Palm Beach County Tea Party and South Florida 912 Host PPP Event
Posted by PBCTP on January 3, 2012 · Leave a Comment
Do you know for whom you’re going to vote for in the GOP Primary? Do you know why? How much do you really know about your candidate?
Find out at our Presidential Preference Primary Event – a joint project between Palm Beach County Tea Party and South Florida 912.
When: Tuesday January 10th 6:00 p.m Meet and Greet, 6:30-8:30 Program
Where: First Baptist Church of West Palm Beach, 1101 South Flagler Drive

Moderator Brian Mudd
Our volunteers have researched the candidates’ policies. The campaigns have responded to questions about their candidates’ core values: such as Leadership, Character, Worldview, Quality of Solutions, and Governing Style, so we can get beneath the surface. There will be high-profile candidate surrogates at the forum to explain the answers and to answer your questions
The format will allow ample time to explore both core values and policy positions.
First take our survey – based on your current knowledge of the candidates. Then hear from the campaign surrogates as they present their candidates’ views, moderated by Brian Mudd, Program Director for WJNO and WBZT and co-host of the Palm Beaches Morning Rush, on Tuesday, January 10th at 6pm at the First Baptist Church of West Palm Beach at 1101 S Flagler. Pick up a copy of our short Voters’ Guide at our event and then check out the complete guide on our websites. Survey results will be presented at the end of the meeting.
Still feel the same about your candidate? Have a new one? In either case, help out the candidate of your choice during the final 3 weeks of the campaign leading to the GOP Presidential Primary on 1/31.
The event is free, donations are welcome. Bring your friends.
If you need additional information, please contact
Click below to RSVP:
Venue Map: