Editorial Policy for Posts, Comments and Ads

Disclaimer Posts, comments and ads which appear on this site are the responsibility of the author and do not represent the opinion nor carry the endorsement of the Palm Beach County Tea Party unless specifically stated.

NOTE – Cutting and pasting copyrighted material from another site (also known as “stealing”) into your post on this site is EXPRESSLY PROHIBITED unless written permission is obtained from the source.
  1. All members are encouraged to create their own posts and comment on existing posts. With the exception of the editors (and a few designated “authors”), all posts (and first time comments) are moderated, and must be approved by one or more of the editorial team.
  2. A single editor can post (or approve another’s post) anything concerning:
    • Palm Beach County Tea Party events
    • Candidate events
    • Relevant courses
    • After the fact reports on any of the above (including meeting minutes)
    • News of interest to members, from reputable sources (no conspiracy theory stuff please) – note that we must be careful not to enfringe on copyrights – you need to provide full attribution for news stories, with the original link if available.
    • Videos and pictures regarding any of the above
  3. A consensus of the editors is needed to post or approve the following:
    • Opinion pieces on controversial subjects
    • Candidate assessments and/or profiles identified as official club position
    • Calls for action that reflect on policy of the Palm Beach County Tea Party
    • News items of questionable authenticity
  4. The procedure for anyone to post anything is to go ahead and do it – non-editor/author material will go on the moderation queue and be held until an editor approves or rejects it. This will typically be in less than 24 hours. If you need something posted quicker, please send a note to info@palmbeachcountyteaparty.org or contact one of the editors.

Advertising Policy

1. palmbeachcountyteaparty.org is not a commercial website. Advertisers are assumed to be “friends of the tea party”, who value their association with us and support our core principles. As such, running their ads is not a transaction based business relationship. There are no guarantees regarding views, click throughs or other web metrics. Advertisers are proud to support the tea party and we are proud to support their businesses or organizations. The ads are a good will gesture, and we encourage our members to patronize these businesses and organizations.

2. Clicking on an ad takes the user to the advertiser’s website which contains content not under the control of the Palm Beach County Tea Party, and for which we have no responsibility. That said, if we become aware of click through content that is not in keeping with our core principles or which is counter to what our members expect in terms of ethical standards, propriety, or appropriate conduct, we reserve the right to remove the advertising.