June Wellington Meeting
Posted by PBCTP on May 13, 2017 · Leave a Comment
at the Wellington Community Center for

Marion Frank
Our Wellington Chapter Leader and sometimes keynote speaker will address the group again to speak about what is going on with the healthcare situation in Washington DC. The news changes on a minute to minute basis and it is very hard to keep up. Marion will guide you into understanding what is going on and what should be going on. Marion is a practice manager for a small medical practice in Palm Beach County for the last 20 years. She deals with doctors, nurses, patients, insurance companies and the government. She has a unique perspective and understanding of how healthcare works and how it is failing.
At this meeting, we are also going to allow every Tea Party member in attendance to speak their mind on whatever topic they wish. Sometimes it is hard to sit at these meetings and keep your mouths shut. Well, not at this meeting! You will get to speak, if you wish!
Wellington Community Center
12150 Forest Hill Boulevard
(561) 753-2484
Please RSVP below; no meal is served with this meeting.