Breakfast with Candidates 8/13
Posted by PBCTP on August 4, 2016 · Leave a Comment
Invites you to breakfast with:

“Peter Feaman Republican National Committeeman”
He will discuss the RNC from the perspective of Florida’s National Committeeman.
Peter Feaman was unanimously elected in 2012 by the Executive Committee of the Republican Party of Florida to be its National Committeeman to represent Florida Republicans at the Republican National Committee in Washington, D.C.
As a practicing trial attorney, Mr. Feaman was recognized by Florida Trend
magazine as one of Florida’s “Elite Lawyers” in the field of business and commercial litigation in 2011.
Mr. Feaman will also have a book signing featuring his latest
book, “The Next Nightmare – How Political Correctness is Destroying
America.” It has a forward by Allen West.

“Carlos Beruff Candidate for U.S. Senate”
A father, husband and Florida businessman, Carlos Beruff is a proud representation of the American Dream. Born in Miami to Cuban refugees, Carlos was raised in South Florida and now lives in Manatee County, Florida where he leads a successful business building homes for thousands of Florida families. Carlos has taken his business experience and given back to his community by bringing real reform to many of Florida’s bloated and inefficient bureaucracies.
Carlos is sick of the status quo in Washington, and he’s the only candidate in Florida’s U.S. Senate race who has the skills needed to reform Washington and undo the damage of Obama’s presidency.

“Dr. Mark Freeman”
Candidate for U.S. Representative, Dist. 18
By bailing out the Wall Street executives and giving handouts to the poor, politicians are chiseling away at the honesty and hard work that has made this nation, “a land of opportunity”. We don’t need lip service or any more empty promises. We need people who can take action, stand up, and do what’s right for the American people.
We need to restore American resolve by electing a person who has integrity, honesty, and the relentless dedication to serving people. We need a leader.
Mark Freeman is a true leader. He isn’t a politician. He is a doctor, a veteran, a businessman, and most importantly, a follower of Christ. He is like every other American patriot before him. He puts the country he loves before himself; and he is willing to do whatever it takes to protect the American spirit.
Join us.
Abacoa Golf Club
105 Barbados Drive
Jupiter, Fl 33458
TIME: 9:00 AM
Breakfast Buffet
Admission: $10.00
Please RSVP below.