My Letter to the PBC BCC on Resolution Regarding Executive Order
Here is what I sent to the Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners re: Agenda Item 4A-2 on the 11/3 evening BCC Mtg Agenda. I encourage you to attend the meeting, call or send an email to the Commissioners.
Dear Mayor and Commissioners:
I don’t recall any of you running for your current positions as Palm Beach County Commissioners on a platform of immigration reform. And for the most part, you refrain from being overtly political while on the dais. So why are you spending County staff resources on producing this resolution? Is the County so flush with cash and do we have so few county issues that this is a priority?
How immigration reform should be accomplished is not a County issue, nor are U.S. Constitutional issues. When AG Bondi joined the Texas vs United States lawsuit on behalf of Florida she stated:
“This lawsuit is not about immigration, rather this lawsuit is about President Obama — yet again — overstepping the power granted to him by our United States Constitution. The President repeatedly said he would not violate the law, then decided to do just that. The powers granted to the President are expressly laid out in the United States Constitution, yet President Obama has decided to ignore those parameters. We need to fix our system of immigration, but willfully turning a blind eye to the inconvenience of law and rule is not the path to a remedy, but a prescription for unwarranted presidential overreach.”
The resolution in Agenda Item 4A-2 would not result in Florida withdrawing from the lawsuit, nor would specious arguments on the economic impact on Palm Beach County or compassionate merits of the President’s Executive Order, have any impact on the Constitutional issue which is the basis for the lawsuit. Just because other municipalities have done so, does not make it right.
I can only assume that since five of you are running for office: two for Congress and three for County positions, that your rationale can only be grand-standing and pandering to a set of constituents.
Please desist. Withdraw or vote NO on item 4A-2, and leave your politicking for outside the Commission Chambers!
ALERT! PBC Commissioners to Vote on Resolution Supporting Obama’s Immigration Executive Order
What: Resolution in Support of President Obama’s Executive Order on Immigration
When: Tuesday, November 3 at 5pm
Where: 301 N Olive 6th Fl, West Palm Beach
On the agenda for the PBC Board of County Commissioners’ infrequent evening meeting on 11/3 is agenda item 4A-2, requested by the Commissioners, in support of President Obama’s Executive Order on Immmigration. The item reads:
Resolution of the Board of County Commissioners of Palm Beach County, Florida, supporting President Barack Obama’s executive action on immigration reform expanding the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) and Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents (DAPA) programs; and requesting that Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi withdraw the State of Florida from Texas v. United States (United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit). SUMMARY: The Board has requested that a resolution supporting President Obama’s executive action expanding DACA and DAPA and urging that Florida’s Attorney General Pam Bondi withdraw the state from Texas v. United States be drafted and brought back for discussion. Miami-Dade County has passed a similar resolution, as has the City of Kissimmee. Twenty-six states, including Florida, have signed onto a lawsuit – Texas v. United States – seeking to block the President’s executive actions. At least 76 cities and counties throughout the country, such as Atlanta, Baltimore, Boston, Chicago, New York, Philadelphia, and the counties of Dallas and Los Angeles, have signed onto an amicus brief opposing the lawsuit and supporting the President’s executive action. In Florida, Tampa and North Miami have joined the brief. Countywide (DW)
You can see the Agenda Item in it’s entirety here and the entire agenda here.
I know that this is a subject very important to many of you. Please make the Commission aware of your positions – either by attending the meeting and speaking out, emailing the Commission at and by making your friends and organizations aware.
My personal position is that the Board of County Commissioners does not have the right to speak for me on State or National issues. They should focus on their own local responsibilities and there sure are enough of those issues. The motivations of those on the Commission running for national office would make their positions suspect as well. The resolution’s claims that President Obama’s Executive Order makes good financial sense for the County is ludicrous at best. I will encourage them to VOTE NO on this resolution and withdraw it from further consideration.
Operation 300 Event Postponed
Due to unforeseen circumstances we are sorry to announce our November 6th. event with Operation 300 has been postponed.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused anyone. We hope that in 2016, when we reschedule this wonderful night of entertainment, fun and dancing, you will not only come, but will bring your family and friends.
Thank you for your understanding!
Heritage Foundation brings “Reclaim America” to West Palm Beach
Karen Schoen and Agenda 21 at Wellington

Karen Schoen
is here to answer them.
Agenda 21, Common Core & Sustainability
Karen Schoen, who resides in the Florida panhandle has a Bachelor’s Degree in Education, a Master’s Degree in Liberal Studies and post graduate credits from the New School of Social Research where she was trained in psychological manipulation.
Karen is a former teacher, dean and business owner who travels throughout the United States educating Americans to the true enemy of America, Communism and its many forms: UN, Agenda 21 aka Sustainable Development, Sustainable America, Resilient cities, Smart Growth, New Urbanism etc.
Karen is a founder of the AgEnders (Americans ending Agenda 21/ Sustainable Development.)’ a Director of Panhandle Patriots, and a founding member of Florida Citizens Coalition. She writes for,,,, and She ran for office for FL State REP Dist 5.
Karen co-hosts a radio show, “American Freedom Watch Radio,” on and you will find many videos on, FB: Karen.schoen.3
For more information please go to her website
Wednesday November 4, 2015
Hurricane Grill and Wings
4075 Florida 7, Lake Worth, FL 33467
(561) 318-6107
Program 6:30pm
No Charge for Meeting
Please RSVP below; no meal is served with this meeting.
Karen Schoen and Agenda 21 at Boca

Karen Schoen
is here to answer them.
Agenda 21, Common Core & Sustainability
Karen Schoen, who resides in the Florida panhandle has a Bachelor’s Degree in Education, a Master’s Degree in Liberal Studies and post graduate credits from the New School of Social Research where she was trained in psychological manipulation.
Karen is a former teacher, dean and business owner who travels throughout the United States educating Americans to the true enemy of America, Communism and its many forms: UN, Agenda 21 aka Sustainable Development, Sustainable America, Resilient cities, Smart Growth, New Urbanism etc.
Karen is a founder of the AgEnders (Americans ending Agenda 21/ Sustainable Development.)’ a Director of Panhandle Patriots, and a founding member of Florida Citizens Coalition. She writes for,,,, and She ran for office for FL State REP Dist 5.
Karen co-hosts a radio show, “American Freedom Watch Radio,” on and you will find many videos on, FB: Karen.schoen.3
For more information please go to her website
Boca Community Center
150 Crawford Blvd, Boca Raton, FL 33432
(561) 393-7807
Please RSVP below; no meal is served with this meeting.
Karen Schoen and Agenda 21 at Jupiter

Karen Schoen
is here to answer them.
Agenda 21, Common Core & Sustainability
Karen Schoen, who resides in the Florida panhandle has a Bachelor’s Degree in Education, a Master’s Degree in Liberal Studies and post graduate credits from the New School of Social Research where she was trained in psychological manipulation.
Karen is a former teacher, dean and business owner who travels throughout the United States educating Americans to the true enemy of America, Communism and its many forms: UN, Agenda 21 aka Sustainable Development, Sustainable America, Resilient cities, Smart Growth, New Urbanism etc.
Karen is a founder of the AgEnders (Americans ending Agenda 21/ Sustainable Development.)’ a Director of Panhandle Patriots, and a founding member of Florida Citizens Coalition. She writes for,,,, and She ran for office for FL State REP Dist 5.
Karen co-hosts a radio show, “American Freedom Watch Radio,” on and you will find many videos on, FB: Karen.schoen.3
For more information please go to her website
Please RSVP below.
Ben Carson Coming for Book Signing
Received by PBCTP via email:
On behalf of Dr. Carson’s publisher, Sentinel, we wanted to let you know Dr. Ben Carson is coming to Florida from November 1-5 to sign copies of his new book A MORE PERFECT UNION: What We The People Can Do to Reclaim our constitutional Liberties. We would love your help to get the word out.
In A More Perfect Union, Dr. Carson applies his common sense approach to the Constitution, demonstrating why a proper understanding of the Constitution is essential in dealing with today’s most controversial issues – from gun control to gay marriage. He believes America is facing a constitutional crisis because too many of politicians and judges ignore the common sense in our founding document. Our founding fathers didn’t want a permanent governing or ruling class of professional politicians. They wanted a republic, in Lincoln’s words, “of the people, by the people, and for the people.” A country where any farmer, small-business owner, manual laborer, or doctor could speak up and make a difference, and the Constitution provided a simple, concise roadmap to make that dream a reality.
Dr. Carson believes America’s best days are ahead, but contends these serious issues must first be resolved with reason and compromise from both sides of the political aisle.
The details for his local Florida stops are below.
Boca Raton, FL
Thursday, November 5
6:30 PM
17800 Congress Avenue
(561) 981-5004
Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Thursday, November 5
4:00 PM
Barnes & Noble
2051 North Federal Highway
(954) 561-3732
PBCTP Candidate Forum Highlights CD18 Candidates
The Florida primary election for all but the Presidential race is on August 30 – about 11 months from now. Even so, there are already 12 candidates (9 Republicans and 3 Democrats) that are competing for the CD18 seat currently held by Patrick Murphy. Six of them came together at Abacoa this week for a PBC Tea Party candidate forum hosted by channel 5’s Michael Williams.
With the good sized, occasionally boisterous crowd, and a series of policy oriented questions from the moderator which challenged their conservative bona fides, it was good practice for these candidates as they launch their campaigns, and practice is important. Two of the candidates – Carl Domino and Paul Spain, ran for Congress in the last cycle, and Carl has 8 years of experience as a state legislator. These came across as polished and extremely prepared for whatever was thrown at them. The relative inexperience of the others was clearly in evidence as they stumbled over straightforward questions, but they all have a rationale for their candidacy and are quick enough to learn from their mistakes. At this point in the cycle, any of the six could emerge as the likely nominee.
The questions covered a lot of topics, including if they would shut down the government over Planned Parenthood or the debt limit, their tax plans, what in the budget they would cut, the 2nd amendment, the conflict in Syria, and social issues such as the definition of marriage. Many of the answers were within expected parameters for a Republican primary, but there were some unique positions that stood out.

Brian Mast, the highly decorated Army veteran who is campaigning with energy and spirit and does not let his combat injuries hold him back, cast many answers from a military perspective, and listed fixing the VA as a top priority. He favors a “fair tax” (on consumption) of around 10% of GDP, would avoid shutting down the government over the budget or debt ceiling, and would favor means testing for Social Security and Medicare.

Carl Domino, the veteran Tallahassee lawmaker, would fight harder on the budget, casting a government shutdown as a political decision by the President in response to the Congress’ authority to set spending priorities. He favors a Congressional limit on regulations based on the level of financial burden imposed, a modified flat tax, school choice as a way of attracting Hispanic and minority voters, limiting benefits to Congressmen and introducing term limits.

Marc Freeman, a Boca Raton doctor, would avoid a government shutdown as irresponsible. He would work to “simplify” Washington – pointing to Sarbanes-Oxley and Dodd-Frank as complicated rules that should be eliminated, and believes that “no able bodied person should be on the dole.”

Paul Spain, who ran against Lois Frankel in CD22 last cycle, would never again raise the debt limit, believing the government doesn’t ever “really” shut down and there is plenty of revenue to pay the interest on the debt. Individual agencies should be frozen. His tax plan is similar to Donald Trump’s, with 3 rates and an exclusion below $30K. He was the only one to suggest (rightly) that Democrats favor open borders to increase their voting base.

Rebecca Negron, Martin County school board member, would deal with the budget by not replacing government workers as they leave, and hopes to avoid “government by crisis” when spending bills are always up against a deadline. Her top priority is to kill the department of Education which brought us Common Core. Prior to sending troops to the middle east, she would want to see a plan (something current administration lacks).

Rick Kozell, a Jupiter attorney with experience working for lawmakers in Washington, including Senators George LeMieux and Tom Coburn, opposes raising the debt limit and rejected the premise that raising the limit or shutting down the government were the only choices. He would work to roll back the regulatory state that is crushing small business and favors a flat tax. He opposes sending ground troops to the middle east “at this time”, and favors an immigration plan with guest workers but no citizenship path.

The moderator, Michael Williams, hosts the Sunday show on channel 5, “To the Point”. In my view, on his show he is pretty fair and balanced in the way candidates and issues from both sides of the political spectrum are treated. He was heckled by the audience at times during this event though, as some thought he was favoring some candidates over others in time allotment, and others rejected some of the premises of the questions. He did frame several questions with “the tea party believes…” – such as that we are all dependent on Medicare and Social Security and thus are hypocrites for calling for spending cuts. Of course that is something which comes natural to our liberal friends in the media and it did not really detract from the event. Most would admit that the “tea party” is not monolithic in thought, and generally driven by concern for the country as opposed to narrow self-interest.