NASCAR Driver Blake Koch on His Voter Ad That Got Shelved By ESPN

Please take a moment to watch this video clip from Fox & Friends today and let us know your thoughts!



3 Responses to “NASCAR Driver Blake Koch on His Voter Ad That Got Shelved By ESPN”
  1. Well to start with every Christian Nascar fan needs to send this young man $10.
    Then Christians need to bombard Nascar with emails stating their disapproval of Nascars refusal.
    Then they (Christian Nascar fans) need to email their favorite drivers and ask them to stand with Blake.
    ‘Big Nascar’ is no more desirable than ‘Big Government’!

    PS: these suggestions are all things I have already done. Who will join me?

    • Pam Pam says:

      Actually it was ESPN that refused to run the ad but I do like the idea of the Nascar fans showing their disapproval of ESPN’s position/decision and their support of this young man!

  2. Nick says:

    Barry and Pam:

    I think we all should do what we can to support Blake Koch so that he can be able to race and spread his message. Donating as little as $5 OR $10 dollars will help. Maybe we can also purchase some type of merchandise. Here are the links that can help you take action!


    I’ve also started a blog, ISupportBlakeKoch.com that can provide updated news about this issue. I want to do all I can to shine light on the commercial ban and help out one of my favorite racers. Also “like” my page, I Support Blake Koch: http://www.facebook.com/pages/I-Support-Blake-Koch/158434994278965

    What else can we do?

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