10/24 for Trump and the Resurrection of America
Posted by PBCTP on October 5, 2017 · Leave a Comment

John Michael Chambers
John will discuss his new book – “Trump and the Resurrection of America”
Also Wednesday 10/25 there will be a John Michael Chambers workshop at the Marriot on PGA BLVD in Palm Beach Gardens 6:30pm no charge.
Abacoa Golf Club
105 Barbados Drive
Jupiter, Fl 33458
TIME: 5:30 PM Buffet
6:30 PM Program
Dinner – $20.00
(Buffet, Cash Bar)
No charge for meeting.
Please RSVP:
John Michael Chambers was born and raised in New York and has traveled across much of the United States. Presently residing in both the U.S. and Asia.
1996 – 2008: Financial Advisor, six independent offices in Colorado, Florida, and New Mexico with a focus on wealth preservation. Interviewed by the Wall Street Journal as well as many other newspapers and radio and television stations of note across the country, including CBS and NBC.
In Washington, D.C., John attended meetings held by members of Congress that were also attended by former President George W. Bush and First Lady Laura Bush, on Social Security Reform, Tax Reform, and Homeland Security. He was awarded by the Presidential Business Advisory Council of Washington DC, 2004 & 2005, The Businessman of the Year Award for the state of Colorado. John is a patriot who loves his country and serves as but one voice for humanity.
2008 -2017: Radio talk show host on 860 WGUL AM radio, a Salem Communications Company. Public speaking in over 30 cities, six states and three countries where he addressee both the dangers and opportunities as Trump deconstructs the New World Order. Founder of the Save America Foundation, a 501(c)4 not-for-profit foundation providing a variety of educational formats and modules. He has dedicated much of his time over the past two decades sharing insightful and empowering information to help keep freedom alive.
Author: 2013 – “Surviving Global Governance”. 2015 – “Misconceptions and Course Corrections” 2016 – “What One Man Can Do” John’s latest book – “Trump and the Resurrection of America”. Presently John is posting daily on his blog site and will continue to write and publish books and blogs. https://johnmichaelchambers.com/
As of January 2017 John has embarked upon a public speaking tour across the nation beginning in the great state of Ohio. The name of his tour is “Trump and the Resurrection of America”.