Ron DeSantis Educates In Boca Raton
Posted by Alex Berry on February 8, 2012 · Leave a Comment
The stage was set for another glorious evening of fellowship and patriotism at Boca Greens Country Club on February 7th, for the Boca Chapter’s Monthly Dinner/Speaker. We welcomed author Ron DeSantis, who had spoken the evening before to an appreciative crowd for our Jupiter Chapter meeting. Only months away from what will be the most critically defining election in the 21st Century for America, it was very healthy to look at our past, our Founding Fathers, and our Constitution, and ask the questions about WHAT KIND of country we want to be moving forward.

A mild, yet overcast twilight welcomed our guests, totaling over 120 people. Our friends at Boca Greens continued to “wow” those who chose to dine with us with a wide array of excellent food. Our co-laborers from Jupiter- including Gary Summers, Terry Brady, and Mel Grossman- made the drive to help our chapter have another successful evening, and we who help organize this from Boca truly appreciate the help, along with the comraderie. Once again, donations to our cause enabled us to have a silent auction, enabling the PBCTP to make better use of the raffle concept to raise much-needed funds.
Boca Chapter Coordinator Alex Berry began the proceedings at 7:00pm with the Pledge of Allegiance. Once all were seated, he then explained who the Tea Party is, and how our organization is set up. Instead of the usual list of announcements, Alex asked Joe Madej to take the podium to explain how our organization will be organizing our poll watching efforts, as well as our Get Out The Vote campaign. Sign-up sheets were on all the tables for that effort. Terry Brady then took the podium to address how we continue to raise funds- not just with the Silent Auction at our Dinner/Speaker events, but also with Gold Parties and other activities. Finally, Mel Grossman livened up the stage with encouragement and inspiration for the task that lies ahead for the Tea Party in America today…
Alex then introduced Ron DeSantis, who was joined at the event by his lovely wife, Casey (an Emmy-winning TV personality in the Jacksonville market). Ron is the author of “Dreams From Our Founding Fathers-First Principles in the Age of Obama”. His speech paralleled much of the same theme of the book, which sharply contrasts the agenda that Barack Obama has, with the key themes surrounding individual liberty and freedom that was so passionately espoused by our Founders. Both informative and jaw-dropping, DeSantis used fresh, “torn from today’s headlines” news and events to illuminate how far we have drifted from the INTENT of the framers of the Constitution. Everything from recent legislation, to Judge Ginsberg’s comment that the US Constitution is not the best thing to use to write a new one for people in Egypt were discussed in juxtaposition to what our Founders actually wrote, thought, and risked their lives for…
After his speech, DeSantis humored the crowd by taking questions for the better part of half an hour- ranging on immigration to the NDAA, and the unique Constitutional perspective on all these things.
The raffle prizes were then drawn, and the evening was concluded—Ron DeSantis took the time to chat with folks till nearly everyone was gone. He had several copies of his books for people who might wish to purchase it, and he was glad to sign the inside sleeve for anyone who wanted it. In all, it was a GREAT evening!
We look forward to more great meetings in 2012 for our Boca Chapter—please INVITE YOUR FRIENDS to our next event, which will be on March 6th, 2012!!! Remember—we always have our Boca Chapter Dinner/Speaker event on the FIRST TUESDAY of every month, so mark your calendars! We now have TEN months to make a difference for the next election, so please get involved if you aren’t yet, and STAY involved if you already are!
Pictures by Alex: