Quotes of Ted Cruz

Good Wednesday Morning…..

” I will fight for America until I can no longer stand”

“If standing for liberty and standing for the Constitution makes you a ‘wacko bird,’ then count me a proud wacko bird,”

“It is apparently very, very important to be invited to all the right cocktail parties in town. Now, I’ll confess: I don’t go to a whole lot of cocktail parties in town.”

“I don’t know if it’s the water, something in the air, the cherry blossoms, but people get here and they stop listening to the American people.”

“We don’t work for the lobbyists with tasseled loafers who walk the halls, but the single mom working in the diner.”

“I don’t think there’s been a day on this floor that I haven’t worn my argument boots. … I am not in my argument boots and I will confess, I really do feel embarrassed by that.”

Are we seeing the birth of a REAL REPUBLICAN PARTY? As long as McCain et al. still exist —( remembered lately for his worthless tabloid critique of Putin), only time will tell ……… But remember the “despised” — in office or out are usually the ones with something worthwhile to say, messages worthwhile to hear…… AND changes worthwhile to be made.

People argue that this filibuster “stunt” makes no difference. I disagree and time will tell out on this one. It is the first time in a long time the Republican Senate stood up…… for something more important than their own seat.


Stop Tryin’ to Mess with Me; I don’t feel no ways tired.

Good Tuesday Evening!

Let’s face it, as we call for diversity within the Republican Party, one thing is certain —- that the Black vote is OWNED by the Democrat Party. So why the occasional “racial dog whistles” from members of that party. I will tell you why, because they feel that every once in a while, instead of calling out problems in the Black community and trying to make them better, they have to show how “SOLID dey are wit de ignant folks”. Ebonics, establishes a bond between those in the Black community, while also creating an identity that separates the community from the mainstream group. That’s the point here, a biracial man who is President and a white woman who WANTS to be the President use will shamelessly use Ebonics to separate one segment of the population, solidify their union with them and appeal to this base union by showing how “ghetto” they can be. Right along with them.

The problem is that most of Black America grew up in the larger American community and it’s hard to be a full member of a community if you can’t speak the correct language – in this case, standard English, the language of education, business, and government.

As Walter Williams stated, VERY ELOQUENTLY,” “I don’t feel no ways tired. I come too far from where I started from. Nobody told me that the road would be easy. I don’t believe He brought me this far,” drawled presidential aspirant Hillary Clinton, mimicking black voice to a black audience, at the First Baptist Church of Selma, Alabama. I’m wondering if Mrs. Clinton visits an Indian reservation she might cozy up to them saying, “How! Me not tired. Me come heap long way. Road mighty rough. Sky Spirit no bring me this far.” Or, seeking the Asian vote she might say, “I no wray tired. Come too far I started flum. Road berry clooked. Number one Dragon King take me far.”

Nope, I ‘m pretty sure that she would not do such a thing…..

And what about the President? Who can forget Joe Biden’s famous praise of Barack Obama: “I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy,” he said. “I mean, that’s a storybook, man.”

I supposed that for a long time Joe Biden was hanging around with some really funky smelling ,dirty, inarticulate and ugly Black folks. I would certainly hope that he was not referring to the Congressional Black Caucus, since they would be one of his only reference points.

And then Harry Reid stated: Obama’s success was due to his “light-skinned appearance and speaking patterns with no negro dialect.” Well, he does have light skin. Michelle does not, but she is also successful. But the lack of “negro dialect” is the “sticking point” here.

Could it be that the President and Hillary Clinton to name but two of the Democrat Party that has been known to slip into the “Ghetto Speak” or “Ebonics” mode —- (Debbie Wasserman Schultz is another — she has a great love for a man called Jim Crow —- she speaks of him always in a pinch.) are doing so to pander to a group that they consider too stupid to know the difference?

My it would be as funny as when Ted Danson made a really bizarre tribute to his then girlfriend Whoopie Goldberg. Danson experienced substantial negative press attention on October 8, 1993 after his appearance in blackface at a Friar’s Club comedy roast in honor of then-girlfriend Whoopi Goldberg. In his monologue, Danson made extensive use of offensive racial stereotypes, used the word “nigger” more than a dozen times, and ate a watermelon. What could he have been thinking……

Probably the same as the aforementioned pair and the others. That it is OK to “relate” in this way to “those people”. They will appreciate it and welcome me and my ideas. Nevermind that this sets the group aside even more. There are so many problems within the Black community, our politicians don’t have to solidify that feeling of “differentness”, that feeling of “inferiority”, that feeling of “self hatred” that manifests itself in the level of “Black on Black” crime; poverty; unemployment; 76 percent of children growing up without responsible male figures; gang violence; anti-social behavior; poor school performance; …… and the list goes on…..

No one has to speak like a “caricature” of a sharecropper from the deep south. That is an insult to the “proper speaking” sharecroppers in the deep south.

Who is the “White Widow” and Why Should I Care?

Good Monday Evening All!

It has been a really busy day but I wanted to write before turning in a bit. Masked gunmen stormed into a fancy, crowded mall in Nairobi on Saturday and shot dead at least 39 people and wounded more than 150 in one of the most chilling terrorist attacks in East Africa since Al Qaeda blew up two American embassies in 1998.NYT

Several witnesses said the attackers had shouted for Muslims to run away while they picked off other shoppers, executing them one by one. The mall, one of Nairobi’s most luxurious, with glass elevators and some of the most expensive shops in town, is also popular with expatriates.NYT

The Shabab, an Islamist militant group based in Somalia, took responsibility for the attack. So……… it does not affect us, right? Wrong.

Al-Shabaab is claiming that there are American gunmen among
them. Not only that they are also from Finland, Canada, the UK., Somalia and Kenya. A really horrific coalition of cultures. In addition, witnesses have reported seeing a white woman among the shooters.

Soooooo….. who are these three men and this “white” woman. No one would ever believe that these American made terrorists could be from our heartland… Minnesota.

Minnesota has become a quiet battleground in a miniature, homegrown war on terror, pitting government authorities and their allies in the Somali community against fiery youths and their champions in the hardline mosques and among the ranks of angry, alienated Somali immigrants. A slew of nonprofit groups has sprung up to defend the mosques, claiming the connection between churches and terror recruits is overblown.

But they were simply the soldiers. The apparent leader is a young English woman by referred to as the “White Widow” otherwise known as Samantha Lewthwaite, also known as Sherafiyah Lewthwaite or the White Widow, is an alleged member of the Somali radical Islamic militant group, Al-Shabaab. She is the widow of Germaine Lindsay, one of the suicide-bombers of the 7 July 2005 London bombings.

Germaine Lindsey, (23 September 1985 – 7 July 2005), also known as Abdullah Shaheed Jamal, originally of Jamaica and later West Yorkshire England, was one of the four homegrown Islamist terrorists who detonated bombs on three trains on the London Underground and one bus in central London during the 7 July 2005 London bombings, killing 56 people (including themselves), and injuring more than 700. Lindsay detonated the bomb that killed 26 other people on a train travelling on the Piccadilly line between the King’s Cross St. Pancras and Russell Square tube stations.Wiki

Lewthwaite aka the White Widow, is allegedly a financer, recruiter and spokesman for Al-Shabaab as well as a young mother of three —- the youngest being approximately 5 years old.. She has also been accused of orchestrating grenade attacks at worship centers of religions other than Islam. She is believed to be behind an attack on those watching soccer in a bar in Mombasa during Euro 2012. In September 2013, the Kenyan government accused her of being one of the organizers of the Nairobi mall attack.

She apparently came from a rather respectable background, driven apparently murderously insane by her parents divorce, she found solace by hanging around with the neighborhood Muslims and reportedly found comfort in their “conservative” family life. She met her first husband on the internet and captured the newlywed Germaine Lindsay while he was a short eight days into his honeymoon. She later bore him a son, her eldest who is about 10 years old now.

Lindsay managed to blow himself up while murdering 26 innocent people. She was pregnant with their second child at the time. But don’t worry about it, she has NO compassion for man or woman; boy or girl ——- as long as you are not Muslim, you are fair game for this fair lass.

So, Angela, it is not happening here…….why worry about it? Well, sometimes we envision the heartland of the United States as being our last “wholesome” frontier. We listen to the “bitter clingers” froth and assume that is all. Well it is not. As a member of a women’s group while we lived in Kansas, I volunteered at something called the “Share Closet” — basically people in need could come to “shop” for free clothing, shoes, and other new goods donated by individuals and stores. I would see midwestern caucasian girls – one told me she had never set foot outside of the Kansas, Nebraska and Oklahoma area, get married to men from the Middle East. One day shorts and tennis shoes, ponytails and lipstick; the next (it seems) they were covered from head to toe wearing the traditional garb for women of the Islamic faith. Certainly, they could have fallen in love and traipsed off into the sunset, but the point is — change has come to ALL parts of this country. One of the gunmen in Nairobi was from Kansas City by the way.

What is the difference between here or there (the US and Nairobi)? Nothing, just a matter of time…. if we are unlucky. And I pray we never find out…

What is Progress, is it a just a Mirage?

There is nothing new under the sun……

What has been will be again,
what has been done will be done again;
there is nothing new under the sun.

Some people’s lives are ruled by sex, drugs, alcohol, false religion some are ruled by politics, some by gambling and other “pleasure principles” of the world, I have found out — sometimes the hard way and sometimes vicariously that you can not find “true happiness” in those things, what you find is a “true mirage”. That is why the pleasure found in one glass of alcohol or (likker as my husband refers to it) today will progress into 10 glasses tomorrow —- chasing happiness. A little “shotgun” hit from a friend was sufficient enough at one time for the drug addled junkie of today —- now not able to do much more than search for the next “high” —- they too are chasing happiness. A mirage, not real…

The human brain is geared towards “chasing happiness”. We want to make ourselves “happy” and in doing so we reach for things that we perceive to make us “happy”. The “love possessed” will seek man after man or woman after woman searching for their “Mr. or Mrs. Goodbar” —– hoping that they will find “happiness” through the application of another’s will — they will degrade themselves in public and private searching for that “pleasure”. It is even encouraged as many of the so-called “stars” have done nothing much besides filming themselves having sex. And most of you know that every gambler “knows” the next game played will yield the “big one”. —All worries aside they will be RICH and shower the friends and family with RICHES — also a mirage.

I have found this same fervor, this same seeking and searching associated with the idea of being a “Progressive”. In its strictest sense, the word progressive means “happening or developing gradually or in stages; proceeding step by step.” The key here is “step by step” development….

Does the world need progress? Of course it does…. Who would want to live in a world where women are treated as chattel, without claim to anything, who would want to live in a world where Blacks are slaves and where people are exploited merely for the degree of melanin contained in their skin —- no one. On a personal note, when I graduated from college I took the Greyhound $200.00 special from my college in the Midwest to New York City. Alone. I arrived at a relative’s house on a Saturday and stayed for the next year. I found a job as a secretary (even though I had a double major degree and could speak a couple of languages) —- I worked to be the BEST secretary I could be. My boss was a woman I met on my way to another interview, we shared coffee at the same table because the cafe was full. We spoke casually about a little town in Germany named Augsburg, told dumb jokes in the southern German dialect, she played the lute and I spoke about my mediocre talents as a violinist. We became fast friends. She asked me where I worked, I told her I was interviewing at 9:30 for a job. She looked amazed —- I will never forget this — she said —- “It is only 8:00” —- I ended up as her secretary for 6 months then on to assistant product manager for the next 2. That was progress.

One of the fellows that I worked with at the time was/is gay. The company we worked for is a very famous cosmetics concern. We hung out ALL of the time, being the same age — he is just maybe 5 years older. “Tom” called me on my first Christmas morning in New York, very upset, asking me to drive out to his father’s house in New Jersey to pick him up. I borrowed my Aunt’s car and promptly went to pick him up — you drive 60 miles or so in the snow, on Christmas morning to pick up a friend when you are 22. It seems the family opened their presents at midnight and his father and two brothers each wrapped up gold hangers and put them under the tree —- as his gift. The words were “come out of the closet” and other “funny” sayings…. More than 25 people witnessed this “funny” humiliation. He spent the day with my family eating caribbean food, watching the same old Jimmy Stewart movies and my aunt even found at least 3 presents for him. (We buy and store presents through the year)…. I hope we have all progressed beyond that.

So “progress” in its strictest sense, is a necessity for life and we usually want the best. But what happens when progress becomes a method for bending nation’s people to your will, to do what might not be in their best interest? What happens when progress means that a minority of people work within a framework promising “pleasure”, “riches” , “providing equality” and overall “happiness” while delivering unemployment, food stamps, welfare, a polluted school curriculum, a healthcare plan that they don’t even want, socialism and diminished hope? You get the present situation and that is NOT “progress” in its strictest sense.

Hope, Harmony, and Thuggery

Good Sunday Morning!

In 2008, at the end of a long primary fight, then-Sen. Barack Obama gave a triumphant speech in St. Paul, Minn., in which he said it could be a pendulum-like moment for America.

“If Americans would work for it, he said, acknowledging his own limitations, that June was the moment to which “generations would look back” and say, among other things, “this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal.”

He was speaking of his ascendency while referring to healing the planet from climate change, racial dis-harmony, and his overall ability to “fix” everything once the American people come to their senses and elect him.

To be quite frank, there are many who do worship him, as witnessed by the turnout and results of the last election. But the nagging problem still remains —- people seem even further divided by race, income level, ethnicity and political ideology.

What was really “hoped” for, in making Michelle Obama finally “proud of being an American” was at least to “right the wrongs” both perceived and true. People, racism DOES exist, lets be clear but so does sexism and a lot of other “isms”. But instead Obama, just as in his highly fictionalised accounts of his life in both of his books, invented an extreme level of victimization , reminding these groups —- black,gay, hispanic, poor, women and whatever “other than white male” group he could “muster up” of their victimization. This is a process, and the end result is not and can not be “harmony”. It was never meant to be.

From the very start, the American public, with their eyes misted over, crying about how “big” they felt by electing a man of color, and how “clean” they felt as they “washed the stain of racism” away by checking the box beside his name, believed in his fairy tale. Unfortunately it was about as false as his “composite girlfriends” in his much lauded and bought, but very much unread books.

By the same token, they lash out at the Black conservative. “How dare he/she?” We take away their Karma because they start to question what their lying eyes are telling them and it ain’t pretty. So what are their “lying eyes” telling them?

>With the exception of North Dakota, despite what the figures tell you, the unemployment rate is either the same or higher. Since the Workforce Participation rate is LOWER, it makes the overall unemployment APPEAR to be dropping, if the true numbers were published (they will never do that), you will find that it is over 10 percent.

>The relationship between the races has deteriorated rather than coalesced around this mythical harmony promised. Spates of Black on white crime have erupted around the country, largely ignored by the media. White on Black crime — reported ad nauseum with protests and weighing in by the President HIMSELF as well as the Justice department; Black on white crime — immediately some official jumps on TV declaring “it is not racial”.

This ends up being a continual process for this President and his handlers. All this while Chicago once again becomes the murder capital of the world. Black on Black crime, especially among Black males who represent 5.4 percent of the population but over 50% of the violent crime. But they remain victims, of “whitey”, who desires to “suppress” their ability to vote; who stops them from getting good education; who prevents them from _______.

>The actual decline in JOB OPPORTUNITIES. Manufacturing is back! So says the media, because the formula for counting the increase in manufacturing jobs has changed. Included in the new and improved formula are those jobs outsourced from an American manufacturer. In other words the 1000 new jobs in Malaysia outsourced from the Widget Factory in Toledo Ohio are counted as 1000 new American jobs.

>The upcoming deleterious effect of the Affordable Care Act AKA “Obamacare”. People are losing jobs right and left; losing health care; having to parse together part time jobs to make a living. This is bad policy people. And you don’t know the half of “what is in it”. I do. The problem is, we as Republicans are not all on one page. There are many who do not have the goal of winning. They have the goal of staying. They care only in saving their seat, so they aid the “other side” under the guise of “bipartisanship”. They only want to be safe in the trappings of office.

So back to “Obamacare”, Sarah Palin was right on a number of points, she just was not articulate enough to present the truth. That mixed with the perpetual clowning by the media and even those she thought to be on her side , diminished her abilities. McCain, well ….. not really worth a thought on this Sunday morning and Romney, while a very nice man did not have the courage in his DNA to do the job.

“Obamacare” is the law of the land now, bought with the few trinkets and candies as a sweetener for something that really ain’t so sweet.

And finally:

>America has become diminished on the international stage. Nuff said.

So then comes the “thuggery”. Remember the “citizen army” that most thought was so appalling? Well they are here, you imagined armies of brown shirted youths marching in lock step. You did not imagine the IRS, Navigators, select media outlets both radio and television such as MSNBC and various and sundry media personalities. That is the new citizen army and they DO march “lockstep” — check out their coordinated “news” broadcasts. And they are marching “Forward”, as promised.

The Common Core of Sex in the Afternoon

Good Friday Morning!

Get a load of what your children will be reading in the 10th grade or so……

“Hugo and Felicia stripped in their room, dissolving easily into one another, and made love against the whitewashed walls. Hugo bit Felicia’s breast and left purplish bands of bruises on her upper thighs. He knelt before her in the tub and massaged black Spanish soap between her legs. He entered her repeatedly from behind.” Dreaming in Cuban

“He would rather die than take his thing out of me. Of me. Not until he has let go of all he has, and give it to me. To me. To me. When he does, I feel a power. I be strong, I be pretty, I be young.” The Bluest Eye

So you say…… “Not my kid!” Yes your kid. This is part of the reality of the Common Core. At first glance, the Common Core boast a lofty set of goals… The mission statement reads:

“The Common Core State Standards provide a consistent, clear understanding of what students are expected to learn, so teachers and parents know what they need to do to help them. The standards are designed to be robust and relevant to the real world, reflecting the knowledge and skills that our young people need for success in college and careers. With American students fully prepared for the future, our communities will be best positioned to compete successfully in the global economy. ”

Well, that sounds good. We all want our children who are the future of this nation to have success in their college and careers. We want them to have a robust and relevant education. Check, got it….

It is a fact that many school districts are not as advanced as others and in this mobile society that we live in, we want to make sure that each ans every child would be able to move from one school district to another without feeling inadequate or unable to succeed. In other words, suppose your job had you relocate from say, Maryland, Massachusetts, or New York which boast the first second and third best schools in the nation to South Dakota, Nevada, Idaho or Mississippi (which are rated the worst) the education should at least be comparable and should proceed seamlessly —- removing all other factors. Check, got it….

In addition, with standardized testing, each child should have the same ability to score well and compete to attend the college of their choice without the burden of an inferior educational preparation. Check, got it…..

We ALL want our exceptionally, naturally gifted, offspring to achieve, excel and do well. No one has the desire to raise a household of male and female “Jethro Bodines” taking off their shoes to do their “go-zin-tas” for sums over 10.

Well, you would think we are all uneducated fools when we raised pointed, carefully researched questions about the costs, quality, validity, constitutionality and intrusiveness of Common Core. Bush thinks you are “purely political” beasts who are recklessly harming your own kids’ scholastic advancement.

“If you’re comfortable with mediocrity, fine. I’m not,” Bush hissed at Common Core critics. “(W)e’re not going to be able to sustain this extraordinarily exceptional country unless we challenge every basic assumption on how we do things.” Townhall

You see, the proponents of Common Core have taken on the sneer and ridicule mantle to press their point of intellectual superiority — especially where your kids are concerned. The message being “Unless you agree with me, you desire to raise stupid, unaccomplished children”.

So, do we have a right to question? Do we have a right to challenge. You Bet and You Better.

While the Common Core is fast becoming the mantra of education, you have a right to question the content. This concerns YOUR children, not the politicians or the school boards. For the life of me, I can not understand how lowered expectations in mathematics and ponography replacing great literature will “enhance” anything except…..

And finally, do we really want to make high school literature class worthy of a steamy sexual moment followed by a cigarette? Are we ready to be brow beaten by those who feel that by virtue of holding an elected office they might be “the decider” as to the level of “robust and relevant” sexual literature and experience each and every child should have before venturing out into the world?

Parents, educate thyself…

Gun Free Zones…….

Good Monday Evening.

Sad Day….

Today has been a somber day both in mood and weather. This morning’s evens which unfolded with horror before our eyes occurred on a military installation. As of now the casualty numbers stand at upwards of 13 dead, including the shooter.

Unfortunately, politics do not stop for this or ANY situation at all as witnessed by the address given by the President today, however, one argument will take over soon. That argument will be for “stricter gun control” laws. Even though time after time we have witnessed murder carried out in “gun-free zones” – public places where citizens are NOT legally able to carry guns.

“In 1993, among President Clinton’s first acts upon taking office in 1993 was to disarm U.S. soldiers on military bases. In March 1993, the Army imposed regulations forbidding military personnel from carrying their personal firearms and making it almost impossible for commanders to issue firearms to soldiers in the U.S. for personal protection. For the most part, only military police regularly carry firearms on base, and their presence is stretched thin by high demand for MPs in war zones.” Washington Times 2009

So, the suspected shooter, identified by the FBI as Aaron Alexis, 34, living in Fort Worth, is among the 13 dead. Alexis was a military contractor and a veteran of the US Navy.A military official said Alexis had been a Navy reservist on active duty before being discharged for misconduct.

Although the information is unfolding as to whether he had accomplices and his motive, it appears that Mr. Alexis had other past problems with the law. Alexis was armed with an assault rifle and a handgun, two law enforcement officials said. One said he also had a shotgun. One official said all the weapons have not been accounted for.

Navy Commander and witness Tim Jirus said he saw a man get shot in the head right in front of him. Jirus then fled the area. He said he didn’t get a look at the shooter.

Hundreds of workers in the Navy complex were forced to hide in place or flee for safety while gunshots echoed from a gunman firing into the cafeteria and other parts of the building.

Rick Mason, a program management analyst, said a gunman began shooting from a fourth-floor overlook in the hallway outside his office. He said the gunman was aiming down at people in the building’s cafeteria on the first floor.

It was like shooting at “fish in a barrel”.

Running, fleeing and hiding was all that the 3000 workers at the Naval Yard could do as they waited for help at the mercy of a crazy man with the advantage of being armed.

Meet Elizabeth O’Bagy

Meet Elizabeth O’Bagy:

The cute college coed who almost led America to war.

“A Syrian researcher whose work was cited by Secretary of State John Kerry and Sen. John McCain during congressional hearings regarding the use of military force against the Syrian government has now been fired for lying on her resume about having a PhD.”

Elizabeth O’Bagy wrote a Wall Street Journal op-ed piece that formed the basis for the administration’s claim regarding its need to go to war against Syria. However, the Institute for the Study of War fired O’Bagy once it discovered she did not have a PhD as she claimed.

Elizabeth O’Bagy, aged 26, is the Syrian “expert” Secretary of State John Kerry and Sen. John McCain cited in their pro-rebel Syria talk last week.

Well, what were her credentials? She could play soccer and she had a degree. Not a Ph.D., as she stated but a Bachelor’s degree and working on or almost completed an MA.

Well, she is quite talented…. and very persuasive in her writing …….but she has really should not have lied about her credentials. College kids can be so mischievous.

She is now the political director for the Syrian Emergency Task Force, a nonprofit rebel support group based in Washington, DC.

In Defense of “My Peeps” …… They ain’t who you might think they are..

Good Tuesday Morning!


Ok, I have officially “had it” with the sanctimonious, self righteous, unable to speak proper English without “like” and “um” crowd. It occurs on both the “right” and the “left”. Who can forget the condescending “Bitter Clingers” statement:

“You go into these small towns in Pennsylvania and, like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing’s replaced them,” Obama said. “And they fell through the Clinton Administration, and the Bush Administration, and each successive administration has said that somehow these communities are gonna regenerate and they have not. And it’s not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.”

I might mention that in his native Chicago, where children need “safe passage” workers to usher them to school, the gang members are clinging tightly to their guns. As of July 10, there have been 204 homicides in Chicago. But I digress…

As I have mentioned before, I a a voracious reader. Everything that comes under my purview receives a fair amount of attention…… Including the McCain family stories. Most notably Papa McCain and daughter Meghan…

I have daughters and I am fiercely protective and very “thin skinned” when it comes to my family, especially my two girls and my husband so I will tread lightly here.

I started to read the article this morning in “The American Thinker”, regarding Meghan’s statements about Republicans. The most bizarre thing about her usual diatribes would be that they always begin with an insult to the larger population —- of Republicans that is. She would eat her tongue before insulting the left. For any reason…..

She seems to believe that since her father, John McCain, is “Republican Royalty” by virtue of his war experience and longevity. To her he is the resident “Mavericky Badass” –her words not mine, she feels that she is far more intelligent than average and possesses the desire to spout off incessantly about how “clueless” and “rednecky” the rest of the party is. Forget the lack of personal accomplishments, she knows inherently in which direction the Republican should be marching.

So now little Meghan says “she respects the Republican Party, but wants to make clear: Some GOPers are crazy rednecks. She’s just not one of them”. She also demurely says that “although people think I am the voice of the young Republicans, I am not”.

Well, I guess I am one of the “rednecks”, having spent a great deal of time in the South and Midwest, and having LOTS of family who re-located to Texas….. I enjoy the country music, friendships, shooting at the range, riding a horses and the people. I have a friend from Jamaica who we introduced to a senior Marine NCO, they fell in love, married, retired to Montana with their two young children. They are all rednecks, she has a Jamaican redneck like me. And the babies are biracial “rednecks.” I suppose they are also Republicans and crazy…. I don’t know about the kids yet.. (smile)

I can never forget how ON THE DAY that I received my Ph.D. The “big crazy redneck” who was the dean of the Business College at one of the largest public universities in the Midwest appointed me as an Assistant Professor. I was also a Research Fellow at this den of “crazy rednecks” also known as one of the top public universities. But, of course, they do not have the enlightenment of people such as Meghan.

She ended the interview with some insight, however: We’re losing young voters, women voters and minority voters.” …..she added: “The extreme right wing of the party is still running everything. I love the Republican Party and respect and appreciate my role in it, even though I know some people don’t appreciate my role in it.”

Read more: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2013/sep/9/meghan-mccain-were-not-all-crazy-rednecks/#ixzz2eUAs8RR1

Well, yes, the women are back and forth and the minorities have got to be worked on, but not for the simplistic reasons she outlined…. Nope, the “extreme right” is not in charge, I guess if you take into account morals and values I would be in that group, so I’m not really “feelin’ the power”. But she did get one statement right, a great deal of people do not appreciate her role, whatever it is….

Where Have all the “Pretty People” Gone?

Where Have all the “Pretty People” Gone? They all opposed war every one….

The war is on, then it is off. We go one direction and then another. There is a “red line” and then the red line disappears or someone else drew it. I have not thought about it today, much…… What I have thought about are the “missing voices”. The fervent celebrity “peace-niks” who pounced, parodied and preached their “kumbaya”, evoking newer versions of peace protests songs and happy as they pronounced that they found their liberal “Prince of Peace”.

They were sarcastic, this group, piously sure of their own righteousness; moralistically appearing on one talk show after another showing their disdain for what they termed “Bush’s Wars”. Extolling in their superior ways as to how “ignorant” he was, how hapless, Bush was their version of the “anti-christ”. They “high-jacked” award’s shows with their high handed monologues. They showed up at “peace marches” forgetting their usual “war paint” and even allowing the gray roots of their expensive hair cuts to emphasize their weary disdain for conservatives, Republicans and everyone or everything on the “right”. They even referred to the right as “Nazis” , “Teabaggers” and other vile names —— unchecked by the sympathetic media.

Soon, they had their “Black Prince” and they were at peace within themselves……..But now, facing the guns and bombs of a possible war……we hear crickets from them. Silence…… So….whatever happened to:

“I think war is based in greed and there are huge karmic retributions that will follow. I think war is never the answer to solving any problems. The best way to solve problems is to not have enemies.”
— Sheryl Crow

>She might be too busy working on the CMA awards, war will be on her mind again if there is another Republican president.

“Let them then solemnly take counsel with each other as to the means whereby the great human family can live in peace, each bearing after their own time the sacred impress, not of Caesar, but of God.” 
—- Susan Sarandon

>She was “unavailable for comment.” —– She could not even get in the biblical form.

“Thank you so much for the courage to stand up to this mean-spirited and vengeful administration.”

—–Jane Fonda

>Busy also, no comment and more interested in her VERY ,VERY small appearance in Oprah’s latest film. In fact this lady had sage advice for young people, “women should rather choose the porn films their husbands watch instead of worry about them “. She should know.

And finally,

She made very crude jokes about Bush’s surname while talking about his war policies and discussing her frequent habit of being unable to control her urination without some sort of help. And when she was fired as a spokeswoman for Slim Fast, she cried censorship.
——Whoopie Goldberg….

She still hasn’t mocked Obama in any way…

So….. what gives? No big concerts by “The Boss”, no melodramatic speeches by Barbara Streisand….. nothing.

Well, catching up with  Ed Asner who spoke with the Hollywood Reporter, he said “celebrities are scared of being labeled “anti-black” by opposing the war.  Now it is racist to disagree with the Black Man in the White House……. I suppose the so-called “progressives” have made no “progress” at all — especially in their thinking…. about race that is…

And as for President Barack Obama , as he considers a military response against Syria, he won’t have to put up with those pesky old protest marches and pointed vocal protestations from the Hollywood set. Especially if they want to be on the next White House invitation list….

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