Derek Boyd Hankerson at Abacoa 2/5
Posted by PBCTP on January 2, 2018 · Leave a Comment

Derek Boyd Hankerson
Former Northeast Florida Regional Director,
Trump for President
Mr. Hankerson will speak of the vast differences between 1984 and 2016 from 2 perspectives.
Mr. Hankerson was born in Chicago; however, he grew-up in Prince George’s County Maryland, 15 miles outside the Nation’s Capital has held 3 Presidential Appointments, worked for 3 Presidents and 2 Vice Presidents.
He has been actively engaged in government and politics for 34 years and started his career at Reagan-Bush 1984 Presidential Campaign where at the age of 18 when he first served as staff on Reagan- Bush 84 in the Political Division in Washington, DC and worked with” African Americans for Reagan-Bush.” He has served on every GOP Presidential campaign as staff except Governor Romney and Herman Cain as either the political or advance staff!
To include having served a President Trumps Northeast Regional director responsible for 9 northeast counties in the primary and then sent to St. Lucie county as part of Victory 2016 Field Operations in the general, which was flipped red for the first time while electing congressman Brian Mast and President Trump. In fact, St. Lucie put President Trump over the top in Florida.
Mr. Hankerson is a faculty member, world traveler, who conducts primary research, is a published author who give presentations and lectures on accurate American History including the African-Diaspora and the great migration on Africans in the New World, on Florida’s rich multi-cultural past, international history and presidential politics.
Mr. Hankerson served as Producer of Freebooters Productions, which was an Independent Film and Digital Production Company located in St. Augustine.
Over 15 years in business he created marketing campaigns, produced and co-produced documentary films, educational training and curriculum programs that have expanded education related to the Gullah-Geechee Cultural Heritage Corridor, the Original Underground Railroad south to Spanish Florida and those indigenous people to the New World.
Mr. Hankerson has been the catalyst connecting St. Augustine and the first coast to Fort Mose, the National Park Service (NPS) Underground Railroad Network to Freedom Project, and the NPS Gullah-Geechee Cultural Heritage Corridor.
He has also produced a number of documentaries related to Florida’s rich history and served as the 2 terms Putnam County Tea Party chairmen.
His great, great, grandfather was appointed by President William Howard Taft as a Florida postmaster, and other relatives served as elected officials in numerous states as republicans!
Abacoa Golf Club
105 Barbados Drive
Jupiter, Fl 33458
TIME: 5:30 PM Buffet – $20.00
6:30 PM Meeting.
Please RSVP below.