PBCTP 2018 Ballot Picks

To print a copy of our 2018 Election Picks, CLICK HERE.

Since the Tea Party is comprised of independent minded patriots, not everyone will agree with our picks. As the disclaimer points out, you need to do your own research and make up your own mind.

Two Page Ad in the Weekender

Once upon a time there was an evil man. Bad George Soros was the bane of our land. He had a fortune and he sure had fun…..

TPP Call – 9/30/18

Welcome to the Tea Party Patriots Weekly National Leadership Call Report. Glad you checked in to see what going on.

Guest Jay DeLancy of the Voter integrity Project of NC. Mo Brooks’ legal counsel under Marshall Yates sent out via email on 9/26/18 a letter to AG Sessions asking that he make voter fraud a top priority especially in sanctuary cities.

Future Speaker Jim Jordan Visits PBCTP and Trump Club 45 PBC

On Monday October 8, Ohio Representative Jim Jordan spoke at a combined meeting between the PBC Tea Party and Trump Club 45 PBC. Held at the Palm Beach Kennel Club, 1200 enthusiastic fans showed up to cheer on a possible Speaker of the House. Jordan, one of the founders of the Freedom Caucus, has been a key leader in standing up for conservative principles in the Congress and the Trump agenda. Assuming the House does not end up in Democrat hands (Speaker Pelosi AGAIN!), Jim would have a lot of grassroots support from tea parties, FreedomWorks, Heritage Action, and others, to challenge establishment candidate Kevin McCarthy of California for the Speakers gavel.

In his remarks, Jim outlined some of the players in the Russian Witch Hunt that have payed a price. He has been relentless in calling for transparency for the DOJ documents that lay out the extent of the conspiracy, and is particularly interested in seeing Rod Rosenstein (Deputy AG) sit before a Congressional Committee to talk about his role in the “insurance policy” against Trump.

Some of the leaders of the two clubs were able to discuss many topics with the Congressman at a pre-meeting dinner at the Embassy Suites, along with two other speakers at the event – Fox News contributor Dr. Gina Loudon and FreedomWorks Senior Fellow C.L. Bryant. While it is not assured, there was a lot of optimism in the room for keeping the House majority.

A few pictures from the event:

Jim Jordan, Mel Grossman, Joel Channing

Mel Grossman, Jim Jordan, Mark Miller, Barbara Grossman

Larry Snowden, Jim Jordan, Joe Budd, C.L. Bryant