GOP at the Crossroads
Many of the so-called “establishment” are seriously plotting ways to thwart the results of the primaries at the Republican convention. They apparently feel that “their” party has been taken over by the barbarians from flyover country. They think that a convention draft of someone who has entered no primaries, taken part in no debates, spent no time campaigning, would be preferable to either Donald Trump or Ted Cruz. Even a Hillary Clinton presidency (the likely outcome of such a draft) would be preferable to submitting to the rabble.
My first reaction was that they had seriously lost touch with the rank and file of the Republican party, but that is an oversimplification.
The party is defined by its voters – not those that consider themselves the “leaders”. Who are they leading? People like Mitt Romney, John McCain, Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham have much more in common with Hillary Clinton than they do with the “real” Republicans who provide the heart and soul of the GOP. Maintaining the status quo in Washington, with a heavily Progressive bureaucracy controlling more and more of our daily lives and a Congress that sees being the majority as simply a means to a bigger office and more access to lobbyist dollars, is the goal of both parties. The so-called “GOP leadership”, including our new Speaker who has given the Obama juggernaut everything it wants in their spending bills, have betrayed those that gave them the House in 2010 and the Senate in 2014.
I have been a Republican for my entire voting life and have worked for candidates at all levels since the 2004 re-election of George W. Bush. I held my nose and supported McCain, and supported (although with minimal enthusiasm) Romney as he threw away what should have been an easy win by running one of the worst campaigns in modern history. I will no longer support those who have such contempt for the voters as to tell us we are morons.
The McConnells and Boehners and Ryans tell us they can’t govern from the Congress – even though they told us if we elected them in 2010 and 2014 they would change the dynamic. Now they claim they need the Presidency.
In my view, we need an insurgent – a real change agent, to alter the relationship between our government and its citizens. Currently what we have is condescension and scorn, with a dose of fraud and deceit for good measure. We are at an inflection point in our history – the country is circling the drain and everyone out there in flyover country knows it but people of the “GOP leadership” just can’t (or won’t) acknowledge it.
Without drastic change, starting immediately, the country is lost. Donald Trump may not be a movement conservative, but he is a change agent. Stopping illegal immigration, negotiating better trade deals, changing our tax and regulatory structure to bring whole industries back to the US, repudiating the “America Last” policies of Obama and Clinton – that is his agenda. Ted Cruz would proceed with a similar set of goals, but I think that Trump has a better chance of actually becoming President. He has already put a dent into the Clinton’s machine by reminding us all that Bill is an un-indicted sex offender, and that she has committed felonies – whether the Justice department prosecutes them or not. He has already altered the party registration picture, generated unprecedented turnout and voter loyalty, and has a good chance to bring some blue states to the Republican fold.
It is not that Trump will “change the Republican Party” or if it can “survive”. The party has already changed – Trump is just the best candidate suited to lead what it has become. Any attempt to ignore the will of the voters with shenanigans at the convention will not just disrupt this year’s race – it will end the GOP.
Upcoming Meetings
Upcoming PBCTP Meetings include:
- Jupiter on 4/4: Brian Mudd
- Boca Raton on 4/5: Alan Bergstein
- Wellington on 4/6: Brian Mudd
CLick on the location for more information and to RSVP.
Alan Bergstein at Boca Raton on April 5

Alan Bergstein
Wake up…NOW!
“I suggest you do your own computer research (Resolution, Embracing, Ghazala Salam) into these and other dangerous signals of the loss of our democracy through the Progressives kneeling themselves down on Muslim prayer rugs; a similar position that our sailors kidnapped by Iranian Muslims were FORCED to take. A vote for any Democrat is a vote for sharia tolerance in our country, the loss of our free speech and more. The Democrat Party has spoken, taken sides with Islam and is challenging our way of life. It’s up to you to fight them.”
Alan is:
- Father of Four
- Korean War Veteran
- Retired Bronx JHS Principal
- Former Chair of S. Fl. ZOA
- Lecturer
- Editorial & OP-ED writer for the New York Jewish Voice
- Board Member of the Boca Raton Regional Republican Club
Boca Community Center
150 Crawford Blvd, Boca Raton, FL 33432
(561) 393-7807
Please RSVP below; no meal is served with this meeting.
Brian Mudd at Wellington, April 6

Brian Mudd
On-Air Weekday Mornings 5am-9am WJNO Financial Analyst & Co-Host for The Palm Beaches’ Morning Rush. I work every day to keep you ahead of the curve on the crazy state of the economy, business, investments and technology.
My motto: Passion plus talent is unstoppable.
My faith: Don’t worry I don’t use the mic to preach but… I firmly believe that without God in our lives happiness will never be found. I believe that many of our societal failures have resulted from a general willingness to distance ourselves from our founding values while embracing political correctness.
I’m in my 18th year with iHeartMedia and 9th in South Florida. With my father as inspiration, I started investing in the stock market when I was 11 and co-founded a smoothie company at 18. The highlights of my radio career have been serving as a fill-in for Sean Hannity.
I’ve made my share of mistakes along the way as well. I shape my perspective from success and failure to provide you with a truly objective picture of business and money in your world. Business and investing are passions of mine. Some read Dean Koontz… I read financial reports.
I’m originally from the Atlanta area and am a die hard Braves & Falcons fan. I’m married to the love of my life Ashley, and yes I am related to Dr. Samuel Mudd, co-conspirator in the assassination of President Lincoln (he’s four greats an uncle).
My name is Mudd.
Palm Beach County Library
1951 Royal Fern Drive
Wellington, FL 33414
Meeting starts at 6:00 PM
Please RSVP below.
Brian Mudd at Jupiter, April 4

Brian Mudd
On-Air Weekday Mornings 5am-9am WJNO Financial Analyst & Co-Host for The Palm Beaches’ Morning Rush. I work every day to keep you ahead of the curve on the crazy state of the economy, business, investments and technology.
My motto: Passion plus talent is unstoppable.
My faith: Don’t worry I don’t use the mic to preach but… I firmly believe that without God in our lives happiness will never be found. I believe that many of our societal failures have resulted from a general willingness to distance ourselves from our founding values while embracing political correctness.
I’m in my 18th year with iHeartMedia and 9th in South Florida. With my father as inspiration, I started investing in the stock market when I was 11 and co-founded a smoothie company at 18. The highlights of my radio career have been serving as a fill-in for Sean Hannity.
I’ve made my share of mistakes along the way as well. I shape my perspective from success and failure to provide you with a truly objective picture of business and money in your world. Business and investing are passions of mine. Some read Dean Koontz… I read financial reports.
I’m originally from the Atlanta area and am a die hard Braves & Falcons fan. I’m married to the love of my life Ashley, and yes I am related to Dr. Samuel Mudd, co-conspirator in the assassination of President Lincoln (he’s four greats an uncle).
My name is Mudd.
Abacoa Golf Club
105 Barbados Drive
Jupiter, Fl 33458
TIME: 5:30 PM
Dinner – $17.00
(Buffet, Cash Bar),
6:30 PM Meeting.
Please RSVP below.
Move ’em West Demonstration
The PBC Tea Party participated in a demonstration on Saturday, shown here on Northlake Boulevard, opposing the All Aboard Florida (aka “Brightline”) plan to run 32 passenger trains a day at high speeds through our communities.
Sales Tax Referendum Gathering Steam
Those citizens hoping for the return of our glory days of the past were given another taste of the reality of our decline on March 14,2016 when Europe and Russia launched a robotic exploration mission to Mars.
Liftoff! European Mission to Mars Launches to Seek Signs of Life
The mission title “ExoMars” stands for “Exobiology on Mars”
The mission includes two spacecraft, a Mars lander (Schiaparelli ) to develop the technology of landing on Mars and a Mars orbiter to search the Martian atmosphere for trace gasses important for life.
The only US participation was the contribution of radios used on a Mars mission ten years ago.
NASA’s Participation in ESA’s 2016 ExoMars Orbiter Mission
The radios were used on a Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter mission launched in 2005.
We have heard nothing about this from any of our country’s leaders (political, scientific, economic, media, etc.) Their silence says it all!
Marsh, Golub and lots of candidates highlight Abacoa Meeting

On his third tea party appearance (see: Cade Marsh – the Face of Tomorrow’s Republican), Young Republican organizer Cade Marsh told us of the appeal of a “new conservative movement” to millennials who are not attracted to the conventional party structures. Involved in campus voter registration drives, he spoke of pressuring supervisors of election to place voting locations on college campuses and how students have the option of registering using their on-campus address.
Cade is a junior at Palm Beach Atlantic University in pre-Law and Business Administration and currently Executive Director of the Florida Federation of College Republicans. Check out Cade’s group at

Political humorist Eric Golub, author of several satirical works including “Ideological Bigotry” “Ideological Idiocy” and others, calls himself “the younger version of Mort Sahl”. Offering advice on how to counter liberal disdain he offers these steps: Offer a compromise on gun control – take all the guns from the liberals and give them to us. Offer a compromise on abortion – develop a test for liberals while they are still in the womb. Trump may want to temporarily ban Muslims from immigrating, but Obama got 250K of them killed in Syria by ignoring his red line. Trump may want to block Mexican immigrants, but Obama got 200 of them killed with Fast & Furious.
Declining to reveal his choice for President he offered good words for the three frontrunners: Rubio has Reagan’s upbeat vision and is good with crowds. Depend on Cruz to do the right thing when a decision lands on his desk. Trump will deck Clinton like none of the others would.
Follow Eric on his blog, The Tygrrrr Express.
Next Tuesday’s elections brought Gardens Council candidates David Levy and Carl Woods to the event, and we heard from supporters of Ted Cruz and Donald Trump. Then looking ahead to the August 30 primary, Republican candidates for CD18 Carl Domino, Rick Roth, Brian Mast and Rebecca Negron made appearances, as did Independent Carla Spalding.
Rally at the Rails