Entitlement Reform in Florida -- What is Gov. Scott thinking?

Hello all,

I received this copy of a presentation that Governor Walker gave in Wisconsin on Feb 13, 2013.   2013 Gov Walker Entitlement Reform in Wisconsin

This is an excellent analysis of the entitlement situation in Wisconsin.  As you probably already know, Governor Walker has turned down the Medicaid expansion with ObamaCare based on his concern that the federal government will not meet its commitments and the additional and significant expense burden of an expanded program will fall squarely on the shoulders of his state, taking them once again into the red.

Quite surprisingly our supposedly anti-ObamaCare Governor Scott has made a last minute change of mind and wants to implement the Medicaid expansion in Florida!

Interestingly enough, I’ve not seen such a thorough analysis come from our Governor Scott like what we see here from Governor Walker.  Was Governor Scott’s decision based on data and financial risk analysis . . . or based on his perceived political needs if he is forced to run against former governor, Charlie Crist?  Honestly, I do not know for sure but I think it is the later.

We have one last chance to turn this sinking ship — contact our state legislators and let them know that we do not buy into the need or the intelligence of the decision to trust the federal government and expand Medicaid.  Tell them that Governor Scott is wrong when he thinks that he can just turn it off if the federal government defaults on its promises!  Where is the analysis on which they, too, will base their decision?

Let’s learn from this sequestration fiasco.  Our federal legislators bet that it would never come down to this and let the President Obama force it into legislation.  Not only is it imminent, he has now put the blame on the conservatives!  The same thing will happen when the Medicaid balloon pops!

Yours in hope & action,
