Sarbanes-Oxley for Government (a.k.a. Government Accountability)
The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, also known as the Public Company Accounting Reform and Corporate Responsibility Act, requires for all companies filing a report with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), that the principal executive and financial officers certify in each report: (1) The signing officer has reviewed the report; (2) The report does not contain any untrue statement of fact or omit to state a material fact; and (3) The financial information in the report, fairly present the financial condition and results of operations.
There have been several controversial government activities and
dubious government contracts recently for which no government official has been willing to accept responsibility and the amorphous nature of the federal government and its operations makes it difficult to determine who authorized the questionable activities.
We need a federal government where officials responsible for controversial operations and dubious contracts can be held accountable.
We need a federal government equivalent of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act requiring the authorizing federal official for all operations and all purchases involving an expenditure of $100,000 or more to sign an authorizing document stating: (1) The reason the expenditure is necessary; (2) The results of a cost/benefits study showing the benefits of the expenditure; (3) The source of the funds in the budget; and (4) The controls in place to assure the funds are properly spent.
And the perjury laws should apply to the federal officials’ statements
We can call it the Federal Government Reform and Government Responsibility Act.
What is good for private industry should be good for the federal government.
Herman Cain at Presidency 5
County Sets Tax Rate for 2012
Gold Rush Tea Party Social
The Palm Beach Party Tea Party is a non-profit organization supported by our members. To raise money, we hold drawings and sell various merchandise at our meetings. Although we do accept simple donations, we want to make our fundraising fun and a win/win for all.
To this end, our members, Barb & Mel Grossman, are hosting a Gold Rush Tea Party Social on Thursday, October 6th from 2pm to 5pm. To contribute simply come laden with all your unused or broken gold jewelry. A professional buyer will pay you top dollar for your gold and share her commission with the Palm Beach County Tea Party! Party size limited to 20 participants. Location and directions will be provided when you RSVP. Please RSVP by Tuesday, October 4th.
Wellington Chapter Meeting, Monday October 10th
Join us for an informative meeting. Our guest speaker will be the Honorable Anne Gannon, Palm Beach County Tax Collector.

She will address the up and coming charter review by the county and plans to eliminate the elected constitutional officers and replace them with county commission appointees. As always, Binks Forest Country Club will be providing a three course buffet, $15.00 all inclusive, from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Can’t make dinner? Just come for the meeting which is from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. , located at 400 Binks Forest Drive in Wellington.
DATE: Monday, October 10th, 2011
TIME: Doors open at 5:30 PM, Buffet at 6:00 PM ($15, Cash Bar); Meeting at 7:00 PM
PLACE: Binks Forest Golf Club, 400 Binks Forest Drive, Wellington, FL 33414
It is important to give Binks an accurate number of attendees. Please click here to RSVP
Directions to Binks Forest Golf Club
Herman Cain wins Florida Straw Poll!
Fifteen members of the Palm Beach County Tea Party along with several members of the South Florida 912, the Palm City Tea Party and many other groups across the state traveled to Orlando for the Presidency V and Florida CPAC conferences this past week. With over 3000 registered Republican delegates voting in the straw poll that culminated the three days, the hype from the media before and during the conferences focused on the significance of the outcome in the presidential race. Historically the winner of this straw poll has won the Republican nomination.
This historical precedent and significance was quickly forgotten by the mainstream media when Herman Cain was the clear and decisive winner of the straw poll, amassing many more votes than Rick Perry and Mitt Romney put together. Mr. Cain took 37% of the votes with Gov. Perry a distant second at 15%. Nipping at Perry’s heels was Gov. Romney at 14%.
In fact, most of the major media outlets have essentially ignored this outcome with little or no mention. “Fair and balanced” Fox News announced Mr. Cain’s win but, but not without immediately discounting his win by declaring that this continues to be a two-man race between governors Perry and Romney.
Not mentioned, too, is the fourth place position of Senator Rick Santorum beating Ron Paul, Newt Gingrich, John Huntsman, and Michelle Bachman who finished in that order.
The delegates who voted for Herman Cain did so because of his plan for implementing a flat tax called 9-9-9 that will provide the tax revenues and the economic growth engine needed to put the brakes on our failing economy and begin a true economic recovery.

The delegates were also impressed with his business experience as CEO of Godfather’s Pizza and his common sense solutions approach to improving our economy. He was adamant in his support of our military, his staunch defense of the the free-market system, and recognition of the need for a long-term energy plan. The voters were also impressed with his strong support of “legal” immigration, and equally strong stance against amnesty.
The 15% of the delegates who voted for Rick Perry were impressed with his job growth record in Texas. However, the majority were unimpressed with many of his responses in the Presidential Debate on Friday night. He ignited voters against him when he said that those who did not like his pro-illegal immigrant actions “did not have a heart,”
Many of the Florida straw voters, liked Mitt Romney’s performance in the debate on Friday night. The 14% of the voters who chose Romney in the straw poll did so because of that performance and because they feel he is “presidential” and will be a formidable candidate against Barack Obama. The majority, however, are concerned that he will not work to repeal Obamacare based on his support of a similar healthcare system in Massachusetts. This is despite his declaration in the debate that he will abolish the misguided legislation.
What is the Tea Party? An Inside Look
Created by Heather Gustafson
Boca Chapter Dinner/Speaker Night, Tuesday, October 4th, 2011
MEETING NOTICE – Boca Raton Chapter
Join us for the Tuesday, October 4th meeting of the Palm Beach County Tea Party’s Boca Raton Chapter, with keynote speaker, United States Senate candidate Adam Hasner.
Adam is known as a limited government conservative, and was picked by Marco Rubio to serve as Republican Majority Leader in Florida. His senate run will be against against Bill Nelson. Adam is a life long Republican who believes in limited government, free markets, and a strong national defense. He is 100% pro-life and received an “A+” rating from the National Rifle Association for his record on second amendment issues. As a public servant, he amassed a consistent voting record in favor of tax relief, reducing government spending, increasing personal freedoms, reining in government regulations, and promoting entrepreneurship. Adam has also been recognized as a national leader for warning about the dangers of radical Islam. Adam is a consistent voice in favor of keeping Americans free, prosperous and safe by recommitting America to strong national defense policies.
Q&A will follow his speech.
DATE: Tuesday, October 4th, 2011
TIME: Doors open at 5:30 PM, Buffet at 6:00 PM ($15, Cash Bar); Meeting at 7:00 PM
PLACE: Boca Greens Country Club, 19642 Trophy Drive, Boca Raton, FL 33498-4633
RSVP: Boca Greens Country Club is a gated community. Click below to RSVP with name of each attendee:
For More Information
Call: 561-302-1479
Palm Beach County Tea Party
Taking Action Starting Today!
A week ago I woke up at 1:30am sitting on the couch with the television blaring, my headsets still on, and a stiff neck. But all was ok because the first words I heard were “Two for two”. That is, conservatives won the 9th Congressional seat in New York and easily kept the House seat in Nevada’s 2nd Congressional District.
I am sure that all of you have read and heard about both of these big wins so I won’t bore you with restating the facts. However, I do want to take this moment to congratulate all of the estimated 30 to 40 million tea party members and followers who are voicing their opinions and will not be silenced. This was not just a New York moment, this was a “tea party moment” and we need to savor it.
Ok, now we have finished savoring and we need to start thinking and planning for 2012. We need your help! There are so many things that you can do — whatever your circumstance. Here are a few Palm Beach County Tea Party teams that I hope you will consider joining:
- Oversight Team (federal, state, or local) — Pick an elected official, a legislative body, a candidate, or an issue you are interested in and track them like a bloodhound. Share any news and/or blogs you consider important. When you find information we should know, send it to us and we will send your information out to our membership, post it on our websites, facebook, etc..
- Media Contact Team — This is an exciting new team where you will interact with specific media! You will follow and provide responses to articles, posts, etc.
- Connect Team — This is a critical team where you welcome new members and integrate them into PBCTP. Its a great way to meet new people and tap into their passion directing them to the right activity within the Tea Party
- Social Media Team — Help plan and implement training courses for our members so they are more savvy tapping into social media tools like facebook, twitter, and our website. Create strategies to effectively use these new media to effectively get our message out.
- Newsletter Team — We are putting together our first Palm Beach County Newsletter. If your passion is writing, we need you!
- Operation Reach Out Team — Reach out into the business community, colleges, nursing homes, and special shows like Antique Shows, meeting with private organizations, etc.
- Fundraising — We have a robust fundraising team that is working on two big fundraisers, a Gold Party and Fashion Show. We need more ideas and help on implementation of ideas.
- Event Planning Team– Help plan monthly meetings, candidate forums, special movie nights, rallies, etc.
To get more information about or to join one of these teams, please email us at
Lastly, someone told me the other day that:
“There is not a Tea Party person that cannot take on a significant role to help move us to victory in 2012.
If you cannot join one of the above teams, you can always join the Donor Team!”
To join the Donor Team, simply hit the Donate button below!
Testimony Tampering?
Why does a General Risks His Career Reporting Testimony Tampering?
The media is all concerned about the dustup involving Air Force 4-star General William Shelton, who heads the Air Force Space Command, testifying the White House pressured him to change his testimony in a classified briefing to a U.S. House oversight committee.
The media is all concerned about the White House pressure, which is serious enough, but nothing is said about the far more serious problem, the one the general was willing to risk his career to preclude.
It involves a company, LightSquared, and its attempt to build a wireless 4G satellite network that would broadcast in the frequency band used by the military GPS system and potentially jam GPS to make it inoperable. The LightSquared majority owner Philip Falcone and CEO Sanjiv Ahuja are big Democratic Party contributors.
To understand the significance of what President Obama is doing, it is helpful to review a little background information.
Because there would be chaos if anyone could operate a radio transmitter at any place, any time and any frequency without regard for others, the world realized there was a need to regulate such transmissions and long ago (as part of the League of Nations) created the ITU (International Telecommunications Union). It is a United Nations entity with 170 member countries that allocates
the frequency spectrum to the various radio services.
In this country it is illegal to turn on a radio transmitter without a license. The international allocation of frequency bands to radio services is replicated in the U.S. in national frequency allocation tables. Commercial service transmitter licenses are given by the FCC (Federal Communications Commission) and government services are approved by the Office of Spectrum Management in the National Telecommunications and Information Administration of the Department of Commerce.
If you look on any device you have with a transmitter (cell phone, wireless router, garage door opener, etc.) you will see a notice that the device complies with FCC rule 15.
In this country the government and commercial services are separated into different radio frequency bands to allow each to have widespread geographical operations without interference. The documents indicate the FCC has ignored the concerns of the Department of Defense (Document DA-11-133A1) and allowed LightSquared to operate in a band that could interfere with the GPS system. The FCC is chaired by Julius Genachowski A longtime Obama friend and a top 2008 campaign fundraiser,
The GPS is not just used by civilians to find their destinations. It is incorporated into a myriad of automated military systems that use position information. Making it inoperable would not only negate the $billions spent on its deployment, it would be a serious blow to the ability of the military to protect us.
Admiral David Glasgow Farragut is remembered for his Civil War command “Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead!”
Perhaps that is a metaphor for a present day Obama command “Damn the country, full speed ahead!”