March in the Veterans Day Parade with PBCTP
Come and join the Palm Beach County Tea Party as we march in the Veteran’s Parade on Sunday November 5th on Clematis Street in West Palm Beach. See below for parade information:
Dear Parade Participants,
The Palm Beach County Veterans Committee is honored to have you join us for the 10th annual City of West Palm Beach Veterans Day Parade!
The mission of Palm Beach County Veterans Committee, Inc., is to proudly honor through the Memorial Day Ceremony and the Veterans Day Parade our past, present, and future veterans in this our Country; the United States of America.
We thank you for your participation and support!
Below and attached you will find important information.
Please forward to those in your group that will be participating.
Sunday, November 5, 2017.
Line up – 12 noon at Clematis and Tamarind or Sapodilla (see below)
Parade start – 2 pm and travels east on Clematis to Flagler
RAIN or SHINE – We start at 2 pm.
VOLUNTEERS are greatly needed to help distribute information and help with lineup – we need them from 11am (training, line up & parade) to 3pm (parade end) – we can give volunteer service letters to students as needed – please email me to confirm by Friday 11/3/17 by 12 noon. Volunteers will check in at the post office at Clematis and Sapodilla and be assigned a job during training at 11am.
PARKING is free in City garages and on streets other than Clematis – parking garages are highlighted on the attached route and line up document – please use their Banyan and Evernia entrances. (Clematis starts shutting down at 11am)
PARADE VEHICLES – Please enter at Tamarind and Clematis, we will have volunteers there to guide you to your spot.
MOTORCYCLES – Please enter at Datura and Sapodilla you will be lining up between Sapodilla and Rosemary on Clematis – ask for Gary who will help you with placement.
SHOW CARS – Please enter at Banyan and Sapodilla – ask for Dee who will help you with placement.
STUDENTS – There will be no dropping off at Tamarind and Clematis – it is for vehicles in the parade only. We recommend parents drop their child/children off at the corner of Datura and Sapodilla then have them walk 1 block north to the corner of Sapodilla and Clematis where a volunteer will help with placement. (We ask that you have at least one chaperone with your group in the lineup at all times – do not leave your child/children without supervision) Parking recommendation for parents: park in one of the Evernia garages as groups will be directed to Post Park at Evernia and Narcissus (3 blocks south of Clematis) for pick up – there will be no vehicle stopping or standing on the street.
CHECK IN – Please look for volunteers in flourescent vests at the corner of Clematis & Tamarind and Clematis & Sapodilla – they will direct your group to it’s placement.
PLACEMENT – Much effort and thought has gone into placement and no changes will be made to the parade lineup order. (Although there may be some additions) Please let me know if you see a spelling error for your group. PLEASE NOTE – we reserve the right to change placement on event day because of challenges out of our control or if your group is late for line up.
SIGNAGE/BANNER – It is mandatory that your group display signage identifying your organization/group.
PORTALETS – Will be available at the corners of Clematis & Tamarind and Clematis & Sapodilla.
SAFETY – No throwing of candy or any items to spectators, if you have something you want to distribute you must walk it to them – it can not be given out from the vehicles. Bring water, sunscreen, first aid kit and wear comfortable shoes. If unable to complete parade please find volunteer at one of the cross streets who will contact parade staff to assist as able. Please contact parade staff or volunteers if you see or hear anything that may be of concern on the day of the parade – the safety of our participants and those in attendance is our primary concern!
SOLICITATION – There will be absolutely no solicitation of funds/donations from any organizations participating in or affiliated with the parade other than the PBC Veterans Committee.
GRAND STAND – Please advise those you are inviting to attend parade that the parade announcements will be made at Clematis and Dixie. It is the best spot for viewing. Please ask them to stop by and thank our media sponsors – Palm Beach Post and Alpha Media WIRK/WFTL!
NEW THIS YEAR – ROTCs, Bands and Dance/Baton Troops may perform at the bandstand – You/they are limited to 2 minutes and under. Please note that this means those behind you/them will have times during the parade when they will be at a complete stop. PLEASE INFORM THOSE YOU KNOW WHO ARE ATTENDING AS SPECTATORS!
END OF PARADE – Per the request of the City of West Palm Beach there will be a change in the end of the parade. Please follow directions of volunteers in fluorescent vests placed at the intersection. ONLY vehicles will travel on Clematis from Narcissus to Flagler. Walking participants (bands, ROTCs, etc) will turn right on Narcissus and proceed to Post Park for pickup. There will be no unloading of participants on Clematis – you must turn right on Flager and proceed to either Datura, Evernia, or the parking garage where your passengers parked. We must keep the parade moving.
VETERAN INFO TENTS – There will be many Veteran and community organizations located at the end of the parade (Clematis and Narcissus) at Fountain Park including: American Legion Post 199, DAR – Seminole Chapter, FL Dept of Veterans Affairs, Freedom Veterans of America Motorcycle Association #11, Health Career Institute, Keiser University Spirit Squad, Legal Aid Society of Palm Beach County, Inc., Palm Beach County Democratic Veterans Caucus of Florida, Palm Beach County Veteran Service Officers, Palm Beach State College, Palm Beach Twirling Coalition, Palm Beach Vet Center, South Florida National Cemetery, Veterans Health Organization, Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 25 and Young Marines of the Palm Beaches – please stop by for important information.
MOLLY’S TROLLEY – Once again we will have Molly’s Trolley as the last vehicle in the parade. Veterans who can not walk and have no other vehicle are invited to ride in the parade. At the end of the parade for those who need assistance to their vehicles parked at the beginning of the parade route we do have access for a very limited time after the parade. It is first come, first served and will only travel to City garages. (not street parking) You will be able to board the Trolley on the north side of the fountains. These trips are reserved exclusively for those who are physically in need of assistance.
SPONSORS/DONORS – Please make note of our sponsors and donors, who without their support we would be unable to produce our parade!
Host City of West Palm Beach; Gold sponsors Florida Public Utilities and GEO Group; Silver sponsors Florida Public Utilities and Palm Beach Kennel Club; Bronze sponsors Disabled Veterans of America and Lytal, Reiter, Smith, Ivey & Fronrath LLP; Supporters Mercedez Benz and Republican Party of Palm Beach County and Media sponsors Alpha Media – WIRK/WFTL and The Palm Beach Post.
If you or your organization would like to sponsor or make a donation, please contact me at sstjohn@pbcveteranscommittee.o rg. Your donation is tax deductible.
Please like and share our facebook page – we need you to help insure a huge turnout this year! Beach-County-Veterans-Committe e-Inc
This is the page where you will find photos afterwards – and you are encouraged to share yours here as well!
Please #PBCVetparade2017!
I think that is it!
I am here to answer any other questions you have – please let me know if you have any 🙂
Again, we thank you for joining us in this exciting and meaningful day.
We hope you feel as we do that the day truly shows our support for Veterans and all they have and continue to do for us!
Thank you!
Serving in gratitude,
Shanna D St John
​Palm Beach County Veterans Committee
561-523-6553 cell
http://pbcveteranscommittee.or g
The mission of Palm Beach County Veterans Committee, Inc., is to proudly honor through the Memorial Day Ceremony and the Veterans Day Parade our past, present, and future veterans in this our Country; the United States of America.
TPP Call – 10/22
1. Constitution Minute; Chris Wright
There were mass protests & violent rioting in D.C. during President Trump’s inauguration. Lawsuits resulting from damage claims and rioter behaviors are nearly ready to go to trial. Since D.C. is 95% politically democrat, the anticipated trial results are not favorable.
2. D.C. Update; Bill Pascoe
There were lengthy debates about Iran not adhering to the obama program agreements; with possible U.S. responses.
The senate passed a budget resolution bill. This eliminates the ability for democrats to utilize filibusters to interfere with proposed tax changes.
Two additional Presidential nominees were confirmed.
The democrats are trying to restore the obama care insurance company subsidies that were cancelled by the President. Although these subsidies are not currently a legal feature of obama care, the democrats believe they can find a “back door” way to make them legal.
Relative to the sale of U.S. uranium to Russia, there is strong evidence that the FBI (Mueller was then the Director), knew that the Russians were then in the process of bribing state department officials, but this was never made public or acted on by the administration. There is also a witness to the bribing activities that has been to date, silenced by the then administration. This witness now has hired a well known lawyer who is working to allow the witness to testify unhampered.
3. TPP Actions; JBM
There currently is a focus on tax reform. The TPP website has a detailed description of current activities. These include house parties, calls to congress, flag & sign waving rallies, letters to the editors and post cards to congress.
There is a Tax Reform Coalition, that requests all local tea party reps. to individually participate in tax reform activities.
No webinar next week.
4. Q & A
Signed off at this point.
J.C. Burge
TPP Call – 10/15
1. Constitution Minute; Chris Wright
The left’s primary anti Constitution effort is to dispute that our basic rights come from God.
2. D.C. Report; Bill Pascoe
The U.S. is developing a new strategy to confront Iran. The first step is to deny certification of the Obama agreement.
President Trump, with substantial help from Senator Rand Paul is preparing to release by executive order, “Association Health Care”. This will circumvent a substantial portion of Obamacare. The President is also considering stopping illegal health care company payouts. A number of states are preparing lawsuits in an attempt to keep the pay outs.
President Trump’s political nomination confirmations are still being seriously delayed.
3. Current TPP Actions; JBM
Tax reform: (Visit TPP web site instructions), “How To” Guides, Talking Points, Social Media, Sign Petitions,Call Congress, House Parties.
Same instructions for Obamacare & McConnell resignation
4. Q & A
McConnell has confirmed only seven court judges, which is less than one per month.
There were additional questions; but at this point, I signed off.
Chris Gaubatz at Wellington on 11/8
NOTE: This is PART 2 of the presentation that Chris began at Abacoa last August.
Wellington Community Center
12150 Forest Hill Boulevard
(561) 753-2484
Please RSVP:
As the son of a career Air Force OSI Special Agent, Chris Gaubatz grew up in England, Korea, California, and Utah, and today calls southwest Virginia home.
Chris worked for several Fortune 500 companies conducting fraud investigations and asset protection, as well as insurance sales.
In 2007, Chris began researching the threat of jihadi organizations in the United States by posing as a Muslim convert and attending Muslim Brotherhood/Hamas conferences gaining access as an intern with the Hamas organization Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) in Virginia.
While working at the CAIR MD/VA office, Chris uncovered a fraud scheme being perpetrated by CAIR’s “immigration attorney” who was defrauding Muslims in the community and lying about handling their immigration proceedings. In fact, he was not even a licensed attorney.
When that office was shut down by CAIR in an effort to conceal this criminal activity, Chris was invited by Hamas/CAIR leaders to work at their headquarters office in Washington, D.C.
During his time there, Chris obtained over 12,000 pages of documents from Hamas/CAIR and over 300 hours of covert audio/video recordings.
The entire story is featured in the book Muslim Mafia authored by investigative journalist Paul Sperry and Dave Gaubatz (Chris’ Father).
Chris Gaubatz at Boca on 11/7
NOTE: This is PART 2 of the presentation that Chris began at Abacoa last August.
Boca Community Center
150 Crawford Blvd, Boca Raton, FL 33432
(561) 393-7807
No charge for meeting.
Please RSVP:
As the son of a career Air Force OSI Special Agent, Chris Gaubatz grew up in England, Korea, California, and Utah, and today calls southwest Virginia home.
Chris worked for several Fortune 500 companies conducting fraud investigations and asset protection, as well as insurance sales.
In 2007, Chris began researching the threat of jihadi organizations in the United States by posing as a Muslim convert and attending Muslim Brotherhood/Hamas conferences gaining access as an intern with the Hamas organization Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) in Virginia.
While working at the CAIR MD/VA office, Chris uncovered a fraud scheme being perpetrated by CAIR’s “immigration attorney” who was defrauding Muslims in the community and lying about handling their immigration proceedings. In fact, he was not even a licensed attorney.
When that office was shut down by CAIR in an effort to conceal this criminal activity, Chris was invited by Hamas/CAIR leaders to work at their headquarters office in Washington, D.C.
During his time there, Chris obtained over 12,000 pages of documents from Hamas/CAIR and over 300 hours of covert audio/video recordings.
The entire story is featured in the book Muslim Mafia authored by investigative journalist Paul Sperry and Dave Gaubatz (Chris’ Father).
Chris Gaubatz at Abacoa on 11/6
NOTE: This is PART 2 of the presentation that Chris began at Abacoa last August.
Abacoa Golf Club
105 Barbados Drive
Jupiter, Fl 33458
TIME: 5:30 PM Buffet
6:30 PM Program
Dinner – $20.00
(Buffet, Cash Bar)
No charge for meeting.
Please RSVP:
As the son of a career Air Force OSI Special Agent, Chris Gaubatz grew up in England, Korea, California, and Utah, and today calls southwest Virginia home.
Chris worked for several Fortune 500 companies conducting fraud investigations and asset protection, as well as insurance sales.
In 2007, Chris began researching the threat of jihadi organizations in the United States by posing as a Muslim convert and attending Muslim Brotherhood/Hamas conferences gaining access as an intern with the Hamas organization Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) in Virginia.
While working at the CAIR MD/VA office, Chris uncovered a fraud scheme being perpetrated by CAIR’s “immigration attorney” who was defrauding Muslims in the community and lying about handling their immigration proceedings. In fact, he was not even a licensed attorney.
When that office was shut down by CAIR in an effort to conceal this criminal activity, Chris was invited by Hamas/CAIR leaders to work at their headquarters office in Washington, D.C.
During his time there, Chris obtained over 12,000 pages of documents from Hamas/CAIR and over 300 hours of covert audio/video recordings.
The entire story is featured in the book Muslim Mafia authored by investigative journalist Paul Sperry and Dave Gaubatz (Chris’ Father).
John Michael Chambers Workshop 10/25
Palm Beach Gardens Marriott
4000 Rca Blvd
Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410
6:30 PM Program
No charge for meeting.
Please RSVP:
10/24 for Trump and the Resurrection of America

John Michael Chambers
John will discuss his new book – “Trump and the Resurrection of America”
Also Wednesday 10/25 there will be a John Michael Chambers workshop at the Marriot on PGA BLVD in Palm Beach Gardens 6:30pm no charge.
Abacoa Golf Club
105 Barbados Drive
Jupiter, Fl 33458
TIME: 5:30 PM Buffet
6:30 PM Program
Dinner – $20.00
(Buffet, Cash Bar)
No charge for meeting.
Please RSVP:
John Michael Chambers was born and raised in New York and has traveled across much of the United States. Presently residing in both the U.S. and Asia.
1996 – 2008: Financial Advisor, six independent offices in Colorado, Florida, and New Mexico with a focus on wealth preservation. Interviewed by the Wall Street Journal as well as many other newspapers and radio and television stations of note across the country, including CBS and NBC.
In Washington, D.C., John attended meetings held by members of Congress that were also attended by former President George W. Bush and First Lady Laura Bush, on Social Security Reform, Tax Reform, and Homeland Security. He was awarded by the Presidential Business Advisory Council of Washington DC, 2004 & 2005, The Businessman of the Year Award for the state of Colorado. John is a patriot who loves his country and serves as but one voice for humanity.
2008 -2017: Radio talk show host on 860 WGUL AM radio, a Salem Communications Company. Public speaking in over 30 cities, six states and three countries where he addressee both the dangers and opportunities as Trump deconstructs the New World Order. Founder of the Save America Foundation, a 501(c)4 not-for-profit foundation providing a variety of educational formats and modules. He has dedicated much of his time over the past two decades sharing insightful and empowering information to help keep freedom alive.
Author: 2013 – “Surviving Global Governance”. 2015 – “Misconceptions and Course Corrections” 2016 – “What One Man Can Do” John’s latest book – “Trump and the Resurrection of America”. Presently John is posting daily on his blog site and will continue to write and publish books and blogs.
As of January 2017 John has embarked upon a public speaking tour across the nation beginning in the great state of Ohio. The name of his tour is “Trump and the Resurrection of America”.
TPP Call -10/1/17
1. TPP Update; JBM
The administration has designated 10/02 as “Cut The Red Tape”day. The intent is to accelerate the administration’s political accomplishments. The following govt. agencies will be involved: Agriculture, Education, Labor, Small Business, Treasury, Health & Human Services, & Executive. The president will give a speech. There is a request for Tea party help by social media work, letters to prominent political people and flag/sign waving rallies.
2. Constitution Minute; Chris Wright
The left (Howard Dean & some college students) are saying that hate speech is unconstitutional. But even the ACLU is saying it is not.
3. D.C. Report; Bill Pascoe
The house is working on a budget reconciliation bill. Administration appointees continue to be slowly approved. Dr. Price has resigned in response to charges that he has charged as much as one million government dollars for personal travel costs. Southern border wall funding/ building has been started. obama care bill repeal appears to be dead. The new tax organization program will be released this week.
4. TPP live real time poll:
A.- Should the TPP take a stand to remove McConnell? No response provided.
B.- Should the TPP support the president’s tax reform program? 95% voted yes.
5. TPP Update; JBM
166 court nominations are outstanding. Support to expedite. Help to end the filibuster rule. Emails will be sent out this week to request these actions. Also, please consider house parties or rallies to add support. Budweiser, Inc. has started a “hot line” to help dispute the NFL “knee protests”. The telephone number is (1-800-342-5283). I just recently attended a US government “NORAD” meeting. The subject was national disaster response activities.
6. Q & A
Dan Bongino’s Thoughts on Donald Trump

On Monday at Abacoa, our speaker was Dan Bongino, former NYC police officer, secret service agent, congressional candidate and Foxnews contributor.
It was a busy day for Dan – a morning appearance on “Fox & Friends”, the “Hannity” radio show in the afternoon, and a scheduled appearance on “Tucker Carlson” at 8pm. That last engagement posed a scheduling problem for the meeting, so his presentation began about a half hour early. While most had arrived early for the 5:30pm buffet, some did not and we apologize if you missed the first part of Dan’s remarks.
The phenomenon that is Trump was the focus of the talk. While late to the “Trump Train” as a Ted Cruz supporter, Dan had initially missed what Donald Trump has that the 16 others do not – he does not need anybody – not money, not endorsements, not the GOP establishment. This provides unprecedented power and independence.
The President is also a master at trolling the left, easily making them reveal what they really believe, and they fall for it over and over.
On Immigration for example, by outrageously promising to build the wall and make Mexico pay for it, many Democrats began to outwardly show that open borders and unrestricted immigration was their platform – a position held by only a small minority of the country.
On the NFL controversy, he easily forced the league and the teams into revealing a position of opposing the flag, the anthem and the military – putting them and their handlers on the left again way out of the mainstream. He also was able to claim patriotism and love of country for himself and the GOP.
On taxes, Trump easily manipulated the Democrats into their reflexive position of wanting to raise taxes on the “rich”, not to raise revenue for government (it doesn’t) but to punish the achievers in society.
The Democrat party is no longer a mainstream party in the US, holding influence only in the blue enclaves on the coasts. At the state level, they have been wiped out pretty much everywhere else.
Dan took some questions from the audience then and discussed Antifa and like groups and their “heckler’s veto” which threatens violence at college speaking events, then asks the administrations to shut down the event because “there may be violence”.
He also made the point that whenever a Democrat calls for tax cuts to be “paid for” – you should ask them if any tax cut in history cost the government money. The answer – no, tax cuts always result in more revenue. The Bush tax cuts for example, generated $755B for the treasury over 10 years.
Check out Dan’s new book – “Protecting the President: An Inside Account of the Troubled Secret Service in an Era of Evolving Threats.”