Local Conservative Talk Show Host is Fired

This past weekend, we received news that Craig Henne, a popular talk show host in Palm Beach and Broward Counties, was fired.  You may have heard Craig in 6am to 9am time slot on WPBR 1340AM.

Craig has been a huge supporter of the Palm Beach County Tea Party since its inception.  He attends our events, talks about our activities on his show, and is even scheduled as a speaker for our upcoming 2012 Tax Day Tea Party at the Wellington Amphitheater on Sunday, April 115th.

In this video, Craig describes how he was directed to speak more positively about Communism and, because he would not obey, was fired.  Please watch this video and pass it on to your friends and family.  Click here for Craig Henne video.

Please support Craig by watching this video, calling the station at 1-561-641-8882 and tell them you are outraged! Outraged because of the progressive political pressure (fairness doctrine) that was behind this cancellation.