Lauren Cooley at Boca Chapter on July 5
Posted by PBCTP on June 17, 2016 · Leave a Comment
Invites you to attend its Tuesday July 05, 2016 monthly meeting featuring:

Lauren Cooley
“Big Government Sucks”
Lauren Cooley is a leading voice for conservative Millennials; she speaks nation-wide about bias in higher education and political issues impacting young adults. Cooley is a columnist, commentator, and consultant – published at Townhall, the Christian Post, LifeZette, Campus Reform, the College Fix, and BizPac Review. Cooley also provides a platform for other young conservatives to tell their stories as she is the Program Editor of CampusZette, a project of Laura Ingraham’s LifeZette.
Lauren’s most recent endeavor is with Campus Red PAC, a Florida-specific organization founded to perform GOTV efforts targeting conservative college students – dorm to dorm, face to face, peer to peer. She is the organization’s Founder and Executive Director and will speak on their plan for this coming election cycle.
Boca Community Center
150 Crawford Blvd, Boca Raton, FL 33432
(561) 393-7807
Please RSVP below; no meal is served with this meeting.