals provisions which establish executive aircraft pool within DMS; terminates Bureau of Aircraft Trust Fund within DMS; provides for disposition of balances in & revenues of trust fund; prescribes procedures for termination of trust fund; revises expiration date of provisions governing remission of surcharges for specified criminal offenses & noncriminal moving traffic violations to DOR to fund state agency law enforcement radio system & provide technical assistance with respect to statewide systems of regional law enforcement communications.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-141 on Sunday, April 22, 2012 11:30 AM

CS/HB 5509 – State Data Center System
General Bill by Hooper
Revises duties of Agency for Enterprise Information Technology & state agencies relating to consolidation of agency data centers into primary data centers; revises schedule of consolidations; revises duties of primary data centers & boards of trustees of such centers; provides that certain administrative overhead costs require specific appropriation in GAA.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-142 on Sunday, April 22, 2012 11:30 AM

HB 5511 – Department of Business and Professional Regulation
General Bill by Hooper
Creates Division of Drugs, Devices, & Cosmetics within DBPR; conforms provisions to transfer by s. 27, ch. 2010-161, L.O.F., of regulatory authority for ch. 499, F.S., from DOH to DBPR; repeals provisions relating to Florida Drug, Device, & Cosmetic Trust Fund; terminates trust fund & provides for disposition of balances in & revenues of trust fund; prescribes procedures for termination of trust fund; requires DBPR to maintain separate account in Professional Regulation Trust Fund for Drugs, Devices, & Cosmetics program; repeals provisions relating to report & tax requirements for each person or club that holds or shows pugilistic matches on closed circuit telecast viewed within state, etc.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-143 on Sunday, April 22, 2012 11:30 AM

HB 5601 – License to Carry a Concealed Weapon or Firearm
General Bill by Williams, T. (CO-SPONSORS) Van Zant
Reduces specified nonrefundable license fees.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-144 on Sunday, April 22, 2012 11:30 AM

HB 5701 – Taxation
General Bill by Precourt
Requires that deductions for cost of collecting & enforcing documentary stamp tax & for specified service charge be available for payment of certain obligations secured by such tax revenues with respect to bonds authorized before specified date; provides for collection of allowances of amount of tax due by persons who file returns only by electronic means & pay amount due on such returns only by electronic means; adopts 2012 version of Internal Revenue Code for purposes of ch. 220, F.S.; changes filing date for estimated tax under certain circumstances; requires DOR to provide adequate notice to affected taxpayers relating to earlier due dates for making estimated payment, etc.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-145 on Sunday, April 22, 2012 11:30 AM

CS/HB 7003 – Environmental Resource Permitting
General Bill by Crisafulli (CO-SPONSORS) Williams, T.; Young
Requires DEP, in coordination with water management districts, to develop statewide resource permitting rules for activities relating to management & storage of surface waters; preserves exemption from causes of action under “Bert J. Harris, Jr., Private Property Rights Protection Act”; provides exemption from Administrative Procedure Act; requires counties, municipalities, & delegated local pollution control programs to amend ordinances & regulations; provides applicability, effect, & repeal of specified rules; provides presumption of compliance for certain stormwater management systems; provides exemptions for specified stormwater management systems & permitted activities.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-94 on Sunday, April 08, 2012 8:02 PM

HB 7005 – Official Florida Statutes
Reviser’s/General Bill by Aubuchon
Adopts Florida Statutes 2012 & designates portions thereof that are to constitute official law of state; provides that Florida Statutes 2012 shall be effective immediately upon publication; provides that general laws enacted during 2011 regular session & prior thereto & not included in Florida Statutes 2012 are repealed; provides that general laws enacted during 2012 regular session are not repealed by this adoption act.
Effective Date: May 8, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-4 on Friday, February 24, 2012 10:16 AM

HB 7007 – Florida Statutes
Reviser’s/General Bill by Aubuchon
Deletes provisions that have expired, have become obsolete, have had their effect, have served their purpose, or have been impliedly repealed or superseded; replaces incorrect cross-references & citations; corrects grammatical, typographical, & like errors; removes inconsistencies, redundancies, & unnecessary repetition in statutes; improves clarity of statutes & facilitates their correct interpretation; confirms restoration of provisions unintentionally omitted from republication in acts of Legislature during amendatory process & removes gender-specific references applicable to human beings from Florida Statutes without substantive change in legal effect.
Effective Date: May 8, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-5 on Friday, February 24, 2012 10:17 AM

HB 7009 – Florida Statutes
Reviser’s/General Bill by Aubuchon
Repeals provisions that have become inoperative by noncurrent repeal or expiration & pursuant to s. 11.242(5)(b) & (i), F.S., may be omitted from 2012 Florida Statutes only through reviser’s bill; conforms provisions.
Effective Date: May 8, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-6 on Friday, February 24, 2012 10:18 AM

HB 7011 – Florida Statutes
Reviser’s/General Bill by Aubuchon
Conforms to directive of Legislature in s. 12, ch. 2011-56, Laws of Florida, to prepare reviser’s bill to replace all statutory references to Division of Forestry with term “Florida Forest Service.”
Effective Date: May 8, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-7 on Friday, February 24, 2012 10:18 AM

HB 7013 – OGSR/U.S. Census Bureau Address Information
General Bill by Stafford
Repeals exemption from public records requirements for U.S. Census Bureau address information.
Effective Date: upon becoming a law
Last Event: Approved by Governor on Friday, May 04, 2012 4:26 PM

HB 7015 – OGSR/Donor Information/Publicly Owned House Museums
General Bill by Moraitis
Removes from scheduled repeal under Open Government Sunset Review Act exemption from public records requirements for information that identifies donor or prospective donor to publicly owned house museums designated by U.S. Dept. of Interior as National Historic Landmarks.
Effective Date: October 1, 2012
Last Event: Approved by Governor on Friday, May 04, 2012 4:26 PM

HB 7017 – OGSR/Donor Information/Historic Preservation of City of St. Augustine
General Bill by Broxson (CO-SPONSORS) Costello
Removes from scheduled repeal under Open Government Sunset Review Act exemption from public records requirements for information identifying donor or prospective donor to direct-support organization established to assist University of Florida in historic preservation of City of St. Augustine.
Effective Date: October 1, 2012
Last Event: Approved by Governor on Friday, May 04, 2012 4:26 PM

CS/CS/HB 7021 – Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
General Bill by Crisafulli (CO-SPONSORS) Hudson; Williams, T.
Establishes Division of Food, Nutrition, & Wellness; renames & revises jurisdiction of DOACS’s Office of Energy & Water; creates Agricultural Fee, Seed, & Fertilizer Advisory Council; repeals provisions for John A. Mulrennan, Sr., Arthropod Research Laboratory & Florida Agricultural Exposition; repeals provisions for various councils, including Plant Industry Technical Council, Fertilizer Technical Council, Seed Technical Council, Commercial Feed Technical Council, & Aquaculture Interagency Coordinating Council; revises requirements for compensation & reimbursement for per diem & travel expenses of members of various boards, including advisory bodies, Sturgeon Production Working Group, Private Investigation, Recovery, & Security Advisory Council, Citrus Research & Development Foundation’s board of directors, Soil & Water Conservation Council, Florida Forestry Council, & Florida State Fair Authority; requires DOACS to perform certain staff duties & functions related to conservation easements; authorizes DOACS to adopt federal model Food Code; revises expiration dates of certain provisions regulating fertilizers; revises various provisions related to mosquito control districts & Florida Coordinating Council, testing of milk or milk products, agricultural commodity marketing order assessments, reporting requirements for commercial feed or feedstuff, transportation & sale of water hyacinths, membership & appointment of Soil & Water Conservation Council, jurisdiction & dissolution of soil & water conservation districts, jurisdiction to enforce burning regulations, & waiver of aquaculture registration fees for certain schools; repeals provisions for inspection & vaccination of cattle for brucellosis; & renames “Wounded Warrior Special Hunt Areas” of state forests.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-190 on Monday, April 30, 2012 9:47 AM

CS/HB 7023 – Regional Workforce Boards
General Bill by Brodeur (CO-SPONSORS) Dorworth; Holder; Plakon; Precourt
Requires certain funds to be expended on Individual Training Accounts; revises items that qualify as account expenditures; amends & reenacts provisions relating to restrictions on use of state & federal funds provided to regional workforce boards & contracts between regional workforce boards & members of regional workforce boards; provides for maximum board membership; provides additional membership requirements; authorizes Governor to remove board members for cause; requires Department of Economic Opportunity to assign staff for performance & compliance review; requires each board to develop budget for certain purposes, subject to approval of chief elected official, & submit budget to Workforce Florida, Inc.; requires Workforce Florida, Inc., to evaluate means to establish single, statewide workforce-system brand for state; deletes expiration of provision providing that participants in adult or youth work experience activities are employees of state for purposes of workers’ compensation coverage, etc.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-29 on Wednesday, March 28, 2012 4:54 PM

CS/HB 7025 – Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
General Bill by Crisafulli (CO-SPONSORS) Holder; Williams, T.
Revises requirements for distribution of Florida panther license plate annual use fees; revises source of funds provided to Marine Resources Conservation Trust Fund; authorizes use of funds from vessel registration fees for specified purposes; eliminates requirement for carryover & distribution of certain funds; deletes requirements relating to publication of Florida Wildlife Magazine & creation of Florida Wildlife Magazine Advisory Council; provides conditions under which scuba divers engaging in taking or attempting to take saltwater products are exempt from certain license & permit requirements; removes limitation for duration & frequency of issuance of special authorization for supervised hunting; reduces fee amount for soft-shell blue crab endorsement; adds certain spiny lobster trap violations to offense severity ranking chart of Criminal Punishment Code.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-95 on Sunday, April 08, 2012 8:03 PM

CS/HB 7027 – Unemployment Compensation
General Bill by Holder (CO-SPONSORS) Campbell; Plakon
Revises provisions to rename “unemployment compensation” as “reemployment assistance”; renames Unemployment Appeals Commission as Reemployment Assistance Appeals Commission; defines “reemployment assistance”; revises requirements for establishing prima facie evidence of transaction history & payment; provides scoring requirements relating to initial skills reviews; provides for workforce training for certain eligible claimants; provides reporting requirements; provides work search requirements for certain claimants; clarifies how disqualification for benefits for fraud is imposed; readopts & amends provision relating to temporary extended benefits; provides for retroactive application; establishes temporary state extended benefits for weeks of unemployment; provides for state extended benefits for certain weeks & periods of high unemployment; prohibits benefits from being charged to employment record of employer forced to lay off workers as result of manmade disaster of national significance; provides procedures & application for employee leasing companies’ reporting requirements; revises statute of limitations related to collection of unemployment compensation benefits overpayments; revises provisions relating to exemption from public records requirements for unemployment compensation records & reports; provides for severability; provides declaration of important state interest.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-30 on Wednesday, March 28, 2012 4:53 PM

HB 7029 – Nullification and Repeal of Administrative Rules
General Bill by Rooney (CO-SPONSORS) Dorworth; Plakon
Provides for repeal of administrative rules upon repeal of law implemented; provides process for summary repeal of administrative rules that are no longer in full force & effect; nullifies specific administrative rules adopted by Northwest Florida Water Management District, Suwannee River Water Management District, St. Johns River Water Management District, Southwest Florida Water Management District, South Florida Water Management District, former Department of Commerce, former Department of Health & Rehabilitative Services, Health Program Office, former Advisory Council on Intergovernmental Relations, or former Department of Labor & Employment Security; directs DOH & DOE to initiate necessary rulemaking before effective date of specified rule nullifications.
Effective Date: May 27, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-31 on Wednesday, March 28, 2012 4:53 PM

HB 7033 – OGSR/Personal Injury Protection and Property Damage Liability Insurance Policies
General Bill by Broxson
Removes from scheduled repeal under Open Government Sunset Review Act an exemption from public records requirements for personal identifying information & policy numbers regarding personal injury protection & property damage liability insurance policies.
Effective Date: October 1, 2012
Last Event: Approved by Governor on Friday, May 04, 2012 4:26 PM

HB 7035 – OGSR/Physician Workforce Surveys
General Bill by Roberson, K.
Removes from scheduled repeal under Open Government Sunset Review Act exemptions from public records requirements for personal identifying information contained in physician workforce surveys submitted to DOH by physicians & osteopathic physicians.
Effective Date: October 1, 2012
Last Event: Approved by Governor on Friday, May 04, 2012 4:27 PM

HB 7037 – OGSR/Sunshine State One-Call of Florida, Inc.
General Bill by Roberson, K.
Saves from scheduled repeal under Open Government Sunset Review Act an exemption from public records requirements for proprietary confidential business information held by Sunshine State One-Call of Florida, Inc.
Effective Date: October 1, 2012
Last Event: Approved by Governor on Friday, May 04, 2012 4:27 PM

8CS/HB 7039 – Transportation Facility Designations
General Bill by Drake (CO-SPONSORS) Adkins; Bembry; Campbell; Corcoran; Ford; Harrison; Mayfield; Weinstein
Provides honorary designations of various transportation facilities in specified counties; directs Department of Transportation to erect suitable markers; revises designations in specified county.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Approved by Governor on Friday, April 06, 2012 7:17 PM

CS/HB 7041 – Governmental Reorganization
General Bill by Nehr
Establishes Division of Information Technology within DEO; establishes additional duties of department with respect to processing of state development approvals or permits; corrects references to agency names & divisions & corrects cross-references to conform to governmental reorganization resulting from enactment of ch. 2011-142, L.O.F.; makes technical & grammatical changes; deletes provisions that encourage local governments to adopt countywide marina siting plans & use uniform criteria & standards for marina siting; corrects reference to number of members of Acquisition & Restoration Council; authorizes EFI to contract with Visit Florida for management & operation of welcome centers; revises membership of EFI’s board of directors & limits requirement that board members be confirmed by Senate to those members who are appointed by Governor; replaces obsolete reference to former OTTED; corrects number of grant programs relating to Florida Economic Reinvestment Initiative; revises membership of board of directors of Space Florida; provides for designation of chair of board of directors; deletes provisions establishing Space Florida advisory council; repeals provisions relating to powers & duties of Secretary of Community Affairs & functions of DCA with respect to federal grant-in-aid programs; repeals provisions relating to designation of enterprise zones in communities suffering adverse impacts from adoption of constitutional amendment limiting use of nets to harvest marine species.
Effective Date: upon becoming a law
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-96 on Sunday, April 08, 2012 8:04 PM

CS/HB 7043 – Obsolete or Outdated Programs and Requirements
General Bill by Roberson, K.
Repeals provisions relating to creation & duties of Florida State Employee Wellness Council, Judah P. Benjamin Memorial at Gamble Plantation Historical Site Advisory Council, Small Business Regulatory Advisory Council, small business advocate, creation & duties of Statewide Intermodal Transportation Advisory Council, creation & duties of Health Information Systems Council, developmental disabilities compact, & Florida Institute for Nuclear Detection & Security; revises provisions relating to rule adoption by state agencies; requires rules ombudsman in EOG to assume certain duties formerly performed by Small Business Regulatory Advisory Council; deletes provisions that require OPPAGA, upon request, to conduct study & issue report to Governor & Legislature regarding impact on small business of certain proposed agency rules that have been rejected; removes requirement to keep one hand on handlebars while operating bicycle.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-27 on Sunday, March 25, 2012 8:47 AM

HB 7049 – Human Trafficking
General Bill by Snyder (CO-SPONSORS) Abruzzo; Adkins; Artiles; Boyd; Burgin; Campbell; Coley; Costello; Dorworth; Fullwood; Gaetz; Harrell; Harrison; Holder; Hooper; Hukill; Julien; Kiar; Kreegel; Lopez-Cantera; Mayfield; McBurney; Metz; Nuñez; Perman; Pilon; Plakon; Porth; Precourt; Sands; Steinberg; Steube; Waldman; Young
Adds violations to jurisdiction of Office of Statewide Prosecution & statewide grand jury; requires employee of massage establishment & any person performing massage therein to present, upon request of investigator, valid government identification; provides documentation requirements for operator of massage establishment; adds additional offenses to list of sexual predator & offender qualifying offenses; creates additional offenses relating to human trafficking; increases criminal penalties for certain offenses; provides for forfeiture of property used, attempted to be used, or intended to be used in violation of specified human trafficking provisions; increases criminal penalty for human smuggling; revises provisions relating to selling or buying of minors into sex trafficking or prostitution; provides additional authorization for interception of wire, oral, or electronic communications; ranks offenses on sentencing guidelines chart.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-97 on Sunday, April 08, 2012 8:26 PM

HB 7051 – Rules Establishing Numeric Nutrient Criteria
General Bill by Caldwell (CO-SPONSORS) Burgin; Coley; Plakon; Precourt; Stargel; Williams, T.; Young
Exempts specified rules from legislative ratification under s. 120.541(3), F.S.; requires DEP to publish certain notice; requires ratification of certain subsequent rules or amendments; directs department to submit specified rules to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for review under federal Clean Water Act.
Effective Date: February 16, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-3 on Friday, February 17, 2012 7:54 AM

CS/HB 7055 – Administrative Authority
General Bill by Gaetz (CO-SPONSORS) Dorworth
Affirms that Executive Orders 11-72 & 11-211 are consistent with law & public policy of this state; provides that gubernatorial appointees are generally subject to oversight, direction, & control of Governor; specifies that agency head who is appointed by & serves at pleasure of Governor remains subject to supervision, direction, & control of Governor; specifies that certain acts of agency head who serves at pleasure of appointing authority are official acts, notwithstanding authority of appointing authority to direct & supervise agency head; provides for removal of duplicative, redundant, or unused rulemaking authority as part of reviser’s bill process; repeals various statutory provisions granting rulemaking authority.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-116 on Monday, April 16, 2012 9:18 AM

CS/CS/HB 7059 – Acceleration Options in Public Education
General Bill by Stargel
Provides for Academically Challenging Curriculum to Enhance Learning (ACCEL) options to provide eligible public school students educational options that provide academically challenging curriculum or accelerated instruction; requires school district to adopt policy for early graduation; provides for career-themed courses; revises provisions relating to articulated acceleration mechanisms & dual enrollment programs; provides requirements for development & contents of school district & Florida College System institution articulation agreement; requires comprehensive student progression plan to include information on accelerated educational options; provides reporting requirements for student funding; provides for calculation of additional FTE membership based on completion of career-themed courses & early graduation.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-191 on Monday, April 30, 2012 9:47 AM

CS/CS/HB 7063 – Digital Learning
General Bill by Stargel (CO-SPONSORS) Dorworth; McBurney; Plakon
Digital Learning: Prohibits person from taking online course or examination on behalf of another person for compensation & provides penalty; provides that Florida Virtual School may provide part-time instruction for students in K-12; revises provisions relating to eligibility requirements for virtual instruction & virtual instruction options; requires additional qualification of virtual instruction program provider to obtain DOE approval; places restriction on online learning course required for graduation; provides requirements for blended learning courses; provides responsibilities & requirements for enrollment of exceptional students in Florida Virtual School; provides eligibility for certain students to participate in interscholastic extracurricular activities; revises definition of FTE student in virtual instruction programs; provides that full-time virtual instruction programs are eligible to report student membership in ESOL program for funding purposes.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-192 on Monday, April 30, 2012 9:47 AM

HB 7075 – Military Installations
General Bill by Workman
Authorizes Florida Defense Support Task Force to recommend to Legislature specified changes in military installations & local governments under Community Planning Act; clarifies & revises procedures related to exchange of information between military installations & local governments under such act; revises legislative intent with respect to proposed closure or reuse of military bases; creates Military Base Protection Program within DEO; provides for use of program funds; revises provisions relating to award of grants for retention of military installations; eliminates the Florida Economic Reinvestment Initiative; establishes Florida Defense Reinvestment Grant Program; specifies purposes of program & activities for which grant awards may be provided; eliminates the Defense-Related Business Adjustment Program, the Florida Defense Planning Grant Program, the Florida Defense Implementation Grant Program, the Florida Military Installation Reuse Planning and Marketing Grant Program, and the Retention of Military Installations Program; transfers functions & responsibilities of Florida Council on Military Base and Mission Support to Florida Defense Support Task Force; repeals Florida Council on Military Base and Mission Support; conforms provisions relating to exempt records & meetings of Council on Military Base and Mission Support; revises provisions relating to Florida Defense Support Task Force, to conform.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-98 on Sunday, April 08, 2012 8:22 PM

CS/HB 7079 – State Retirement
General Bill by Patronis
Clarifies definitions of terms “normal retirement date” & “vesting”; authorizes distributions to certain members who are terminated from employment for 1 calendar month if member has reached normal retirement date; provides rulemaking authority to DMS & college board of trustees; clarifies provisions related to prohibition of hardship loans or payments; clarifies that retiree who is reemployed in regularly established position after certain date may not be enrolled as renewed member; makes conforming changes to DROP regarding deferral age; provides that benefit for purposes of optional retirement program for State University System includes certain distribution; clarifies when voluntary contributions may be paid out; specifies that definition of term “eligible employee” does not include certain members reemployed in regularly established position; clarifies when benefits may be paid out.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Approved by Governor on Friday, May 04, 2012 4:27 PM

CS/HB 7081 – Growth Management
General Bill by Workman (CO-SPONSORS) Dorworth
Revises & provides provisions relating to growth management, local government comprehensive planning, comprehensive plans, state land planning agencies, local planning agencies, regional planning councils, concurrency, interlocal agreements, public facilities reports, etc.
Effective Date: upon becoming a law
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-99 on Sunday, April 08, 2012 8:27 PM

HB 7087 – Economic Development
General Bill by Precourt and Albritton and Grant and Workman and Smith and Roberson, K. and Crisafulli (CO-SPONSORS) Abruzzo; Baxley; Brandes; Burgin; Dorworth; Harrison; Holder; Hukill; Ingram; Plakon; Steube
Provides exemption from intangible tax for lessees performing governmental, municipal, or public purpose or function; establishes funding source for H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute from portion of cigarette tax collections; establishes purposes for which funding to H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute may be used; revises excise tax rates levied upon each ton of phosphate rock severed; defines term “mature field recovery oil” & applies to such oil tiered severance tax rates applicable to tertiary oil; provides exemption from tax on sales, use, & other transactions for electricity used by packinghouses; expands exemptions from sales & use tax on labor, parts, & equipment used in repairs of certain aircraft; provides exemption from tax on sales, use, & other transactions for sale or lease of accessible taxicabs; revises eligibility criteria for tax credits under Urban High-Crime Area Job Tax Credit Program; increases amount of income that is exempt from franchise tax imposed on banks & savings associations, etc.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-32 on Wednesday, March 28, 2012 4:52 PM

HB 7093 – Domestic Violence
General Bill by Harrell
Defines term “coalition” as it relates to domestic violence; revises provisions relating to certification of domestic violence centers; provides duties of Florida Coalition Against Domestic Violence as it manages delivery of services to state’s domestic violence program; requires coalition, rather than DCFS, to make specified annual report; requires coalition, rather than DCFS, to perform certain duties relating to certification of domestic violence centers; repeals provisions relating to certification & monitoring of batterers’ intervention programs.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-147 on Sunday, April 22, 2012 11:30 AM

CS/HB 7095 – Clerks of Court
General Bill by Snyder
Authorizes rather than requires clerk to review records to determine whether applicant for public defender is indigent; requires clerks to use specified system & submit data based on designated case types; revises provisions relating to fees to reopen proceedings; requires clerk to pursue collection of fees; authorizes charge for electronic certified copy of summons; requires rescheduling fee if sale of property is rescheduled by plaintiff; revises provisions relating to juries; provides that action to collect court costs or fines owed to state may be commenced at any time; requires clerk to notify Commission on Ethics of certain proceedings; requires state agencies that issue business or professional licenses to obtain information relating to criminal convictions of licensees; authorizes court to require defendant to pay costs pursuant to payment plan; provides that judgment & related costs are civil lien against real or personal property if judgment recorded; requires, as condition of parole, payment of fines, fees, or other court-ordered costs; revises provisions relating to suspension, revocation, & reinstatement of professional licenses due to convictions for certain criminal offenses.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-100 on Sunday, April 08, 2012 8:28 PM

CS/HB 7097 – Administration of Property Taxes
General Bill by Caldwell (CO-SPONSORS) Lopez-Cantera
Revises definitions of terms “assessed value of property” & “complete submission of the rolls”; provides that taxpayer has right to have hearing before value adjustment board rescheduled if hearing is not commenced within certain period after scheduled time; revises information that must be included on real property assessment roll relating to transfer of ownership of property; limits review of changes in assessed value of real property resulting from informal conference with taxpayer to review by DOR or designated entity; deletes provisions requiring that tax collector report amounts of deferred tax liability to DOR; deletes exception to requirement that value adjustment board render written decision relating to petitioner’s failure to make required payment; requires department to provide certain assistance in investigations of property appraisers; clarifies provisions relating to rental of homestead dwelling; authorizes servicemembers who receive homestead exemption & who are deployed in certain military operations to receive additional ad valorem tax exemption.
Effective Date: upon becoming a law
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-193 on Monday, April 30, 2012 9:48 AM

HB 7103 – OGSR/Florida Opportunity Fund and Institute for the Commercialization of Public Research
General Bill by Mayfield
Reorganizes exemptions from public record & open meeting requirements for Florida Opportunity Fund & Institute for the Commercialization of Public Research; removes references to institute & relocates institute’s exemptions in new statute; saves exemptions from repeal under Open Government Sunset Review Act & removes scheduled repeal thereof; provides exemptions from public record & open meeting requirements for Institute for the Commercialization of Public Research; provides exemption from public record requirements for materials relating to methods of manufacturing, trade secrets, patents, & research by universities or other publically supported organizations, materials supplied by proprietor, information that would identify investors or potential investors, & information that is confidential & exempt under other laws; provides exemption from public meeting requirements for portions of meetings of institute’s board of directors at which confidential & exempt information is discussed; provides exemption from public record requirements for transcripts & minutes of exempt portions of meetings of institute’s board of directors.
Effective Date: October 1, 2012
Last Event: Approved by Governor on Friday, May 04, 2012 4:27 PM

HB 7105 – OGSR/Florida Workers’ Compensation Joint Underwriting Association, Inc.
General Bill by Mayfield
Removes from scheduled repeal under Open Government Sunset Review Act exemption from public records requirements for certain records held by Florida Workers’ Compensation Joint Underwriting Association, Inc., & exemption from public meetings requirements for certain meetings of association’s board of governors, or subcommittee of association’s board; clarifies that public record exemption applies to medical information relating to medical condition or medical status of individual.
Effective Date: October 1, 2012
Last Event: Approved by Governor on Friday, May 04, 2012 4:27 PM

HB 7107 – OGSR/Consumer Complaints and Inquiries
General Bill by Mayfield
Eliminates scheduled repeal under Open Government Sunset Review Act of exemption from public records requirements for certain records relating to consumer complaints & inquiries regarding matters or activities regulated under Florida Insurance Code or Employee Assistance & Ombudsman Office within DFS; provides additional exception to exemption.
Effective Date: October 1, 2012
Last Event: Approved by Governor on Friday, May 04, 2012 4:27 PM

HB 7109 – OGSR/Lifeline Assistance Plan
General Bill by Mayfield
Eliminates scheduled repeal under Open Government Sunset Review Act of exemption from public records requirements for personal identifying information of Lifeline Assistance Plan participants; provides penalty for intentional disclosure of confidential & exempt information by officer or employee of PSC.
Effective Date: October 1, 2012
Last Event: Approved by Governor on Friday, May 04, 2012 4:27 PM

HB 7111 – OGSR/Unclaimed Property
General Bill by Mayfield (CO-SPONSORS) Young
Removes exception to exemption from public records requirements for social security numbers & property identifiers contained in reports of unclaimed property; provides for future legislative review & repeal of exemption; provides statement of public necessity.
Effective Date: upon becoming a law
Last Event: Approved by Governor on Friday, May 04, 2012 4:27 PM

CS/HB 7115 – OGSR/Economic Development Agencies
General Bill by Patronis
Saves from scheduled repeal under Open Government Sunset Review Act public record exemptions for information held by economic development agencies; saves from repeal exemption concerning plans, intentions, or interests of private corporation, partnership, or person to locate, relocate, or expand any of its business activities in this state; provides that exemption applies if request for confidentiality is made before economic incentive agreement is signed; specifies time period during which information remains confidential & exempt when final project order for signed economic development agreement is issued; saves from repeal exemption for trade secrets, exemption for proprietary confidential business information, exemption for identification, account, & registration numbers & sales, wage, & tax data relating to recipient of economic development incentive, & exemption for information held pursuant to administration of economic incentive program; provides that taxes paid by businesses participating in economic incentive program may be disclosed in aggregate; specifies duration of period in which certain information held by economic development agency relating to specific business participating in economic development program remains confidential & exempt.
Effective Date: March 23, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-28 on Sunday, March 25, 2012 8:48 AM

HB 7121 – Ratification of Rules
General Bill by Artiles
Ratifies specified rule for sole & exclusive purpose of satisfying any condition on effectiveness pursuant to s. 120.541(3), F.S., which requires ratification of any rule meeting any of specified thresholds for likely adverse impact or increase in regulatory costs.
Effective Date: upon becoming a law
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-101 on Sunday, April 08, 2012 8:29 PM

HB 7125 – Exemptions from Local Business Taxes
General Bill by Roberson, K. (CO-SPONSORS) Ahern; Broxson
Specifies individual licensed & operating as broker associate or sales associate is not required to apply for exemption from local business tax or take actions relating to local business tax; prohibits local governing authority from holding exempt individual liable for failure of principal or employer to comply with obligations related to local business tax or from requiring exempt individual to take actions related to local business tax; prohibits local governing authority from requiring principal or employer to provide personal or contact information for exempt individuals in order to obtain local business tax receipt.
Effective Date: October 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-102 on Sunday, April 08, 2012 8:29 PM

HB 7127 – School Improvement and Education Accountability
General Bill by Fresen
Revises provisions relating to implementation of public school improvement, including use of school improvement plans, corrective actions, intervention & support strategies, & school turnaround options; requires that school districts use specified percentage of Title I funds allocated to Title I schools to meet requirements for supplemental educational services; revises provisions relating to school grading system.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-194 on Monday, April 30, 2012 9:48 AM

HB 7131 – Relief/Irving Hoffman and Marjorie Weiss/City of Tallahassee
Claims/Local Bill by Julien (CO-SPONSORS) Rehwinkel Vasilinda
Provides for relief of Irving Hoffman & Marjorie Weiss, parents of Rachel Hoffman, deceased, individually & as co-personal representatives of Estate of Rachel Hoffman, by City of Tallahassee; provides appropriation to compensate them for wrongful death of their daughter, Rachel Hoffman, who was murdered while serving as confidential informant for Tallahassee Police Dept.; provides limitation on payment of fees & costs.
Effective Date: March 29, 2012
Last Event: Approved by Governor on Thursday, March 29, 2012 5:02 PM

HB 7135 – Postsecondary Education
General Bill by Proctor (CO-SPONSORS) Campbell; Dorworth; Gaetz
Provides requirements for planning for system & institution goals & objectives; requires unified state plan to improve STEM education; authorizes BOG to waive or modify regulations or fee requirements or to modify or revoke certain powers or duties; revises general education course requirements; deletes exemption from State Board of Education approval of certain Florida College System baccalaureate degree programs; requires BOG to rank state universities that apply for performance funding & authorizes awards; requires DEO to prepare economic security report of employment & earning outcomes for degrees or certificates earned at public postsecondary institutions.
Effective Date: upon becoming a law
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-195 on Monday, April 30, 2012 9:48 AM

Legislation That Became Law Without the Florida Governor’s Signature

CS/HB 891 – Hillsborough County
Local Bill by Harrison
Provides that act supersedes inconsistent provisions of ch. 2001-299, Laws of Florida; provides that holder of certificate of public convenience & necessity for taxicabs or taxicab permit issued by Hillsborough County Public Transportation Commission has property rights in certificate or permit; provides transfer of such certificate or permit; provides for creation of Driver Ownership Program to assist taxicab drivers in acquiring certificates or permits; provides for adoption of rules; provides definitions.
Effective Date: upon becoming a law
Last Event: Allowed to become Law without Governor’s Signature on Saturday, April 14, 2012 11:59 PM

CS/CS/HB 7117 – Energy
General Bill by Plakon and Mayfield (CO-SPONSORS) Abruzzo; Campbell; Clemens; Fullwood; Gibbons; Kiar; Williams, T.; Young
Requires utilities’ 10-year site plans to address existing & proposed renewable energy production and purchases; provides for portion of proceeds of local government infrastructure surtax to be used to provide loans, grants, & rebates to residential or commercial property owners who make energy efficiency improvements to their residential or commercial property, subject to referendum; reestablishes corporate tax credit for certain costs related to renewable energy technologies; directs DMS in coordination with DOACS to further develop state energy management plan.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Chapter No. 2012-117 on Monday, April 16, 2012 9:18 AM

Legislation Vetoed By the Florida Governor

CS/CS/CS/HB 177 – Inmate Reentry
General Bill by Porth and Campbell (CO-SPONSORS) Baxley; Costello; Fullwood; Glorioso; Grant; Pafford; Pilon; Rogers; Rouson; Sands
Inmate Reentry: Directs DOC to develop & administer reentry program for nonviolent offenders; requires substance abuse treatment & rehabilitative programming; specifies eligibility criteria; requires notice to court & state attorney; authorizes state attorney to object; directs court to screen & select eligible offenders for program based on specified considerations; requires court to notify DOC of decision within specified period; requires education & substance abuse assessment; requires enrollment in adult education in specified circumstances; requires assessments of vocational skills & career education be provided; provides that offender is subject to disciplinary rules; requires that DOC report to sentencing court before offender is scheduled to complete program; requires court to hold hearing to consider modifying sentence & authorizing placement on drug offender probation if performance is satisfactory; authorizes revocation of probation & imposition of original sentence in specified circumstances; requires annual report; authorizes administrative or protective confinement; authorizes incentives to promote participation & orderly operation; directs DOC to develop system for tracking recidivism; provides for nonseverability of certain provisions.
Effective Date: October 1, 2012
Last Event: Vetoed by Governor on Friday, April 06, 2012 6:58 PM

CS/HB 697 – Relief/Donald Brown/District School Board of Sumter County
Claims/Local Bill by McBurney
Provides for relief of Donald Brown by District School Board of Sumter County; provides for appropriation to compensate Donald Brown for injuries sustained as result of negligence of employee of DSBSC; provides limitation on payment of fees & costs.
Effective Date: upon becoming a law
Last Event: Vetoed by Governor on Thursday, March 29, 2012 5:00 PM

HB 865 – Pinellas Suncoast Transit Authority, Pinellas County
Local Bill by Hooper
Provides for alternative income revenues through specified discretionary sales surtax under certain conditions; prohibits authority from levying & collecting ad valorem tax revenue after it elects to accept discretionary sales surtax proceeds.
Effective Date: upon becoming a law
Last Event: Vetoed by Governor on Friday, April 06, 2012 6:58 PM

HB 917 – Jurisdiction of the Courts
General Bill by Bileca (CO-SPONSORS) Campbell; Julien
Includes as additional basis for subjecting person to jurisdiction of courts of this state provisions which state that person submits to jurisdiction of courts of this state by entering into contract that designates law of this state as law governing contract & that contains provision by which such person agrees to submit to jurisdiction of courts of this state; clarifies that arbitral tribunal receiving request for interim measure to preserve evidence in dispute governed by Florida International Commercial Arbitration Act need consider only to extent appropriate potential harm that may occur if measure is not awarded or possibility that requesting party will succeed on merits of claim; revises application dates of provisions relating to jurisdiction of courts.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Vetoed by Governor on Friday, April 13, 2012 6:00 PM

HB 975 – Pasco County Housing Authority, Pasco County
Local Bill by Nehr
Provides for appointment of commissioners of the Pasco County Housing Authority; provides exception to general law.
Effective Date: upon becoming a law
Last Event: Vetoed by Governor on Friday, April 27, 2012 8:31 PM

CS/HB 1117 – Conservation of Wildlife
General Bill by Harrison (CO-SPONSORS) Smith
Authorizes certain zoos & aquariums to apply to Board of Trustees of Internal Improvement Trust Fund or governing board of water management district to use state lands or water management district lands for specified purposes; provides application requirements; provides criteria for approval of such uses; requires FWCC to provide technical assistance in reviewing such applications.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Vetoed by Governor on Friday, April 06, 2012 6:56 PM

HB 5009 – Health Insurance Benefits for State Employees
General Bill by Grimsley
Authorizes UF Board of Trustees to provide or arrange for provision of health & other self-insurance or insurance programs under certain conditions; requires board to offer programs to certain persons; prohibits programs from commencing before specified date; provides requirements for state funding for such programs; provides procedural requirements relating to program for DMS, EOG, & Legislature; provides for state’s monthly contribution for employees under state group insurance program; revises conditions under which pharmacies are provided reimbursement for prescription medicines that are dispensed to members of state group health insurance plan under state employees’ prescription drug program; authorizes DMS to implement supply limit program for certain maintenance drugs, etc.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Vetoed by Governor on Friday, April 20, 2012 5:45 PM

HB 5011 – State Information Technology
General Bill by Grimsley
Creates Agency for State Technology (AST); abolishes Agency for Enterprise Information Technology & transfers its records, property, funds, trust funds, administrative authority & rules, pending issues, & existing contracts to AST; nullifies certain notices & proceedings of Agency for Enterprise Information Technology; revises provisions for consolidation of computing facilities into primary data centers; amends provisions relating to primary data centers; provides for Northwood Shared Resource Center & Southwood Shared Resource Center to be headed by director appointed by executive director of AST.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Vetoed by Governor on Friday, April 20, 2012 5:45 PM

CS/HB 5103 – School Readiness Programs
General Bill by Coley
Revises duties of Office of Early Learning for administration of school readiness programs; revises procurement requirements & requirements for expenditure of funds by early learning coalitions; revises eligibility criteria for enrollment of children in school readiness program & priorities by which children are enrolled; provides for payment of school readiness providers according to calculations of payment rates & sliding fee scales as provided in GAA; deletes provision related to applicability of provisions that conflict with federal requirements; creates School Readiness Allocation Conference; prohibits disenrollment of children enrolled in school readiness program before effective date of this act under certain circumstances.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Vetoed by Governor on Friday, April 20, 2012 5:45 PM

HB 5505 – Department of Financial Services
General Bill by Hooper
Redefines “employee” for purposes of workers’ compensation; revises requirements for submitting notice of election of exemption; repeals provisions relating to duty of DFS to make annual report on administration of ch. 440, F.S., Workers’ Compensation Law, to specified officials; revises amount that lender may impose as delinquency charge; deletes provision that provides for deposit of funds collected from money services business licensees; requires examination fees to be paid directly to OFR; provides for establishment of Florida Insurance Premium Tax Prepayment Program, to be administered by SBA, to help fund Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Vetoed by Governor on Friday, April 20, 2012 5:45 PM

CS/HB 7099 – Tax Administration
General Bill by Grant
Provides that charges for storage of towed vehicles that are impounded by local, state, or federal law enforcement agency are not taxable; subjects dealer to monetary & criminal penalties for failure to collect taxes or fees; deletes provisions relating to imposition of criminal penalties after notice by DOR of requirements to register or collect taxes; revises penalties for making false or fraudulent return with intent to evade payment of tax; authorizes DOR to adopt rules for deposit of cash, bond, or other security; provides for distribution of certain taxes generated by visitor activity at Kennedy Space Center & Cape Canaveral Air Force Station to Florida Institute of Technology; revises due date for funds collected by clerks of court; provides retroactive application; subjects person to criminal penalties & monetary penalties for actions involving automated sales suppression device, zapper, or phantom-ware; defines sales suppression devices & phantom-ware as contraband; provides absolute defense by retailer, dealer, or vendor against purchaser’s claim for refund; redefines term “qualified capital expenditures”; authorizes DHSMV to release photographs or digital images to DOR to identify individuals for purposes of tax administration; revises date when imposition of ninth-cent fuel tax will be levied; revises date when impositions & rate changes of local option fuel tax shall be levied; imposes requirement on employers to produce records for DEO or its tax collection service provider as prerequisite for reduction in rate of unemployment tax; provides for calculating interest rate for past due contributions & reimbursements, & delinquent, erroneous, incomplete, or insufficient reports.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Vetoed by Governor on Friday, April 27, 2012 8:32 PM

HB 7129 – State Universities of Academic and Research Excellence and National Preeminence
General Bill by Proctor (CO-SPONSORS) Ahern; Dorworth; Plakon
Establishes collaborative partnership between BOG & Legislature to elevate academic & research excellence & national preeminence of highest-performing state research universities; authorizes state research university that meets specified standards to establish student tuition & fees at differentiated & market rates; specifies requirements relating to debt service obligations; establishes procedures to obtain budget authorization for FY 2012-2013; establishes procedures for institutional legislative budget requests for tuition & fee increases; authorizes state universities of national preeminence to establish required courses for certain students.
Effective Date: upon becoming a law
Last Event: Vetoed by Governor on Friday, April 27, 2012 8:32 PM

Resolutions Filed With the Florida Secretary Of State

SM 1080: Vietnam Veterans
MEMORIAL by Dean; (CO-INTRODUCERS) Bullard; Gaetz; Lynn
Urging Congress to initiate and support nationwide efforts to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the end of the United States’ involvement in the Vietnam War and demonstrate the nation’s appreciation for the honorable service and sacrifice of Vietnam Veterans, etc.
Last Action: 03/08/2012 Signed by Officers and filed with Secretary of State

CS/SJR 1176: Joint Resolution of Apportionment
JOINT RESOLUTION by Reapportionment
Providing for the apportionment of the House of Representatives and the Senate (plans H000H9049 and S000S9008); adopting the United States Decennial Census of 2010 for use in such apportionment; providing for the inclusion of omitted areas; providing contiguity for areas specified for inclusion in one district which are noncontiguous; specifying that the apportioned districts constitute the legislative districts of the state; providing for severability of invalid portions; providing for application beginning in 2012, etc.
Last Action: 02/10/2012 Signed by Officers and filed with Secretary of State -SJ 508

CS/SM 1486: Taiwan Policy Act of 2011
MEMORIAL by Governmental Oversight and Accountability; Braynon
Urging Congress to pass H. R. 2918, the Taiwan Policy Act of 2011, etc.
Last Action: 03/08/2012 Signed by Officers and filed with Secretary of State

SM 1778: Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010
MEMORIAL by Richter
Urging Congress to repeal the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010, etc.
Last Action: 03/08/2012 Signed by Officers and filed with Secretary of State

SM 1822: Sarbanes-Oxley Act
Urging Congress to repeal the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, etc.
Last Action: 03/08/2012 Signed by Officers and filed with Secretary of State

HM 83 – Congressional Term Limits
Memorial by Caldwell (CO-SPONSORS) Ahern; Artiles; Boyd; Brandes; Corcoran; Diaz; Dorworth; Eisnaugle; Gaetz; Hager; Harrell; Julien; Metz; Nuñez; O’Toole; Perry; Pilon; Precourt; Wood
Urges Congress to propose to states amendment to U.S. Constitution that limits consecutive terms of office which member of U. S. Senate or U. S. House of Representatives may serve.
Effective Date: Not Specified
Last Event: Signed by Officers and filed with Secretary of State on Friday, March 23, 2012 12:29 PM

CS/HJR 93 – Homestead Property Tax Exemption for Surviving Spouse of Military Veteran or First Responder
Joint Resolution by Harrison (CO-SPONSORS) Abruzzo; Ahern; Baxley; Berman; Brandes; Campbell; Clemens; Corcoran; Costello; Cruz; Diaz; Dorworth; Fullwood; Gaetz; Hooper; Hukill; Ingram; Julien; Kiar; Lopez-Cantera; McBurney; Metz; Nehr; Nelson; Pilon; Plakon; Porth; Precourt; Reed; Rehwinkel Vasilinda; Renuart; Smith; Snyder; Soto; Steube; Tobia; Trujillo; Waldman; Watson; Weinstein
Proposes amendment to State Constitution to allow Legislature by general law to provide ad valorem homestead property tax relief to surviving spouse of military veteran who died from service-connected causes while on active duty or surviving spouse of first responder who died in line of duty, provide definitions with respect thereto, & provide effective date.
Effective Date: Not Specified
Last Event: Signed by Officers and filed with Secretary of State on Friday, March 30, 2012 10:55 AM

CS/HJR 169 – Additional Homestead Tax Exemption for Seniors
Joint Resolution by Oliva (CO-SPONSORS) Abruzzo; Artiles; Burgin; Campbell; Costello; Diaz; Fullwood; Gonzalez; Hukill; Kiar; Lopez-Cantera; Nuñez; Plakon; Precourt; Snyder; Steube; Trujillo
Proposes amendment to s. 6, Art. VII of State Constitution to authorize Legislature, by general law, to allow counties & municipalities to grant additional homestead tax exemption equal to assessed value of homestead property, if property has just value lower than specified amount, to owner who has maintained permanent residency on property for specified duration, who has attained age 65, & whose household income does not exceed specified amount.
Effective Date: Not Specified
Last Event: Signed by Officers and filed with Secretary of State on Friday, April 13, 2012 12:14 PM

HM 611 – Kings BayMemorial by Smith
Urges Congress to direct U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service to reconsider proposed rule to designate Kings Bay as manatee refuge & in lieu of rule partner with state & local governments in seeking joint long-term solutions to manatee protection.
Effective Date: Not Specified
Last Event: Signed by Officers and filed with Secretary of State on Friday, March 23, 2012 12:29 PM

CS/HJR 931 – Board of Governors/Student Member of Board of Governors
Joint Resolution by Gaetz (CO-SPONSORS) Adkins; Artiles; Bernard; Dorworth; Fullwood; Ingram; Patronis; Plakon; Sands; Taylor; Thurston; Tobia; Williams, A.
Proposes amendment to s. 7, Art. IX of State Constitution to revise selection process for student member of Board of Governors of State University System.
Effective Date: Not Specified
Last Event: Signed by Officers and filed with Secretary of State on Friday, April 13, 2012 12:14 PM

CS/HJR 1003 – Tangible Personal Property Tax Exemptions
Joint Resolution by Eisnaugle
Proposes amendment to s. 3, Art. VII & creation of s. 32, Art. XII of State Constitution to provide additional exemption from ad valorem taxes on tangible personal property valued at more than $25,000 but less than $50,000, to authorize county or municipality to provide additional exemption from ad valorem taxation for tangible personal property by ordinance as provided by general law, & to provide effective date.
Effective Date: Not Specified
Last Event: Signed by Officers and filed with Secretary of State on Friday, April 06, 2012 11:24 AM

HCR 8001 – Joint Session to Receive Governor’s Message
Concurrent Resolution by Aubuchon
Joint Session to Receive Governor’s Message: Provides that House of Representatives & Senate convene in Joint Session for purpose of receiving message from Governor.
Effective Date: Not Specified
Last Event: Signed by Officers and filed with Secretary of State on Tuesday, January 10, 2012 2:19 PM


Ten Easy Steps to Achieve the American Dream*

Select a product that will produce green energy. Product examples are solar cell arrays, windmills and ethanol.
Do not worry if the product is presently being made by someone else or can be made cheaper offshore. These factors, while important for determining how long the project lasts, will not prevent you from realizing the American Dream.

Involve some friends in the project to help them realize their American Dream. The more friends you involve, the more successful Step 9 will be. This team of you and your friends will be the Organizers .

Form a Corporation. This can be done cheaply using forms provided by your state or by using an Internet legal services organization.

Create a business plan for the project that includes Steps 5-9 below.
The plan should involve raising at least a half billion dollars.

Discretely calculate how long it will take for the company to be bankrupt. Avoid having email messages with the results of this calculation leaked outside the group of organizers.
This calculation will be needed for Step 8.

Explain your business plan to the White House Energy Czar, the Secretary of Energy, the President and any underlings in the West Wing that can help sell your plan. Step 9 will guarantee you will not need much selling help.

Accept the half billion dollars of taxpayer money graciously and deposit it into your company’s bank account. The realization of the American dream is now guaranteed.

Give yourself and the other Organizers you involved in Step 2 a large salary so you can put aside a healthy amount for a comfortable retirement (Step 10) and still have enough left over for Step 9.

All the organizers give generously, as promised, to the President’s reelection campaign. The recipient will assure nobody effectively questions this laundering of taxpayer money.

Retire early to a Florida condo with the proceeds of Step 8.
You have realized the American Dream and live happily ever after.

*Reference 1.
Reference 2.
Reference 3.


Bills of Possible Tea Party Interest That Have Been Taken Up by a Committee
Updated – February 14, 2012


CS/SB 98: Education
GENERAL BILL by Judiciary; Siplin; (CO-INTRODUCERS) Evers; Storms; Negron
Education; Authorizing a district school board to adopt a policy that allows an inspirational message to be delivered by students at a student assembly; providing policy requirements; providing purpose, etc.
Last Action: 02/13/2012 Now in Judiciary Committee -HJ 582
Effective Date: July 1, 2012

CS/SJR 314: Ad Valorem Taxation
JOINT RESOLUTION by Judiciary; Simmons
Ad Valorem Taxation; Proposing amendments to the State Constitution to allow the Legislature by general law to prohibit increases in the assessed value of homestead and specified nonhomestead property if the just value of the property decreases, reduce the limitation on annual assessment increases applicable to nonhomestead real property, provide an additional homestead exemption for owners of homestead property, authorize the Legislature to adjust the amount of the exemption, provide that the additional exemption is to be reduced by the difference between the just value and the assessed value, delay a future repeal of provisions limiting annual assessment increases for specified nonhomestead real property, and provide effective dates, etc.
Senate Committee References: Community Affairs (CA) , Judiciary (JU) , Budget Subcommittee on Finance and Tax (BFT) , Budget (BC)
Last Action: 01/20/2012 On Committee agenda– Budget Subcommittee on Finance and Tax, 01/25/12, 8:30 am, 301 Senate Office Building –Discussed/Workshop

CS/SB 396: Intergovernmental Cooperation
GENERAL BILL by Communications, Energy, and Public Utilities; Oelrich; (CO-INTRODUCERS) Gaetz; Lynn
Intergovernmental Cooperation; Authorizing certain parties to an interlocal agreement to conduct public meetings and workshops by means of communications media technology; providing notice requirements; providing a definition, etc.
Senate Committee References: Community Affairs (CA) , Communications, Energy, and Public Utilities (CU)
Last Action: 01/18/2012 Placed on Calendar, on 2nd reading -SJ 136
Effective Date: July 1, 2012

SB 552: Ethics
GENERAL BILL by Dockery; (CO-INTRODUCERS) Smith; Bennett; Jones; Rich; Joyner; Lynn; Detert; Storms; Sobel; Bullard; Evers; Latvala
Ethics; Defining the term “special private gain or loss”; prohibiting a member of the Legislature from voting upon or participating in any legislation inuring to the personal gain or loss of the member or his or her relative; prohibiting a member of the Legislature from participating in any legislation inuring to the personal gain or loss of a business associate, employer, board on which the member sits, principal by whom the member is retained, or parent corporation or subsidiary of such principal; requiring that members of the Legislature vote on the General Appropriations Act and disclose conflicts of interest with any line-item appropriation, etc.
Senate Committee References: Governmental Oversight and Accountability (GO) , Judiciary (JU) , Rules Subcommittee on Ethics and Elections (EE) , Rules (RC) , Budget (BC)
Last Action: 01/27/2012 Now in Judiciary -SJ 279
Effective Date: October 1, 2012

SB 648: Florida Climate Protection Act
GENERAL BILL by Hays; (CO-INTRODUCERS) Evers; Fasano; Flores; Benacquisto; Lynn
Florida Climate Protection Act; Repealing provisions relating to a cap-and-trade regulatory program to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from electric utilities, etc.
Senate Committee References: Communications, Energy, and Public Utilities (CU) , Environmental Preservation and Conservation (EP) , Budget (BC)
Last Action: 02/14/2012 Favorable by Environmental Preservation and Conservation; YEAS 5 NAYS 2
Effective Date: July 1, 2012

SM 672: Congressional Term Limits
MEMORIAL by Negron; (CO-INTRODUCERS) Evers; Storms
Congressional Term Limits; Urging Congress to propose to the states an amendment to the Constitution of the United States that would limit the consecutive terms of office which a member of the United States Senate or the United States House of Representatives may serve.
Senate Committee References: Rules Subcommittee on Ethics and Elections (EE) , Rules (RC)
Last Action: 02/09/2012 On Committee agenda– Rules, 02/14/12, 11:15 am, 110 Senate Office Building

CS/SJR 1070: Term Limits/County Commissioners
JOINT RESOLUTION by Community Affairs; Ring
Term Limits/County Commissioners; Proposing an amendment to the State Constitution to authorize the imposition of term limits on county commissioners when provided by county charter, etc.
Senate Committee References: Community Affairs (CA) , Judiciary (JU)
Last Action: 02/01/2012 Now in Judiciary -SJ 301

SB 1128: Eligibility for Temporary Cash Assistance and Food Assistance
Eligibility for Temporary Cash Assistance and Food Assistance; Prohibiting an individual convicted of a felony offense from receiving temporary cash assistance or food assistance under certain conditions; providing conditions under which a person with a felony conviction may resume receiving such assistance; providing for designation of an alternative payee under certain circumstances, etc.
Senate Committee References: Children, Families, and Elder Affairs (CF) , Criminal Justice (CJ) , Budget (BC)
Last Action: 02/01/2012 Now in Criminal Justice -SJ 314
Effective Date: July 1, 2012

CS/SM 1142: Federal Balanced Budget Amendment
MEMORIAL by Judiciary; Hays
Federal Balanced Budget Amendment; Urging Congress to propose to the states an amendment to the Constitution of the United States that requires the federal budget to be balanced each year.
Senate Committee References: Judiciary (JU) , Budget (BC)
Last Action: 01/23/2012 Now in Budget -SJ 252

CS/SB 1158: Development of Oil and Gas Resources
GENERAL BILL by Communications, Energy, and Public Utilities; Evers
Development of Oil and Gas Resources; Authorizing a land management agency to enter into a public-private partnership with a business entity to develop oil and gas resources upon onshore state lands if the development yields near-term revenues for the state; providing that the financial, technical, and operational risk for the exploration, development, and production of oil and gas resources is the responsibility of the private business entity; requiring that a business entity seeking a public-private partnership contract submit a business proposal to the agency for review; providing criteria for the public-private partnership contract; requiring a proposed public-private partnership contract to be approved by the Governor and Cabinet sitting as the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund, etc.
Last Action: 02/13/2012 CS by Communications, Energy, and Public Utilities read 1st time -SJ 504
Effective Date: upon becoming a law

CS/SB 1174: Establishing the Congressional Districts of the State

GENERAL BILL by Reapportionment; Reapportionment
Establishing the Congressional Districts of the State; Redistricting the state’s congressional districts in accordance with the United States Decennial Census of 2010 (plan H000C9047); amending provisions relating to the inclusion of unlisted territory in contiguous districts; reenacting provisions which provide for the election of representatives to the United States House of Representatives; providing for severability; providing for applicability, etc.
Last Action: 02/10/2012 Signed by Officers and presented to Governor -SJ 508
Effective Date: upon becoming a law, except as otherwise provided

CS/SJR 1176: Joint Resolution of Apportionment
JOINT RESOLUTION by Reapportionment; Reapportionment
Joint Resolution of Apportionment; Providing for the apportionment of the House of Representatives and the Senate (plans H000H9049 and S000S9008); adopting the United States Decennial Census of 2010 for use in such apportionment; providing for the inclusion of omitted areas; providing contiguity for areas specified for inclusion in one district which are noncontiguous; specifying that the apportioned districts constitute the legislative districts of the state; providing for severability of invalid portions; providing for application beginning in 2012, etc.
Last Action: 02/10/2012 Signed by Officers and filed with Secretary of State -SJ 508

SB 1242: Broadband Internet Service
Broadband Internet Service; Adding to the legislative findings that the sustainable adoption of broadband Internet service is critical to community development; designating the Department of Economic Opportunity rather than the Department of Management Services as the agency to receive and manage all federal broadband initiative funds for the state; requiring the Department of Economic Opportunity to establish a public-private partnership to work with certain private and governmental organizations to oversee broadband development; revising the oversight criteria, etc.
Senate Committee References: Communications, Energy, and Public Utilities (CU) , Commerce and Tourism (CM) , Budget Subcommittee on Transportation, Tourism, and Economic Development Appropriations (BTA) , Budget (BC)
Last Action: 02/07/2012 Now in Budget Subcommittee on Transportation, Tourism, and Economic Development Appropriations
Effective Date: July 1, 2012

CS/SB 1272: Possession of a Firearm or Destructive Device During the Commission of an Offense
GENERAL BILL by Criminal Justice; Latvala
Possession of a Firearm or Destructive Device During the Commission of an Offense; Providing that an exception to the 10-year minimum term for persons convicted of certain offenses during which the person actually possessed a firearm or destructive device does not apply to offenders convicted for possession of a firearm by a felon who have certain prior convictions, etc.
Senate Committee References: Criminal Justice (CJ) , Budget Subcommittee on Criminal and Civil Justice Appropriations (BJA) , Budget (BC)
Last Action: 02/13/2012 CS by Criminal Justice read 1st time -SJ 505
Effective Date: July 1, 2012

SB 1360: Application of Foreign Law in Certain Cases
Application of Foreign Law in Certain Cases; Clarifying that the public policies expressed in the act apply to violations of a natural person’s fundamental liberties, rights, and privileges guaranteed by the State Constitution or the United States Constitution; declaring that certain decisions rendered under such laws, codes, or systems are void; providing that the act may not be construed to require or authorize any court to adjudicate, or prohibit any religious organization from adjudicating, ecclesiastical matters in violation of specified constitutional provisions or to conflict with any federal treaty or other international agreement to which the United States is a party to a specified extent, etc.
Senate Committee References: Judiciary (JU) , Budget Subcommittee on Criminal and Civil Justice Appropriations (BJA) , Budget (BC)
Last Action: 02/06/2012 Now in Budget Subcommittee on Criminal and Civil Justice Appropriations
Effective Date: upon becoming a law

SB 1460: Preference in Award of State Contracts
Preference in Award of State Contracts; Expanding provisions that authorize an agency, county, municipality, school district, or other political subdivision of the state to provide preferential consideration to a Florida business in awarding competitively bid contracts to purchase personal property to include the purchase of construction services; providing that for specified competitive solicitations the authority to grant preference supersedes any local ordinance or regulation which grants preference to specified vendors; requiring a county, municipality, school district, or other political subdivision to make specified disclosures in competitive solicitation documents, etc.
Senate Committee References: Community Affairs (CA) , Education Pre-K – 12 (ED) , Governmental Oversight and Accountability (GO) , Budget (BC)
Last Action: 01/30/2012 Now in Education Pre-K – 12 -SJ 300
Effective Date: July 1, 2012

SB 1462: American Founders’ Month
GENERAL BILL by Diaz de la Portilla
American Founders’ Month; Citing this act as the “American Founders’ Month Act”; designating the month of September as “American Founders’ Month”; requiring district school boards to celebrate the American Founders and the principles inherent in the country’s founding documents by observing American Founders’ Month; specifying the focus of instruction during the month; providing that instruction may be integrated into the existing school curriculum; requiring distribution to school personnel of certain information, etc.
Senate Committee References: Education Pre-K – 12 (ED) , Budget Subcommittee on Education Pre-K – 12 Appropriations (BEA) , Budget (BC)
Last Action: 02/07/2012 Now in Budget Subcommittee on Education Pre-K – 12 Appropriations
Effective Date: July 1, 2012

SB 1560: Ethical Requirements for Public Officers
Ethical Requirements for Public Officers; Providing a restriction on employment with state universities or Florida College System institutions for a member of the Legislature; requiring that a member of the Legislature surrender employment with a state university or a Florida College System institution before seeking reelection; providing that a public officer holding an economic interest in a qualified blind trust does not have a conflict of interest with matters pertaining to that economic interest; requiring that the Commission on Ethics review the information contained in the public disclosure of financial interests filed by public officers, etc.
Senate Committee References: Rules Subcommittee on Ethics and Elections (EE) , Rules (RC) , Higher Education (HE)
Last Action: 02/09/2012 On Committee agenda– Rules, 02/14/12, 11:15 am, 110 Senate Office Building
Effective Date: July 1, 2012

CS/SB 1596: Elections
GENERAL BILL by Rules Subcommittee on Ethics and Elections; Diaz de la Portilla; (CO-INTRODUCER) Gaetz
Elections; Removing a provision prohibiting the use of the address appearing on the identification presented by an elector as a basis for confirming the elector’s legal residence; requiring that tickets and advertising for campaign fund raisers comply with the requirements for political advertisements; revising the information that is required to appear on a bank account for the deposit of funds received by a campaign treasurer for a candidate or political committee; revising the information that is required to appear on bank account checks of candidates or political committees; revising the information that is used to determine whether debit cards are considered bank checks, etc.
Senate Committee References: Rules Subcommittee on Ethics and Elections (EE) , Rules (RC)
Last Action: 01/30/2012 Placed on Calendar, on 2nd reading -SJ 300
Effective Date: upon becoming a law

SM 1742: Federal Spending Cap
MEMORIAL by Oelrich
Federal Spending Cap; Urging Congress to cap federal spending as a percentage of gross domestic product, etc.
Senate Committee References: Governmental Oversight and Accountability (GO)
Last Action: 01/17/2012 Introduced -SJ 230

SM 1822: Sarbanes-Oxley Act
Sarbanes-Oxley Act ; Urging Congress to repeal the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, etc.
Senate Committee References: Banking and Insurance (BI)
Last Action: 02/13/2012 Placed on Special Order Calendar, 02/14/12

SB 2018: Primary Election Date
GENERAL BILL by Rules Subcommittee on Ethics and Elections
Primary Election Date; Decreasing the period between the primary election and the general election in each year in which a general election is held, etc.
Senate Committee References: Rules Subcommittee on Ethics and Elections (EE) , Rules (RC)
Last Action: 01/18/2012 On Committee agenda– Rules Subcommittee on Ethics and Elections, 01/23/12, 5:00 pm, 412 Knott Building –Temporarily Postponed
Effective Date: upon becoming a law

CS/CS/SB 2038: Privatization of Correctional Facilities
GENERAL BILL by Budget; Rules; Rules
Privatization of Correctional Facilities; Requiring that the Department of Corrections classify all inmates without regard for and without consideration of whether the inmates will be assigned to facilities operated by the Department of Corrections or by a contractor; requiring that each facility’s medical and psychological grade population percentages remain substantially unchanged from the average daily population calculated for the 2010-2011 fiscal year; requiring that the Office of Program Policy Analysis and Government Accountability conduct a review of the assignments of inmates by the Department of Corrections; prohibiting the cost of such unused, accumulated leave from being included in the costs incurred by the state for the 2010-2011 fiscal year and in the 7 percent cost savings; requiring that the Department of Corrections be solely responsible for the operation and maintenance of any correctional facility at which the death penalty is administered, etc.
Last Action: 02/13/2012 Placed on 3rd reading
Effective Date: upon becoming a law

CS/SB 2094: Energy
GENERAL BILL by Communications, Energy, and Public Utilities; Communications, Energy, and Public Utilities
Energy; Authorizing a municipality to collect special assessments to pay the additional costs to purchase renewable energy for the municipality; adding factors for the Public Service Commission to consider in reviewing the 10-year site plans submitted to the commission by electric utilities; providing for a portion of the proceeds of the local government infrastructure surtax to be used for financial assistance to homeowners who make energy efficiency improvements or install renewable energy devices; providing a sales tax exemption for materials used in the distribution of biodiesel, ethanol, and other renewable fuels; exempting from regulation under ch. 366, F.S., the sale of electricity to the public for the purpose of electric vehicle charging stations, etc.
Senate Committee References: Communications, Energy, and Public Utilities (CU) , Agriculture (AG) , Budget (BC)
Last Action: 02/13/2012 CS/CS by Agriculture; YEAS 8 NAYS 0
Effective Date: July 1, 2012

SPB 7032: Congressional Districts of the State
Congressional Districts of the State; Redistricting the state’s congressional districts in accordance with the United States Decennial Census of 2010 (plan S000C9002); amending provisions relating to the inclusion of unlisted territory in contiguous districts; updating a reference; reenacting provisions which provide for the election of representatives to the United States House of Representatives; providing for severability; providing for applicability, etc.
Last Action: 12/06/2011 Submit as committee bill by Reapportionment (SB 1174)
Effective Date: upon becoming a law, except as otherwise provided

SPB 7034: Joint Resolution of Apportionment
Joint Resolution of Apportionment; Providing for the apportionment of the House of Representatives and the Senate (plans _______ and S000S9004); adopting the United States Decennial Census of 2010 for use in such apportionment; providing for the inclusion of omitted areas; providing contiguity for areas specified for inclusion in one district which are noncontiguous; specifying that the apportioned districts constitute the legislative districts of the state; providing for severability of invalid portions; providing for application beginning in 2012, etc.
Last Action: 12/06/2011 Submit as committee bill by Reapportionment (SB 1176)

SPB 7042: Primary Election Date
PROPOSED COMMITTEE BILL by Rules Subcommittee on Ethics and Elections
Primary Election Date; Decreasing the period between the primary election and the general election in each year in which a general election is held, etc.
Last Action: 01/11/2012 Submit as committee bill by Rules Subcommittee on Ethics and Elections (SB 2018)
Effective Date: upon becoming a law

SPB 7172: Privatization of Correctional Facilities
Privatization of Correctional Facilities; Requiring that the Department of Corrections privatize the management and operation of certain correctional facilities and assigned correctional units; requiring that the department determine the costs incurred for the 2010-2011 fiscal year for each correctional facility and assigned correctional unit according to a specified formula; limiting the costs to be incurred by the state in the second or subsequent contract years; repealing provisions relating to the adoption of rules by the Department of Corrections regarding contractual arrangements and standards for the operation of correctional facilities by private vendors, etc.
Last Action: 01/18/2012 Submit as committee bill by Rules (SB 2038)
Effective Date: upon becoming a law

SPB 7204: Balanced Federal Budget
Balanced Federal Budget; Urging Congress to call a convention for the purpose of proposing amendments to the Constitution of the United States to achieve and maintain a balanced federal budget, etc.
Last Action: 02/02/2012 Submit as committee bill by Budget (SCR 2100)

SPB 7206: Tax on Sales, Use, and Other Transactions
PROPOSED COMMITTEE BILL by Budget Subcommittee on Finance and Tax
Tax on Sales, Use, and Other Transactions; Revising the definition of the term “dealer” for purposes relating to the collection of the tax on sales, use, and other transactions; revising the term “mail order sale” to specifically include sales of tangible personal property ordered by Internet; deleting certain provisions that specify dealer activities or other circumstances that subject mail order sales to this state’s power to levy and collect the sales and use tax; providing that certain persons who make mail order sales and who have a substantial nexus with this state are subject to this state’s power to levy and collect the sales and use tax when they engage in certain enumerated activities, etc.
Last Action: 02/02/2012 Submit as committee bill by Budget Subcommittee on Finance and Tax (SB 2098) 


HJR 7 – Recall of Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Member of Cabinet, or Legislator
Joint Resolution by Kriseman (CO-SPONSORS) Bullard; Pafford; Randolph
Recall of Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Member of Cabinet, or Legislator: Proposes creation of s. 8, Art. VI of State Constitution to provide for recall of Governor, Lt. Governor, member of Cabinet, or legislator; provides how process is initiated; establishes requisite number & distribution of signatures; provides for simultaneous election of successor to remainder of term; provides that if elected official is not recalled, then additional effort to recall elected official may not be initiated during remainder of term; provides for reimbursement of certain expenses.
Effective Date: Not Specified
Last Event: 1st Reading on Tuesday, January 10, 2012 11:59 PM

HB 9 – Recall
General Bill by Kriseman (CO-SPONSORS) Bullard; Pafford; Randolph
Recall: Provides that Governor, Lieutenant Governor, member of Cabinet, or legislator may be recalled from office; requires that proponents of recall register as political committee; prescribes methods & timeframes for initiating & conducting recall; provides ballot language; provides that removal of Governor from office includes removal of Lieutenant Governor; authorizes adoption of rules.
Effective Date: on the effective date of House Joint Resolution 7, or a similar joint resolution having substantially the same specific intent and purpose, if that joint resolution is approved by the electors at the general election to be held in November 2012
Last Event: 1st Reading on Tuesday, January 10, 2012 11:59 PM

HJR 21 – Term Limits
Joint Resolution by Kriseman
Term Limits: Proposes amendment of s. 15, Art. III & s. 4, Art VI & creation of provision in Art. XII of State Constitution to increase length of terms of state senators to 6 years & state representatives to 4 years & limit state senators & state representatives to 12 consecutive years in office.
Effective Date: Not Specified
Last Event: 1st Reading on Tuesday, January 10, 2012 11:59 PM

HJR 23 – Ban of Oil Exploration, Drilling, Extraction, and Production in Territorial Seas
Joint Resolution by Kriseman (CO-SPONSORS) Bullard; Pafford; Randolph
Ban of Oil Exploration, Drilling, Extraction, and Production in Territorial Seas: Proposes amendment to s. 7, Art. II of State Constitution to prohibit exploration, drilling, extraction, & production of oil beneath Florida waters between mean high-water line & seaward limit of Florida’s boundaries; exempts transportation of oil produced outside of such waters.
Effective Date: Not Specified
Last Event: 1st Reading on Tuesday, January 10, 2012 11:59 PM

HM 57 – Sovereignty of the State
Memorial by Caldwell (CO-SPONSORS) Ahern; Albritton; Brandes; Gaetz; Perry
Sovereignty of the State: Urges Congress to discontinue its practice of imposing federal mandates & legislation upon states which exceed scope of its constitutionally delegated powers under Tenth Amendment to U.S. Constitution & to repeal all existing compulsory federal legislation that directs states to comply or requires states to pass specific legislation in order not to lose federal funding.
Effective Date: Not Specified
Last Event: 1st Reading on Tuesday, January 10, 2012 11:59 PM

HJR 345 – Revising Age Limits for Judges and Justices
Joint Resolution by Nehr
Revising Age Limits for Judges and Justices: Proposes amendment to s. 8, Art V of State Constitution to increase age after which justice or judge may no longer serve in judicial office; provides certain exceptions.
Effective Date: Not Specified
Last Event: 1st Reading on Tuesday, January 10, 2012 11:59 PM

HM 499 – Federal Balanced Budget Amendment
Memorial by Ingram (CO-SPONSORS) Brandes; Burgin; Caldwell; Gaetz; Julien; Mayfield; Metz; Patronis; Perry; Porter; Smith; Weinstein; Williams, T.
Federal Balanced Budget Amendment: Urges Congress to propose to states amendment to U.S. Constitution that requires annual federal balanced budget.
Effective Date: Not Specified
Last Event: Added to Second Reading Calendar on Wednesday, January 11, 2012 12:12 AM

CS/HB 631 – Terms of Courts
General Bill by Weinstein
Terms of Courts: Repeals provisions relating to regular terms of Supreme Court & circuit courts; repeals provisions relating to requiring judge to attend first day of each term of circuit court; repeals provisions relating to requirement for judge to state reason for nonattendance, penalty for nonattendance of judge, adjournment of circuit court upon nonattendance of judge, calling all cases on docket at end of each term, regular terms of district courts of appeal, special terms of district courts of appeal, requirement that criminal trials be heard in term of court prior to civil cases, & requirement that persons in custody be arraigned & tried in term of court unless good cause is shown; conforms provisions; allows Supreme Court to set terms of court for Supreme Court, district courts of appeal, & circuit courts; provides that appellate courts may withdraw mandate within 120 days after its issuance.
Effective Date: January 1, 2013
Last Event: Bill added to Special Order Calendar (2/15/2012) on Monday, February 13, 2012 6:25 PM
Main Amendment Filing Deadline: Tuesday, February 14, 2012 2:00 PM
Adhering Amendment Filing Deadline: Tuesday, February 14, 2012 5:00 PM

HM 685 – Cut to Federal Corporate Tax Rate
Memorial by Burgin
Cut to Federal Corporate Tax Rate: Urges Congress to cut federal corporate tax rate.
Effective Date: Not Specified
Last Event: Withdrawn prior to introduction on Thursday, November 17, 2011 2:11 PM

HB 689 – American Founders’ Month
General Bill by Bileca (CO-SPONSORS) Ahern; Artiles; Baxley; Bembry; Costello; Fresen; Gaetz; Julien; Nehr; Porter; Ray; Rooney; Stargel; Steinberg
American Founders’ Month: Designates month of September as “American Founders’ Month”; authorizes Governor to annually issue proclamation designating month & urging participation; requires district school boards to celebrate American Founders & principles inherent in country’s founding documents by observing American Founders’ Month; specifies focus of instruction & authorizes integration into existing school curriculum; requires distribution to school personnel, at beginning of school year, of information relating to patriotic programs.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Added to PreK-12 Appropriations Subcommittee agenda on Friday, February 10, 2012 4:06 PM

CS/HB 695 – Development of Oil and Gas Resources
General Bill by Ford (CO-SPONSORS) Smith
Development of Oil and Gas Resources: Authorizes land management agencies to enter into public-private partnership with business entity to develop oil & gas resources on onshore state lands under specified conditions; provides that financial, technical, & operational risk for exploration, development, & production of gas & oil resources is responsibility of private entity; provides for proposals & contracts; requires certain approval of contracts.
Effective Date: upon becoming a law
Last Event: Added to Appropriations Committee agenda on Monday, February 13, 2012 4:20 PM

HM 717 – Federal Corporate Tax Rate
Memorial by Burgin (CO-SPONSORS) Costello; Davis; Horner; Mayfield; Metz; Nuñez; Patronis; Perry; Pilon; Plakon; Smith; Young
Federal Corporate Tax Rate: Urges Congress to cut federal corporate tax rate.
Effective Date: Not Specified
Last Event: Now in State Affairs Committee on Wednesday, January 11, 2012 1:41 PM

CS/HJR 785 – Term Limits/County Commissioners
Joint Resolution by Wood (CO-SPONSORS) Brandes; Caldwell; Pilon
Term Limits/County Commissioners: Proposes amendment to s. 1, Art. VIII of State Constitution to authorize imposition of term limits on county commissioners when provided by county charter.
Effective Date: Not Specified
Last Event: Added to Second Reading Calendar on Monday, February 13, 2012 2:05 PM

HB 1209 – Application of Foreign Law in Certain Cases
General Bill by Metz (CO-SPONSORS) Adkins; Ahern; Baxley; Boyd; Caldwell; Campbell; Corcoran; Costello; Ford; Gaetz; Grant; Hager; McBurney; Pilon; Sands; Stargel; Steube; Van Zant; Weinstein
Application of Foreign Law in Certain Cases: Clarifies that public policies expressed in act apply to violations of natural person’s fundamental liberties, rights, & privileges guaranteed by State Constitution or U.S. Constitution; provides that act does not apply to corporation, partnership, or other form of business association, except when necessary to provide effective relief in proceedings under or relating to chs. 61 & 88, F.S.; specifies public policy of this state in applying choice of foreign law, legal code, or system in proceedings brought under or relating to chs. 61 & 88, F.S., which relate to dissolution of marriage, support, time-sharing, Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction & Enforcement Act, & Uniform Interstate Family Support Act; declares that certain decisions under such laws, codes, or systems & certain choice of venue or forum provisions in contract are void; provides for construction of waiver by natural person of person’s fundamental liberties, rights, & privileges guaranteed by State Constitution or U.S. Constitution; declares that claims of forum non conveniens or related claims must be denied; limits construction of provisions in certain circumstances.
Effective Date: upon becoming a law
Last Event: Now in Judiciary Committee on Tuesday, January 31, 2012 1:58 PM

HM 1219 – District of Columbia
Memorial by Williams, A.
District of Columbia: Urges Congress to admit District of Columbia as 51st state of USA.
Effective Date: Not Specified
Last Event: Now in Federal Affairs Subcommittee on Thursday, January 12, 2012 11:18 AM

HJR 1231 – Citizens’ Veto Referendum
Joint Resolution by Steinberg
Citizens’ Veto Referendum: Proposes creation of s. 28, Art. I & amendment of s. 9, Art. III of State Constitution to authorize & establish requirements for citizens’ veto referendum & revise effective dates of laws to conform to citizens’ veto referendum. Effective Date: Not Specified
Last Event: Now in Government Operations Subcommittee on Thursday, January 12, 2012 11:18 AM

CS/HM 1249 – Federal Spending Cap
Memorial by Oliva
Federal Spending Cap: Urges Congress to propose amendment to U.S. Constitution to require cap on federal spending as percentage of GDP.
Effective Date: Not Specified
Last Event: Now in State Affairs Committee on Thursday, January 26, 2012 2:07 PM

HM 1293 – Taiwan Policy Act of 2011
Memorial by Bernard
Taiwan Policy Act of 2011: Urges Congress to pass H.R. 2918, Taiwan Policy Act of 2011.
Effective Date: Not Specified
Last Event: Added to Second Reading Calendar on Wednesday, February 01, 2012 11:53 AM

HM 1307 – Sarbanes-Oxley Act
Memorial by Brandes
Sarbanes-Oxley Act: Urges Congress to repeal Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.
Effective Date: Not Specified
Last Event: Now in State Affairs Committee on Monday, January 30, 2012 5:58 PM

HB 1315 – Verification of Employment Eligibility
General Bill by Harrell (CO-SPONSORS) Ahern; Gaetz; Metz; Pilon
Verification of Employment Eligibility: Requires every employer to use Employment Authorization Program to verify employment eligibility of each employee on or after specified date; provides that business that does not use federal E-Verify system to verify employment eligibility of new employee shall lose its license to do business in state until business has registered with E-Verify system; prohibits employer from employing unauthorized alien; requires every public employer to register with & participate in E-Verify system for specified purposes; prohibits public employer, contractor, or subcontractor from entering into contract for physical performance of services in this state unless contractor or subcontractor registers & participates in system.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Now in Government Operations Subcommittee on Thursday, January 12, 2012 11:18 AM

HM 1321 – Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010
Memorial by Ahern
Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010: Urges Congress to repeal Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform & Consumer Protection Act of 2010.
Effective Date: Not Specified
Last Event: Now in State Affairs Committee on Monday, January 30, 2012 5:59 PM

HJR 1337 – Authority of Governor to Fill Vacancies in County Office
Joint Resolution by Soto (CO-SPONSORS) Randolph
Authority of Governor to Fill Vacancies in County Office: Proposes amendment to s. 1, Art. IV of State Constitution to remove Governor’s constitutional authority to fill vacancies in appointed or elected county office.
Effective Date: Not Specified
Last Event: Now in Government Operations Subcommittee on Thursday, January 12, 2012 11:18 AM

HJR 1377 – Religious Freedom
Joint Resolution by Plakon
Religious Freedom: Amends s. 3, Art. I of State Constitution to conform to religious freedom provision of First Amendment in U.S. Constitution.
Effective Date: Not Specified
Last Event: Now in Civil Justice Subcommittee on Thursday, January 12, 2012 11:18 AM

HB 1411 – Primary Elections
General Bill by Weinstein
Primary Elections: Revises date for primary election from 12 to 11 weeks before general election.
Effective Date: upon becoming a law
Last Event: Now in Government Operations Subcommittee on Thursday, January 12, 2012 11:19 AM

HJR 1421 – Constitution Revision Commission and Taxation and Budget Reform Commission
Joint Resolution by Patronis
Constitution Revision Commission and Taxation and Budget Reform Commission: Proposes amendment to s. 5, Art. II & ss. 2, 5, & 6, Art XI of State Constitution, to abolish Constitution Revision Commission & Taxation & Budget Reform Commission, which are authorized to propose amendments to State Constitution.
Effective Date: Not Specified
Last Event: Now in Finance & Tax Committee on Thursday, January 12, 2012 11:19 AM

HB 4001 – Florida Climate Protection Act
General Bill by Plakon (CO-SPONSORS) Weinstein
Florida Climate Protection Act: Repeals provisions for cap & trade regulatory program to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from electric utilities.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Added to Second Reading Calendar on Wednesday, January 11, 2012 12:13 AM

CS/HJR 6001 – Joint Resolution of Apportionment
Joint Resolution by Nehr
Joint Resolution of Apportionment: Provides for apportionment of House of Representatives & Senate (plans _______ and S000S9008); adopts U.S. Decennial Census of 2010 for use in such apportionment; provides for inclusion of omitted areas; provides contiguity for areas specified for inclusion in one district which are noncontiguous; specifies that apportioned districts constitute legislative districts of state; provides for severability of invalid portions; provides for application beginning in 2012.
Effective Date: Not Specified
Last Event: Added to Second Reading Calendar on Monday, January 30, 2012 1:09 PM
Main Amendment Filing Deadline: Tuesday, January 31, 2012 12:00 PM
Adhering Amendment Filing Deadline: Wednesday, February 01, 2012 12:00 PM

HB 6003 – Establishing the Congressional Districts of the State
General Bill by Legg
Establishing the Congressional Districts of the State: Redistricts state’s congressional districts in accordance with U.S. Decennial Census of 2010 (plan H000C9041); amends provisions relating to inclusion of unlisted territory in contiguous districts; reenacts provisions which provide for election of representatives to U.S. House of Representatives; provides for severability; provides for applicability.
Effective Date: upon the expiration of the terms of the representatives to the United States House of Representatives serving on the date that this act becomes a law
Last Event: Added to Redistricting Committee agenda on Tuesday, January 24, 2012 2:27 PM

CS/HB 6005 – Establishing the Congressional Districts of the State
General Bill by Legg
Establishing the Congressional Districts of the State: Redistricts state’s congressional districts in accordance with U.S. Decennial Census of 2010 (plan H000C9047); amends provisions relating to inclusion of unlisted territory in contiguous districts; reenacts provisions which provide for election of representatives to U.S. House of Representatives; provides for severability; provides for applicability.
Effective Date: upon the expiration of the terms of the representatives to the United States House of Representatives serving on the date that this act becomes a law
Last Event: Added to Second Reading Calendar on Monday, January 30, 2012 1:09 PM
Main Amendment Filing Deadline: Tuesday, January 31, 2012 12:00 PM
Adhering Amendment Filing Deadline: Wednesday, February 01, 2012 12:00 PM

HB 6007 – Establishing the Congressional Districts of the State
General Bill by Legg
Establishing the Congressional Districts of the State: Redistricts state’s congressional districts in accordance with U.S. Decennial Census of 2010 (plan H000C9045); amends provisions relating to inclusion of unlisted territory in contiguous districts; reenacts provisions which provide for election of representatives to U.S. House of Representatives; provides for severability; provides for applicability.
Effective Date: upon the expiration of the terms of the representatives to the United States House of Representatives serving on the date that this act becomes a law
Last Event: Added to Redistricting Committee agenda on Tuesday, January 24, 2012 2:27 PM

HJR 6009 – Joint Resolution of Apportionment
Joint Resolution by Schenck
Joint Resolution of Apportionment: Provides for apportionment of House of Representatives & Senate (plans H000H9025 and ________); adopts U.S. Decennial Census of 2010 for use in such apportionment; provides for inclusion of omitted areas; provides contiguity for areas specified for inclusion in one district which are noncontiguous; specifies that apportioned districts constitute legislative districts of state; provides for severability of invalid portions; provides for application beginning in 2012.
Effective Date: Not Specified
Last Event: Added to Redistricting Committee agenda on Tuesday, January 24, 2012 2:27 PM

CS/HJR 6011 – Joint Resolution of Apportionment
Joint Resolution by Schenck
Joint Resolution of Apportionment: Provides for apportionment of House of Representatives & Senate (plans H000H9049 and ________); adopts U.S. Decennial Census of 2010 for use in such apportionment; provides for inclusion of omitted areas; provides contiguity for areas specified for inclusion in one district which are noncontiguous; specifies that apportioned districts constitute legislative districts of state; provides for severability of invalid portions; provides for application beginning in 2012.
Effective Date: Not Specified
Last Event: Added to Second Reading Calendar on Monday, January 30, 2012 1:10 PM
Main Amendment Filing Deadline: Tuesday, January 31, 2012 12:00 PM
Adhering Amendment Filing Deadline: Wednesday, February 01, 2012 12:00 PM

HJR 6013 – Joint Resolution of Apportionment
Joint Resolution by Schenck
Joint Resolution of Apportionment: Provides for apportionment of House of Representatives & Senate (plans H000H9031 and _________); adopts U.S. Decennial Census of 2010 for use in such apportionment; provides for inclusion of omitted areas; provides contiguity for areas specified for inclusion in one district which are noncontiguous; specifies that apportioned districts constitute legislative districts of state; provides for severability of invalid portions; provides for application beginning in 2012.
Effective Date: Not Specified
Last Event: Added to Redistricting Committee agenda on Tuesday, January 24, 2012 2:27 PM

HB 7083 – Correctional Privatization
Appear at Meeting
General Bill by McBurney
Correctional Privatization: Requires Department of Management Services, in consultation with DOC, to competitively procure management & operation of correctional facilities & assigned correctional units for certain counties; provides exceptions; specifies time periods; requires responsive proposals to include specified cost savings; requires adherence to specified laws; provides for operational capacities; specifies disposition of certain funds; provides for inmate classification; provides requirements for certain population figures; provides for specific performance measures & levels of expected performance for contractor; requires reports by DOC; requires development & submission of transition plan & recommended operating budget revisions & cost-benefit analysis to LBC by specified date; provides requirements for such submissions; provides employment preference for current employees of affected facilities; requires DOC to make reasonable efforts to find suitable job placements for certain of those employees.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Added to Appropriations Committee agenda on Monday, February 13, 2012 4:20 PM

HCR 8005 – Balanced Federal Budget Amendment
Concurrent Resolution by Ahern
Balanced Federal Budget Amendment: Urges Congress to call convention for purpose of proposing amendment to U.S. Constitution to achieve & maintain balanced federal budget.
Effective Date: Not Specified
Last Event: Now in State Affairs Committee on Monday, January 30, 2012 12:05 PM

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