All computers containing data or programs whose disclosure would compromise national security, individual privacy or infrastructure protection should be immediately disconnected from the Internet.
Access to those computers should be by hard-wired terminals exclusively.
Disconnecting the computers should thwart hackers who use the internet for unauthorized access to computer information.
Disconnecting should apply to all levels of government, government contractors, and public utilities.
People who need to work with information on the computers should do so from offices sufficiently close to the computers that a hard=wired connection can be implemented.
Organizations that need computers with Internet access can use separate computers that do not contain sensitive information and are not connected to the computers with the sensitive information.
There is no substitute for physical security.
Rafael Cruz Brings Energy to Tea Party Meeting
Pastor Rafael Cruz, father of presidential candidate and Texas Senator Ted Cruz, brought his particular brand of bible driven politics to the PBCTP on Saturday at the library branch in Palm Beach Gardens.

Pastor Cruz was introduced by Kiwi pundit Trever Loudon, who yearned for another Reagan to emerge and save us (“Now have Carter on steroids and need a Reagan on Meth”), and doesn’t think much of some of the choices, such as “illegal immigration is an act of love, common core loving” Jeb Bush. While stopping short of an outright endorsement of Ted Cruz, Loudon made it clear he is a fan, and suggested that Senator Cruz should pre-announce his cabinet selections. (See sidebar).

Trevor Loudon’s Dream Cabinet
- Vice President: Carly Fiorina
- Secretary of State: John Bolton
- Secretary of Treasury: Rand Paul
- Secretary of Energy: Sarah Palin
- Secretary of Labor: Scott Walker
- Secretary of Commerce: Michele Bachmann
- Secretary of HHS: Ben Carson
- Secretary of Defense: Alan West
- Secretary of Interior: Mike Lee
- Attorney General: Trey Gowdy
- UN Ambassador: NOBODY
With an overall theme of the urgency of action leading up to the 2016 election, Pastor Cruz’s remarks were less a campaign speech for Ted Cruz as much as a call to action to save the country from the destroying influences that under the banner of social justice, encourage dependence on government rather than self reliance.
Using Common Core as an example, brainwashing created by the secular humanists with a political agenda, he tied it to the 1934 “Humanist Manifesto” which features situational ethics, values qualification, and the rights of the group over the individual – all concepts in opposition to the values of the founders.
“America is worth saving” he declared. If the most exceptional country on the face of the earth were to succumb, where would people go if freedom is lost?
He recalled the days of the “black robe regiments” when the American Revolution was driven and nurtured from the pulpit all across colonial America. If the evangelical voters stay home next year, as they did in 2012, we will lose. We are on the edge of a precipice in 2016, with a corrupt political establishment and a lack of values in many institutions. Pastors need to stop hiding behind their pulpits and the liberal’s view of separation of church and state, and find the courage to stand up for America.
Although it’s been said before, Pastor Cruz clearly left the audience with the impression that the next election is truly “the most important of your lifetime.”
Boca July Mtg: Armando Escalante/Director for Bear Witness Central

Armando Escalante is currently the Northeast Florida Director for Bear Witness Central and an active speaker on Cultural Marxism. He is also a current board member of Volusia 912 Patriots in Florida and the Communications Chair for the Volusia County Republican Executive Committee. He, along with his wife, are in the media and web development business and are the producers of the Tales of Waterville™, wholesome animated shows for Children based on Christian values.
As an independent producer of children’s animated content and media professional, he has seen first hand how the culture is being influenced through entertainment, media and education. Over the last few years he and his wife have been active in Patriot groups and the Christian community on a county and state level advocating our Nation’s Constitutional founding, speaking and teaching on the evils of Socialism, Communism, Globalization and an outspoken opponent of Common Core. As a Christian, and Bible teacher for over 16 years, he has been active in bringing awareness on the issue of “Cultural Marxism” and how much of an impact it has had (and continues to have) on American Culture.
Armando, a water baptized born-again Christian, is active in leading bible studies in apologetics and helping many understand the assault on Christianity. He and his wife have been guests on local talk radio, speaking about the 912 movement and the current attacks on our culture. Armando has also been on national radio and a guest on shows such as Sons of Liberty Radio Show and American Freedom Watch Radio.
The meeting schedule follows:
Boca Community Center
150 Crawford Blvd, Boca Raton, FL 33432
(561) 393-7807
Please RSVP below; no meal is served with this meeting.
Jupiter July Mtg: Rebecca Negron, Common Core
When: July 6, 2015
Where: Abacoa Golf Club, 105 Barbados Drive, Jupiter, Fl 33458
Time: 5:30 PM Dinner – $17.00 (Soup & Sandwiches, Cash Bar), 6:30 PM Meeting
Rebecca Negron serves on the Martin County School Board, representing Hobe Sound and southern Martin County in District 3, and is a Registered Nurse who practiced in the field of Obstetrics.
She has spent many hours volunteering in classrooms and is concerned not only that our students have a rigorous academic experience, but that they are taught the values that are important to a thriving and free society.
As a School Board member, Rebecca has focused on three major issues. First, she is working to empower and encourage parents to be actively involved in their students’ education. Second, Rebecca believes students must have a solid foundation in traditional academics, as well as learning to think critically and creatively. Finally, Rebecca is committed to developing, keeping and rewarding high performing teachers.
See Pastor Rafael Cruz – Ted Cruz’ Father – on June 20
Pastor Rafael Cruz
Father of Senator Ted Cruz (2016 presidential candidate) speaks at
Palm Beach Gardens Library
11303 Campus Dr
Palm Beach Gardens, FL
(561) 626-6133
Free Admission
Saturday, June 20, 2015
Sign in at 9:30am.
Meeting will start promptly at 10:00am.
Introduction by Trevor Loudon
Seating is limited – Please RSVP below
Rafael Cruz is a powerful example of the American Dream. Born in Cuba, Rafael lived and suffered under a cruel, oppressive dictator. He began fighting Batista’s regime as a teenager and was imprisoned and tortured for his role in that fight.
Rafael arrived in Texas on a student visa in 1957 with nothing but the clothes on his back and one hundred dollars sewn into his underwear. He got a job as a dishwasher, making 50 cents an hour, and worked his way through the University of Texas, while learning English. He later built a small business in further pursuit of the American Dream.
Concerned with the negative impact of the Carter administration policies on our country, Rafael Cruz became engaged in conservative politics as a grassroots activist during the 1980 Presidential Campaign of Ronald Reagan. When his son Ted was a child growing up in Houston, Rafael would tell him, “When we faced oppression in Cuba, I had a place to flee to. If we lose our freedom here, where do we go?”
In 2012, Ted Cruz was elected U.S. Senator from Texas.
Today, Pastor Cruz is an ordained minister, sharing the Word of God in churches and Pastors’ Conferences throughout the United States. He is also the president of Kingdom Translation Services. As he travels the country sharing his story and speaking on the Biblical foundations of our nation, it is his passion to encourage Christians in what can be done to return our nation to the principles that made America exceptional.
$725M County Budget Proposal Largest in History
Floridians For E-Verify Now
Floridians for E-Verify Now is gathering signed petitions to make E-verify mandatory for all businesses in Florida. All state employees are required to be E-verified to work for the State of Florida. Florida businesses are not yet required to verify that job applicants are U.S. citizens. Many illegal aliens are coming to Florida to get jobs because of this . Many of Florida’s neighboring states require employers to E-verify their job applicants. The petition is available as well as a complete explanation of just about everything you want to know about E-verify at the following link.
I hope you review the information and sign the petition so that it will be placed on the ballot this fall. About 680,000 signed petitions needed Your signed petition would be very helpful in making sure that Florida is no longer a job magnet for illegal aliens.