Jack Oliver of FLIMEN on 8/3 at Abacoa
Jupiter Chapter
Invites you to attend its monthly meeting
on Monday August 3, 2015

Jack Oliver
Jack volunteers his time working as Legislative Director for Floridians for Immigration Enforcement, President of Floridians for E-Verify Now, President of Floridians for a Sustainable Population, State Advisor for the Federation for Immigration Reform, State Advisor for the Remembrance Project, and Southeast Advisor for the US Immigration Reform PAC.
Program 6:30pm, Buffet Starts at 5:30pm
Abacoa Golf Club
Buffet $17, No Charge for Meeting
Take Donald Ross Rd. to Parkside Dr. North on Parkside Dr. 0.4 miles to Barbados Dr. Left on Barbados Dr. to first driveway on Left
Please click on the RSVP button above so we are prepared to accommodate you.
I am interested on how we are keeping illegals out since we are a Sancturary State.
I am amused at the former President of Mexico saying that they had no deficient.
And they had a balanced budget. Yes, because the people are here taking our
jobs; health benefits; free tuition to college etc.
This is what I would like to hear.
Thank you.