Obama Oil Lies by Mark Wohlschlegel
I have about had it in listening to Obama state that his policies have resulted in the largest production of oil in the past few years. The statement is true, that is our production rates of oil in the aggregate were higher in 2011 than in 2010—what is the lie is that Obama and his administration has had nothing to do with this—in fact, had he opened up lands back when he took office that are owned by the federal government, and issued leases to production companies, the total production today would be much higher than it is—and gasoline and natural gas pricing, as commodities, behave in a very simple supply and demand dynamic. The more the supply, the lower the price given a demand for the product.
I did some research and here are the facts as best I can determine. The fact is—Obama is the anti-energy policy President and his agenda is to make existing fuel sources which happen to be significantly fossil fuels, as expensive as possible. This policy has been stated by Obama’s DOE cabinet head Steven Chu on numerous occasions. It is not a secret. This is asinine—as I have previously written, renewables at best will only supplement our base fuels and will never be a substitute for current fossil fuel technology—at least for the foreseeable future, and nothing the government does will change this—the market forces is the only way a change in mix of fuels will change. The federal government by sticking its hands in the decision, can only do what it always does, screw things up.
Most of the data comes from the EIA (Energy Information Administration). The fact is, Obama cannot and should not take credit for that fact that net oil production this year is slightly higher than last. The vast majority of America’s new oil and gas production is happening on private lands in states like North Dakota, Alaska, and Texas. When measuring oil and gas production in areas under Obama’s jurisdiction, the numbers tell a significantly different story.
The House Natural Resources Committee noted these facts:
1) Oil and natural gas production on federal lands is down by more than 40 percent compared to 10 years ago.
2) Under the Obama administration, 2010 had the lowest number of onshore leases issued since 1984
3) The Obama administration held only one offshore lease sale in 2011.
North Dakota has been the poster child for what can happen when we unleash free enterprise and allow states to develop and commercialize their resources. The result, North Dakota’s unemployment rate is 3.4 percent, the lowest in the country. According to a report from HIS Global Insight, North Dakota already returned to pre-recession employment along with energy-rich Alaska. Texas is expected to do so in the first quarter of 2012.
Industry analysts say production is rising—not because of President Obama’s policies, but in spite of him. Production in the Gulf of Mexico is down 30%. Lease sales in Rocky Mountains on federal lands are down 70 percent. President Obama and his administration has put 85 percent of the outer continental shelf off limits and overall, is only making 3 percent of the areas under his control available for development. He stated just this week, “You know there are no quick fixes to this problem, and you know we can’t just drill our way to lower gas prices.” What I say to this is you know, we have heard this from democrats going back to the early 90’s from Clinton—and we hear it all of the time from democrats in the house and senate. They conveniently say even if we start drilling now, it will be years before we will see production increase. Yep that is probably right—but what if we had started back in the early 90s and continued expanding our production and our refineries (for which none have been built in over 30 years and many have been retired). Would we not have a much larger supply of oil and gas today? Damn right we would! So when are we going to start? This is a lame excuse and has been a major contributor of why we are where we are today—still hugely dependent on imported oil that drives prices up and jeopardizes our national security not to mention the billions of dollars that we are exporting to foreign oil producing nations.
One other fact—the production numbers are up last year due significantly to leases used by George Bush during his presidency. The fact is if we had the commitment to “drill baby drill” we could be 100% energy independent within 12 years—and I am not even including the building of nuclear power plants—if this occurred now—we could shorten the time whereby we could be in 100% of our energy sources. But to do this—we need someone other than a gutless president that is hell bent on forcing is green agenda on our country.
Treasury Secretary Geithner and others are now talking about releasing oil from the strategic petroleum reserves. This at least shows that the administration at least recognizes that there is a relationship between supply and pricing of gasoline. But the fact is, we have a huge reserve right under our feet, if we would only be allowed to develop it!
Stop the Trains!
This is from Sharon Calvert of the Tampa Tea Party. She and Tampa-912 leader Karen Jarosh were instrumental in the grassroots uprising that killed light rail in the Tampa area. Now Senator Jack Latvala is trying to end run the voter’s decision. Please click on the link and send a message to Tallahassee.
LESS than 18 HOURS before critical BUDGET HEARING
Tallahassee INSIDERS are working to nullify the 2010 vote of Hillsborough County residents against Light Rail! As you read this, imagine the smoke-filled, back rooms of government from years ago, playing out again tonight in Tallahassee!
Senator Jack Latvala is working the back rooms of Tallahassee (before Tuesday’s all important BUDGET COMM. Vote), having inserted language into a BIG TRANSPORTATION bill to FORCE a merger between Pinellas (his) and Hillsborough County Transit Agencies. His aim is to FORCE these local communites, TWO SOVEREIGN COUNTIES, to pay a third Agency TAX PAYER MONIES . This agency TBARTA, has plans to re-introduce LIGHT RAIL despite the 2010 vote by HILLSBOROUGH residents against LIGHT RAIL by 60+%.
The TBARTA plan has not been vetted, it has not been put through a COST BENEFIT ANALYSIS!
It is an attempt for BIG GOVERNMENT INSIDERS to nullify the election results of 2010! But the PEOPLE have already spoken! Senator Latvala is trying to overturn the ELECTION with a back-door deal!
DON’T LET THEM GET AWAY WITH IT! You have less than 24hrs to let them HEAR YOU
In the last year (since the people voted down Rail in 2010), the Hillsborough Area Regional Transit (HART) authority has given up its rail aspirations and has made steps to streamline costs and pare down inefficient routes to provide transportation to the transit-dependent. To survive in an era of dwindling property tax revenues, they have enacted reforms such as freezing wages, requiring employees make a contribution towards their health insurance premiums, and laying off redundant administrative staff. They have plans to raise fares so riders pay more of the costs that taxpayers are currently shouldering.
Contrast this with Pinellas’ transit agency PSTA. PSTA’s answer to shrinking tax revenues was to raise their property tax rate to a rate 50% higher than HART’s! They did not attempt to slash spending and live within their means. In January, PSTA also announced plans to build a lavish $1.7 billion light rail system that would require an ADDITIONAL $100+ million a year of taxpayer dollars to operate.
In order for PSTA to qualify for federal funds (more DEFICIT spending we cannot afford), they need to show phenomenal ridership numbers. This is a problem since demographers anticipate that Pinellas county’s trend of decreasing population will continue for the next 20 years! Therefore PSTA needs Hillsborough County’s robust 30% growth rate in their corner.
So, Senator Latvala and his partners in the efforts to OVERTURN the ELECTIONS of 2010 want to MERGE the two seperate County Agencies to beef up ridership numbers.
…They have a problem however, because the HART board has rejected this idea with three resolutions. PSTA and HART already collaborate with seamless bus service across all three bay bridges and already realize quantity discounts on joint fuel and vehicle purchases.
SB 1866 pushed by Senator LATVALA requires HART and PSTA must meet to formulate the merger and bring the plan to the SENATE by February 2013!! Additionally, it requires HART to meet TBARTA goals within 7 years…including LIGHT RAIL…YES…the same LIGHT RAIL that HILLSBOROUGH residents already REJECT!
Senator Latvala is trying to OVERTURN the WILL of the PEOPLE! STOP Senate Bill 1866!!
PLEASE help the residents of CENTRAL FLORIDA stop SENATE BILL 1866….the next stop on this RAILROADING of the VOTER could by YOUR COMMUNITY!
Click the link below to log in and send your message:
Ten Easy Steps to Achieve the American Dream*
Select a product that will produce green energy. Product examples are solar cell arrays, windmills and ethanol.
Do not worry if the product is presently being made by someone else or can be made cheaper offshore. These factors, while important for determining how long the project lasts, will not prevent you from realizing the American Dream.
Involve some friends in the project to help them realize their American Dream. The more friends you involve, the more successful Step 9 will be. This team of you and your friends will be the Organizers .
Form a Corporation. This can be done cheaply using forms provided by your state or by using an Internet legal services organization.
Create a business plan for the project that includes Steps 5-9 below.
The plan should involve raising at least a half billion dollars.
Discretely calculate how long it will take for the company to be bankrupt. Avoid having email messages with the results of this calculation leaked outside the group of organizers.
This calculation will be needed for Step 8.
Explain your business plan to the White House Energy Czar, the Secretary of Energy, the President and any underlings in the West Wing that can help sell your plan. Step 9 will guarantee you will not need much selling help.
Accept the half billion dollars of taxpayer money graciously and deposit it into your company’s bank account. The realization of the American dream is now guaranteed.
Give yourself and the other Organizers you involved in Step 2 a large salary so you can put aside a healthy amount for a comfortable retirement (Step 10) and still have enough left over for Step 9.
All the organizers give generously, as promised, to the President’s reelection campaign. The recipient will assure nobody effectively questions this laundering of taxpayer money.
Retire early to a Florida condo with the proceeds of Step 8.
You have realized the American Dream and live happily ever after.
*Reference 1.
Reference 2.
Reference 3.
Beyond the Local Vote – a Municipal Elections Forum
Freedom Rally shows we have to do a better job of educating!
Several Palm Beach County Tea Party members, along with other like-minded folks, stood on the intersection of Parker Ave and Okeechobee Blvd during rush hour on Wednesday, rallying in support of the First Amendment and Religious Freedom. It was a difficult corner – since the road was very wide in all directions and the vehicles were moving at fairly high speed. As one person put it “we have 20 mph signs in a 50 mph zone’.
The ralliers were enthusiastic and we’ve got some pictures, below. Thanks to all who took the time to come out for our Freedoms! What was clear, however, was that when people were able to read the signs – most didn’t have a clue about the latest incursions on our First Amendment Rights, or anything about the Obamacare regulations related to ‘free’ contraception or it’s impact on Freedom of Religion. Those of us experienced at sign waving from past rallies and demonstrations, could tell by the blank stares of drivers/passengers, and the minimal responses (eg horn-honking, thumbs-up or other less pleasant finger signs) that our topic did not strike any kind of chord with our intended audience.
Our rights are being taken away little by little with barely a whimper. ACT! NOW!
A few pictures of the event:
Where are the Jobs? The Inconvenient Truth!
The Republican Study Committee just came out with an update entitled: “The Stimulus Chart Obama Doesn’t Want You to See”. This committee has take a more accurate and relevant picture of the employment situation in the United States, essentially viewing it from the “labor force participation rate” rather than using the faulty “unemployment rate.” We all know that the unemployment rate is becoming even less indicative of the current situation because of the fact that many long-term unemployed have simply stopped looking for employment and, as such, are no longer counted among the “unemployed.”
Please study this update and create your own 30-second “elevator speech” that will enable you to quickly grab the interest of your friends and family and get them to see that our economy is not improving as is being touted many politicians. In fact, job wise, we are in worse shape than we have been in for 29 years!
Bills of Possible Tea Party Interest That Have Been Taken Up by a Committee
Updated – February 14, 2012
CS/SB 98: Education
GENERAL BILL by Judiciary; Siplin; (CO-INTRODUCERS) Evers; Storms; Negron
Education; Authorizing a district school board to adopt a policy that allows an inspirational message to be delivered by students at a student assembly; providing policy requirements; providing purpose, etc.
Last Action: 02/13/2012 Now in Judiciary Committee -HJ 582
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
CS/SJR 314: Ad Valorem Taxation
JOINT RESOLUTION by Judiciary; Simmons
Ad Valorem Taxation; Proposing amendments to the State Constitution to allow the Legislature by general law to prohibit increases in the assessed value of homestead and specified nonhomestead property if the just value of the property decreases, reduce the limitation on annual assessment increases applicable to nonhomestead real property, provide an additional homestead exemption for owners of homestead property, authorize the Legislature to adjust the amount of the exemption, provide that the additional exemption is to be reduced by the difference between the just value and the assessed value, delay a future repeal of provisions limiting annual assessment increases for specified nonhomestead real property, and provide effective dates, etc.
Senate Committee References: Community Affairs (CA) , Judiciary (JU) , Budget Subcommittee on Finance and Tax (BFT) , Budget (BC)
Last Action: 01/20/2012 On Committee agenda– Budget Subcommittee on Finance and Tax, 01/25/12, 8:30 am, 301 Senate Office Building –Discussed/Workshop
CS/SB 396: Intergovernmental Cooperation
GENERAL BILL by Communications, Energy, and Public Utilities; Oelrich; (CO-INTRODUCERS) Gaetz; Lynn
Intergovernmental Cooperation; Authorizing certain parties to an interlocal agreement to conduct public meetings and workshops by means of communications media technology; providing notice requirements; providing a definition, etc.
Senate Committee References: Community Affairs (CA) , Communications, Energy, and Public Utilities (CU)
Last Action: 01/18/2012 Placed on Calendar, on 2nd reading -SJ 136
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
SB 552: Ethics
GENERAL BILL by Dockery; (CO-INTRODUCERS) Smith; Bennett; Jones; Rich; Joyner; Lynn; Detert; Storms; Sobel; Bullard; Evers; Latvala
Ethics; Defining the term “special private gain or loss”; prohibiting a member of the Legislature from voting upon or participating in any legislation inuring to the personal gain or loss of the member or his or her relative; prohibiting a member of the Legislature from participating in any legislation inuring to the personal gain or loss of a business associate, employer, board on which the member sits, principal by whom the member is retained, or parent corporation or subsidiary of such principal; requiring that members of the Legislature vote on the General Appropriations Act and disclose conflicts of interest with any line-item appropriation, etc.
Senate Committee References: Governmental Oversight and Accountability (GO) , Judiciary (JU) , Rules Subcommittee on Ethics and Elections (EE) , Rules (RC) , Budget (BC)
Last Action: 01/27/2012 Now in Judiciary -SJ 279
Effective Date: October 1, 2012
SB 648: Florida Climate Protection Act
GENERAL BILL by Hays; (CO-INTRODUCERS) Evers; Fasano; Flores; Benacquisto; Lynn
Florida Climate Protection Act; Repealing provisions relating to a cap-and-trade regulatory program to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from electric utilities, etc.
Senate Committee References: Communications, Energy, and Public Utilities (CU) , Environmental Preservation and Conservation (EP) , Budget (BC)
Last Action: 02/14/2012 Favorable by Environmental Preservation and Conservation; YEAS 5 NAYS 2
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
SM 672: Congressional Term Limits
MEMORIAL by Negron; (CO-INTRODUCERS) Evers; Storms
Congressional Term Limits; Urging Congress to propose to the states an amendment to the Constitution of the United States that would limit the consecutive terms of office which a member of the United States Senate or the United States House of Representatives may serve.
Senate Committee References: Rules Subcommittee on Ethics and Elections (EE) , Rules (RC)
Last Action: 02/09/2012 On Committee agenda– Rules, 02/14/12, 11:15 am, 110 Senate Office Building
CS/SJR 1070: Term Limits/County Commissioners
JOINT RESOLUTION by Community Affairs; Ring
Term Limits/County Commissioners; Proposing an amendment to the State Constitution to authorize the imposition of term limits on county commissioners when provided by county charter, etc.
Senate Committee References: Community Affairs (CA) , Judiciary (JU)
Last Action: 02/01/2012 Now in Judiciary -SJ 301
SB 1128: Eligibility for Temporary Cash Assistance and Food Assistance
Eligibility for Temporary Cash Assistance and Food Assistance; Prohibiting an individual convicted of a felony offense from receiving temporary cash assistance or food assistance under certain conditions; providing conditions under which a person with a felony conviction may resume receiving such assistance; providing for designation of an alternative payee under certain circumstances, etc.
Senate Committee References: Children, Families, and Elder Affairs (CF) , Criminal Justice (CJ) , Budget (BC)
Last Action: 02/01/2012 Now in Criminal Justice -SJ 314
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
CS/SM 1142: Federal Balanced Budget Amendment
MEMORIAL by Judiciary; Hays
Federal Balanced Budget Amendment; Urging Congress to propose to the states an amendment to the Constitution of the United States that requires the federal budget to be balanced each year.
Senate Committee References: Judiciary (JU) , Budget (BC)
Last Action: 01/23/2012 Now in Budget -SJ 252
CS/SB 1158: Development of Oil and Gas Resources
GENERAL BILL by Communications, Energy, and Public Utilities; Evers
Development of Oil and Gas Resources; Authorizing a land management agency to enter into a public-private partnership with a business entity to develop oil and gas resources upon onshore state lands if the development yields near-term revenues for the state; providing that the financial, technical, and operational risk for the exploration, development, and production of oil and gas resources is the responsibility of the private business entity; requiring that a business entity seeking a public-private partnership contract submit a business proposal to the agency for review; providing criteria for the public-private partnership contract; requiring a proposed public-private partnership contract to be approved by the Governor and Cabinet sitting as the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund, etc.
Last Action: 02/13/2012 CS by Communications, Energy, and Public Utilities read 1st time -SJ 504
Effective Date: upon becoming a law
CS/SB 1174: Establishing the Congressional Districts of the State
GENERAL BILL by Reapportionment; Reapportionment
Establishing the Congressional Districts of the State; Redistricting the state’s congressional districts in accordance with the United States Decennial Census of 2010 (plan H000C9047); amending provisions relating to the inclusion of unlisted territory in contiguous districts; reenacting provisions which provide for the election of representatives to the United States House of Representatives; providing for severability; providing for applicability, etc.
Last Action: 02/10/2012 Signed by Officers and presented to Governor -SJ 508
Effective Date: upon becoming a law, except as otherwise provided
CS/SJR 1176: Joint Resolution of Apportionment
JOINT RESOLUTION by Reapportionment; Reapportionment
Joint Resolution of Apportionment; Providing for the apportionment of the House of Representatives and the Senate (plans H000H9049 and S000S9008); adopting the United States Decennial Census of 2010 for use in such apportionment; providing for the inclusion of omitted areas; providing contiguity for areas specified for inclusion in one district which are noncontiguous; specifying that the apportioned districts constitute the legislative districts of the state; providing for severability of invalid portions; providing for application beginning in 2012, etc.
Last Action: 02/10/2012 Signed by Officers and filed with Secretary of State -SJ 508
SB 1242: Broadband Internet Service
Broadband Internet Service; Adding to the legislative findings that the sustainable adoption of broadband Internet service is critical to community development; designating the Department of Economic Opportunity rather than the Department of Management Services as the agency to receive and manage all federal broadband initiative funds for the state; requiring the Department of Economic Opportunity to establish a public-private partnership to work with certain private and governmental organizations to oversee broadband development; revising the oversight criteria, etc.
Senate Committee References: Communications, Energy, and Public Utilities (CU) , Commerce and Tourism (CM) , Budget Subcommittee on Transportation, Tourism, and Economic Development Appropriations (BTA) , Budget (BC)
Last Action: 02/07/2012 Now in Budget Subcommittee on Transportation, Tourism, and Economic Development Appropriations
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
CS/SB 1272: Possession of a Firearm or Destructive Device During the Commission of an Offense
GENERAL BILL by Criminal Justice; Latvala
Possession of a Firearm or Destructive Device During the Commission of an Offense; Providing that an exception to the 10-year minimum term for persons convicted of certain offenses during which the person actually possessed a firearm or destructive device does not apply to offenders convicted for possession of a firearm by a felon who have certain prior convictions, etc.
Senate Committee References: Criminal Justice (CJ) , Budget Subcommittee on Criminal and Civil Justice Appropriations (BJA) , Budget (BC)
Last Action: 02/13/2012 CS by Criminal Justice read 1st time -SJ 505
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
SB 1360: Application of Foreign Law in Certain Cases
Application of Foreign Law in Certain Cases; Clarifying that the public policies expressed in the act apply to violations of a natural person’s fundamental liberties, rights, and privileges guaranteed by the State Constitution or the United States Constitution; declaring that certain decisions rendered under such laws, codes, or systems are void; providing that the act may not be construed to require or authorize any court to adjudicate, or prohibit any religious organization from adjudicating, ecclesiastical matters in violation of specified constitutional provisions or to conflict with any federal treaty or other international agreement to which the United States is a party to a specified extent, etc.
Senate Committee References: Judiciary (JU) , Budget Subcommittee on Criminal and Civil Justice Appropriations (BJA) , Budget (BC)
Last Action: 02/06/2012 Now in Budget Subcommittee on Criminal and Civil Justice Appropriations
Effective Date: upon becoming a law
SB 1460: Preference in Award of State Contracts
Preference in Award of State Contracts; Expanding provisions that authorize an agency, county, municipality, school district, or other political subdivision of the state to provide preferential consideration to a Florida business in awarding competitively bid contracts to purchase personal property to include the purchase of construction services; providing that for specified competitive solicitations the authority to grant preference supersedes any local ordinance or regulation which grants preference to specified vendors; requiring a county, municipality, school district, or other political subdivision to make specified disclosures in competitive solicitation documents, etc.
Senate Committee References: Community Affairs (CA) , Education Pre-K – 12 (ED) , Governmental Oversight and Accountability (GO) , Budget (BC)
Last Action: 01/30/2012 Now in Education Pre-K – 12 -SJ 300
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
SB 1462: American Founders’ Month
GENERAL BILL by Diaz de la Portilla
American Founders’ Month; Citing this act as the “American Founders’ Month Act”; designating the month of September as “American Founders’ Month”; requiring district school boards to celebrate the American Founders and the principles inherent in the country’s founding documents by observing American Founders’ Month; specifying the focus of instruction during the month; providing that instruction may be integrated into the existing school curriculum; requiring distribution to school personnel of certain information, etc.
Senate Committee References: Education Pre-K – 12 (ED) , Budget Subcommittee on Education Pre-K – 12 Appropriations (BEA) , Budget (BC)
Last Action: 02/07/2012 Now in Budget Subcommittee on Education Pre-K – 12 Appropriations
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
SB 1560: Ethical Requirements for Public Officers
Ethical Requirements for Public Officers; Providing a restriction on employment with state universities or Florida College System institutions for a member of the Legislature; requiring that a member of the Legislature surrender employment with a state university or a Florida College System institution before seeking reelection; providing that a public officer holding an economic interest in a qualified blind trust does not have a conflict of interest with matters pertaining to that economic interest; requiring that the Commission on Ethics review the information contained in the public disclosure of financial interests filed by public officers, etc.
Senate Committee References: Rules Subcommittee on Ethics and Elections (EE) , Rules (RC) , Higher Education (HE)
Last Action: 02/09/2012 On Committee agenda– Rules, 02/14/12, 11:15 am, 110 Senate Office Building
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
CS/SB 1596: Elections
GENERAL BILL by Rules Subcommittee on Ethics and Elections; Diaz de la Portilla; (CO-INTRODUCER) Gaetz
Elections; Removing a provision prohibiting the use of the address appearing on the identification presented by an elector as a basis for confirming the elector’s legal residence; requiring that tickets and advertising for campaign fund raisers comply with the requirements for political advertisements; revising the information that is required to appear on a bank account for the deposit of funds received by a campaign treasurer for a candidate or political committee; revising the information that is required to appear on bank account checks of candidates or political committees; revising the information that is used to determine whether debit cards are considered bank checks, etc.
Senate Committee References: Rules Subcommittee on Ethics and Elections (EE) , Rules (RC)
Last Action: 01/30/2012 Placed on Calendar, on 2nd reading -SJ 300
Effective Date: upon becoming a law
SM 1742: Federal Spending Cap
MEMORIAL by Oelrich
Federal Spending Cap; Urging Congress to cap federal spending as a percentage of gross domestic product, etc.
Senate Committee References: Governmental Oversight and Accountability (GO)
Last Action: 01/17/2012 Introduced -SJ 230
SM 1822: Sarbanes-Oxley Act
Sarbanes-Oxley Act ; Urging Congress to repeal the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, etc.
Senate Committee References: Banking and Insurance (BI)
Last Action: 02/13/2012 Placed on Special Order Calendar, 02/14/12
SB 2018: Primary Election Date
GENERAL BILL by Rules Subcommittee on Ethics and Elections
Primary Election Date; Decreasing the period between the primary election and the general election in each year in which a general election is held, etc.
Senate Committee References: Rules Subcommittee on Ethics and Elections (EE) , Rules (RC)
Last Action: 01/18/2012 On Committee agenda– Rules Subcommittee on Ethics and Elections, 01/23/12, 5:00 pm, 412 Knott Building –Temporarily Postponed
Effective Date: upon becoming a law
CS/CS/SB 2038: Privatization of Correctional Facilities
GENERAL BILL by Budget; Rules; Rules
Privatization of Correctional Facilities; Requiring that the Department of Corrections classify all inmates without regard for and without consideration of whether the inmates will be assigned to facilities operated by the Department of Corrections or by a contractor; requiring that each facility’s medical and psychological grade population percentages remain substantially unchanged from the average daily population calculated for the 2010-2011 fiscal year; requiring that the Office of Program Policy Analysis and Government Accountability conduct a review of the assignments of inmates by the Department of Corrections; prohibiting the cost of such unused, accumulated leave from being included in the costs incurred by the state for the 2010-2011 fiscal year and in the 7 percent cost savings; requiring that the Department of Corrections be solely responsible for the operation and maintenance of any correctional facility at which the death penalty is administered, etc.
Last Action: 02/13/2012 Placed on 3rd reading
Effective Date: upon becoming a law
CS/SB 2094: Energy
GENERAL BILL by Communications, Energy, and Public Utilities; Communications, Energy, and Public Utilities
Energy; Authorizing a municipality to collect special assessments to pay the additional costs to purchase renewable energy for the municipality; adding factors for the Public Service Commission to consider in reviewing the 10-year site plans submitted to the commission by electric utilities; providing for a portion of the proceeds of the local government infrastructure surtax to be used for financial assistance to homeowners who make energy efficiency improvements or install renewable energy devices; providing a sales tax exemption for materials used in the distribution of biodiesel, ethanol, and other renewable fuels; exempting from regulation under ch. 366, F.S., the sale of electricity to the public for the purpose of electric vehicle charging stations, etc.
Senate Committee References: Communications, Energy, and Public Utilities (CU) , Agriculture (AG) , Budget (BC)
Last Action: 02/13/2012 CS/CS by Agriculture; YEAS 8 NAYS 0
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
SPB 7032: Congressional Districts of the State
Congressional Districts of the State; Redistricting the state’s congressional districts in accordance with the United States Decennial Census of 2010 (plan S000C9002); amending provisions relating to the inclusion of unlisted territory in contiguous districts; updating a reference; reenacting provisions which provide for the election of representatives to the United States House of Representatives; providing for severability; providing for applicability, etc.
Last Action: 12/06/2011 Submit as committee bill by Reapportionment (SB 1174)
Effective Date: upon becoming a law, except as otherwise provided
SPB 7034: Joint Resolution of Apportionment
Joint Resolution of Apportionment; Providing for the apportionment of the House of Representatives and the Senate (plans _______ and S000S9004); adopting the United States Decennial Census of 2010 for use in such apportionment; providing for the inclusion of omitted areas; providing contiguity for areas specified for inclusion in one district which are noncontiguous; specifying that the apportioned districts constitute the legislative districts of the state; providing for severability of invalid portions; providing for application beginning in 2012, etc.
Last Action: 12/06/2011 Submit as committee bill by Reapportionment (SB 1176)
SPB 7042: Primary Election Date
PROPOSED COMMITTEE BILL by Rules Subcommittee on Ethics and Elections
Primary Election Date; Decreasing the period between the primary election and the general election in each year in which a general election is held, etc.
Last Action: 01/11/2012 Submit as committee bill by Rules Subcommittee on Ethics and Elections (SB 2018)
Effective Date: upon becoming a law
SPB 7172: Privatization of Correctional Facilities
Privatization of Correctional Facilities; Requiring that the Department of Corrections privatize the management and operation of certain correctional facilities and assigned correctional units; requiring that the department determine the costs incurred for the 2010-2011 fiscal year for each correctional facility and assigned correctional unit according to a specified formula; limiting the costs to be incurred by the state in the second or subsequent contract years; repealing provisions relating to the adoption of rules by the Department of Corrections regarding contractual arrangements and standards for the operation of correctional facilities by private vendors, etc.
Last Action: 01/18/2012 Submit as committee bill by Rules (SB 2038)
Effective Date: upon becoming a law
SPB 7204: Balanced Federal Budget
Balanced Federal Budget; Urging Congress to call a convention for the purpose of proposing amendments to the Constitution of the United States to achieve and maintain a balanced federal budget, etc.
Last Action: 02/02/2012 Submit as committee bill by Budget (SCR 2100)
SPB 7206: Tax on Sales, Use, and Other Transactions
PROPOSED COMMITTEE BILL by Budget Subcommittee on Finance and Tax
Tax on Sales, Use, and Other Transactions; Revising the definition of the term “dealer” for purposes relating to the collection of the tax on sales, use, and other transactions; revising the term “mail order sale” to specifically include sales of tangible personal property ordered by Internet; deleting certain provisions that specify dealer activities or other circumstances that subject mail order sales to this state’s power to levy and collect the sales and use tax; providing that certain persons who make mail order sales and who have a substantial nexus with this state are subject to this state’s power to levy and collect the sales and use tax when they engage in certain enumerated activities, etc.
Last Action: 02/02/2012 Submit as committee bill by Budget Subcommittee on Finance and Tax (SB 2098)
HJR 7 – Recall of Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Member of Cabinet, or Legislator
Joint Resolution by Kriseman (CO-SPONSORS) Bullard; Pafford; Randolph
Recall of Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Member of Cabinet, or Legislator: Proposes creation of s. 8, Art. VI of State Constitution to provide for recall of Governor, Lt. Governor, member of Cabinet, or legislator; provides how process is initiated; establishes requisite number & distribution of signatures; provides for simultaneous election of successor to remainder of term; provides that if elected official is not recalled, then additional effort to recall elected official may not be initiated during remainder of term; provides for reimbursement of certain expenses.
Effective Date: Not Specified
Last Event: 1st Reading on Tuesday, January 10, 2012 11:59 PM
HB 9 – Recall
General Bill by Kriseman (CO-SPONSORS) Bullard; Pafford; Randolph
Recall: Provides that Governor, Lieutenant Governor, member of Cabinet, or legislator may be recalled from office; requires that proponents of recall register as political committee; prescribes methods & timeframes for initiating & conducting recall; provides ballot language; provides that removal of Governor from office includes removal of Lieutenant Governor; authorizes adoption of rules.
Effective Date: on the effective date of House Joint Resolution 7, or a similar joint resolution having substantially the same specific intent and purpose, if that joint resolution is approved by the electors at the general election to be held in November 2012
Last Event: 1st Reading on Tuesday, January 10, 2012 11:59 PM
HJR 21 – Term Limits
Joint Resolution by Kriseman
Term Limits: Proposes amendment of s. 15, Art. III & s. 4, Art VI & creation of provision in Art. XII of State Constitution to increase length of terms of state senators to 6 years & state representatives to 4 years & limit state senators & state representatives to 12 consecutive years in office.
Effective Date: Not Specified
Last Event: 1st Reading on Tuesday, January 10, 2012 11:59 PM
HJR 23 – Ban of Oil Exploration, Drilling, Extraction, and Production in Territorial Seas
Joint Resolution by Kriseman (CO-SPONSORS) Bullard; Pafford; Randolph
Ban of Oil Exploration, Drilling, Extraction, and Production in Territorial Seas: Proposes amendment to s. 7, Art. II of State Constitution to prohibit exploration, drilling, extraction, & production of oil beneath Florida waters between mean high-water line & seaward limit of Florida’s boundaries; exempts transportation of oil produced outside of such waters.
Effective Date: Not Specified
Last Event: 1st Reading on Tuesday, January 10, 2012 11:59 PM
HM 57 – Sovereignty of the State
Memorial by Caldwell (CO-SPONSORS) Ahern; Albritton; Brandes; Gaetz; Perry
Sovereignty of the State: Urges Congress to discontinue its practice of imposing federal mandates & legislation upon states which exceed scope of its constitutionally delegated powers under Tenth Amendment to U.S. Constitution & to repeal all existing compulsory federal legislation that directs states to comply or requires states to pass specific legislation in order not to lose federal funding.
Effective Date: Not Specified
Last Event: 1st Reading on Tuesday, January 10, 2012 11:59 PM
HJR 345 – Revising Age Limits for Judges and Justices
Joint Resolution by Nehr
Revising Age Limits for Judges and Justices: Proposes amendment to s. 8, Art V of State Constitution to increase age after which justice or judge may no longer serve in judicial office; provides certain exceptions.
Effective Date: Not Specified
Last Event: 1st Reading on Tuesday, January 10, 2012 11:59 PM
HM 499 – Federal Balanced Budget Amendment
Memorial by Ingram (CO-SPONSORS) Brandes; Burgin; Caldwell; Gaetz; Julien; Mayfield; Metz; Patronis; Perry; Porter; Smith; Weinstein; Williams, T.
Federal Balanced Budget Amendment: Urges Congress to propose to states amendment to U.S. Constitution that requires annual federal balanced budget.
Effective Date: Not Specified
Last Event: Added to Second Reading Calendar on Wednesday, January 11, 2012 12:12 AM
CS/HB 631 – Terms of Courts
General Bill by Weinstein
Terms of Courts: Repeals provisions relating to regular terms of Supreme Court & circuit courts; repeals provisions relating to requiring judge to attend first day of each term of circuit court; repeals provisions relating to requirement for judge to state reason for nonattendance, penalty for nonattendance of judge, adjournment of circuit court upon nonattendance of judge, calling all cases on docket at end of each term, regular terms of district courts of appeal, special terms of district courts of appeal, requirement that criminal trials be heard in term of court prior to civil cases, & requirement that persons in custody be arraigned & tried in term of court unless good cause is shown; conforms provisions; allows Supreme Court to set terms of court for Supreme Court, district courts of appeal, & circuit courts; provides that appellate courts may withdraw mandate within 120 days after its issuance.
Effective Date: January 1, 2013
Last Event: Bill added to Special Order Calendar (2/15/2012) on Monday, February 13, 2012 6:25 PM
Main Amendment Filing Deadline: Tuesday, February 14, 2012 2:00 PM
Adhering Amendment Filing Deadline: Tuesday, February 14, 2012 5:00 PM
HM 685 – Cut to Federal Corporate Tax Rate
Memorial by Burgin
Cut to Federal Corporate Tax Rate: Urges Congress to cut federal corporate tax rate.
Effective Date: Not Specified
Last Event: Withdrawn prior to introduction on Thursday, November 17, 2011 2:11 PM
HB 689 – American Founders’ Month
General Bill by Bileca (CO-SPONSORS) Ahern; Artiles; Baxley; Bembry; Costello; Fresen; Gaetz; Julien; Nehr; Porter; Ray; Rooney; Stargel; Steinberg
American Founders’ Month: Designates month of September as “American Founders’ Month”; authorizes Governor to annually issue proclamation designating month & urging participation; requires district school boards to celebrate American Founders & principles inherent in country’s founding documents by observing American Founders’ Month; specifies focus of instruction & authorizes integration into existing school curriculum; requires distribution to school personnel, at beginning of school year, of information relating to patriotic programs.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Added to PreK-12 Appropriations Subcommittee agenda on Friday, February 10, 2012 4:06 PM
CS/HB 695 – Development of Oil and Gas Resources
General Bill by Ford (CO-SPONSORS) Smith
Development of Oil and Gas Resources: Authorizes land management agencies to enter into public-private partnership with business entity to develop oil & gas resources on onshore state lands under specified conditions; provides that financial, technical, & operational risk for exploration, development, & production of gas & oil resources is responsibility of private entity; provides for proposals & contracts; requires certain approval of contracts.
Effective Date: upon becoming a law
Last Event: Added to Appropriations Committee agenda on Monday, February 13, 2012 4:20 PM
HM 717 – Federal Corporate Tax Rate
Memorial by Burgin (CO-SPONSORS) Costello; Davis; Horner; Mayfield; Metz; Nuñez; Patronis; Perry; Pilon; Plakon; Smith; Young
Federal Corporate Tax Rate: Urges Congress to cut federal corporate tax rate.
Effective Date: Not Specified
Last Event: Now in State Affairs Committee on Wednesday, January 11, 2012 1:41 PM
CS/HJR 785 – Term Limits/County Commissioners
Joint Resolution by Wood (CO-SPONSORS) Brandes; Caldwell; Pilon
Term Limits/County Commissioners: Proposes amendment to s. 1, Art. VIII of State Constitution to authorize imposition of term limits on county commissioners when provided by county charter.
Effective Date: Not Specified
Last Event: Added to Second Reading Calendar on Monday, February 13, 2012 2:05 PM
HB 1209 – Application of Foreign Law in Certain Cases
General Bill by Metz (CO-SPONSORS) Adkins; Ahern; Baxley; Boyd; Caldwell; Campbell; Corcoran; Costello; Ford; Gaetz; Grant; Hager; McBurney; Pilon; Sands; Stargel; Steube; Van Zant; Weinstein
Application of Foreign Law in Certain Cases: Clarifies that public policies expressed in act apply to violations of natural person’s fundamental liberties, rights, & privileges guaranteed by State Constitution or U.S. Constitution; provides that act does not apply to corporation, partnership, or other form of business association, except when necessary to provide effective relief in proceedings under or relating to chs. 61 & 88, F.S.; specifies public policy of this state in applying choice of foreign law, legal code, or system in proceedings brought under or relating to chs. 61 & 88, F.S., which relate to dissolution of marriage, support, time-sharing, Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction & Enforcement Act, & Uniform Interstate Family Support Act; declares that certain decisions under such laws, codes, or systems & certain choice of venue or forum provisions in contract are void; provides for construction of waiver by natural person of person’s fundamental liberties, rights, & privileges guaranteed by State Constitution or U.S. Constitution; declares that claims of forum non conveniens or related claims must be denied; limits construction of provisions in certain circumstances.
Effective Date: upon becoming a law
Last Event: Now in Judiciary Committee on Tuesday, January 31, 2012 1:58 PM
HM 1219 – District of Columbia
Memorial by Williams, A.
District of Columbia: Urges Congress to admit District of Columbia as 51st state of USA.
Effective Date: Not Specified
Last Event: Now in Federal Affairs Subcommittee on Thursday, January 12, 2012 11:18 AM
HJR 1231 – Citizens’ Veto Referendum
Joint Resolution by Steinberg
Citizens’ Veto Referendum: Proposes creation of s. 28, Art. I & amendment of s. 9, Art. III of State Constitution to authorize & establish requirements for citizens’ veto referendum & revise effective dates of laws to conform to citizens’ veto referendum. Effective Date: Not Specified
Last Event: Now in Government Operations Subcommittee on Thursday, January 12, 2012 11:18 AM
CS/HM 1249 – Federal Spending Cap
Memorial by Oliva
Federal Spending Cap: Urges Congress to propose amendment to U.S. Constitution to require cap on federal spending as percentage of GDP.
Effective Date: Not Specified
Last Event: Now in State Affairs Committee on Thursday, January 26, 2012 2:07 PM
HM 1293 – Taiwan Policy Act of 2011
Memorial by Bernard
Taiwan Policy Act of 2011: Urges Congress to pass H.R. 2918, Taiwan Policy Act of 2011.
Effective Date: Not Specified
Last Event: Added to Second Reading Calendar on Wednesday, February 01, 2012 11:53 AM
HM 1307 – Sarbanes-Oxley Act
Memorial by Brandes
Sarbanes-Oxley Act: Urges Congress to repeal Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.
Effective Date: Not Specified
Last Event: Now in State Affairs Committee on Monday, January 30, 2012 5:58 PM
HB 1315 – Verification of Employment Eligibility
General Bill by Harrell (CO-SPONSORS) Ahern; Gaetz; Metz; Pilon
Verification of Employment Eligibility: Requires every employer to use Employment Authorization Program to verify employment eligibility of each employee on or after specified date; provides that business that does not use federal E-Verify system to verify employment eligibility of new employee shall lose its license to do business in state until business has registered with E-Verify system; prohibits employer from employing unauthorized alien; requires every public employer to register with & participate in E-Verify system for specified purposes; prohibits public employer, contractor, or subcontractor from entering into contract for physical performance of services in this state unless contractor or subcontractor registers & participates in system.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Now in Government Operations Subcommittee on Thursday, January 12, 2012 11:18 AM
HM 1321 – Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010
Memorial by Ahern
Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010: Urges Congress to repeal Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform & Consumer Protection Act of 2010.
Effective Date: Not Specified
Last Event: Now in State Affairs Committee on Monday, January 30, 2012 5:59 PM
HJR 1337 – Authority of Governor to Fill Vacancies in County Office
Joint Resolution by Soto (CO-SPONSORS) Randolph
Authority of Governor to Fill Vacancies in County Office: Proposes amendment to s. 1, Art. IV of State Constitution to remove Governor’s constitutional authority to fill vacancies in appointed or elected county office.
Effective Date: Not Specified
Last Event: Now in Government Operations Subcommittee on Thursday, January 12, 2012 11:18 AM
HJR 1377 – Religious Freedom
Joint Resolution by Plakon
Religious Freedom: Amends s. 3, Art. I of State Constitution to conform to religious freedom provision of First Amendment in U.S. Constitution.
Effective Date: Not Specified
Last Event: Now in Civil Justice Subcommittee on Thursday, January 12, 2012 11:18 AM
HB 1411 – Primary Elections
General Bill by Weinstein
Primary Elections: Revises date for primary election from 12 to 11 weeks before general election.
Effective Date: upon becoming a law
Last Event: Now in Government Operations Subcommittee on Thursday, January 12, 2012 11:19 AM
HJR 1421 – Constitution Revision Commission and Taxation and Budget Reform Commission
Joint Resolution by Patronis
Constitution Revision Commission and Taxation and Budget Reform Commission: Proposes amendment to s. 5, Art. II & ss. 2, 5, & 6, Art XI of State Constitution, to abolish Constitution Revision Commission & Taxation & Budget Reform Commission, which are authorized to propose amendments to State Constitution.
Effective Date: Not Specified
Last Event: Now in Finance & Tax Committee on Thursday, January 12, 2012 11:19 AM
HB 4001 – Florida Climate Protection Act
General Bill by Plakon (CO-SPONSORS) Weinstein
Florida Climate Protection Act: Repeals provisions for cap & trade regulatory program to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from electric utilities.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Added to Second Reading Calendar on Wednesday, January 11, 2012 12:13 AM
CS/HJR 6001 – Joint Resolution of Apportionment
Joint Resolution by Nehr
Joint Resolution of Apportionment: Provides for apportionment of House of Representatives & Senate (plans _______ and S000S9008); adopts U.S. Decennial Census of 2010 for use in such apportionment; provides for inclusion of omitted areas; provides contiguity for areas specified for inclusion in one district which are noncontiguous; specifies that apportioned districts constitute legislative districts of state; provides for severability of invalid portions; provides for application beginning in 2012.
Effective Date: Not Specified
Last Event: Added to Second Reading Calendar on Monday, January 30, 2012 1:09 PM
Main Amendment Filing Deadline: Tuesday, January 31, 2012 12:00 PM
Adhering Amendment Filing Deadline: Wednesday, February 01, 2012 12:00 PM
HB 6003 – Establishing the Congressional Districts of the State
General Bill by Legg
Establishing the Congressional Districts of the State: Redistricts state’s congressional districts in accordance with U.S. Decennial Census of 2010 (plan H000C9041); amends provisions relating to inclusion of unlisted territory in contiguous districts; reenacts provisions which provide for election of representatives to U.S. House of Representatives; provides for severability; provides for applicability.
Effective Date: upon the expiration of the terms of the representatives to the United States House of Representatives serving on the date that this act becomes a law
Last Event: Added to Redistricting Committee agenda on Tuesday, January 24, 2012 2:27 PM
CS/HB 6005 – Establishing the Congressional Districts of the State
General Bill by Legg
Establishing the Congressional Districts of the State: Redistricts state’s congressional districts in accordance with U.S. Decennial Census of 2010 (plan H000C9047); amends provisions relating to inclusion of unlisted territory in contiguous districts; reenacts provisions which provide for election of representatives to U.S. House of Representatives; provides for severability; provides for applicability.
Effective Date: upon the expiration of the terms of the representatives to the United States House of Representatives serving on the date that this act becomes a law
Last Event: Added to Second Reading Calendar on Monday, January 30, 2012 1:09 PM
Main Amendment Filing Deadline: Tuesday, January 31, 2012 12:00 PM
Adhering Amendment Filing Deadline: Wednesday, February 01, 2012 12:00 PM
HB 6007 – Establishing the Congressional Districts of the State
General Bill by Legg
Establishing the Congressional Districts of the State: Redistricts state’s congressional districts in accordance with U.S. Decennial Census of 2010 (plan H000C9045); amends provisions relating to inclusion of unlisted territory in contiguous districts; reenacts provisions which provide for election of representatives to U.S. House of Representatives; provides for severability; provides for applicability.
Effective Date: upon the expiration of the terms of the representatives to the United States House of Representatives serving on the date that this act becomes a law
Last Event: Added to Redistricting Committee agenda on Tuesday, January 24, 2012 2:27 PM
HJR 6009 – Joint Resolution of Apportionment
Joint Resolution by Schenck
Joint Resolution of Apportionment: Provides for apportionment of House of Representatives & Senate (plans H000H9025 and ________); adopts U.S. Decennial Census of 2010 for use in such apportionment; provides for inclusion of omitted areas; provides contiguity for areas specified for inclusion in one district which are noncontiguous; specifies that apportioned districts constitute legislative districts of state; provides for severability of invalid portions; provides for application beginning in 2012.
Effective Date: Not Specified
Last Event: Added to Redistricting Committee agenda on Tuesday, January 24, 2012 2:27 PM
CS/HJR 6011 – Joint Resolution of Apportionment
Joint Resolution by Schenck
Joint Resolution of Apportionment: Provides for apportionment of House of Representatives & Senate (plans H000H9049 and ________); adopts U.S. Decennial Census of 2010 for use in such apportionment; provides for inclusion of omitted areas; provides contiguity for areas specified for inclusion in one district which are noncontiguous; specifies that apportioned districts constitute legislative districts of state; provides for severability of invalid portions; provides for application beginning in 2012.
Effective Date: Not Specified
Last Event: Added to Second Reading Calendar on Monday, January 30, 2012 1:10 PM
Main Amendment Filing Deadline: Tuesday, January 31, 2012 12:00 PM
Adhering Amendment Filing Deadline: Wednesday, February 01, 2012 12:00 PM
HJR 6013 – Joint Resolution of Apportionment
Joint Resolution by Schenck
Joint Resolution of Apportionment: Provides for apportionment of House of Representatives & Senate (plans H000H9031 and _________); adopts U.S. Decennial Census of 2010 for use in such apportionment; provides for inclusion of omitted areas; provides contiguity for areas specified for inclusion in one district which are noncontiguous; specifies that apportioned districts constitute legislative districts of state; provides for severability of invalid portions; provides for application beginning in 2012.
Effective Date: Not Specified
Last Event: Added to Redistricting Committee agenda on Tuesday, January 24, 2012 2:27 PM
HB 7083 – Correctional Privatization
Appear at Meeting
General Bill by McBurney
Correctional Privatization: Requires Department of Management Services, in consultation with DOC, to competitively procure management & operation of correctional facilities & assigned correctional units for certain counties; provides exceptions; specifies time periods; requires responsive proposals to include specified cost savings; requires adherence to specified laws; provides for operational capacities; specifies disposition of certain funds; provides for inmate classification; provides requirements for certain population figures; provides for specific performance measures & levels of expected performance for contractor; requires reports by DOC; requires development & submission of transition plan & recommended operating budget revisions & cost-benefit analysis to LBC by specified date; provides requirements for such submissions; provides employment preference for current employees of affected facilities; requires DOC to make reasonable efforts to find suitable job placements for certain of those employees.
Effective Date: July 1, 2012
Last Event: Added to Appropriations Committee agenda on Monday, February 13, 2012 4:20 PM
HCR 8005 – Balanced Federal Budget Amendment
Concurrent Resolution by Ahern
Balanced Federal Budget Amendment: Urges Congress to call convention for purpose of proposing amendment to U.S. Constitution to achieve & maintain balanced federal budget.
Effective Date: Not Specified
Last Event: Now in State Affairs Committee on Monday, January 30, 2012 12:05 PM
February meeting in Wellington recap

Pam Wohlschlegel, Leader of the Tea Party Patriots in this area, shared some of her activities including traveling around Florida with Jenny Beth Martin, national Tea Party Patriot leader, visiting other Tea Party Patriots. Pam commented that the Patriots are like sleeping tigers ready to re-emerge and assume a much more active role as they did four years ago. We were reminded to keep the focus on our three principles: fiscal responsibility, constitutionality, and free markets. There are a number of tea parties in our country; unlike some others, the Patriots do not endorse candidates. Pam noted that the Hispanic vote, a major block, is being indoctrinated by the left. What is it we can do to counter their influence? Progressives are using the approach of having home meetings. We need to do the same.
On March 22, a rally will be held on the Supreme Court lawn in D.C. Florida needs to be there! Busses will be leaving on February 21, for Tallahassee in preparation for a meeting with our legislators. Pam emphasized the need for poll watchers. Irregularities apparently occur when members of our group are not present.

Sharon Bock, Comptroller and Clerk, was the main speaker for the evening. An attorney, Sharon has been in her elected position for 14 years. She employs 750 individuals, none of whom make policy. All county funds, amounting to well over a billion dollars, must go through Ms. Bock’s office in order to be spent. She is an auditor and a watchdog who signs all checks. Before checks are signed three criteria must be satisfied: is there a public good involved, is the expenditure legal, and is it in the budget? Ms. Bock’s speech was an impassioned one in which she gave many examples of how she functions and how she is constantly confronted with obstacles. Her talk was very educational since many of us were not aware of how the individual in this position operates nor how important her position is to the well being of Palm Beach County.
Pictures by Boris Balaban.
Cake, Coffee and the Candidates for March Meeting in Wellington
Join us for a delicious buffet dinner and a chance to meet and greet the Wellington candidates for municipal office on the night BEFORE the municipal elections. All all six candidates for Wellington Village Council and Mayoral seats will be here to meet you!. Come hear them and let them know your concerns. Monday, March 12th, Binks Forest Country Club. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. All inclusive buffet, $15, from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. Informal meet and greet from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m.
Candidates expected include:
For Mayor, Bob Margolis and Darell Bowen
For Seat 1, John Greene and Shauna Hostetler
For Seat 4, Al Paglia and Matt Willhite
2/19/2012 Federal Legislative Update
The Palm Beach County Tea Party wants you to be up to date on what is happening in Washington DC. We are all asked questions by our friends and family and it is important to have some key talking points at hand. To this end, this post is the first in our series of legislative updates that we will publish each week on this website.
Click here to read the 2/19/2012 TPP Legislative Update that includes key information on the following:
- update on situation in Wisconsin
- budget situation and President Obama’s budget
- the Payroll Tax Deal
- the Rotten Highway Bill
- the latest Crony Capitalism
- an analysis of the current Deficit Spending
- an analysis of Regulations and Jobs
- the latest on repealing Obamacare
- what is happening in Eduction
- new developments in Sustainable Development and Property Rights
- nationwide Illegal Immigration updates
- current Constitutional Issues
- Weekly Wrap Up on US House of Representatives