TPP Call – 5/6/18
Agenda: Guest Speaker: Senator David Perdue
Constitution Minute: Chris Wright
Washington Report: Bill Pascoe
Update: Jenny Beth Martin
1. Guest Speaker: Senator David Purdue (R Georgia), elected in 2014, provided more information
on the proposed Honest Government Pledge. Senator Purdue will be holding a press conference
on Tuesday 5/8 to introduce the Honest Government pledge. He asks that we not go public with
this pledge until after Wednesday’s press release. Purdue reminded us that right now there are
42 working days left before August recess and reiterated the crisis we are facing with in with
these federal circuit court judge confirmations. The goal is to avoid another massive continuing
resolution in September like the one that just passed and to get in the budget the 12
appropriations bills for review with amendments and an opportunity for the American people to
review what is being debated on the floor. Following Wednesdays announcement Purdue
encourages all Tea Party Patriots to send a letter to McConnell and email and/or tweet your
Senators urging them to stay in session until these issues are resolved…..
Red Meat from an Ag Commissioner Candidate

“Americans come first in America” – that was the message from Agriculture Commissioner candidate Colonel Mike McCalister this week at Abacoa.
Delivering a fiery speech that touched on all the “hot buttons” – guns, the Constitution, standing for the anthem, respect for the flag, “In God we Trust”, and fighting the “new world order liberals”, the Colonel said very little about Agriculture or the job he is running for, but the crowd loved it.
On church and state he said “We are one nation under God … and we’re going to stay that way!” To immigrants, legal or otherwise, his advice was “Assimilate, not Agitate!”.
Touching on the spirit of the founders who were both smart and brave, he stressed our American Heritage and teaching about the Constitution, which some officials, even judges act as if it doesn’t exist.
His remarks were not very different than those he delivered in past campaigns (Governor in 2010, Senate in 2012), but as then, he was well received by the audience.
On his current campaign, he pointed out that the Agriculture Commissioner oversees many things, particularly Consumer Services. Although he had a long military career, his degree is in Earth Sciences, and he currently operates a palm tree farm. He sees diseases (citrus greening, etc), labor availability and water as priorities.
Ending with a quote from Ronald Reagan, he reminded us that we are still “the shining city on the hill” and that “our best days are ahead of us.”
Also at the meeting were CD18 primary candidates Dave Cummings and Mark Freeman who tried to explain why they think Brian Mast should not have a second term.
We also heard from Dr. Robert Katz, Executive Director of America Resurgent, a veteran’s support group. This group is putting on a benefit for disabled veterans in September called “Tipping Point 2018”. Check out their website for more information.
Dr. Peter Vincent Pry at Abacoa on July 2

Dr. Peter Vincent Pry
Dr. Pry, a CIA Executive Director and Member of Task Force on National Security and Homeland Security, Director of U.S. Nuclear Strategy Forum is the author of Blackout Wars. An expert on protection of crucial infrastructures, such as our power grids, he gives insightful and frightening reality to nuclear, man made and climate caused catastrophic electromagnetic pulses to earth and our entire civilization. Are we experiencing threats today? What was the recent blackout in Puerto Rico really all about? Is there a possible EMP attack from N. Korea aimed at us now?
Read Articles.
Abacoa Golf Club
105 Barbados Drive
Jupiter, Fl 33458
TIME: 5:30 PM Buffet – $20.00
6:30 PM Meeting.
Please RSVP below.
Frank DeVarona at Abacoa on June 4

Frank deVarona
Bay of Pigs POW, Educator, Journalist, Historian, internationally known expert on Hispanic contributions to the US:38 years in the Miami-Dade public school system……: author of over 25 books and 400 articles which have won him awards, appointments on advisory boards with Dept. of Educ.:Appointed as Office Manager of the West Dade 2016 Trump Victory Office,recruited over 200 volunteers:Presented President Trump with the coat of arms of the Brigade 2506: Invited to speak at the Trump Rally at the Bayfront Park in Miami. District 25 Committeeman of the Miami-Dade County Executive Republican Committee to represent 16 precincts.
Abacoa Golf Club
105 Barbados Drive
Jupiter, Fl 33458
TIME: 5:30 PM Buffet – $20.00
6:30 PM Meeting.
Please RSVP below.
Frank DeVarona at Boca on June 5

Frank deVarona
Bay of Pigs POW, Educator, Journalist, Historian, internationally known expert on Hispanic contributions to the US:38 years in the Miami-Dade public school system……: author of over 25 books and 400 articles which have won him awards, appointments on advisory boards with Dept. of Educ.:Appointed as Office Manager of the West Dade 2016 Trump Victory Office,recruited over 200 volunteers:Presented President Trump with the coat of arms of the Brigade 2506: Invited to speak at the Trump Rally at the Bayfront Park in Miami. District 25 Committeeman of the Miami-Dade County Executive Republican Committee to represent 16 precincts.
Boca Community Center
150 Crawford Blvd, Boca Raton, FL 33432
(561) 393-7807
Please RSVP:
Frank DeVarona at Wellington on June 6

Frank deVarona
Bay of Pigs POW, Educator, Journalist, Historian, internationally known expert on Hispanic contributions to the US:38 years in the Miami-Dade public school system……: author of over 25 books and 400 articles which have won him awards, appointments on advisory boards with Dept. of Educ.:Appointed as Office Manager of the West Dade 2016 Trump Victory Office,recruited over 200 volunteers:Presented President Trump with the coat of arms of the Brigade 2506: Invited to speak at the Trump Rally at the Bayfront Park in Miami. District 25 Committeeman of the Miami-Dade County Executive Republican Committee to represent 16 precincts.
Wellington Community Center
12150 Forest Hill Boulevard
(561) 753-2484
Wellington Chapter RSVP:
TPP Call – 4/29/18
1. Guest Speaker: Senator Jim DeMint
Jim DeMint discussed a new project he founded with the Conservative Partnership Institute (CPI). The
CPI is dedicated to providing a platform for citizen leaders, the conservative movement, members of
Congress, congressional staff and scholars to get connected. CPI works to provide conservative leaders
with the tools, tactics, resources and strategies to help make them be successful in advancing
conservative policy solutions. One such project is the Honest Government Pledge. The goal of the
Honest Government Pledge calls for the House to remain in session until a sufficient number of
appropriation bills are passed and for the Senate to remain in session until a sufficient number of the
Trump’s federal circuit court nominees are confirmed. DeMint states the Senate is essentially working
essentially two days a week right now and nominees are being voted on one at a time instead of the
traditional block voting. Senator James Lankford proposed a bill to reduce debate time for non-cabinet
nominees from 30 hours to 8. Passing of the bill will requires 51 votes in the Senate. The Honest
Government Pledge will be available on the Tea Party Patriot website by Monday afternoon….
TPP Call – 4/22/18
1. Guest Speaker: Philip Haney, author of the best-selling book “See Something Say Nothing” was
the guest speaker on Sunday’s TPP call. Haney’s book exposes the US governments submission
to Jihad. Mr. Haney studied Arabic culture and language while working as a scientist in the
Middle East before becoming a founding member of Homeland Security in 2002 as a Customs
and Boarder Protection agriculture officer. He was promoted to the Advanced Targeting Team
(ATT) of the National Targeting Center. He won numerous awards and commendations from his
superiors for meticulously compiling information and producing actionable reports that led to
the identification of hundreds of terrorists. He specialized in Islamic theology and the strategy
and tactics of the global Islamic movement. Haney retired in July 2015. He now and spends his
time doing public speaking and educating about differences between the United States concept
of sovereignty and the Islamic attempt to impose their definition of sovereignty in this country.
Haney touched on the role of the Hillary Clinton’s State Department officials in shutting down
his investigations into Islamist terrorism during his tenure with Homeland Security. During his
tenure he was investigated multiple times by the Obama Administration because of the
information he was entering into the ATT database about the Muslim Brotherhood based on
allegations he was violating their privacy and civil liberties by implying they were part of a
terrorist group. Finally, Haney strongly encourages everyone to become fluent in our
Constitutional language, especially Article VI, clause 2 which in essence makes the
implementation of any aspects of Sharia law illegal in this country. Contact Jenny Beth Martin if
you are interested in contacting Philip Haney for a speaking engagement…..