Honor Flight at Wellington Chapter on 8/5
Posted by PBCTP on July 15, 2015 · Leave a Comment
Wellington Chapter
Invites you to attend its monthly meeting
on Wednesday August 5

We will also have an open discussion on the topic of Sanctuary Cities.
Program 6:30pm
Hurricane Grill and Wings
Marketplace at Wycliffe (Lake Worth Rd. & 441)
4075 State Road 7
Wellington, FL 33449
Please click on the RSVP button above so we are prepared to accommodate you.
Southeast Florida Honor Flight, as well as the 133 other hubs in the nationwide Honor Flight Network, is dedicated to flying American’s veterans to their respective memorials in Washington, DC, free of charge to the veteran. Each flight typically takes 85 WWII veterans and their guardians on a one day trip of a lifetime, taking off from Palm Beach International Airport at 6:30am with stops at the U.S. Marine Memorial (Iwo Jima), Arlington National Cemetery and the World War II Memorial, returning that evening at 8:30pm. Costs include chartering the American Airlines 757, motor coach transportation with police escort in Washington, three meals and Honor Flight hats and t-shirts for the day. America’s WWII veterans are now in their later years, predominantly in the 90’s age range, so Honor Flight is truly in a race against time to honor these veterans by bringing them to see their memorials, especially the WWII memorial, which was not completed until 2004.
Southeast Florida Honor Flight, based out of Stuart, Florida, is a 100% volunteer 501(c)(3) organization serving Indian River, St. Lucie, Martin, Okeechobee and Palm Beach Counties. All funds raised make sure every veteran flies absolutely free. For more information, to get involved, donate or shop the Honor Flight store, please visit: www.honorflightsefl.org, or www.facebook.com/honorflight or call 1-855-359-2838.