An eye for an eye. A tooth for a tooth. A head for a head.
Medical marijuana, land use, judicial appointments, school taxes and the Children’s Services Council – these are all topics about which you will be asked to decide on the November ballot.
Use the chart below to guide you through the ballot amendments and what they mean. Click on the question title for more information.
PROGRAM: Voter fraud research and his election law handbook.
SPEAKER: William J. “Bill” Skinner is the author of South Florida Election Law Handbook: How Voters Can Prevent Election Fraud And Make Elections Fair Bill Skinner is a retired pharmacist/attorney who has lived in Florida since 2003. In Florida he has been a Precinct Advisor in all elections from 2004 through 2012. He was the Voter Fraud Chairman of the Palm Beach County Republican Executive Committee from 2007 through 2010
after filing 66 complaints of Election Fraud with the Florida Secretary of State. He is a former trial attorney, lobbyist, and civic activist in Maryland and DC for 32 years.
DATE: Monday, October 13, 2014
TIME:6:30 – 8:30 PM
PLACE: Back by popular demand:
Total Wine & More.
Shoppes at Isla Verde, 960 S State Road 7, Wellington, FL 33414, (561) 795-9229
DIRECTIONS:MAP Take FL-80 W/US-98/Southern Blvd/State Road 80 W to US-441 S/FL-7 N. Bear right onto the ramp to US-441 S/FL-7 N. Turn left (south) onto State Road 7/US-441. Go 0.6 miles to signal light at entrance of Shoppes at Isla Verde. Turn left at signal light into shopping center.
There will be no food and there is no charge to attend.
so we are prepared to accommodate you.

PROGRAM: Voter fraud research and the speaker’s election law handbook.
SPEAKER: William J. “Bill” Skinner is the author of South Florida Election Law Handbook: How Voters Can Prevent Election Fraud And Make Elections Fair. Bill Skinner is a retired pharmacist/attorney who has lived in Florida since 2003. In Florida he has been a Precinct Advisor in all elections from 2004 through 2012. He was the Voter Fraud Chairman of the Palm Beach County Republican Executive Committee from 2007 through 2010 after filing 66 complaints of Election Fraud with the Florida Secretary of State.
DATE: Tuesday, October 7, 2014
TIME: 6:30 PM. Doors open at 6:00 PM
Refreshments will be served. No Charge.
PLACE: Boca Raton Community Center, 150 Crawford Blvd., Boca Raton, FL. 33432. 561.393.7807.
I-95 to Exit 44, Palmetto Park Rd. East on Palmetto Park Rd. 1.7 Mi. to Crawford Blvd. Left onto Crawford Blvd. 0.8 Mi. to Community Center on right.
Florida Turnpike to Exit 75, Glades Rd.. East on Glades Rd. to I-95. South on I-95 to Exit 44, Palmetto Park Rd. East on Palmetto Park Rd. 1.7 Mi. to Crawford Blvd. Left onto Crawford Blvd. 0.8 Mi. to Community Center on right
so we are prepared to accommodate you.
I am currently in Michigan my home state and have a discussion going on FB whether or not Florida has adopted CC. It is my understanding that the Gov is continuing to fo fight it and that they changed the standards. Exactly what is the status there? I would really appreciate an answer so I can get this person off my back. Thank you all.
Feel free to reply also to my email at
PROGRAM 1: An analysis of the war in Gaza and the implications for all Americans.
SPEAKER 1: Tom Trento, Director, The United West, Lake Worth, FL. Co-Author. Shariah: The Threat To America.
The United West is dedicated to defending and advancing Western Civilization against the kinetic and cultural onslaught of Shariah Islam, so that America remains a land of freedom, justice and opportunity grounded in the principles of our Constitutional Republic.
PROGRAM 2: Issues Facing the Florida Legislature.
SPEAKER 2: MaryLynn Magar representing Florida House District 82 in the Florida Legislature.
DATE: Monday, October 6, 2014
TIME: 5:30 PM Dinner (Soup & Sandwiches, Cash Bar), 6:30 PM Meeting.
COST: Dinner: $13 (tax & tip included).
Meeting only: No charge
PLACE: Abacoa Golf Club 105 Barbados Dr., Jupiter, FL 33458.
DIRECTIONS: MAP Donald Ross Rd. to Parkside Dr. North on Parkside Dr. 0.4 miles to Barbados Dr. Left on Barbados Dr. to first driveway on Left.
so we are prepared to accommodate you.
Terry Gallagher (Treasurer) and Mel Grossman (President) kicked off the well attended Jupiter meeting with announcements about future chapter meetings and the ongoing Mission: Awakening Rally in Tequesta – supporting religious freedom. Beverely Hires, recent candidate for CD 18 thanked the audience for support and encouraged everyone to rally together behind the primary winner (Carl Domino) in order to defeat Patrick Murphy. Jerry Marazas spoke about the upcoming PBC Budget Hearings on September 8th and 22nd at 6pm at 301 N Olive and suggested that interested citizens should attend the hearings and support taking $20 million of the $44+ million in tax increases from the PBSO (Sheriff’s) budget and return it to the tax-payer.
Our keynote speaker, John Casey, President, Space and Science Research Corporation, Orlando, Florida. Author of the book, Cold Sun. Co-Founder and Chairman, International Earthquake and Volcano Prediction Center, Orlando, Florida, he has a new book entitled Dark Winter. In 2007 he had a scientific epiphany while researching climate change models and realized that the sun’s cycles, especially its 206 year cycle, more closely represented the climate change actually observed than do any of the so called ‘global warming’ models. Based on his observations of the correlation between the 206 year cycle and actual climatic changes, he predicts that we have already begun a 30 year period of cooling, with the temperatures bottoming out in around 2030. Our governments are not preparing us for this period where such cooling could have devastating effects on crops and lead to mass starvation and upheaval.
Mr. Casey, and other ‘man-made global warming deniers’ have met with strong opposition from governmental and scientific organizations (as well as political ones) who stand to lose a lot of credibility, funding and policy changes should Casey and his fellow-researchers be proven right. Casey has had complete strangers slander him and make claims against him. Closer to home, he outlined the fallacies in sea-level predictions and climate change predictions used in the Seven50 proposals. He also showed charts highlighting actual measurements (temperature, sea-level) versus predictions made over the last 20+ years, demonstrating that none of the models used by the UN’s IPCC and related groups have had any level of accuracy. He also cited several of the key researchers’ works in sea-level, solar impacts on climate and earthquake analysis to show that the sun and solar sun-spot activity, and not man-made carbon use, are key to the earth’s climate. Russian climate researchers have come to the same conclusion and have also predicted a period of global cooling.
(Note: As someone who has read a lot about climate change and a man-made climate change skeptic, I personally would have liked to have seen correlations with thousands of years, rather than 400 year charts and short term (30 year) predictions but Mr. Casey was covering a lot of material in his hour-long presentation and it would have been difficult for everyone in the audience to see that level of details in charts.) All in all – it was an informative talk, generating a lot of questions and discussion afterwards.
A call to action was made by the speaker: use legal means, as do the organizations pushing the ‘global warming fraud’, generating lawsuits against those who have perpetrated such fraud and the governmental entities who have imposed policy changes as a result – knowing full-well that what they are predicting is untrue.
Mr. Casey’s research efforts rely totally on private funding via sales of his books and reports and he encouraged the audience to check out his website and purchase his materials if they’d like more details. There is also a free 4-page summary of the climate assessment report available for download.