Tea Party Patriots Conference Call – 11/27/16
1. Obama Care status; Chris Wright
– The resulting Medicade expansion is bad news
– The Trump proposal to keep pre existing conditions and 26 year old offspring coverage is a very bad idea because of the financial burden. Need full repeal.
– The potential Trump business conflict of interest with govt. business will be a continuing concern.
2. DC Report – Bill Pascoe
– A 3 month budget C.R. will likely pass. This is good news for budget control
– Sudden increase in South America illegal border crossings
– Discussion of Trump appointees
– Romney Secretary of State discussion
– Green Party vote recount not viable for the vote margin sizes in Michigan & Pennsylvania
3. Jenny Beth Martin Discussion of current plans
– Support Sessions & Bannon appointments by signing their petitions and circulate them for additional sign-offs.
– Support the Supreme Court nominees
– Support a probable Trump et. al. sign waving support event in December.
4.- Q & A.
I signed off at this point.
J.C. Burge
Congressman-Elect Brian Mast at Abacoa

Congressman-elect Brian Mast
On January 3, Brian will be sworn in as our District 18 Representative in the 115th Congress. Replacing Democrat Patrick Murphy, Brian is one of only a few Republican pickups in the November election and will join 239 other Republicans to work in conjunction with our new President to Make America Great Again!
Join us to congratulate Brian on his victory and give him a rousing Tea Party sendoff to fight the people’s fight.
Abacoa Golf Club
105 Barbados Drive
Jupiter, Fl 33458
TIME: 5:30 PM Buffet
6:30 PM Program
Dinner – $20.00 (NOTE NEW PRICE)
(Buffet, Cash Bar)
Please RSVP below.
Growing up in western Michigan, Staff Sergeant Brian Mast enlisted in the military after high school in 1999. For 12 years, he served in the US Army, including time with the Joint Special Operations Commnand (JSOC) as a bomb disposal expert, where he was on the front lines against Radical Islam, finding and disarming improvised explosive devices (IEDs).
While on his last deployment in Afghanistan, he suffered catastrophic injuries resulting in the loss of both his legs, and was awarded the Bronze Star, the Army Commendation Medal for Valor, the Purple Heart and the Defense Meritorious Service Medal.
Throughout his long rehabilitation, he provided his expertise to the National Nuclear Security Administration, the Bureau of Alchohol, Tobacco and Firearms, and the Department of Homeland Security, and recently donned the uniform of the Israeli Defense Forces.
Moving to Florida after his retirement in 2012, he has recently completed a Harvard degree in economics.
As frequently said during the campaign, Brian opposes All Aboard Florida, and seeks solutions for water quality in the Indian River Lagoon. He seeks to repeal Obamacare, would strengthen our support for Israel, stop the implementation of the Iran nuclear deal and opposes the lifting of the Cuban embargo.