Congratulations to all of our Conservative Tea Party Members for the past 15 years. Please continue to support our PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP and VICE PRESIDENT J.D. VANCE on their quest to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN Thank you with all our Love, Barbara & Mel Grossman and the PBC Tea Party Team

Honoring Heroes & Standing with Allies
Congressman Brian Mast talk about the Biden Administration's takebacks from the veteran community and other topics in his week in review.

Laurie Cardoza Moore on February 5th – Proclaiming Justice to the Nations
Please join us for our next meeting on February 5th, 2024, where our special guest will be: Laurie Cardoza MooreFounder and PresidentProclaiming Justice to the Nations As president, Laurie Cardoza Moore is the standard bearer for the Proclaiming Justice to The Nations’ initiatives, battling for truth and fidelity to the biblical message about Israel and the Jewish people and rallying like-minded Christians to do the same, from calls to congressmen to school board meetings, social media, and whatever means is required to ensure the truth is being taught to the next generation of America’s leaders. Monday, February 5th, 2024 DUFFY'S SPORTS GRILL 11588 U.S. HWY ...

Jenny Beth Martin on December 4th
Please save the date for our next meeting on December 4th, 2023, where our special guest will be: Jenny Beth MartinTea Party Patriots Monday, December 4th, 2023 DUFFY'S SPORTS GRILL 11588 U.S. HWY 1 NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 TIME: 5:30 PM Dinner - Order off the Open Menu No Charge for Meeting 7:00PM Meeting. Duffy's Sports Grill Please RSVP: Under the leadership of Jenny Beth Martin, Tea Party Patriots has grown to be the largest and most effective national umbrella group within the Tea Party movement. Jenny Beth Martin and Tea Party Patriots now use their network to reach millions of Americans every week with education and updates about ...

Congressman Brian Mast at October Meeting
With everything revolving around the speaker's race in the House, Congressman Mast was not able to return to PBC in time for our meeting at Duffy's, so he arranged a Zoom call so the meeting could proceed virtually. Brian's campaign manager Maddox Stirrat came to the meeting and facilitated the video hookup. Appearing in the uniform of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) in which he once served, he gave us a good update on the situation in Israel following the Hamas attack from Gaza. He also went "inside baseball" to explain what is really going on in the Republican caucus ...

Congratulations to all of our Conservative Tea Party Members for the past 15 years. Please continue to support our PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP and VICE...
Honoring Heroes & Standing with Allies
Congressman Brian Mast talk about the Biden Administration’s takebacks from the veteran community and other topics in his week in review. Read More →
Laurie Cardoza Moore on February 5th – Proclaiming Justice to the Nations
Please join us for our next meeting on February 5th, 2024, where our special guest will be: Laurie Cardoza MooreFounder and PresidentProclaiming Justice...
Jenny Beth Martin on December 4th
Please save the date for our next meeting on December 4th, 2023, where our special guest will be: Jenny Beth MartinTea Party Patriots Monday, December...
Congressman Brian Mast at October Meeting
With everything revolving around the speaker’s race in the House, Congressman Mast was not able to return to PBC in time for our meeting at Duffy’s,...