The Elephant in the Room
Posted by Fred Scheibl on June 5, 2018 · 6 Comments

Congressman Brian Mast, speaking at the Abacoa chapter meeting on Monday, confronted his critics and doubled down on his call for age limits and the ban on the sale of “gas operated, semi automatic” rifles, such as the AR-15 and AK-47. (Actually that definition probably applies to many of rifles sold that are not single shot bolt action devices.)
In an attempt to guide the audience down the path of his thinking, he asked a series of questions, starting with “who would keep the gun laws as they are?” (most raised their hands.) Very few agreed with “expanding background checks”, “raising age limits”, or banning other categories of equipment, but there was support for restrictions based on mental health. He referenced the “national firearms act”, in place since the 30’s that bans the retail sale of automatic weapons, and argued most don’t think that infringes on the second amendment.
A self described owner of many firearms himself, who grew up around weapons and was trained in the military, Congressman Mast supports the usual gun rights position that guns are tools and you don’t blame the tool for the action of the wielder. That said, he does object to the “lethality” of semi-automatic rifles in the hands of the mentally defective, and believes that the sale of these weapons should be stopped “at least for a while”, while we figure it all out.
Banning the sale of the AR-15 and the like would obviously lead to banning the possession of such of course, and by some counts there are over 3 million AR-15 variants in the hands of American citizens, who are almost entirely law-abiding. That, presumably is part of “figuring it all out”.
While Brian also touched on other topics, such as his support for the tax cuts, opposition to the omnibus spending bill, opposition to sugar subsidies (controversial in Florida), and his initiative to open a Congressional office in the VA hospital.
He also deflected criticism he has received from low conservative “scores” from Heritage Action and Freedomworks. Heritage assigned him 46% on their “key votes” where the average house Republican is at 64%. Freedomworks has him at 49%.
“I wasn’t elected to represent Heritage Action” was his defense, and suggested that he supports President Trump in areas where these organizations do not.
To be fair, the scoring is somewhat one dimensional and a vote is not always what it seems. Your really have to look at the votes and decide for yourself. Heritage Action dinged him for example, for reauthorizing the CHIP program and supporting FAA reauthorization without the privatization they wanted. Most bills have pros and cons, and there is room for interpretation.
During the Q&A, most focused on his position on guns. Teri Hughes lit into him for blaming guns for Parkland, even though there were so many governmental failures that did not adequately deal with the shooter before hand.
Then Linda Wummer asked the question many of us were thinking – how are you going to win your base back and get re-elected? Many people in the room have been strong fans of the Congressman, worked for him in 2016, and have defended him against critics since he was elected. His current difficulties are self-inflicted. Calling for a gun ban is tilting at windmills – it is not likely to happen, and there is no upside to proposing one (if you are a conservative).
Brian is now facing a primary challenge from Mark Freeman and Dave Cummings – something that would have not have happened without this stumble. The Democrats have Lauren Baer and Pam Kieth – neither likely to draw many Republican votes, but in this narrow R+4 district, turnout in November will be key.
Politicians always break your heart at some point, and Brian has broken many over the last few months. This seat is too important to lose over a single issue though, and we have to put on our big-boy pants and consider the big picture. If you disagree with Brian only on the gun control proposal, it is painful but not likely to make a substantive difference in the debate that has already moved on. Consider what losing this seat to a Democrat will do to the Trump agenda, and maybe you will choose the pragmatic course.
In the end, you give him a pass. Not me. I voted FOR him, rather enthusiastically, in the last election. Sadly, he is as anti-liberty as the progressives. He IS a progressive. I will vote against him at every step of the next election.
“This seat is too important to lose over a single issue though” ARE YOU KIDDING ME????????????????????????????????????????? SIngle issue?????????????????????????????????????? Brian Mast was an Obama leftist from the start! look at how many standing ovations he gave Obama as he stood as their personal guest at the 2011 State of the Union! I am done with the TEA party and done with the Republican machine of fools. I will be voting Democrat if Mast wins the primary, o will my whole network. Then maybe the party will get the message.
Obviously those who are commenting are unaware of the ramifications of not voting for the CD 18 incumbent in the Primary. If another candidate besides Mast wins, there is no way they can beat the opposing party’s candidate who is being funded by leftists, mostly who are located in California. Their agenda is to ban all guns, are for open borders, killing babies (to name only a few issues). She is very proud of her accomplishments while working with Hillary Clinton under the Obama administration.
As for Mast and his so called countless standing ovations, Mast was asked by his CIC (right after he suffered his catastrophic injuries) to attend the SOTU. Apparently many are unaware of military protocol as he accepted the orders from the President. Constituents should be focused on the real enemy, not an active duty member (during that time) following orders from the Commander in Chief. No one has the right to say unless they have been active military and an invited guest to a SOTU.
People should be focusing on Dave Cummings (who is duplicitous in nature) who claims Mast is not conservative enough and bashing him for attending a SOTU. Cummings was NOT even a registered Republican during the said timeframe that Cummings is bashing Mast about. He was registered to vote as a NPA 2010-2014. His voter registration clearly indicates such. Can anyone say hypocrite?
That’s funny, I just did a FULL background on Dave Cummings. I looked up his voter registration. It says he was registered in 2010 as a Republican. Follow this link everyone.
So quit spreading lies.
And there are plenty of people when they got their driver’s license who checked the box to also register to vote. It does not have a box for party affiliation, or at least it didn’t before. So it defaults as independent unless you specifically go in to change it. That is the reason this state has so many “independents.” Most people don’t know this until the big elections which happen every 4 years. So even if what you are saying is true, that means little.
I also looked Dave up on the FL Dept. of Insurance website an he holds an active license as an all lines insurance adjuster – just like he said he does. Dave also has properties for rent through a real estate agent in Port Saint Lucie. So he IS a real estate investor, just like he said. He is in the 2018 yearbook at the Morninside Academy where he says he taught high school. Just like he said.
Lastly, Dave is CLEARLY and VOCALLY pro 2A while everyone else is caving, Dave announced his candidacy at Trump Club 45, and also shows up as a donor to Trump in the 2016 election. Sorry buddy, he is the real thing. Brian is the counterfeit.
So who is a better (more conservative, tea party alignment) alternative to Mast? Cummings or Freeman? I’m filling out the absentee ballots.
My quick assessment is Mark Freeman most aligns with my tea party political views.
Current (6/30) financial reports of cash on hand list Mast with about $2M and Lauren Baer over $1M. Cummings and Freeman have pocket change. The district is R+4 (better than last time) but Cummings/Freeman have little name recognition and little money to reach the voters in this large district. If Mast loses the primary, the Dems will take the seat. You figure it out. There are other important issues besides the 2nd Amdt. and nobody is going to ban any guns anyway. Need to look at the big picture.