FLIMEN’s Jack Oliver at Jupiter on July 11
Posted by PBCTP on June 17, 2016 · Leave a Comment
Invites you to attend its Monday July 11, 2016 monthly meeting featuring:

Jack Oliver
Jack Oliver has been working to secure our borders and protect American jobs since joining Floridians for Immigration Enforcement FLIMEN in 2007. His focus is on securing our border by using E-Verify as a tool to stop “America’s Illegal Alien Job Magnet.”
Jack volunteers his time working as Legislative Director for Floridians for Immigration Enforcement, President of Floridians for E-Verify Now, President of Floridians for a Sustainable Population, State Advisor for the Federation for Immigration Reform, State Advisor for the Remembrance Project, and Southeast Advisor for the US Immigration Reform PAC.
Abacoa Golf Club
105 Barbados Drive
Jupiter, Fl 33458
TIME: 5:30 PM
Dinner – $17.00
(Buffet, Cash Bar),
6:00 PM Meeting.
Please RSVP below.