Wellington Features IG John Carey in September
PROGRAM: County Inspector General John Carey
DATE: Monday, September 8, 2014
TIME: 6:30 – 8:30 PM
PLACE: Wellington Public Library, 1951 Royal Fern Blvd, Wellington, FL 561.790.6070
I-95 to Exit 66, Forest Hill Blvd. West on Forest Hill Blvd. 1.5 miles past The Mall at Wellington Green to Royal Fern Dr. Right on Royal Fern Dr. and then turn left into the library parking lot.
Or: Florida Turnpike to Exit 97, Southern Blvd. West on Southern Blvd 2 mi. to US-441 SR-7 Bear right onto the ramp to US-441 SR-7 N. Turn left (south) onto State Road 7/US-441. Go 2 miles to Forest Hill Blvd. Turn right on Forest Hill Blvd. 1.5 miles to Royal Fern Dr. Right on Royal Fern Dr. and then turn left into the library parking lot.
Our featured speaker is new IG John Carey. Replacing Sheryl Steckler, who chose not to renew her 4 year contract, John comes to Palm Beach County with extensive background as an IG in the federal government, most recently as Deputy IG overseeing all the intelligence agencies. His resume runs the gamut, from a decade as a police officer in Indiana to serving in the Marine Corps and retiring as a colonel. He was trained at the FBI Academy in Quantico, Va., and spent five years as a deputy inspector general in the Marine Corps. In 2003, he served in Kuwait and Iraq.
Please RSVP so we are prepared to accommodate you.
There will be no food and there is no charge to attend.
Email: info@palmbeachcountyteaparty.org
Dennis Michael Lynch Video
Dennis Michael Lynch Returns to Abacoa

Returning to Jupiter almost exactly a year from his last appearance, author, videographer, frequent guest on the Blaze and Fox News, and possible presidential candidate Dennis Michael Lynch brought an enthusiastic crowd up to date on his last year’s activities.
After a brief update on the southern border, accompanied by a video clip and a description of his role (as documented on Fox) in the Clive Bundy affair, Dennis joined PBCTP President Mel Grossman and Wellington Chapter Leader Marion Frank on the stage for a Q&A.
The questions ran from the light and fluffy (“What is Megyn Kelly really like”), to the substantive (“How long can unchecked immigration continue before all hell breaks loose?”).
The solution to the immigration crisis he said, is to eliminate the incentives to come here. Employers of illegals should be fined, and “real” deportations should occur. The current administration practice of counting “turnbacks” – people who are captured at the border and immediately returned, as deportations has inflated their record and more in-country deportations should occur to send the right message.
If continued unchecked, he believes the current influx will permanently depress the job opportunities of all Americans. Once legalized, the farm worker will move up to sheet rock installer, the construction laborer to driving the UPS truck. La Raza will demand equal opportunity, and sue to insure that all jobs are open to the newly legalized. If President Obama proceeds with the executive amnesty he has threatened, the chaos that ensues will be his real legacy.
Tentatively suggesting his interest in running for President in 2016, while a picture of his photogenic family posed among the sand dunes was displayed on the screen, Mr. Lynch gave his view of the current crop of candidates. Marco Rubio “will not be re-elected to the Senate”, let alone the Presidency. Chris Christie “is not an effective leader” if he didn’t know about the bridge lane closures, Ted Cruz “will be completely destroyed by the mainstream media who despise him”, Rand Paul has been pandering and opposes voter ID laws, and Ben Carson “does not want the job”, as well as being in favor of full legalization. On the mention of Jeb Bush, his comment was drowned out by the laughter in the room, most of whom oppose our former governor’s views on common core and immigration reform. Regarding the Presidency, unlike Dr. Carson, Dennis does “want the job”.
A good number of candidates were in attendance, including Calvin Turnquest, Alan Schlesinger, Brian Lara and Beverly Hires for CD18, Paul Spain in CD22, Senator Joe Negron for SS32, CC6 candidate Andy Schaller, and Kesnel Theus for Port of Palm Beach. County GOP Chair Anita Mitchell was also in the audience, along with St. Lucie County Chair Bill Patterson.
Candidates who will appear on the upcoming Election ballots in Palm Beach County were asked a series of questions to help the Tea Party members understand the candidates’ positions on some of the important issues.
The responses received from the candidates were emailed to the members on July 5th in advance of the July Candidate Forums.
The responses are shown at
Final Voter Guide .
If you did not receive this voter guide and wish to be on our email list, you can provide your email address at Sign-Up.
Questions and comments on this Voter Guide can be sent to mailto:oversight@palmbeachcountyteaparty.org
Jupiter Chapter – John L. Casey
PROGRAM: Man made Global Warming: The Greatest Scientific Fraud in History – What to do about It!
SPEAKER: John L. Casey, President, Space and Science Research Corporation, Orlando, Florida. Author of the book, Cold Sun. Co-Founder and Chairman, International Earthquake and Volcano Prediction Center. Orlando, Florida.
DATE: Monday, September 1, 2014
TIME: 5:30 PM Dinner (Soup & Sandwiches, Cash Bar)
6:30 PM Meeting
COST: Dinner: $13 (tax & tip included).
Meeting only: No charge.
PLACE: Abacoa Golf Club 105 Barbados Dr., Jupiter, FL 33458.
DIRECTIONS: MAP Donald Ross Rd. to Parkside Dr. North on Parkside Dr. 0.4 miles to Barbados Dr. Left on Barbados Dr. to first driveway on Left.
so we are prepared to accommodate you.
Boca Chapter – John L. Casey
PROGRAM: Man made Global Warming: The Greatest Scientific Fraud in History – What to do about It!
SPEAKER: John L. Casey, President, Space and Science Research Corporation, Orlando, Florida. Author of the book, Cold Sun. Co-Founder and Chairman, International Earthquake and Volcano Prediction Center. Orlando, Florida.
DATE: Tuesday, September 2, 2014
TIME: 6:30 PM. Doors open at 6:00 PM
No Charge
PLACE: Boca Raton Community Center 150 Crawford Blvd., Boca Raton, FL. 33432. 561.393.7807.
so we are prepared to accommodate you
CORRUPTION is not just “over there”
Many people in The Unites States think that a corrupt government is something found “over there” in the third world in banana republics.
Those people should take their blinders off and look at what is happening “over here”.
We have what seems like a pathological liar-in-chief (“You can keep your doctor if you like your doctor”) who followed a leader who was impeached for lying under oath. We have had a number of members of the executive branch recently testifying untruthfully before Congress. Employees of one agency made fraudulent reports to get big bonuses. Employees of another agency nullified the effectiveness of opponents to get their boss reelected.
We have unfathomable corruption at our former southern border. The chief law enforcement officer refuses to prosecute members of groups he likes. Numerous member of Congress continue to put the interests of themselves, their friends and their party above the interests of the people they were elected to serve.
Many of our elected and appointed government officials appear to be incapable of handling the responsibilities of the jobs that have been given.
Is it any wonder some American citizens feel they live in a third world banana republic?