Karen Schoen to Speak at January 4 Meeting

Karen Schoen
Karen Schoen, originally from New York, currently resides in the Florida panhandle. A former teacher, dean and business owner, she became an activist and devotes her time speaking to groups throughout the United States educating Americans to the communist United Nations takeover of America called UN Agenda 21 aka Sustainable Development, Sustainable America, Resilient cities, Smart Growth, New Urbanism etc.
Karen has a Bachelors Degree in Education, minor in History and a Masters Degree in Liberal Studies and post graduate credits from the New School of Social Research where she was trained in psychological manipulation now applied in schools. Putting the pieces together and connecting the dots is her specialty.
Karen is one of the founders of the AgEnders (Americans ending Agenda 21) and writes for blogs, newsletters, agenda21today.com, americaismyname.org, saveamericafoundation.com, and Karenschoen.com. Karen co-hosts her radio show, “American Freedom Watch Radio,” on blogtalkradio.com/americanstatesman and redstatetalkradio.com, has numerous videos on teapartychannel.net, freedominamerica.us and youtube, and she is often a guest on other radio and TV shows.
Karen heads the team of AgEnders dedicated to educating Americans about Agenda 21 with “The AgEnders” webinars series designed to expose the truth, by providing education and conversation and action against UN Agenda 21. UN Agenda 21 calls for the inventory and control of every aspect of human activity while indoctrination into global governance. The Elite are using environmental issues to control the population, destroy American exceptionalism, individual rights, private intellectual and real property family values, religious values and nationalism. School programs like IB and Common Core are designed to transform Americans into accepting collectivism and social justice.
Karen has testified in front of the Florida Legislature on many occasions, is a Director of Panhandle Patriots, a founder of the AgEnders, (Americans ending Agenda 21) , Co- chair of the Florida Assessment Committee on Education and Director of the Save America Foundation. Email: kbschoen@bellsouth.net
Stadium Grill
1203 Town Center Drive
Jupiter, Fl 33458
TIME: 5:30 PM Dinner – Order off the Open Menu
No Charge for Meeting
7:00PM Meeting.
Please RSVP below.