The germ warfare concept is evolving. Warfare initiation originally meant an army of people from an aggressor nation attacking and killing people from a victim nation to achieve supremacy. After the invention of the airplane, warfare initiation involved the attacker dropping bombs on the victim (i.e. Perl Harbor). After the arrival of nuclear weapons the bombs were envisioned to be nuclear bombs. In those days a germ warfare attack was envisioned to be the attacker dropping bombs containing germs. But today the attacker has no need to develop germ-carrying bombs and methods of delivering those bombs to the victim. Today the attacker can kill people from the victim nations by facilitating air travel to the victim nations and letting the travelers be the delivery mechanism. It is analogous to a pest control company placing bait for ants to take back to their nest to kill the colony.
The latest germ warfare attack occurred on January 23, 2020, the date the communist Chinese government cut off Hubei province, the province that contains the city of Wuhan, from the rest of China by closing the province to domestic air and other forms of travel. But the communist Chinese government did not terminate international air travel to cut the province off from the rest of the world.
Coronavirus: Critics ask why China allowed flights out of Hubei during outbreak.
“China allowed the new coronavirus to spread across the world by allowing international flights to and from Hubei province, the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak, while taking strong measures to ensure the virus didn’t spread within China, according to the latest criticism of the country’s handling of the outbreak.”
The Chinese acted to try to prevent the spread of the virus throughout their country while facilitating the virus spread worldwide. It is this facilitation that constitutes the Wuhan germ world war attack.
The communist Chinese government sought to promote international air travel and put travelers at ease by declaring on December 31, 2019 that there was no “human-to-human transmission and no medical staff infection.”
The Comprehensive Timeline of China’s COVID-19 Lies.
This germ warfare attack successfully created the Covid-19 pandemic of 2020.
Three months after the war initiation the world was still struggling with the Wuhan corona virus world attack.
COVID-19 Coronavirus Pandemic
Worldwide nearly 3 million people had been sickened and over 200 thousand had died. Many countries had amassed unsustainable debt seeking to protect their citizens. In the United States nearly 1 million had been sickened and over 50 thousand had died.
U.S. Deficit To Hit Record $3.8 Trillion Amid Pandemic.
Is the United States’ deficit spending sending us to a fiscal calamity from which we cannot recover?
Will communist China achieve supremacy without ever firing a shot?
Will the world seek retribution from communist China for the damage it has inflicted?
We may never know if the release of the possibly genetically engineered virus from the Wuhan germ warfare facility was intentional or accidental, but does it matter now?
CANCELLED – K Carl Smith at Abacoa

KCarl Smith
A former U.S. Army officer and President & Founder of LIBERTYMessenger USA, KCarl is considered the nation’s #1 diversity engagement expert.
According to RedState, an online conservative news source, “KCarl Smith is one of the most influential people in America … Most certainly, KCarl is one of the most important people grassroots conservatives and Republican Party leaders should be listening to right now.”
It was KCarl’s Frederick Douglass Republican message that inspired Louisiana State Senator Elbert Guillory’s party switch from Democrat to Republican. Here’s what Senator Guillory has to say:
“KCarl helped me to articulate my need to change. Thank God for sending … , KCarl to my rescue.”
As one of the greatest conservative thinkers in America, KCarl is the author of the bestselling book entitled, Frederick Douglass Republicans: The Movement to Re-Ignite America’s Passion for Liberty and producer of the increasingly popular online course, Frederick Douglass Republicans 101: How to Share Your Conservative Values Without the Fear of Being Called a Racist, Uncle Tom, Bigot or Sellout.
You may have seen KCarl on the 700 Club, The BlazeTV and FoxNEWS.
Join us in welcoming KCarl.
Abacoa Golf Club
105 Barbados Drive
Jupiter, Fl 33458
TIME: 5:30 PM
Dinner – $17.00
(Buffet, Cash Bar),
6:00 PM Meeting.
Please RSVP below.