Laurie Cardoza-Moore on Textbook Bias
Posted by Fred Scheibl on October 10, 2019 · Leave a Comment

Our October meeting featured Laurie Cardoza-Moore, President of PJTN (“Proclaiming Justice to the Nations”). Her organization exposes the corruption of school textbooks that now frequently feature anti-semitic and anti-American messages.
“We are the last generation to know the real America” she says, as what we learned is a far cry from what is being taught in today’s public schools. As the insidious bias in modern textbooks pushes an Islamic world view, she endeavors to educate Christians and Jews to stand against it.
Her primary target is the Pearson Company, which currently owns 80% of US textbook publishers. A British company, founded in 1844, it has 35,000 employees in 70 countries. Pearson describes its mission as: “To help people make progress in their lives through learning,” but Laurie categorizes it as “Changing the way American’s think.” She points out that the company’s shareholders are concentrated in the Islamic countries of Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Libya and Turkey.
Laurie finds the Pearson curriculum to be anti-American, anti-Judeo/Christian, anti-Israel, and anti-western civilization, and cites some excerpts such as “international law is the law of the land”, “Judaism is not a world religion”, and holocaust revisionism in general.
Pearson is not alone in trying to push this worldview on America’s students. Since Jimmy Carter instituted the Department of Education in 1980, pride in America has been on the decline. She quotes CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations), whose goal of Islamic government in the US is to be achieved not through violence but through education. The Common Core curriculum ties directly into these efforts.
On the question of “what to do about all this”, she recommends educating yourself on the problem and mobilizing resistance. Get to know your school board members (or run for office yourself) and fight it in the local school districts.
For more information about Laurie and PJTN, see:

Also at the meeting was surprise guest Congressman Brian Mast. Brian has been publicly opposed to the House impeachment circus and has called on Speaker Pelosi to be removed. (See newsmax story) At the meeting, he mostly took questions from the audience on the federal red-flag laws that are being proposed in Congress, and tried to gauge the opinion in the room.