Sebastian Gorka at Trump Club 45

On Monday night I had I attended the Trump 45 Club meeting at the Kennel Club to hear Dr. Sebastian Gorka speak. By the time I arrived the place was jammed packed (ed: estimated at more than 1300). I inconspicuously made my way down to the floor, snuggled up against the closest column and enjoyed the show. Dr. Gorka was dynamic and engaging and the audience was excited to be there with him. Dr. Gorka spoke of his life, his new book, “Why We Fight” Russiagate, the economy,the time spent in the White House and some Q&A. There were selfies to be had and hundreds of books were signed. For me, I was just happy to be a part of it all.
May Golan Highlights December Meeting at Abacoa
Our December meeting in Abacoa covered two topics.

First, Kirk Wolak gave us an update on the dangers of voter fraud, right here in Palm Beach County. A participant in the lawsuit against Brenda Snipes following a previous election, he reported on the difficulty in holding election officials accountable for malfeasance and/or incompetence. The left is invested in convincing all of us that voter fraud does not exist (while they are perpetrating it), so the answer from the SOE is always “nothing to see here”. Those in a position to do something about it (the Governor, RPOF, etc.) don’t ever seem to have the will to take it on. Kirk’s answer for now is for more people to become poll watchers or poll workers to bring as much sunshine to the process as possible.
Next up was Israeli activist and Knesset candidate May Golan. May became politically active about 10 years ago when she perceived a train wreck coming – illegal immigration was changing the nature of her country, bringing terror, crime and political unrest. This was particularly true in her hometown of South Tel Aviv, one of the more dangerous parts of Israel. By some analysis, in 10 years Israel may cease to be a majority Jewish country.

While the current Netanyahu government is very much aware of the problem, they are hamstrung by a “radical left fascist media”, and a bureacracy wedded to the status quo. About 8 out of 10 of the new NGOs formed (non-government organizations) each year are pro illegal immigration and funded by outsiders like George Soros.
May’s tools to fight back include cultivating a media presence, making and distributing videos and a large social media presence. She founded “Hebrew City NGO” to focus resources on the problem, and she doesn’t pull any punches. “We don’t want to bribe these people,” she says, “we want to put them on a plane back to wherever they came from.”.
Many of us who see the threat posed by uncontrolled migration to the US and Europe perhaps were not aware of a similar problem in Israel, which has the reputation of toughness against terrorism and positive control of their border. Overstaying work or tourist visas by economic migrants from the Arab countries and Africa can have the same end result though, as a caravan crashing through a national border.
In her bid for a seat in the Knesset, May needs about $50,000. If you would like to help her with this goal, please see below. Her flyer describes her candidacy as:
May’s stand on the unity of Jerusalem, Jewish prayer on the Temple Mount, Israeli sovereignty in “Area C” of Judea and Samaria, strengthening the Jewish and Zionist character of the State of Israel, and insuring the development of the Galil and the Negev for future generations are unapologetic and inspiring. She has for years advocated for and been an example of the political and social empowerment of young women. She is a strong leader and we need strong leadership.
To donate to May’s campaign, make checks payable to “MAY GOLAN PRIMARY CAMPAIGN”, S’derot Sheshet HaYamim 16, Tel Aviv 6753508.
If you have a PayPal account, you may contribute by sending money to:
The maximum donation under Israeli law is $2700 and donations are not tax-exempt in the US. All donations as required by law are filed with the Israeli Knesset Ethics Committee, confidentially. You will be contacted to assist in providing current address and identification information.
There will be no January meeting in deference to the New Year holiday.