Wellington Wrap Up

Great meeting last night.  Our fearless leader, Pam Wohlschlegel, urged us all to join in helping  to defeat the recall election movement in Wisconsin because as Wisconsin goes, so goes Florida.   Vice President, Mel Grossman, just returned from Tampa where he and wife Barbara, were the local reps standing in opposition to a well-organized and supported Muslim Brotherhood demonstration. Thank you Mel and Barbara-God Bless You.  The President of the Wellington Chamber of Commerce, Alex Domb, alerted us to the petition drive in Wellington to make land use changes requiring unanimous approval. The beautiful, witty and knowledgeable Marion Frank, our new co-cordinator, delighted us with her presentation on the Unaffordable Health Care Act.  We must do everything we can to defeat the current administration come November, who has foisted this ‘obamanation’ on us.

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