Convention of States Discussed at Wellington on 9/6
at the Wellington Community Center for

Ed Bender
Ed Bender is a Regional Captain for Convention of States Action, responsible for 12 districts in the Greater Palm Beach County area. He will offer a presentation regarding the Convention of States project and update our current progress and success so far.
In light of recent events in Washington, D.C., it has become clear that our federal government either cannot, or will not act according to the will of their constituents to fix the major problems we face. The Founders foresaw this day and provided a solution as big as the problem, the Convention of States, to restore the balance of power to our republic.
Questions and answers will follow the presentation.
Wellington Community Center
12150 Forest Hill Boulevard
(561) 753-2484
Please RSVP below; no meal is served with this meeting.
Roger Stone at Abacoa on 9/11

Roger Stone
Roger Stone has been a fixture in Republican politics stretching back to Barry Goldwater. A master of the use of operations research, he has been referred to as a “political dirty trickster”, a “renowned infighter”, and a “seasoned practitioner of hard-edged politics”.
Serving as an adviser to the Trump campaign in 2016, he was responsible for raising doubts about the marital fidelity of Ted Cruz (“tabloid smear” said Cruz), and the pointing out connections between Hillary aide Huma Abedin and the Muslim Brotherhood. Although he left the campaign early, he was accused of potential involvement in russian hacking of John Podesta’s emails, and asked to testify before the Senate Intelligence Committee, but the testimony was later canceled.
Author of “The Clinton’s War on Women” (2015), and “Jeb! and the Bush Crime Family” (2016), his latest work is “The Making of the President 2016: How Donald Trump Orchestrated a Revolution“.
Abacoa Golf Club
105 Barbados Drive
Jupiter, Fl 33458
TIME: 5:30 PM Buffet
6:30 PM Program
Dinner – $20.00
(Buffet, Cash Bar)
No charge for meeting.
Please RSVP:

Kirk Wolak at Boca Meeting on 9/5

Kirk Wolak
“Captain” Kirk Wolak is a software engineer having graduated from Michigan State with Honors in Computer Science and Minors in Mathematics and Telecommunications. He owns a small software company where he helps small to mid-sized businesses leverage technology and automation to lower costs and increase efficiency. He is also maintaining the statewide voter database to help detect and prevent voter fraud in Florida.
Topics will include:
- The Recent Federal Court Case against Broward Supervisor of Elections Brenda Snipes. Kirk testified along with other team members and will discuss the ultimate goal of the case, its importance for other counties across the country, what COULD be the outcome, and why it might be fought all the way to the Supreme Court.
- The upcoming expiration of the 1982 Consent Decree, this December: We should schedule a party. This is what has left the democrats as the ONLY National Party allowed to look into voter fraud! (and why we have so much of it).
- Our Goals to Primary the FAKE GOP and Anti-Trump Republicans. Replacing Bill Nelson, etc.
- Antifa and the Liberals Big Mistake in backing them! They are OFFICIALLY part of the LEFT!
- Open Q & A: What’s on your mind, and what do we need to know.
Boca Community Center
150 Crawford Blvd, Boca Raton, FL 33432
(561) 393-7807
Please RSVP:
TPP Call – 8/13/17
1. Constitution Minute- Chris Wright
– The progressives are in a determined campaign to undermine the Constitution. We must constantly defend it from their attacks.
2. D.C. Report-Bill Pascoe
– The house & senate are on their late summer vacation until September 5th.
– The President is considering new cabinet changes that include Perry to DHS and possibly a post for democratic senator Manchin
– AG Sessions is opening an investigation into yesterday’s riot in Charlottesville.
– The house Freedom Caucus is attempting an “end run” around Paul Ryan to get a new vote on repealing o’care. They need 218 votes.
– “The Nation”, a completely leftist organization has firmly announced that there was no Trump/Russia collusion. They claim that they have proof that it was “an inside” job.
– There is talk that the president will “Dump” Bannon.
– The president is “warring” with McConnell.
3. Jennie Beth Martin
– No webinar next week.
– Two “on the spot” questions were asked of the attendees: 1. Will they attend the TPP rally in D.C on September 23? Will they stay over to the next day?
– There is a TPP website
– The TPP September 23rd rally will be in Lafayette park.
– The Charlottesville riot was a sadly racist happening, that the TPP strongly disapproves of.
TPP Call – 8/6/17
1. Constitution Minute: Chris Wright
There are socialist efforts in process to undermine our 14th amendment rights, that is, to make the names of contributors to private organizations public information.
2. D.C. Report; Bill Pascoe
This week, the Senate confirmed 104 persons, including Wray as FBI director. AG Sessions announced a crackdown on government information data leaks. Mueller has set up a grand jury with apparently no constraints on material investigated. Most of his investigators are democrat supporters. The president announced his public support for AG Sessions.
3. TPP Current activities; Jennie Beth Martin
Mitch McConnell, et. al. are giving 8 million dollars to help try to defeat Mo Brooks (in the Alabama Senate race to replace Jeff Sessions). There is a call to action on the TPP economic agenda: tax reform (Make America Great Again). Tea Party members are urged to call their congress people and contact local newspapers. Two Qatar and one UAE airlines are working to undercut inter airline fare agreements. This can result in major airline service cut backs. Request that Tea Party members contact the President’s office to make him aware of this. Two ballot requests were presented during the webinar. The first requested volunteers to sign up to make calls on the TPP website items listed. The second asked for volunteers to solicit associates to make calls. The TPP website has a tool kit to provide details on current event solicitations. Saturday, September 23 is the scheduled TPP Rally event on the White House grounds in D.C.
A Tea Party Patriot’s Update from Jennie Beth Martin
Over the last few weeks we have been making sure our senators know we want to see ObamaCare repealed. We delivered letters and signatures to senators’ local offices as well as a few offices in DC. We also delivered 1.5 million signatures from around the country directly to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell last week. Thank you so much for volunteering to go to your senators’ offices.
Last week we saw the Senate fail to repeal ObamaCare. This has been discouraging and frustrating and it is time for Congress to live under ObamaCare with the rest of us. In hopes of uniting congressional Republicans to take action, we are encouraging President Donald Trump to end the congressional exemption from ObamaCare. Please call the White House and tweet President Trump this week. Check here for more information on our calls to action and talking points.
Please mark your calendars for an event in Washington, D.C. on Saturday, September 23rd. We are still working on details and will be in touch soon. This event will be focused around tax reform and growing the economy, it could possibly cover other major topics including: ObamaCare, the budget, and the national debt.
We are looking for names of people and stories from you that highlight the urgent need for tax reform. We need ways to illustrate how high taxes are harming you and your family or your business. Also, we need stories about how changing the tax code would benefit you. Please send these stories to
An update from Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund –
Last week we endorsed Congressman Mo Brooks for the U.S. Senate seat vacated by Attorney General Jeff Sessions in Alabama. He has been a strong fighter and has helped us through his work in the House Freedom Caucus. With the recent events in the Senate, it is critical we get another champion to work towards our values. We will have volunteer efforts over the next two weeks supporting him, sign up now and let us know if you can help.
Washington Report: TPP Website, PDF, Audio
Constitution Minute: PDF
-Don’t forget to post events to our website so we can alert activists in the area to encourage more participation of in-person gatherings over the summer. This can include your monthly tea party meeting, an event that your group is participating in, a congressional town hall, or a sign waving event.
-If you’re interested in the Constitution Project or would like to receive occasional updates, please send an email to Chris Wright at
-Our Washington Report (legislative update) hosted by Bill Pascoe is held each Monday at 1:00pm Eastern and is open to all our supporters. You can catch it live on Facebook or through Go To Webinar.
-Tea Party Patriots Facebook Link:
-Go To Webinar Link:
Feel free to share these links with others so they can participate as well.