FreedomWorks Here on April 5
Posted by PBCTP on March 22, 2021 · Leave a Comment

Our country is in danger. With the slimmest majority in many years, the Democrats are acting like the opposition does not exist. They passed a $1.9 Trillion (with a “T”) “Covid Rescue” package that bails out the blue states, funds an outrageous progressive wish list, and has very little to do with Covid. They are planning to ram “HR-1” down our throats that will federalize elections and institutionalize voter fraud nationwide. They have opened the borders and Covid infected migrants are pouring across, being put up in hotels on the taxpayer dime, and flown or bussed to every corner of the country.
What can we do about all this? The Tea Party came together in 2009 to fight the outrages of the Obama Administration, but this is so much worse. Do we have it in us to rise up and do it all again?
For some thoughts on this, please join us for a session with FreedomWorks on April 5.
One of our speakers will be Laura Zorc.

To FreedomWorks, Laura Zorc brings years of experience and expertise in the subject of education reform and an unparalleled devotion for putting power back in the hands of parents and families.
Laura’s focus shifted to education when her children began public school in Florida. Desiring a quality education for her four children, Laura served in multiple positions on the parent-teacher board of her children’s schools, was elected twice as president of her county’s parent-teacher association, and co-founded Florida Parents Against Common Core (FPACC), one of the largest parent-led advocacy groups in the state. Additionally, she served on former Florida Governor Rick Scott’s Education Committee as the parent representative before being elected to the Indian River County School Board.
In Laura’s free time you will find her volunteering on various education committees, giving professional tax preparation advice through the Volunteer Income Tax Assistant Program, and along with her husband, Tim, advocating for foster children in need of loving homes. She is a proud mother and grandmother of Florida public school students aging from kindergarten to 10th grade.
Stadium Grill
1203 Town Center Drive
Jupiter, Fl 33458
TIME: 5:30 PM Dinner – Order off the Open Menu
No Charge for Meeting
7:00PM Meeting.
Please RSVP below.