My thoughts on diplomatic relations with Cuba
My dreams of a free Cuba collapsed on December 17, 2014 when the president of the United States decided to open diplomatic relations with Cuba, my country of birth.
Human rights were not a part of the negotiations. The thousands killed and tortured by the leaders of the Cuban dictatorship since January 1, 1959 when they took over by force, the Castro brothers, were forgotten. Among them were members of my family including my Uncle Ramón, who suffered the most horrendous tortures in the dungeons of these despicable barbarians. In addition, the current opponents to the regime like Dr. Oscar Elías Biscet, the Damas de Blanco (Ladies in White) and organizations in exile were omitted in the conversations.
Once more, this president faithfully followed his policy of appeasement with the enemies of the United States and the world. In this case, he stepped on the ideals for freedom of the Cuban people who have been oppressed for the last 55 years in a land where the government spies and decides the future of its citizens.
With this action, President Barack Obama has killed the dreams of the Cubans who aspired to liberty and happiness.
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Delia Garcia Menocal
USA / Cuba 2014
Friday, December 19, 2014
My name is Mercedes Garcia, I am an American who was born and raised in Cuba, and lived there until 1961 when my family and I had to leave the island due to Castro’s communist regime persecution.
Ever since that time I have been denouncing that terrible system that is a social cancer that destroys everything that it touches.
The Castro brothers as well as the late Che Guevara and their followers have controlled the lives of the Cubans in the island physically, emotionally, morally, and three generations of children have grown not knowing the existence of God. The readers could say there are churches and temples in Cuba, yes, there are but the people are afraid of attending services because they could be attacked and hurt by the trained militia or government mod. The ladies in white are an example of what I am saying.
The above mentioned dictators and a number of their followers are responsible for the death of thousand of Cubans who have been killed in front of the firing squad, an endless number incarcerated and tortured without due process, heavens knows how many have lost their lives at sea trying to escape from the island where they were treated as slaves of the government while the “elite” live like kings!
There is a misconception that either Fidel or Raul Castro are presidents. Neither of them have ever been elected by the people. They are tyrants who took the power by force in 1959 and are still there.
During all of these years several times the Cubans have been betrayed regarding their hope for a free Cuba. I will mention a few times that come to my mind. It is well known The Bay of Pig treason, a child Elian Gonzalez was kidnapped during the night and given to Castro as a trophy on a silver tray, three Americans and a USA resident from Brothers of the Rescue were killed while flying over international waters, and nothing was done…and now it seems that the present administration is on its way to establish relations with Castro’s Communist Government. Very difficult to comprehend.
Doing business with the communist is a Lose/Lose deal. They do not honor anything and the money sent to Cuba will never reach the poor people who are living in the worse human conditions, but it will go direct to the Castro’s arks. it is foolish to believe that it will help the Cubans in the island.
I will end these lines by saying a prayer for my adopted country that I love so much, The United States of America, a generous and great nation that today and always be Blessed by God Almighty and forever be “The land of the free and the home of the brave.”
Thank you,
Mercedes M. Garcia
People are saying they will remember in 2016 those that voted for the $1.1T spending bill Speaker Boehner negotiated with Democratic President Obama.
There are other memories that will remain until 2016 and beyond.
There is the memory of voting in 2008 for liberal John McCain, the Senator who recently enthusiastically supported the report of Democratic Sen. Feinstein falsely accusing the CIA of torture.
There is the memory of voting in 2012 for liberal Mitt Romney, the former Governor that recently told Republicans to suck it in and support the amnesty program of Democratic President Obama.
These and similar memories of local and state candidates have led to the following:
1. I will only vote for conservative candidates.
I will vote for and support conservative candidates and do what I can to help them get elected.
2. I will not vote for a “less liberal” candidate.
Sometimes it seems a political party runs a candidate that is less liberal than the candidates of the opposition parties in the belief the conservative voter has nowhere else to go and will have to vote for their candidate.
That logic might have worked in the past but will work no more with this conservative.
There is an option besides voting for the less liberal candidate. It is the option of “staying home”. It is the option of not voting for any of the liberal candidates for that office. It is the option of choice for this conservative voter.
3. I will not vote against a liberal candidate.
This is similar to number 2 above where I am told I have to vote for someone because the alternative candidate is so liberal their election would be a disaster.
I will risk that disaster rather than vote for someone who is not conservative. That may be the only way to effectively tell the parties what it takes to get my vote. It takes a CONSERVATIVE candidate.
Conservatives must be willing to stand for their principles and not be lured into compromising positions.
This creed was applied to the 2014 elections.
People say members of the GOP establishment giving us these progressive candidates and negotiating with the Democrats are fake Republicans, RINOs (Republicans in name only). Not so. They are the real Republicans, CINOs (conservatives in name only).
Those remembering today’s events for the 2016 election cycle might want to consider a longer time frame.
What happens to a Republican Party that continues to be more and more indistinguishable from the Democratic Party? Why would any independent or conservative have any enthusiasm for supporting such a party and its liberal candidates? Can such a party ever win another Presidential election?
There are more conservatives than liberals in this country and that preponderance is growing.
Perhaps, when the Republican Party self-destructs, a conservative party will emerge from the ashes of the GOP.
It has happened before. Remember the Mugwumps.
K. Carl Smith at Wellington on January 7
PROGRAM: Turning Values into Votes – Minority Outreach Training
SPEAKER: K. Carl Smith, President of the Frederick Douglass Republicans.
See K. Carl Smith and the Frederick Douglass Republicans – Turning Values into Votes for details.
DATE: Wednesday, January 7, 2015
TIME: 6:30 PM Meeting.
PLACE: Wellington Branch, County Library – Directions
so we are prepared to accommodate you.
K. Carl Smith at Boca on January 6
PROGRAM:Turning Values into Votes – Minority Outreach Training
SPEAKER: K. Carl Smith, President of the Frederick Douglass Republicans.
See K. Carl Smith and the Frederick Douglass Republicans – Turning Values into Votes for details.
DATE: Tuesday, January 6, 2015
TIME: 6:30 PM. Doors open at 6:00 PM
Refreshments will be served. No Charge.
PLACE: Boca Raton Community Center, 150 Crawford Blvd., Boca Raton, FL. 33432. 561.393.7807.
I-95 to Exit 44, Palmetto Park Rd. East on Palmetto Park Rd. 1.7 Mi. to Crawford Blvd. Left onto Crawford Blvd. 0.8 Mi. to Community Center on right.
Florida Turnpike to Exit 75, Glades Rd.. East on Glades Rd. to I-95. South on I-95 to Exit 44, Palmetto Park Rd. East on Palmetto Park Rd. 1.7 Mi. to Crawford Blvd. Left onto Crawford Blvd. 0.8 Mi. to Community Center on right
K. Carl Smith at Jupiter on January 5
PROGRAM:Turning Values into Votes – Minority Outreach Training
SPEAKER: K. Carl Smith, President of the Frederick Douglass Republicans.
See K. Carl Smith and the Frederick Douglass Republicans – Turning Values into Votes for details.
DATE: Monday, January 5, 2015
TIME: 5:30 PM Dinner (full buffet, dessert and coffee, cash bar), 6:30 PM Meeting.COST: Dinner: $17 (tax & tip included). (We regret that rising food costs require us to increase the cost of the buffet).
Meeting only: No charge
PLACE: Abacoa Golf Club 105 Barbados Dr., Jupiter, FL 33458.
DIRECTIONS: MAP Donald Ross Rd. to Parkside Dr. North on Parkside Dr. 0.4 miles to Barbados Dr. Left on Barbados Dr. to first driveway on Left.
so we are prepared to accommodate you.
K. Carl Smith and the Frederick Douglass Republicans – Turning Values into Votes

Please join us in January as all three PBCTP chapters will host K. Carl Smith, President and Founder of the Frederick Douglass Republicans, as he explains his program of “Turning Values into Votes” – Outreach Minority Training.
Author of the bestselling book “Frederick Douglass Republicans: The Movement to Re-Ignite America’s Passion for Liberty“, Mr. Smith will discuss the number one challenge facing the conservative movement and the Republican Party – diversity inclusion.
A truth-teller, K. Carl’s Frederick Douglass Republican message resonates with those who hold liberty in high esteem. It was KCarl’s FDR message which inspired Louisiana state Senator Elbert Guillory’s party switch to the Republican Party and conservative movement. KCarl is an unyielding defender of the constitution and liberty, inspired by the guiding principles of the Founding Fathers and he holds fast to the oath taken during his service to our country.
The meeting schedule follows (Note the earlier date for Wellington). Click on the meeting for directions and to RSVP.
Jupiter | Abacoa Golf Club | Monday, January 5, 2015 |
Boca | Boca Community Center | Tuesday, January 6, 2015 |
Wellington | Wellington Branch Library | Wednesday, January 7, 2015 |
Biography of K. Carl Smith
According to RedState, “KCarl Smith is one of the most influential people in America you have never heard of. Most certainly, KCarl is one of the most important people grassroots conservatives and Republicans Party leaders should be listening to right now.”
A former U.S. Army officer, KCarl is the President and Founder of Frederick Douglass Republicans and author of the best-selling book entitled, Frederick Douglass Republicans: The Movement to Re-Ignite America’s Passion for Liberty.
In 2011, an upper level executive of the NAACP, who wishes to remain nameless, read KCarl’s book and commented, “If the message in KCarl’s book gets on a national level, the Democrat Party would be toast and President Obama would be history.”
It was KCarl’s Frederick Douglass Republican message that inspired Louisiana State Senate Elbert Guillory’s party switch from Democrat to Republican. Here’s what Senator Guillory says about KCarl, “A year ago, after months of soul searching and extreme discomfort with Democrat Party’s stances on marriage, abortion, guns and work, KCarl helped me find comfort in the GOP’s values. Then he helped me articulate my need to change. As I write these words, I recall my turmoil and pain and I thank God for sending KCarl to my rescue.”
You may have seen KCarl on the 700 Club, The BlazeTV and FoxNEWS’ Huckabee Show. He is featured in Rev. C.L. Bryant’s Runaway Slave Documentary.