A Reason for Optimism – John Michael Chambers
Posted by Fred Scheibl on August 7, 2018 · Leave a Comment

Over the years, we have been warned about the Globalist Conspiracies that threaten to reduce our country to one more cog in a dreary machine controlled by multi national elites who profit while the world’s peoples are enslaved. This is nothing new – I remember how my father used to rage against the “Tri-Lateral Commission” during the Carter era. Even though he was a Roosevelt Democrat, he was deeply suspicious of what we would now call “The Deep State”.
Typically, these warnings of impending doom suggest that unless we change our ways and wake up to what is happening, Armageddon will ensue.
Last evening we were treated to something different – an optimistic message that help is on the way.
John Michael Chambers, who describes himself as a strategic wealth coach, is the creator of the Economic Institute for Asset Preservation, and would like to help you manage your money. A Tampa resident, John is back at the PBCTP for a second time, as he makes the rounds of tea parties, Republican and Trump clubs, relating his perceived global threats to our sovereignty and their effect on our personal financial situations.
His optimistic message is that Trump is the existential threat to the global power structure that seeks to control us and HE IS WINNING!
Yes, this Global Cabal exists, controls most of the media (who are beholden to the “Clinton Machine”) and the bureaucracy, seeks one world government and the reduction of global population to less than 1 Billion, has over 10,000 “secret” organizations working within the US alone, and have us under 24×7 surveillance through “post-constitutional” government enabled by the Patriot Act. And yes, they have saddled us with a $20 trillion national debt, $150 trillion in unfunded liabilities, $1.5 trillion in student loan debt – all of which will lead to a “Global Financial Reset” that will replace our current system of government and economic systems.
Not to worry though, because the 2016 election has dealt “them” their first real setback and they have met their match in Donald Trump. Real soon now, expect to see “Nuremberg style” trials of the deep state perpetrators who have fought to de-legitimize the President and maintain their stranglehold on the levers of power. He cites the long list of accomplishments of barely 18 months of the administration – the tax cuts, deregulation, leaving TPP, the Paris Accords and the Iran deal, Judicial appointments, 4.1% economic growth, lowest unemployment in history, the “America First” foreign policy, etc. as proof that the tide has turned. The President has them right where he wants them and it is driving them CRAZY!.
We shall see.
Also at the meeting we heard from Lowell Levine – founder and president of the Stop Bullying Now Foundation, whose mission is to “… raise money for school districts around the country to address and eliminate the ongoing dangerous student bullying problem which is causing death, much mental and physical harm as well as forcing students to drop out of school”. Lowell was a candidate for PBC School Board in 2010 and 2012.
We also heard from several candidates – CD18 incumbent Brian Mast and challenger Dave Cummings and FH86 candidate Laurel Bennett.